I created a 8-bit .bmp file which shows 257 (=2^8+1) colors in Windows Picture Viewer. The image shows a black frame with 256 different red colors inside. You may load it with Paint.Net and count the colors. ;-)
You can get the image here 8-bit bitmap showing 257 colors.bmp
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
I'm having problems with PS showing red and purple as blue. The RAW's are oversaturated with blue and nothing I do can reverse the colours. Both camera, PS and monitor is set to aRGB and the RAW files is showed correctly in the Windows folder. both the highlight and shadow warning are turned off!
using illustrator cc, on a series of illustrations, i am placing an ai file with my color pallette into all of my files (if i update the pallate, all files will have the corrected version). when i place the pallette file, the cmyk values are slightly off. all files are cmyk. seems like a bug, reminds me of placing illustrator into photoshop, and colors values would be ever so slightly off.
Is there a known problem with color in Elements 10?I have a gif that when opened in paint shows the light blue color correctly but in PSE10 shows as a buff color.Red, yellow and blue seem about right.It doesn't matter if it is the gif or the psd file the color showns the same in PSE10.
I edited my CR2 pictures in Lightroom. After converting to any format the colors were colder than in original image. I opened it in Photoshop, Irfanview and Firefox. In Lightroom the image looked same as original. Both Lightroom and Photoshop are using ProPhoto RGB. I tried converting to different color spaces with no luck.
What i would like to do is add a background texture to an image that already has color without the texture pictures color taking over, how can this be done?
I am using an apply texture plugin, but once again it applies the texture and the color of the picture , all i want is the texture.
I wanted to upgrade from PSP 8, which doesn't work well at all any more since I installed Win7 to the newest Corel's PSP x5.After downloading and installing the 30 day demo I went to view some of my saved PNG & PSD files which have transparencies, but PSP x5 will not display the transparencies, instead it turns their backgrounds into a solid white.
I'm still using GIMP 2 which has no problem showing my transparencies, why won't PSP x5 show them and what do I do I need to do to view my transparencies?
I am running windows 7 64 bit & have found it impossible to install the conditional hue/saturation plug in.... [URL] ..... it doesn't accept it at all - everything else i have to make a rainbow.
How to mix colors in Photoshop like you would mix colors in real life to get that "in between" look. I have tried smudging and blending options but could not find anything. Here are some pictures of what I am looking for.
When I put orange gabriola font, 144 size, Bold effect on a canvas--and then try to make it 3-D by adding white. The white is smaller --not the same size as the orange--yet everything else is the same!
I tried measuring them together by putting the white behind the orange (it is smaller!) by going back to a file I'd resized before making the white (in case I did) --same thing. Made new layer, duplicate layer, put the active layer below, above..nothing would make them the same size!
Not that the actual letters are so badly different is size, but the spacing appears to be wider in the orange than in the white--which means that the white doesn't fit on the orange.
I need to get my manuscript published. And after all I've had to do to learn to get as far as I have, I sure don't feel like having to repeat if for one contrary white font!
While using a word, is there a way to write text using different colors within the same word ? When I attempt to change the color, it changes the color of the whole text.
Is it possible to have some kind of calc mode or another technique that would allow me to have an object that I could move around without having to "magic wound->recolor" each time?
I want to be able to change colors across my entire image. Kind of like the bucket tool when it is on universal, but with a few changes. It would be able to change dark red into dark blue and also light red into light blue at the same time when the tool is used. It would scale based on the lightness of the color throughout the entire image.
I could basically choose blue, click on any red part with the tool, and then every red color (with a certain tolerance) would change into blues of the same lightness and darkness as red. I was thinking that this would be useful for changing the colors of objects that have certain shading effects or shadows in them.
I am trying to blend certain portions of an image where I have done some cut and paste work. I have tried many effects and plugins, but have yet to find a fairly seamless solution (yes I have tried Seamless Texture maker).
I have attached a part of the pic where you can see my copy and paste issues. A
What does the magic wand tool do on PAINT.NET. I need to know What it is for b4 I can follow the instructions referring to me doing something I have no clue about, since I can not be doing it, as I do not know what the function of this tool is. 6 words (or 10) or less?
Or what has happened to the once great function on Adobe software called smudge? Unless I was dreaming, this was a simple function that would allow one to rub two different colored or shaded areas together, to blend them subtly into one color. This allowed one to blend a color or fix a big flaw, with out days of screwing around fixing 1000s of pixels one by one. I am trying to take the shadow out of the background in a picture, I just need to blend the two colors of white together to get rid of the shadow.
Also, why is crop command gone on my paint.net? It will not work. It is there, but it is lite (gone) and will not work.
It's been a while since being on PDN and I can't find the tutorial where you have different colors scrolling horizontal or vertical within the text. Think you created a .gif file to do this.
I have a logo - blue and green colors, good for a white background. BUT, I want to place the logo on a dark green background.
SO, I want to convert all of the clors in the logo to White, but I don't know the best way to go about it. I tried using the paint bucket tool, but all of the shapes and letters have jagged edges with varying shades that are visible when zoomed in (dithered?), and the results I get when using the paint bucket aren't ideal.
Not sure why but, none of my presets on the right-hand side pane is showing up. How do I fix this without (i guess) re-installing PSP? I've included a screen capture below.
I am sure i saw that somewhere but how do i get the icons to show back instead of the bare text list of the drop down menus? In the old versions, it was easier to find my way around if i had to change version and the list might not have been in the same order, or if i was making a tutorial and someone had a PSP in a different language; i could just display the icon instead of the name for the other person to be able to identify which tool i was talking about. But in later versions, they are gone. How do i get them back?
Some of the images I have taken with my Olympus 7010 still camera, when opened up in PSPro X, are not showing correctly.A portion of the image is sectioned and the smaller part of the image has moved along horizontally, the effect being that for instance, a person's head is not on the body but further along the image. This only happens now and again but is annoying, the last time 2 out of 24 images were like this.They were loaded on to my pc via the camera's card,in a card reader.
I have a picture, and I'm putting a circle around it on that picture I want to write Merry Christmas. I thought it would be cute to have the letters alternate between red and green, so the "M" would be red , then the "e" would be green and so on. I also thought this would be easy, but it's not,
First I tried 2 layers the following way. Layer 1 had M r y h i t a and layer 2 had e r C r s m s with layer 1 being red and layer 2 being green, that didn't work.
Now I have a a top layer of "M" in red and the second layer "Me" in green, and it works as long as long as I use a fixed font this seems to work, but I'm wondering if there is an easier way.
Here's my problem. When people upload pics to my website or when they email them to me, I open them (in Internet Explorer) and they are fine. I then save them and open them in PSP 9 to work on. Problem is, for the past month or so, when I open the images in PSP 9, they are dark, muddy, very flat, and lacking in vibrancy. They are very different from what I see in IE.
When I open them in Corel X3 or in Photoshop, they are just fine, so it must be something in PSP9. Could I have unwittingly changed some setting in PSP 9?
I am using the paintbrushes and all I can get is black. How to you change the colors on the Paintbrushes? I have clicked on the "Color Options" in the Paintbrush toolbox but nothing happens.