I have a logo - blue and green colors, good for a white background. BUT, I want to place the logo on a dark green background.
SO, I want to convert all of the clors in the logo to White, but I don't know the best way to go about it. I tried using the paint bucket tool, but all of the shapes and letters have jagged edges with varying shades that are visible when zoomed in (dithered?), and the results I get when using the paint bucket aren't ideal.
What does the magic wand tool do on PAINT.NET. I need to know What it is for b4 I can follow the instructions referring to me doing something I have no clue about, since I can not be doing it, as I do not know what the function of this tool is. 6 words (or 10) or less?
Or what has happened to the once great function on Adobe software called smudge? Unless I was dreaming, this was a simple function that would allow one to rub two different colored or shaded areas together, to blend them subtly into one color. This allowed one to blend a color or fix a big flaw, with out days of screwing around fixing 1000s of pixels one by one. I am trying to take the shadow out of the background in a picture, I just need to blend the two colors of white together to get rid of the shadow.
Also, why is crop command gone on my paint.net? It will not work. It is there, but it is lite (gone) and will not work.
I am trying to save a red and white and black logo to an eps file to use with a vinyl cutter but when it saves it changes it to a greyscale picture and the red color is removed. I tried resetting to factory settings and that didn't work.
just downloaded Paint.net a week ago. I am trying to convert a color logo from it's original design to a white log over a solid background, like the image attached. I need the solid background separate from the logo so I can change the color.
You can see in the attached screen cap that colors 1-9 appear as white on my screen and that colors 10-22 are not correct either. This is only occuring in one specific drawing. Is there a preference that I switched somewhere that would make this happen? I have double checked that everything is ByLayer or ByColor that I can think of. If I insert this color chart into other drawings it looks fine. using C3D 2012.
I would just restart my drawing, however it is the new company template file that I have invested many hours into and would really like to be able to keep working with it and not start over. Or is there a good way to import and overwrite all the Prospector settings into a blank drawing?
You can see in the attached screen cap that colors 1-9 appear as white on my screen and that colors 10-22 are not correct either. This is only occuring in one specific drawing. Is there a preference that I switched somewhere that would make this happen? I have double checked that everything is ByLayer or ByColor that I can think of. If I insert this color chart into other drawings it looks fine. using C3D 2012.
I would just restart my drawing, however it is the new company template file that I have invested many hours into and would really like to be able to keep working with it and not start over. Or is there a good way to import and overwrite all the Prospector settings into a blank drawing?
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
I would like to change a picture with many colors into a picture using only 2 colors (of the color picker for instance). I nearly found what I was looking for with the halftone pattern filter but I don't want the pattern in the final result.
I always find beautiful RGB-vectors which I want to use for a print design. But once converted via Illustrator to CMYK, the image often annoys me because of the less bright and powerful colours.
So: what is the best way to recolor a nice and colourful vector from RGB tot CMYK (possibly with finding the right alternative colors in CMYK?) in Illustrator?
I've been having this issue with InDesign CC lately, its importing some of my pantone colors as LAB colors. I am able to change a spot to process, but as far as changing the LAB color to a CMYK color, the box is grayed out and is not giving me an option to do it. See screenshot: [URL]....
I want to create a theme for a nokia phone with a 65000 color display. I cannot find a way to limit the images to 65000 colors. The maximum amount I can select is 256 by converting the image to an indexed display.
I edited my CR2 pictures in Lightroom. After converting to any format the colors were colder than in original image. I opened it in Photoshop, Irfanview and Firefox. In Lightroom the image looked same as original. Both Lightroom and Photoshop are using ProPhoto RGB. I tried converting to different color spaces with no luck.
I have an empty file opened. Colors are set to black and white in the icon. Mode is RGB. When I try to use the brush tool to make a mark, it only comes out PALE PALE PALE gray. Opacity is set to 100% as is fill. Why can't I get a black line and what can I do about this? it's urgent as I need to sign a document.
I understand the technique for changing colors of an object (New Adjustment level | Hue and Saturation). The question I have is I am trying to change a t-shirt color from Blue to a white color. I have used all the adjustments and cannot get close to white.
Is there a way to mix an off-white color to a green color? I'm not referring to adjusting the brightness and adding white, I'm referring to taking a green and adding some other custom off white color?
I use to use Coreldraw X3 when I open the files in X5 the colors have turned to green(on vista) just got Windows 7 (64-bit)and when I open files from X3 and X5 the colors have all turned to white now.
I recently upgraded my computer, and use the same AutoCADLT 2012 software I used on the old system. However, now when I print drawings or make pdfs, they are in color instead of black and white. And the pdfs in color now copy in such a way that some of the layers appear faded, are very light, and are difficult to read. How do I get the prints and pdfs back to black and white, with no color?
I was wondering how to get a realistic face from a picture which the face is bleached out and all that is there is the eyes, nose etc, no skin color. It is a restoration project.
every time I try to copy a face color from another image, it just looks too phony when put on the origanal picture (bleached out pic).
I'm trying to print in black & white, everything works except the true colors, i've selected a b&w ctb file were all the colors are turned to black & selected a printer to print b&w. I've even copied contents into a new file but still the true colors are printing in color!!
I have been trying (without much success) to figure out a way to change all non-white color elements on a picture to a single set color, and was wondering if that is possible to do in GIMP.
For example, I'd like to turn something like this tri-color Italian flag. To this, where the blue color is a color of my choosing.
I am taking photo's of jewellery on a white background which shows as anything on a color scale from light blue through to grey. How can I make all my background colors the same shade of white.
I'm having an issue where I can't convert spot colors to CMYK in the swatches panel. Currently to fix I have to copy elements using the spot colors in to a new blank document, then convert them, then paste back into the original document.
Also if I try to delete the spot color, it doesn't fully delete the swatch.
How can I print in black and white while using true colors? I've tried the monochrome ctb, monochrome stb, looking for solutions in these forums, etc. The std 255 colors are not a problem. It is only when I use a true color. When I tried the monochrome stb setting, the fill color on my multileaders did not change.
Also, in paperspace, with viewports that had solid objects in them, I used to be able to print and have hidden lines removed without them showing up that way in the viewport. (used 2008 at the time and have jumped from that to 2012)
I seem to remember that the was a variable command that controlled this but I can't remember it.
I have recently traced a new picture and I am about to add colors to it so that I can upload it later on my gallery. I started the Tracing on a Cmyk based template because one day I will use print it to add it to my portfolio! I mean should I add Cmyk colors and them convert them to rgb in order to upload it?
How do I take a black and white photo and turn the background white into a color of my choice? I know that I can change the foreground (black) with monotone, but I want to change the white (inverting the image would just invert the problem, so it's no help). The text is too complex to mask or fill bit by bit. There must be a simple way to convert white to another color, but I am at a loss. I would be happy to include a file