I need to create a day night texture for use in FSX (Flight Simulator X). This is as far as I can get - lack of knowledge main reason!! In picture 1, I made a 64 x 64 pixel canvas. After putting the border around it, I used the magic wand on the inside and used the Alpha mask. Then I made a duplicate layer as seen in picture 2 and made a light brown tint.
Then I used the flatten. But now I need a light to shine thru the window pane for a night effect. How would I do this? Would I use the Effect\Photo\Glow? How would I save the completed image as a _LM image?
New to PSP and I took some night time photos of a car using long exposure, the pictures are clear and focused but they have that yellow-orange street light tint to them. Is there an easy way in PSP X6 to get rid of that color cast?
I'm shooting in RAW in Large with a Nikon D5100 if that matters for this. I'm not bothered how I output it as up to now I've just experimented on screen. No error codes yet!
I have a lava texture and a ground texture. I'd like to be able to make some cracks on the ground texture that would show through the lava texture below it. Something like a cracked mud look. I would be using this for a game I'm making form some terrain textures. Are there any plugins that would aid in making these transparent cracks and perhaps even add depth to the cracks?
I guess a spider web where the spider was on crack would be something I'm looking for. Similar to the following image:
I'm using illustrator CS5 and i want to create an art brush with applying this texture in it. i zoom it in > it is consist of small squares with different colors
What i would like to do is add a background texture to an image that already has color without the texture pictures color taking over, how can this be done?
I am using an apply texture plugin, but once again it applies the texture and the color of the picture , all i want is the texture.
I recently ran across some nice textures on the Brusheezy site, which then led me to google whether or not I could add these textures to my PDN. What I found was a custom texture .dll listed at this site [URL]...... that says it will allow the loading of PS textures in to PDN. Does it work, and do those of you who created and run PDN recommend using it?
how to create this mottled texture used in the poster below? Looks like a noise filter of some kind. Would I be better using Photoshop or Illustrator for this? I am using the texture in the context of a book, repeating the texture on certain pages.
how would i go about turning a picture of, let's say, a house shot in the day to a picture of a house that would appear to have been taken in the night time? one exception, however. no sky line is visible so no need to worry about that.
How can I make an object "paint" the texture on another object? Examples of usage are footprints, bullet holes, scratches, skid marks, a pen drawing, etc. I couldn't find anything about this on the web.
I'm trying to make a texture for a build in second life and the item came with a premade shadow map texture.. I want to merge it to a texture I will create in paint but I don't know how. I thought maybe there was a plug in for it but I cant find any information on the web.
I can make textures (grass, rock, etc.) purely out of renders/effects, meaning that I can make them as big as I want. How would I go about making these textures seamless?
create hair strands to use as a texture in 3D modeling, i managed to create the hair texture with shadows and all that stuff but actually my goal is to make that hair strands.
I've created a logo with a grunge texture over the font in Illustrator CS5. When I try and create a compound path with the grunge texture I lose the detail. Here's one of the letter to show what it looks like before and after creating the compound path using the minus front pathfinder option. On the left is how I'd like it to look.
Although it doesn't look like much of a difference when printed it flattens out even more. I've tried every grouping option I could think of, used the pathfinder options and used this thread: [URL].... to try creating it using a transparency. Nothing gets the detail I need.
I need to texture an object and selected the parts I want to texture, but I need to copy+paste a texture into it. Meaning, I select an area, I copy+paste into the area without a giant square of texture covering everything up.
I have an old photograph. The print is not in good shape, it looks like an old oil painting with cracks all over the place. It looks bit like a jigsaw. I have to zoom in quite far and when I do, I can, if I wish, select a small area that is homogeneous. The area is a coat, so it's sort of a cloth texture. Now, to my way of thinking, I wish I could select this small area and the select paintbrush which would lay down a textured area exactly like the selected textured area. That would be kind of a magical paintbrush.To my limited mind, I think I may have to paint over the whole photograph to restore it. But, anyhow how might I begin to restore this photo I have?