Photoshop :: CS5 Versus Elements For Digital Art Creation And Layers?
Nov 24, 2013
I'm using Photoshop Elements 10. If I want to use Photoshop with digital art (paintings mostly) and want to do touch up work and move elements of paintings into multiple layers, what extra features does Photoshop have that would benefit this application?
And what features are in Photoshop Creative Cloud, and CS6, versus CS5? I do want to save some money and CS5 might be quite sufficient for my amateur uses.
I'm still having a difficult time understanding how to use layers to edit digitial photos in photoshop. Based on every tutorial I've tried, I have found a common theme: the best way to edit photos is by creating copies of the original image and making different types of edits to each copy and then merging these edited copies into one final image that reflects all the edits combined. I have been lead to believe that the reason for making copies of the original image is so that edits can be made to each individual "layer" and not to the original photo. This way the edited layers can be compared to the untouched original to make sure everything looks the way its supposed to. Here is what is frustrating me to death. No matter how many "layers" I create of my original image, every edit I make shows up in every other layer I create along with the original. I thought that any edits I make to the active layer are only supposed to show up on that layer and no where else. Is this true? If so, how do I set up my editor so that the edits I make only show up in the layer I am actually working on? It seems to me if the edits I make are going to always show up in every layer I have created, and in the orignal image, then there is no point in using layers at all when I edit my photos.
I am having trouble figuring out how to use layers to edit digital photographs. Based on the online tutorials I've viewed, I'm under the impression that in order to edit parts of a photograph without affecting the original background image, I am supposed to create a layer for each set of edits I want to make and then merge these layers together to form a complete edited image with all the touch ups I want to make. I am also under the impression that any edits I make to the layers I create should not be showing up in the original background image, otherwise I have no way of comparing the original to the edited parts of the image to see if everything looks the way I want. Is there any way to make edits to image layers without these changes showing up in the original image and if so, how do I do it?
I am trying to set up 400+ layers for a project I am currently woirking on and the wayI have been told to do this is through a script file.
I have created this but whenever I run it, the description will not show in Autocad 2013 - an extract from the scr file is below and I would love to find a solution or a fix to any error?
'-LAYER N W-51CD-SEZE------------ C red W-51CD-SEZE------------ LT continuous W-51CD-SEZE------------ D DRAINAGE - EXISTING GRAVITY PIPE (PLAN/PROFILE/MODEL)
I'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer. The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
I recently started having problems with jpeg photos edited on either Elements 10 or 11. I save to a USB port and then insert into frame for viewing but i get a ? error. However, when i open the photos on the USB i can see them fine.
Ive right clicked on the said pics and normally with elements9 it would give me a number of places to which i could sent the chosen frame. But after purchasing elements 11 I am not getting the option to send them anywhere.
Trying to get an 8x10 print from a digital camera photo on a letter size paper. Reguardless of what we do, the print job only comes up to 8x6.5. How do we get an 8x10???
All of my image layers have randomly converted to smart object layers and I can no longer resize them in the ps document. Why would it do this and how can I undo it?
How do I create layers in an adjustment layer and transfer or duplicate those layers in another image ?
I need to transfer the same colour readjustment from one image to several other images ... I have been told to do this in the adjustment layer platform how ever I cannot drag or copy those layers over to the other images I have open and in need of adjustment to the same layers ...
Images shows my layout and what i've done this far
but when i do it like that, the bject's name comes out as undefined when accessed like this or like this: dlg.btnPnl.children['name']
but adding the object then naming like this works- = "Cancel";
I'm using illustrator cc and the extendscript guide for cs6 (couldn't find a newer one). Did the syntax change?
I am trying to add several photos to a frame. I just downloaded the free trial of photoshop elements 12, but the entire column labeled 'layer' is disabled. I can't use clipping mask. I am wondering, is this feature disabled because it's a free trial? Do I need to have my photos arranged differently in order for the layer column to be active and usable? Is this a feature that elements does not have?
Everything starts up fine, however when I start a new document it does a program Error and can't complete. I try again, and I get this info below when it asks to check solution and close which only occurs when the second time I try and access anything in File or so. Also occurs when I try and open a file instead of new document start up.
I am using a HP Pavilion Laptop dv5220us.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Photoshop.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4601eae8
Fault Module Name: Photoshop.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4601eae8
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00d39693
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: c021
Additional Information 2: 11257bfecc11a7cd81cda2b8708292d1
Additional Information 3: a841
Additional Information 4: a6ce27b99b4d2944080c6127d8b42aa0
Basically, I can't start a new document or open one or really do anything without that error popping up.
what apart from PSB's ability to handle very large files, are the advantages of one over the other? Reason I ask is the PS Autorecover file has a PSB extension, which I guess enables the feature to handle any file size. So if it is used to recover your work, why do we need to continue to have two formats. Why not just one?
I have just downloaded the trial version of PE12 and the Layers drop-down menu is completely grayed out. I have tried clicking on the layers icon at the bottom of the page but cannot access new layers or any layer option. Are layers not available on the trial version?
I am 65 yrs young and use the Lasso Tool,Polygonal and Magnetic tools with a mouse.I just cannot control the outline area definition as precise as shown in all the tutorials. The "walking ants" are always screwed up and all over the place! Also, holding down the mouse button and scrolling the track ball is very hard for my hands.
Will a Wacon tablet w/pencil provide a better manipulation of PS(CS5&6) functions for outlining areas to be modified?
I found out that QuickLook in Mac OS X doesn't work properly for PSD documents if the file is saved without Maximize Compatibility feature. If you press space bar, only white canvas appears and not the actual document. I don't want to use this feature because I don't need the compatibility and all the files are much smaller without it. However, as I work with a lot of PSD files I am used to use QuickLook a lot. Is there a way to have maximize compatibility disabled and at the same time be able to use previews with QuickLook?