I've gotten to where I can at least select the letter, but then when I try to copy and paste, maybe I'm not using the right buttons? Ctrl-c for copy? And Ctrl-v for paste right?
I can move the individual letters by clicking the pixel mover, but since I need a double shot of two letters--one a 'c" and one 'p' I'm up the creek if I can't copy and paste the one I've got of each.
I produce one outlined and filled alphabet letter per A4 page to create a sign for a shop window, changing the colours every three months. I use Outline Object for the outline. Is there a method by which the outline colour of a previous letter can be changed or must I recreate the letter if I require a different outline colour?
May i know how to print out many Title Block at a Time. I will like to Print out my Complete CAD Drawing, but I have all together in one Print space, so can some let know how to print them all at once with out printing them one by one.
I’m wondering if there is a way to fill the values of all parameters of a title block for ALL sheets at a time. Are we supposed to fill out these parameters for each single sheet manually despite that fact that they are similar?Surely, I’m not taking here about the sort of information that differs from sheet to another like the “sheet name”
Why ALL the parameters of the title block are not shown in the properties dialogue box?
How to change the order of the sheets? Is there a way to move the sheet up and down?
Is there an automated way to re-numbering the sheets based on a given start value say A001?
I'm making a logo for someone by hand-drawing a font I made up. But because I was having trouble drawing a perfect letter 'O', I'm using the "Circle/Ellipse" tool to do it. I drew an 'O' with that tool that's almost the right size... and I wanna draw another one just a little shorter... but I can't figure out how to place the completed new shape directly over the old one.
I don't know where to start the action with the tool! The completed shape always ends up in the wrong place. How to get my finished shape to complete just where I want it to? (Re-sizing the shape won't work because that changes the thickness of the line I used for the letter 'O'.)
I produce one outlined and filled alphabet letter per A4 page to create a sign for a shop window, changing the colours every three months. How do I determine the infill colour of a previously-produced letter?
I must have done this when I was trying to do some other keyboard shortcut and got the wrong one - and now I can't figure out how to get rid of it. But a few weeks ago, I did something and now the file name, date/time and image size appear in white text over the top-left of any photo I have in the Develop or Library screens:
So you can see "_MG_0955.CR2" and the other details in the clouds there. How to get rid of that? I can't find anything in any of the menus. I'm on Lightroom 4.3 for Mac OSX Mountain Lion.
I have a generic title block that I made in a template. When I start a new drawing its there and i can click it and edit some of the fields, alls good. However, I have a few drawings that I want to have the same fields in so I try to copy and paste the title block in the one drawing into the other but when I do this is pastes the title block from the template and not the one that I edited in the other drawings and copy/pasted.
The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.
I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.
Can I copy from more than one layer at a time, without merging the layers together? If there's a way to do this it would save me a ton of time (working on animated sprites for a video game).
Is there a way to Copy and Rotate something at the same time? If I click on the rotate icon, I can rotate the object(s) in question but I cannot copy them from where they are. It just moves them on a rotational axis.
I created 3 lines linia1 linia2 linia3 in vba for autocad. How to select these lines and copy them ( as 1 entity) from point A to B at one time. I also would like to change a scale of these 3 lines. add line to this code
Public Sub Copy() With ThisDrawing.Utility Dim k0Deg As Double
I'm recently re-scanning some photos that were originallly scanned quite a few years ago. Giving them the same name as the previous scanned (only with a _1 at the end), I import the newly scanned photo to the same folder (which is how I organize my photos), to be able do compare and later copy metadata from the original scan to the latter. As I haven't yet done any flagging or rating, most metadata will contain only keywords. But stored under "Metadata" in Library view, "Capture time" is also stored, but I cannot find it anyway among the "Copy Metadata" options. Is there something I have missed, or is there a work-around somewhere?
slow copy to clipboard? I have pinned it down to my virus protection. I use McAfee and I notice that my CPU goes up considerably when I do a copy to clipboard under mcshield.exe. When I turn off the McAfee, copy to clipboard in X6 works fast and perfectly.
Only just noticed this one since upgrading from LR4 Beta to LR4. First session developing a few shots taken over the weekend (.CR2 RAW files). When I only have a few shots, all taken in the same environment, I tend to just get the first one right and then Copy the Develop settings, and paste them onto each subsequent shot.
What happens on my 64 bit Windows 7 box - the first time I paste the settings to any shot, I get the task bar appear at the top right, which after a brief time changes to 'task completed' - but no settings have been pasted. If I then paste the settings it works the second time.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
Posted my work in the pictorium but named it "minners71 paint.net work" want to change the title to "Minners71 Gallery" and also to add "Updated 27/7/11".
Recently I have a problem with PaintShop Photo Pro X3. When I want to use the tool text, the screen becomes white and PSP crashes! Over and over again.I have the same problem on the laptop.
I just downloaded Paint.Net and have been enjoying playing with various text possibilities, but i'm stumped as to how to create a 'long shadow' look to a text title...
I managed to reflect the title, and with a couple of attempts, managed to rotate the text, and italicise the reflection, but i was looking for a way to 'stretch' the reflection - any moves/ plug ins that could achieve this?
Here's how far I've gotten with it - Attached Thumbnails
I have a 5-6 year Gateway PC with PSP XI installed with Vista. I will be getting a new Gateway next week with WIN 7. I would like to D/L the trial version of PSP X3 to my present PC with Vista without removing PSP XI. Would this work? Would I have trouble removing PSP X3 when I an done testing?