Photoshop :: CS3 Ext Versus Vista...

Jul 10, 2008

Everything starts up fine, however when I start a new document it does a program Error and can't complete. I try again, and I get this info below when it asks to check solution and close which only occurs when the second time I try and access anything in File or so. Also occurs when I try and open a file instead of new document start up.

I am using a HP Pavilion Laptop dv5220us.

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: Photoshop.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4601eae8

Fault Module Name: Photoshop.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4601eae8

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 00d39693

OS Version: 6.0.6001.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: c021

Additional Information 2: 11257bfecc11a7cd81cda2b8708292d1

Additional Information 3: a841

Additional Information 4: a6ce27b99b4d2944080c6127d8b42aa0

Basically, I can't start a new document or open one or really do anything without that error popping up.

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Photoshop :: PSD Versus PSB File Extensions?

May 9, 2012

what apart from PSB's ability to handle very large files, are the advantages of one over the other? Reason I ask is the PS Autorecover file has a PSB extension, which I guess enables the feature to handle any file size. So if it is used to recover your work, why do we need to continue to have two formats. Why not just one?

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Photoshop :: Mouse Versus Tablet

Feb 19, 2005

I would like to know the difference between using a mouse and tablet in matte painting, quality, style, you name it.

and why some artist can make art using a mouse at a very high quality

like using a tablet... how do they do that?

method I must use to paint/draw like that?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Versus Vector Mask

Apr 14, 2012

I am a novice in Photoshop Windows platform. there are 2 ways of accomplishing the following task using Clipping mask and Vector mask.

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Photoshop :: Wacom Tablet Versus Mouse?

Jul 20, 2012

I am 65 yrs young and use the Lasso Tool,Polygonal and Magnetic tools with a mouse.I just cannot control the outline area definition as precise as shown in all the tutorials. The "walking ants" are always screwed up and all over the place! Also, holding down the mouse button and scrolling the track ball is very hard for my hands.
Will a Wacon tablet w/pencil provide a better manipulation of PS(CS5&6) functions for outlining areas to be modified?

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Photoshop :: Maximize Compatibility Versus QuickLook In Mac OS X

Aug 25, 2012

I found out that QuickLook in Mac OS X doesn't work properly for PSD documents if the file is saved without Maximize Compatibility feature. If you press space bar, only white canvas appears and not the actual document. I don't want to use this feature because I don't need the compatibility and all the files are much smaller without it. However, as I work with a lot of PSD files I am used to use QuickLook a lot. Is there a way to have maximize compatibility disabled and at the same time be able to use previews with QuickLook?

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Photoshop :: Tiled Documents Arrangements In CS6 Versus CS4?

Mar 30, 2013

I have just upgraded by creative cloud to CS6.  I can't find in CS6 the arrange brilliant documents icon which automatically tiles open documents in CS4 in one click.  Where it is hidden?

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Photoshop :: Samsung SSD 256 Gb Versus 1 Tb HDD Scratch Disk

Oct 21, 2012

I want to upgrade my computer and I want to know if I should go for a SSD 256 Gb vs 1 Tb HDD as a scratch disk. I already have 16 Gb of RAM.

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Photoshop :: Photographing Versus Scanning For Rare...

Feb 16, 2008

I am an archivist. We have some old, rare documents from 19th century - collections of letters, diaries etc which I want to preserve electronically. I get excellent results when I use a scanner. However some of the documents are fragile and the use of digital photography would cause less damage.

I have been investigating this for some time and have got all sorts of advice - sometimes contradictory. Now this is the issue for me at the moment: I have some test photograph files (of documents) on my computer (which I photographed with a good digital camera and saved to computer.

Improving the output, removing background etc, is my issue. To what extent can I improve the photograph using Photoshop or some other similar program. I would love to submit one or two of these photo files to you who are expert and see what you can do with them. That would give me an idea of what I need. I am not sufficiently conversant with the photoshop program to do this myself.

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GIMP :: 2.7 Versus Photoshop CS5.1 / Line Smoothness?

Apr 6, 2012

One thing I notice is that when I use the Bezier curve tool in GIMP, when I stroke the path, the result is a jagged messy looking line. In Photoshop however, when I stroke the path with the pen tool, the result is a much cleaner, smoother line. Is there a way to get a smoother result in Gimp like Photoshop does?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Versus Adobe Reader And Flash Player?

Jun 20, 2012

After a complete computer format, I was able to make cs6 work. Then I started experiencing slowdowns again. What had I installed that was not ok? Well, turns out that restoring my pc to a point right before the installation of Adobe Reader fixed everything. And I have the same problems if I go on a webpage where Flash Player is working.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Versus Elements For Digital Art Creation And Layers?

Nov 24, 2013

I'm using Photoshop Elements 10.    If I want to use Photoshop with digital art (paintings mostly) and want to do touch up work and move elements of paintings into multiple layers, what extra features does Photoshop have that would benefit this application?
And what features are in Photoshop Creative Cloud, and CS6, versus CS5?   I do want to save some money and CS5 might be quite sufficient for my amateur uses.

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Photoshop :: Gaussian Blur Versus Smart Sharpen

Jul 29, 2013

As far as I know, gaussian blur is a spatial convolution filter and smart sharpen is a deconvolution filter.So I think that they should be opposite of each other when smart sharpen is at the gaussian blur mode.But we can not remove gaussian blur (applied to a JPEG) with the smart sharpen adjusted for the same radius.

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Photoshop :: Touch Display Versus Wacom Tablet For CS6?

Jan 10, 2013

I have a 21in IPS panel. I'm planning to get a Wacom Tablet. Not specially for painting but for masking things. But i have a mind to sell my Display and get a multitouch panel. There is a acer IPS multitouch panel.. My OS is win 8 pro.
I use Photoshop, Illustrator, Premire pro and after effects..

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Photoshop :: Changing Selections In CC Versus CS Not Working Properly

Aug 3, 2013

having a layer filled with a selection and converted to a smart object I found the following: If I want to overfill (Make the selection wider while maintaining a feathered edge) that is possible in CS and grayed out / not possible in CC. 16bit psb file with multiple layers, Mac OS 10.8.4, latest versions of CC (14.0 x64) and CS (13.1.2 x64)

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Photoshop :: Vibrance Versus LAB Color Curve Adjustments / Actions?

May 29, 2013

Is the vibrance slider in ACR and Lightroom doing essentially the same thing as manually shifting the tops and bottoms of the A and B curves in LAB color?It seems similar, but is the math actually the same?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Content Aware Scale Versus Image Size

Jun 8, 2012

What is the difference between the outcome of using the new content aware scale versus just going ahead and resizing the image? Or is this a matter of preference?

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Photoshop :: Horizontal And Vertical Guides On And Off Versus Clearing Them Or Locking Them?

Aug 25, 2008

Is there anyway to turn the horizontal and vertical guides on and off versus clearing them or locking them?

I have had instances lately where I don't want to see them while I try out another idea but I don't want to lose the layout by "clearing" them.

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Photoshop :: Why Different File Size Of PNG-24 / Layer Mask Versus Deleting Pixels

May 24, 2012

I have noticed in Photoshop CS5.1 and CS6 strange behaviour when saving for web file as PNG-24.
case1.I have one layer photo 260x360.Create Marquee square 200x200 and layer mask hide selection (effect: transparent square hole inside)save for web as PNG-24 (transparency on)-> file size 131.4k
case2.I have one layer photo 260x360.Create Marquee square 200x200 and delete pixels (effect: transparent square hole inside)save for web as PNG-24 (transparency on)-> file size 66.93k
Both pictures got same square transparent hole, but sizes are so different. Using mask do not reduce size of the file PNG24. Why is like that, bug ?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Subject Versus Background When Extracting With Refine Edge

Oct 3, 2013

When extracting a subject from one image to another using the Quick Selection Tool and Refine Edge:
1. When is it better to make a selection of the background, make a layer mask of it, invert it, load the mask and use Refine Edge VS. just making a selection of the subject and using Refine Edge?

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Photoshop :: Version 7 Versus Rosetta / Intel IMac Running Snow Leopard

Feb 24, 2012

I have Adobe Design Collection (before it became CS this and that...)
eg Photoshop 7
Illustrator 10
InDesign 2
Acrobat 5.
I've installed Illustrator 10.  Fine.  It recognised the lack of Classic environment and installed.  It runs ok.  But Photoshop 7.  It installed as per above.  But when it attempts to load it hangs with the error, "An unexpected and unrecoverable problem has occurred because of a program error.  Photoshop will now exit."
I have an iMac dual core Intel 3.O with 4 gigs of ram.  SnowLeopard 10.6.8

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Photoshop :: Another CS4 And Vista X64 GPU SLi...

Jan 9, 2009

I am running Vista x64 Ultimate on a QX6850 system with 8GB of RAM. I also have 2x XFX8800GT graphics cards running in SLi with the latest Nvidia drivers (181.20). Dxdiag testing provides no errors.

The GPU support features in CS4 x64 (and x32) is greyed out with the text wording of no support in Photoshop standard. Based on some of the threads posted here, I tried enabling or disabling some settings in the Nvidia control panel, but the only one that seem to enable the GPU support is to deactivate SLi completely (which sort of defeats the purpose in 3D graphics).

Does CS4 support an SLi setup? If not, will there be any difference in performance with SLi disabled and using the CS4 GPU support vs the other way around?

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Photoshop :: Vista SP1

Feb 21, 2008

Service Pack 1 for Vista is available. I just installed it. Other than it reset the native resolution on my main monitor, it went without a hitch.

Recently, it seems, that Vista has been lamb-basted (what does that actually mean) as a nasty OS. It is not, I have been using Vista Ultimate 32/64 without incident. SP1 is no larger than SP1 for XP (in ratio to installation size).

Any one who says that you should choose XP over Vista for a new computer installation is nuts.

Vista is a fine OS, having used it for the last 10 months I can confirm that is rock stable. I now use the 64 bit version exclusively, it has matured very quickly and is a great way to run a system.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Vista 64

Jan 5, 2009

Under Vista Ultimate I cannot get Photoshop CS3 Extended to run, it will open up and then just sit......Adobe Bridge CS3 2.0.0975 opens and works just fine. So does Lightroom 1.41.

I even tried opening PS from these programs, but just the same.

I then installed Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 and that works perfect too.

I have tried removing and reinstalling, repaired and updated but it makes no difference. It will install and also do the repair just fine.
Changing the compatible mode and appearance to Windows Classic (from Aero) makes no difference. I am the only user and administrator.

Has anyone with basically this type of system been able to get Photoshop CS3 Extended (after having these problems) up and running?

PC information:
AMD Phenom 9950 Quad-Core Processor 1.61 GHz
8.00 GB Memory
64-bit Operating System
Western Digital VelociRaptor WD3000GLFS 300GB 10000 RPM 16MB Cache SATA
3.0Gb/s Hard Drive
Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6001:ServicePack 1)

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Photoshop :: CS3 And Vista?

Jun 1, 2008

A few days ago I bought a new PC with Vista (MEDION® AKOYA® P36830

Authentieke Windows® Vista® Home Premium, AMD Phenom X4 9500 Quad Core (2,2 GHz),

NVIDIA® GeForce 9600GT, 4 GB DDR2 RAM, 500 GB Hard Disk).

Since I will use this PC for my graphical work I tried to install a trial version of Photoshop CS3.

But... I can't even install the program on the PC !

The setup starts but nothing happens anymore.

In the Task Manager I can see that the process is running but that is all.

I've tried to change the priority of the process to higher and lower with it wont install.

what more can I do to get PS CS3 working before I buy the complete package ?

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Photoshop :: With Vista 64

Feb 2, 2008

I've installed Vista 64 Business on a AMD AM2+ platform with a Athlon Dual Core CPU (BE 5000). When installing CS3 Photoshop everything seems to be fine, no error messages during the install.

I try to start won't open. The Photoshop gray screen comes up with the menu at top, but then it just sits there. Once I got the window with the serial number input, but after entering the number it stopped as well. The only way to close Photoshop is with the Task Manager.

I've tried different installations: Photoshop on a new Vista installation without having any other programs installed (no FW or AV), on a installation with different other applications running and so on. Everytime I get the same result: gray screen and stop!

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Photoshop :: CS4 Vista

Mar 23, 2009

I have been using this combination successfully for over a month when it changed. I tried to open CS4 normally and got the error message "Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked. Use the Properties command in the Windows explorer to unlock the file". This error message is then followed by : "could not initialize Photoshop because the file is locked. Use the Properties command in the Windows explorer to unlock the file".

So I can't open Photoshop -

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VideoStudio :: Store On Blu-ray Versus DVD

Apr 27, 2013

I recently started a project to transfer all home movie media to hardisc and then to BD and/or DVD. My goal has been to transfer home movies to discs with a menu and chapters... nothing very fancy. The media includes VHS, digital 8, and probably video 8 (in-laws videos). I'm also looking at a Sony Handycam HDR-XR500 that I plan to back up to hard drive and probably disc for easier viewing. I've only just started with one VHS tape and about 25 digital 8 tapes. I essentially used the default capture settings for the VHS (NTSC DVD, 8GB, MPEG-2, 720x480, 30 frames/sec). I used the DV Quick Scan to capture all the digital 8 (microsoft AVI, 720x480, 30 frames/sec). I then started fiddling with the Create Disc under Share. This is where I've started to run into questions.

I had assumed that it would be better to start recording to BD. I've read that they have a longer shelf life than DVD although I'm happy to keep copies on hardisc. It seemed intuitive than I could fit more files on a 50 GB BD than on an 8 GB DVD. It appears I am wrong. When I test out BD and DVD recordings under Share, it seems I can't fit many more films on BD.

I had hoped to use the greater capacity of BD to store as many movies as possible and not have a large number of DVDs. Is this possible for digital 8, VHS, or the the anticipated video 8? If so, what capture settings should I use to keep reasonable quality? I suspect I'll need to recapture the original VHS at a lower bitrate which is ok. I'm looking at a box of about 40 VHS tapes from my folks that are untouched.

On a related note, I have found that I can label chapters when editing. These chapters are picked up in the Share-->Create Disc-->Add/Edit Chapter-->Auto Add Chapters, but none of the chapter labels are imported. Is there a way to do this without manually typing each label again when editing the menus?

Finally, I plan on capturing some of the video to external hardrives. If using USB 3.0, will the editing and capturing still work, or will I need to work with files on C?

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Lightroom :: 5.2 Versus Canon EOS 70D RAW

Nov 16, 2013

I am testing the trial version of Lightroom 5.2. My new camera is a Canon EOS 70D. When importing RAW files into Lightroom the colors of some photos are wrong. RAWs from my older 450D are fine.
For example on one photo the sky isn't blue but turquoise. When using the DNG Converter I get the same color. The sky was blue though. When opening the file in Digital Photo Professional by Canon, the sky is blue as it should be.
It happens on some other photos as well. Mostly if they have a high blue content. If in Lightroom I increase the blue content and decrease the shades it almost looks as it should.

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Photoshop :: Crash On Vista

May 13, 2008

I am using PhotoShop CS3 Extended along with MS Vista. for some reason when I open more then one image or file at a time, I recieve a message saying Photoshop has stopped working and then it closes out of Photoshop.

I did not have this issue when I used CS3 on XP.

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Photoshop :: Lag Issue On Vista

Oct 31, 2007

I've just installed a fresh copy of Windows Vista Business last night. After installing Photoshop CS3 however, I noticed a very serious lag issue. I looked into the problem a bit on google and this forum but did not reach a solution.

In general, the issues are as follows:

1. Opening and closing even the smallest of files takes a ridiculous amount of time.
2. Moving the mouse cursor over the toolbar or menubar requires up to 3 seconds before a response is received.
3. Right click menu requires up to 3 seconds to appear
4. Application of any tools shows a noticeable delay of action.

The most common suggestion is the "Network Printer" solution, which was not helpful to everyone including me. I also tried to change the performance settings and the cache level according to the optimization guide on this site, that also did not solve the problem.

I tried to run the software in XP pro SP2 compatibility mode, did not make a difference in performance. Disabling all the graphic options for Vista such as Aero Experience also was useless.

I'm just wondering as to whether we ever did reach a solution to resolve the issue or is this problem still left hanging?

CS3 ran fine before my upgrade from XP Pro SP2, I do not believe my hardware specs have anything to do with the lag issue. Yet, I'll leave it below just in case you guys need it as reference...

Acer Aspire 5672:
Windows Vista Business Edition
Centrino DuoCore 1.66GHz T2300
2GB 667MHz RAM (1GB x 2)
ATI Radeon X1600
120GB Hard-drive

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