Photoshop :: Automatic Information Send To Adobe - How To Disable
Dec 13, 2012
I have gone around and around with Photoshop/Creative Cloud getting my activation working. After more than two weeks that problem is finally solved. BUT during this time I got a popup during the launch of Photoshop CS6 asking if I wanted to 'automatically send information to Adobe for product improvement' or something like that.
If I clicked "No" the top menu bar would appear, but every single option was greyed out. The program just sat there, useless. So, out of desperation (to continue my troubleshooting) I clicked "Yes". The program worked. How can I turn this off?
I just got a Nikon D800E and on my first day of shooting I noticed a hot pixel spot in my images in Bridge. The when I opened the files in ACR, the hot pixel spot was gone. Apparently this is a "feature" of ACR: it automatically replaces hot pixels with RGB values from neighboring pixels. (So those of you who think you have no hot pixels, think again - you might be shielded from the truth! I find this fact very disconcerting, but that's a separate issue...).
The problem is that I can't tell how many hot pixels there are. Based on the image in Bridge, it would have to be spot of 20 - 30 pixels (maybe even more). That's unacceptable to me, especially on a $3300 camera. Sure, maybe a few hot pixels spread around the image, but 20-30 bunched in that one spot, that's unacceptable.
However, I can't figure out how to disable the automatic hot pixel correction in ACR, so I don't know if the issue really is 20 - 30 hot pixels or if Bridge is just doing some type of sub-sampling that makes the problem look a lot worse than it is. Furthermore, this concerns me greatly because I've been using a D200 for many years and have never seen a single hot pixel issue. So that says to me that the sensor on my D800E has a bigger hot pixel issue than it should (I realize all sensors have some hot/dead pixels).
How to go about figuring this out? The simplest solution is to disable the automatic hot pixel correction in ACR, but I can't figure out how to do that. I'm guessing it's not possible.
I am using editor.writeline to send information to the command line during the execution of a command. Unfortunately, it will only display the last message written when the command ends. Is there a way to display all the messages when the command ends? Below is the code that I am using.
Public Sub CreateVentilationLayers() CreateTrimbleLayer(VENT375) CreateTrimbleLayer(VENT500) CreateTrimbleLayer(VENT625) CreateTrimbleLayer(VENT750)
I often need to work on big drawings having utility networks, topographic surveys and properties. Whenever using FIND command in such a drawing AutoCAD regens the drawing. This happens even if FIND command is cancelled and takes 2 to 3 seconds everytime. Can I disable this automatic regen and do only when I need.
You basically have to click "Expand canvas" every single time you paste a screenshot larger than the canvas. Sure, open a canvas that size, etc etc, but I'm looking for a permanent solution which would allow you to use the "Expand" choice AUTOMATICALLY, by default, without a popup. On that note, here's another annoying thing. Whenever I open images, crop out something, open a new one, paste it there, save it, etc, I usually have tons of unsaved images which I no longer need. I just want to exit the whole thing altogether without any save popups, etc. Like you would do in MSPaint. Open a canvas, paste in something, save it or don't, exit, the program closes nice and fine. My problem is:
This. I don't want to save every single image separately, because I no longer need them. Neither do I want to manually click each and every single one and tell it not to save, nor do I want to click "Don't Save" every time I exit. This may seem like pointless bitching, but trust me, it really gets on your nerves when you're using the program literally hundreds of times per day.
So, is there any way to disable these popups and define an "automatic" feature, to simply close and enlarge under any circumstances?
How can i disable the automatic move command? when i choose the move command it automatically moves whatever element that's selected, using the previous dimension used to move something. Big Problem.
I have an Olympus OMD EM5 and I notice that when RAW files are imported into Lightroom, an automatic correction is applied by default. It appears to read this directly from the metadata of the RAW file. How to disable this?
The issue is that this correction means that the RAW files in Lightroom differ from both the camera viewfinder and JPG output in terms of composition - sometimes barely so, and sometimes significantly depending on angle, zoom etc. This is undesirable behavior in a lot of instances where you want the RAW to match your chosen composition.
When trying to email pics via Adobe email for the first time, they send you a "code" ( my words ) and ask you to email it back to them so it may be verified.. My problem is that the "code" to my email is never received. Where is it? We've tried checking if there is a blocker on my computer.
Since I capture my images in RAW, when I open them in Adobe Camera RAW (via Elements 11), what information is displayed in the image and the histogram I see?
Is it showing me the jpeg created in the camera? If so, the jpeg settings in my camera are not only important in viewing the LCD and the histogram in my camera at the time of capture. They would also be important in viewing my image when it first opens in Adobe Camera RAW.
When I put a jump drive into my USB port Adobe Photo Shop Album Starter Edition 3.2 launches. It won't go away. I can't see what is on my jump drive. I can only see pictures. It's got to be something on my computer because the jump drives I've tried work perfectly on other computers. I tried a blank drive and it did the same thing.
But the adobe bridge which is present with in photoshop, "Help"->"update" option is not greyed out and thows error "unable to update, you do not have internet connection or you are not an system administrator". Same is the case with AAMEE configuration. But if I delete this preference file, then I can launch it. Here my requirement is to grey our the update option both in photoshop and bridge as this will be deployed enterprise wide.
"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><Preferences><Suppressed>1</Suppressed></Preferences> OS: windows 7
"Snap to" doesn't seem to be able to be shut off. When I hold down the control key snap ceases, but with any normal movement, even with both GUIDES and GRID unchecked... the system is still snapping to some setting somewhere, and I can't seem to turn it off.
Is there a way to disable the keyboard shortcut which opens Adobe Bridge from Illustrator? Often when I'm working quickly I accidentally hit this (option command o) instead of (shift command o) to outline type. It halts everything to open Bridge, which I never use. Is there any way to disable this command?
I had Photoshop CS6 installed and working on my Mac using Adobe Creative Cloud. However now a dialog appears that says "Help Improve Adobe's Product". Regardless if I approve this dialog or not Adobe Photoshop starts up with every menu option grayed and I can do nothing. I have to force quit the application. At this point it is 100% unusable.
I've googled it and seen others with a similar issue but no solutions found. I have OSX 10.8.3.
Others with similar issues. URL....No real solution other than don't use Mac Keeper (which I do not) URL....
Product: CS4 64 bit: Adobe Output Module-Adobe updater downloads 2 updates 75.9mb (Camera Raw 5.3). After download and permission to continue under user account control, I receive popup menu advising me that Installation Incomplete, close Adobe Bridge - 3 choices, which always fail. My Adobe CS4 and Bridge are not open. I tried this several times with the same result.I downloaded the zip file, saved, unzip, and still get the same notice - close Bridge.
It looks like the same 2.3mb file that the update program is trying to download. Once the update is started it just keeps trying to download that file until I cancel the update.
I have a photoshop banner which has been converted to .pdf. It is 111,019KB and I need to send it to someone else. I am having a hard time sending it via email, and ftp because of the large file size. I tried zipping it but it doesn't make a difference.
Whenever I click to try to send someone a personal message I end up going to a page with this text...
waragent, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
How do I send pictures using photoshop elements 12? I am using windows live messenger. When I attach an adobe picture it will not send it. It tells me it has to send it in parts. I have never that problem until I started using the adobe 12.
I have done this successfully before in Lightroom 3 but it is not working in Lightroom 4.
As I work on some of my images in Lightroom there are some I have tried to edit in Photoshop but the images won't open. I am running Photoshop CS6. As I right click on an image and click on edit in Photohosp the application will open (Photoshop CS6, that is) but the image won't.
I also work with NIK Software's Viveza 2 as another external editor and this one works just fine. I can click on an image, select Viveza 2 as the external editor and the image will open in that application without any problem.
I created a rollover avatar 50X50 in Image Ready basically by accident but now I think I can do it. How do I save it and send it to a friend? I can preview it in Explorer and I get all this HTML also. What do I do with it!
Say we designed a small newspaper advert of 3.5X2.25 inches. we designed it and now its time to show the draft to the client. if we print it from photoshop then the print comes ok and comes in exact size.
if we save as or save for web than thats a huge image as per screen size so whats the method to produce a JPEG which will have same viewable and printable size.
or how to make a file which when client views show him the artwork in exact size as it will be printed.
I'm starting my course at University in September and they have issued all the students with a summer project which is to design a T-Shirt. That's great and I can't wait to get cracking, but I want to print my design onto the T-Shirt using transfer paper.
The problem is my printers quality won't develop an effective result and it's too small for what I'm printing, so I would like to know if there are any websites I can use to upload my images to and choose what kind of material it could be printed on (transfer paper in this case) and choose the specific size of the material (e.g. A1-A4 etc).