You basically have to click "Expand canvas" every single time you paste a screenshot larger than the canvas. Sure, open a canvas that size, etc etc, but I'm looking for a permanent solution which would allow you to use the "Expand" choice AUTOMATICALLY, by default, without a popup. On that note, here's another annoying thing. Whenever I open images, crop out something, open a new one, paste it there, save it, etc, I usually have tons of unsaved images which I no longer need. I just want to exit the whole thing altogether without any save popups, etc. Like you would do in MSPaint. Open a canvas, paste in something, save it or don't, exit, the program closes nice and fine. My problem is:
This. I don't want to save every single image separately, because I no longer need them. Neither do I want to manually click each and every single one and tell it not to save, nor do I want to click "Don't Save" every time I exit. This may seem like pointless bitching, but trust me, it really gets on your nerves when you're using the program literally hundreds of times per day.
So, is there any way to disable these popups and define an "automatic" feature, to simply close and enlarge under any circumstances?
I often need to work on big drawings having utility networks, topographic surveys and properties. Whenever using FIND command in such a drawing AutoCAD regens the drawing. This happens even if FIND command is cancelled and takes 2 to 3 seconds everytime. Can I disable this automatic regen and do only when I need.
I am looking to deploy Photoshop CS6 in an enterprise environment. We have a number of clients which meet the requirements of the program, but do not have the video memory to utilize the graphics accelerated features. I've been asked to research disabling the GPU features (or the GPU sniffer) at the install process to avoid the user experience of the pop up. Is there a customization tool or have any users found a work around for this scenario? I have read the sticky here, and also came across a user submitted solution here which I thought might work but is not an option in our environment.
Challenge: GPU Sniffer pops up notice of disabled features when first run with new user on clients that do not meet GPU acceleration specs.
Goal: Avoid/remove pop up, either by customization of installation, of modification of preferences post install from centralized management.
I just got a Nikon D800E and on my first day of shooting I noticed a hot pixel spot in my images in Bridge. The when I opened the files in ACR, the hot pixel spot was gone. Apparently this is a "feature" of ACR: it automatically replaces hot pixels with RGB values from neighboring pixels. (So those of you who think you have no hot pixels, think again - you might be shielded from the truth! I find this fact very disconcerting, but that's a separate issue...).
The problem is that I can't tell how many hot pixels there are. Based on the image in Bridge, it would have to be spot of 20 - 30 pixels (maybe even more). That's unacceptable to me, especially on a $3300 camera. Sure, maybe a few hot pixels spread around the image, but 20-30 bunched in that one spot, that's unacceptable.
However, I can't figure out how to disable the automatic hot pixel correction in ACR, so I don't know if the issue really is 20 - 30 hot pixels or if Bridge is just doing some type of sub-sampling that makes the problem look a lot worse than it is. Furthermore, this concerns me greatly because I've been using a D200 for many years and have never seen a single hot pixel issue. So that says to me that the sensor on my D800E has a bigger hot pixel issue than it should (I realize all sensors have some hot/dead pixels).
How to go about figuring this out? The simplest solution is to disable the automatic hot pixel correction in ACR, but I can't figure out how to do that. I'm guessing it's not possible.
How can i disable the automatic move command? when i choose the move command it automatically moves whatever element that's selected, using the previous dimension used to move something. Big Problem.
I have gone around and around with Photoshop/Creative Cloud getting my activation working. After more than two weeks that problem is finally solved. BUT during this time I got a popup during the launch of Photoshop CS6 asking if I wanted to 'automatically send information to Adobe for product improvement' or something like that.
If I clicked "No" the top menu bar would appear, but every single option was greyed out. The program just sat there, useless. So, out of desperation (to continue my troubleshooting) I clicked "Yes". The program worked. How can I turn this off?
I have an Olympus OMD EM5 and I notice that when RAW files are imported into Lightroom, an automatic correction is applied by default. It appears to read this directly from the metadata of the RAW file. How to disable this?
The issue is that this correction means that the RAW files in Lightroom differ from both the camera viewfinder and JPG output in terms of composition - sometimes barely so, and sometimes significantly depending on angle, zoom etc. This is undesirable behavior in a lot of instances where you want the RAW to match your chosen composition.
Here's what I want to do: I want to automatically align two layers on top of each other.
Let's say I have two pictures. Each picture has a photography in the background and some text in the foreground. I now want to maximize the parts of the picture that aren't blocked by text. The two pictures don't have the same size and additionally, the aspect ratio of both photographies is slightly off. So to align both pictures (e.g. in two layers on top of each other), one of the images would need to be not only rescaled but also stretched (or clinched respectively). Is there a way to do this automatically? The operation itself would be extremely simple:
1. create two "anchor points" (with mandatory diagonal distance to each other) on both images which depict the same part of the picture each 2. run the automatic operation. It justs alignes the anchor points by re-scaling one of the images - nothing more.
I'm trying to make thumbnails for video's for youtube. So my idea is that the nr 1 is on thumbnail 1, then on the thumbnail for the second video, it says 2, etc. But every time i have to delete the number and write a new one. Is there a way of doing that automatically? so that it just makes p.e. 10 thumbnails, with numbers from 1-10?
For many years, I used the Photo House program on Corel Print House Magic v.4 as my photo editor/image generator of choice. Considering it was a freebie with a printer, I found it to be a remarkably versatile program which really opened up my creativity. I'd tried Adobe Photo Shop, which I didn't find at all user-friendly, plus a few other programs - but I kept coming back to Photo House.
Anyway... it worked fine on every Windows version from 98 onwards. But it won't work on Windows 7. It'll load... but it crashes as soon as I try to do anything. Someone suggested changing the compatibility mode - but I'm running Home Premiun, which doesn't have that option. Currently I'm using Gimp, which is okay - kind of Photo Shop Lite - but it still won't do certain things that I used to do all the time on Photo House. So I'm now thinking of going for Paint Shop Pro as v. 4's now come out (I was told to avoid v. 3 because of some glitches).
What I'd like to know is whether the program incorporates those features I used lots on Photo House and haven't found since. They are:
1) The ability to open two photographs side by side and clone an image from one of them directly onto the other one. I used to do things like have a landscape and clone a figure onto it from the other photograph, which gave a much better effect than doing cut and paste. I'm presuming this sort of thing can be done using layers (never used them before) - but doing it the way I used to do it was very easy, and working with layers looks a lot more difficult.
2) The brushes and spray gun on Photo House had a huge choice of heads/shapes to choose from, with variable degrees of opacity. One such head was a star shape, which if used with the spray gun would give a stunning effect of a spray of stars of varying size and colour. I used that a lot in some children's illustrations I do. Gimp doesn't have that feature, and nothing else I've looked at seems to have, either.
I use PaintShopPro to improve on screen captures for an instructional book that I publish. In the past I have used PSP version 9. It Automatically Enhance Contrast does just what I want but I cannot find this feature in version X4
Fortunately I have an older PC with version 9 but switching from one PC to another even with Remote is a pain.
PSP X4 wants to be more intelligent then the users and changes the content of my text automatically. I want to enter a text which contains a text like "(R)" and this is changed automatically to a circle with an 'R' inside. I do not want this but cannot find any option to switch that off. Is there a way to switch off automatic text changing?
I am using a Nikon D7000 and shooting in RAW format. Recently, I took some time exposures of Niagara Falls at night, to capture the colors and the lighting on the falls.
When I view the files in the media tray, everything looks alright. However, if I select a photograph to look at more closely, , some sort of automatic brightness adjustment is taking place which brightens my foreground and washes out the color on the main part of my image. This process changes the histogram of the photo. When I move to Express Lab or Full Editor and choose "Smart Photo Fix", and reset various settings to "Original", it doesn't bring the photo back to its original appearance, so clearly there are other settings that have been automatically adjusted as well.
I've looked into the Preferences menus, but can't find anything that will turn off this automatic adjustment process.
Since PSP has devolved into adware I would like to know how to disable those annoying ads for PSP x5. Checking the "don't show this again" box does nothing. Is the only way to get rid of the ads really to just stop using PSP?
i tried to erase the extra line but when i do it,it shows the checher black and white behind the white back ground,how to get rid of it when erasing lines on white background?
how to disable the "You have selected more than 10 files" warning in PSP X5. It's not listed in the warning preferences and as I work with more than 10 images every day it's a total pain.
I'm trying to open a .tga image file with Paint.NET.
But instead of the actual image, I just get the grey-and-white transparency grid.
I can see that the image seems to be somewhere behind, because when I use the color-selecting tool on it, I can have the various colors of the image in the color window, with a 0 alpha-transparency.
Is there a way to disable this transparency so I can see the image and be able to modify it ? (I should mention that there is only on layer to that image.)
Every time I insert a USB stick or CD or DVD which contains image files I get a popup window asking me if I want to download those files.
I know that I can disable this annoying window by running MSCONFIG and then selecting STARTUP and then unselecting CorelIOMonitor and Corel Photo Downloader but is there another way of disabling it (as I really prefer not to change STARTUP.
How do I disable, remove, destroy, the image tabbing (document) feature that is anoying as heck? I don't want tabs. Every time i enlarge an image (scrollwheel) or i drag an image close to the top of the workspace EVERYTHING gets tabbed again. I want to totally remove this feature.
I wanted to use the capture screen feature but when I go to file-import-screen capture - the setup and capture features are grayed out and I can't get to set up. What can I do.
I'm using Paint.NET 3.5.8 on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.
While editing small (16 x 16) images, I noticed that Paint.NET used a grid with a width of 2 pixels. Selection rectangles snap to this grid, as do paste operations.
How can I specify the grid width or disable this snap to grid effect altogether?