How to get pixel images to look more realistic. Specifically ones of people/avatars. I am trying to learn Photoshop but it is challenging and takes more time then I have right now. I already really know paint net really well and would like to know if I can make these images more realistic and how.
What I want to do is cut part of a photo out and place it onto another background.
I have been trying to do this by: using the magic wand tool to cut out the background of the image I want to move. Then I save that as a .png file. I then open the image I want to use as a background and (after copying the .png image,) I paste the .png image on top of the background.
At this point, one of two things happens: I either get the first image on there with lots of backgrounds showing through faces, etc; or I get the image pasted onto the background but I get the box with the little grey squares and I cannot see the background through that. I have tried playing with the transparency of the background, but then it still blends through the original images.
I've got all these great digital backgrounds that came with my studio set up and danged if I've been able to use a single one. (I don't have photo shop because its above my head and I really don't have the extra cash for it right now.)
Im having problems blending photos together. Here are the steps that Im doing.
1. click on file+new+select image dimensions. 2. select images 3. click on first image hit selections, then select all 4. click edit, paste as new selection
once it paste, the picture is huge, how do I resize it to make it fit on the canvas I selected.
how to make a layer cut from another pic look more part of the background it's being placed on. I try to keep the pics relatively the same size then I'll usually use quick selection tool and get the item outlined how I want, then adjust the "refine edge" settings and drag onto the new background. I can get it to look pretty good messing with the Enhance features including defringe layer and maybe mess with the erase tool a little to feather a little more, but it still seems to look a bit as though it's sitting on top..
I am looking to make realistic layer styles like the images attached. I need help as all my tries have not gone to well. I have tried making bump maps and textures but nothing seemd to work. I know I have seen the styles before so it can be done. Can someone help me with this or create them and I will pay for the work.
I've been taking and prepping photos of a client's parts. For the most part things have been going fine. I use pen tool for thought - but round or curved - objects and for other objects I have a series of auto actions that clean them up quite nicely and quickly. For example see before and after below of an object I did. Photos were taken with Nikon D70:
I've now run into a really tough one and it's foam. I told my wife to take photos of them with black background so it's more contrasty. But I just can't seem to figure out how to get rid of the black so the result looks "foamy." Evidently, the pen tool just won't work because lines there are two straight. Below is example of photo and I now have about 6 photos similar with more to come. The photo below is reduced version to keep the file size here small:
I'm working on a necrotic zombie-like picture of myself and was trying to wrap skin around my mouth, but it looks fake. Can anyone give me a tip on how to make this look real?
I also noticed my right eye is much darker do to the lighting of the original picture, and I can't seem to get that lightened to match the left one.
In the Halloween spirit, I decided to photoshop a Gears of War themed jackolantern. However, obviously at this point it doesn't look very realistic.
Can anyone help me define the edges of the carvings? Also, anyone know how I can make the lighting inside the pumpkin look more realistic (maybe add a candle inside of it)?
My first real bump on the road is making realistic leaves on trees and bushes. I do not mean really realistic, but more cartoon style but good enough that it looks good. To give a idea of what I mean, look here.
When I try this I try with a paintbrush, but with a larger circle brush the result is to smooth and with a 1px brush it is to small?
this will mark my first question, but most certainly not my last. What I am creating is a 2D array or grid that is in the shape of a square, rotated 45 degrees, and cut to 50% in height. What I would like to know is, what is the best way to create that object? I have created one with the square tool and converted it into a smart object. Is this the best way? or just one way? I would also like to know how to apply a 1X1 pixel grid to just the object,not the entire canvas? It should also share the same attributes that is 45 degree angle and 50% height.
When I am in photoshop, and do the 1 pixel brush it still really doesnt do one pixel. I will click it once,and there will be like 1 pixel and then some transparent pixels around it also,is there anyway I can just get it do 1 pixel only?
I need to create an LED for a binary clock program I am creating, how to create a realistic LED in Paint.NET. I need to install the plugin pack so I could have the buttons style available. Now, how to make an LED.
I draw a lot of animal pictures and I hate having to photoshop a picture into the background. Is it possible to make realistic backgrounds, like forests, plains or deserts, for my drawings?
I've just finished drawing my first ever drawing on, It's of a a horse from scratch, but know i'm having trouble with shading, i need tips on how to make the shading realistic, addin darker and light colors, i've tried a lot to different ways, but they all look extremely messy and horrible .
Was wondering if there are some ways in converting a highly realistic rendering of an object generated in a 3D program into a more illustrative, simplified, alittle less realistic version in Photoshop?
The object has plenty of silver reflections, HDRI environment map reflections, precise shadows and highlights, etc. I just want to make it look more generic and not as polished I guess.
Are there filters or plugins that will do this in a plug in play method or is it more prodedural and manual?
How can I do to better blend this two picture together as the orange paint is overlapping the metal grill on the door how to make the paint looks more realistic...
where I can find script/plugin/software for making images composed of images. I'm desperately needing this for an non-profit assigment. Any help would be very much appreciated!
I'm looking for a script, software or photoshop plugin or anything that could help me with this.
What I want to do is this: Out of ~ 1000 pictures I want the software to arrange them into visualizing an image which I have choosen.
I am in the process of completing my Photographic website and need to make thumbnail and larger sizes for the the site. The site will have approximately 100 images on it. Clicking the thumbnails will connect to the larger images. How do I make both sizes in PS CS? Perhaps their is a generator that you would recommend for Mac 10.2?
My question is this - can I put a mirror-like overlay on my subjects eyes without taking away anything from the color and character of my subject? I tried with the wavy mirror effect but it didn't turn out. I am trying to turn this actor into a very scary yet sexy vampire ( I'm trying for something a little different). I know I need to do a lot of touching-up but am not sure as to what is the best technique. I did lighten his skin using the "colored eye" technique...I think I need to lighten it up more.
Another question - How do I get a realistic blood spatter look (wet liquid look)?
I have always struggle with resizing images for use as avatars. I just never seem to get the right size, pixel and resolution combination for the best result.
I usually start by entering the pixel parametrs, then use "trial and error" until I get a file that fits the given constraints and they are often too small, or too grainy. What is the workflow? Where do I start and how to I end up with the best result? The "Pixel Dimensions" don't seem to reflect the file size. Is the answer in the popup that asks for small, medium, or large file size?
I am trying to color this wolf in my friend made so I told her i could color her wolf. SO then, I use a paint brush to color it and I tryed to do lighting on the bottom and it turned out ugly so i gave it a gaussion blur. Then it turned ugly so how to color it in so I can see how it could look just copy it and color it.
I have started using paint today , how I can increase the pixel size when printing for a better quality impression?
I have started scanning photos and directly loaded photos onto my computer, but can only print "600 pixels, not good quality. My printer generally photocopies and prints good quality photos.
I have hundreds of scans all from one book and I am trying to straighten and crop them all out to the same pixel amounts. For example, I have a bunch of scans that are 1000x1000 pixels with overscan on all sides, they are also all at an angle. In the end I want a folder with all the pages at 800x800 nice and straight.
So, when I open the first one, I crop and straighten it to 800x800 and then I make a custom specification at 800x800. The problem is, when I go to the next one and hit crop and pic my specification, I find out that that specification is actually for an aspect ration, not a particular dimension. I want it to automatically put the crop window to 800x800, not just restrict the crop to that aspect ratio. If this could be done it would significantly quicken my work flow.
The problem is almost prehistoric. It dates from the very beginning as far I can tell... whatever image you like to export and whatever its format: png, gif, jpg, there is always one grey pixel border line at the edges. This happens when AA is activated (and deactivate it is not an option if you know what I mean).
I have been reading some threads and no matter what I do: Exporting with or without the background or changing its color... it's always happening.
I Have now installed the trial version of Corel Draw X5 (sp1 included) as I do with every release in order to check out if the problem persist... but no luck for me: nobody seems to be taking care of this issue. I really don't know why Corel is bumping off some many (potentially) buyers like me and many others... why Corel is keeping this issue unresolved year after year, release after release?
Most of the images I work with need to be saved at screen resolution (in my case that's 72 or 96 dpi).
In past versions, I'd load an image, usually 300 dpi, and when I resize the image (Image -> Resize), the default resolution was always 72 dpi. All I needed to do was set the new pixel dimensions that I wanted, and I was done.
In X5, the resize box is showing the actual current dpi of the picture I'm trying to resize.
Is there a way to set X5 so that the Resize function always defaults to a specific resolution (i.e. 96 dpi)?