Photoshop :: How Convert Background White In A Photo...
Jul 29, 2009
How do I take a black and white photo and turn the background white into a color of my choice? I know that I can change the foreground (black) with monotone, but I want to change the white (inverting the image would just invert the problem, so it's no help). The text is too complex to mask or fill bit by bit. There must be a simple way to convert white to another color, but I am at a loss. I would be happy to include a file
I want to covert a color photo into black and white but bring back a certain color. How many ways are there to do this? Which method is the most professional (as in provides the most professional finished product) I've read about doing it using the paint brush to bring back the color, also the color selection tool.
The particular image I'm trying to achieve this on is not so simple. The part I want to bring color back into is a dripping pink ice cream, so there are small drips and blobs, often with fair skin color in the background. Ice cream is dripping down face and hands and body and I want to preserve these details accurately. The bits I need to bring back aren't large blocks of color so I'm finding it very difficult to achieve a professional look.
I'm totally new to Photoshop and I was wondering if there was any way to get only part of a color photo black and white but keep the rest of it in color. I want to highlight some people in my pictures.
In Photoshop CS6, how to convert the background in the scan of a line drawing on white paper to line drawing on transparent ground? I used to be able to do this in CS3
how i would remove a background from a picture, and turning it white, leaving only the person in the foreground unchanged. I can think of some pretty simple ways, but im looking for a way that makes a seamless transition from the orginal person in the picture to the white background without any jagged lines.
just downloaded a week ago. I am trying to convert a color logo from it's original design to a white log over a solid background, like the image attached. I need the solid background separate from the logo so I can change the color.
I'm new to PSE10 and can't figure out layers and/or color. I have a photo with a white background. I want to change the white to a color. I have 4 text layers on photo with no problem. How do I change the white?
I am using Photo Paint 9 to edit photos I took of some watercolors I did. Many of the photos are of a single animal on a white background (similar to the California state flag). When I printed many of these out they had a greenish tint (not a printer problem) so I went to Image--Adjust--Color Balance.... I adjusted the cursor on the Magenta/Green bar to -15 (towards Magenta) and hit ok. The problem is, now when I print, the image is ok but the background which I want to be pure white now has a pinkish (magenta?) tint to it.
Is there any way to isolate the image and get the background pure white again?
I seem to be having problems when I lasso round a specific part of a photo taken with a white background and then try to add that part of the image to a plain #000000 black background.
I always seem to get a white outline around the image when I place it on the black background, even when its on ZERO feathered. I don't like using feathered as it adds a smudge round the outside of the image.
I have some text documents in PDF format and would like to edit it in photoshop CS5, but each time I open them up in photoshop, the background seems to be transparent (tiny grey and white tiles), which is very eye tiring when editing/annotating with a wacom pen, how to fill the background total white?
I am using a pdf underlay to trace over and whenever the crosshair or pickbox enters a white area it does not shift color to black to remain visible. This leaves me picking randomly trying to guess where the crosshair or pickbox is. If I change the 3dconfig to disable hardware acceleration, the color shifts, but the pdf is whited out. Not to mention the fact that by disabling hardware acceleration, I'm wasting the expensive video card on the machine. Is there a workaround? updated driver? service pack?
Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.
It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...
The cat is from [URL]...
A general idea of the selected area
What happens when I take out the selected area
So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?
I created a logo and then opened it as a layer so that I can make a website header image. It is shown here [URL] and as you can see the background is an off-white colour. It is probably unnoticeable to many, but I would prefer to get it right. How can I make the background a pure white so that it blends in with the white of the wordpress theme?
I have a mac with Adobe Illustrator and I am just learning how to use this stuff. How to accomplish what you see below - white text that has shading/shadow and is on a white background?
Ok so i have this image (Attached) im trying to remove the blue rectangle and the white rectangle leaving the blue swirl on the white back ground, iv tried using content aware but it comes out really bad, maybe im doing it wrong will some one be able to look at this for me, maybe it came out wrong because i have the blue swirl and content aware doesn't work correctly with it .
is it possible to convert a photo into a silhouette in cd. I have been playing around with a few pictures but not getting great results, although they are improving each time. What I want to do is convert a picture of my neice into a silhouette and maybe cut it in vinyl.
I have converted the same image from color to black and white using the channel mixer and using the black and white adjustment, and there appears to be a slight, almost imperceptible, loss of sharpness in the image converted with the channel mixer. Is there any research showing that a loss of sharpness will, in fact, occur when using using channel mixer when converting color images to black and white?
I wonder to know if there are new complex techniques to convert an image in black and white . would you like to share some experiences and knowledge about it. i don't mean the beginning like start with a gradient or a channel mixer but steps after.