Paint.NET :: Scrolling Different Colors Through Text
Jan 16, 2013
It's been a while since being on PDN and I can't find the tutorial where you have different colors scrolling horizontal or vertical within the text. Think you created a .gif file to do this.
I have a picture, and I'm putting a circle around it on that picture I want to write Merry Christmas. I thought it would be cute to have the letters alternate between red and green, so the "M" would be red , then the "e" would be green and so on. I also thought this would be easy, but it's not,
First I tried 2 layers the following way. Layer 1 had M r y h i t a and layer 2 had e r C r s m s with layer 1 being red and layer 2 being green, that didn't work.
Now I have a a top layer of "M" in red and the second layer "Me" in green, and it works as long as long as I use a fixed font this seems to work, but I'm wondering if there is an easier way.
Is there a way to scroll using arrow keys (or any other keys) because it drives me crazy when Im zoomed in to a picture to edit some small detail and i go to use the arow keys to scroll to another spot and I end up moving my mouse across the screen. It is also tiresome that i have to keep going over to the scroll bar to get to see a different part of my image.
I'm working on making a really awesome pic but I'm stuck. The style I use in all of my pics is by making a new layer, changing it to color mode, then making rainbow colors with a really soft brush. Everything was going fine until I threw some text in there. Now when I paint, the text stays the same color!
having scrolling text within the LCD screen of the attached photo. I already know how to create the animation, but the problem is that I cannot keep the text visible only in the LCD screen and not on the outside. I've tried a layer mask on the Text layer in order make text appear in the screen, but obviously that didn't work. lol
I have just about every object in the picture on a different layer. The Green Screen, Scan Lines, Metal, buttons, etc.
Noticed the 2013 text screen? Noticed how it's not showing its scroll-bar(s) ... well that's only 50% true. The vertical is only hidden - move the mouse over it and it appears.
But what happens if you want to read something which is too long for a line? Say you've listed the DXF codes of something by using the lisp entget function?
Previously if the line was too long it would get wrapped (wrapped to short yes, but at least readable). Now that line does not wrap in the text screen, but there's also no horizontal scroll bar so you can "pan" right to see the rest of the line. The only place I can see that is in the command palette.
For my project I created a chat window where the spoken text and questions are written down.
The window is limited to 3 lines, and each character and line is written itself, using the opacity text animation and its offset value. (like typewriting) how can I drop the first line when a new one starts and push the remaining 2 lines up? The only solution that i thought about is moving the whole textlayer in a mask upwards, but i think there is a much easier solution around.
When I had a virus removed from my computer, I believe it may have corrupted/deleted some of Photoshop Element 8.0's files. While the program still runs, there are some things out of place, in particular a lot of scroll bars are missing and scrolling through the text-box font drop down window is completely disabled.
Is there a software patch that could potentially fix this? Or should I just uninstall/reinstall the program?
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
I created a 8-bit .bmp file which shows 257 (=2^8+1) colors in Windows Picture Viewer. The image shows a black frame with 256 different red colors inside. You may load it with Paint.Net and count the colors. ;-)
You can get the image here 8-bit bitmap showing 257 colors.bmp
What i would like to do is add a background texture to an image that already has color without the texture pictures color taking over, how can this be done?
I am using an apply texture plugin, but once again it applies the texture and the color of the picture , all i want is the texture.
How to mix colors in Photoshop like you would mix colors in real life to get that "in between" look. I have tried smudging and blending options but could not find anything. Here are some pictures of what I am looking for.
When I put orange gabriola font, 144 size, Bold effect on a canvas--and then try to make it 3-D by adding white. The white is smaller --not the same size as the orange--yet everything else is the same!
I tried measuring them together by putting the white behind the orange (it is smaller!) by going back to a file I'd resized before making the white (in case I did) --same thing. Made new layer, duplicate layer, put the active layer below, above..nothing would make them the same size!
Not that the actual letters are so badly different is size, but the spacing appears to be wider in the orange than in the white--which means that the white doesn't fit on the orange.
I need to get my manuscript published. And after all I've had to do to learn to get as far as I have, I sure don't feel like having to repeat if for one contrary white font!
While using a word, is there a way to write text using different colors within the same word ? When I attempt to change the color, it changes the color of the whole text.
Is it possible to have some kind of calc mode or another technique that would allow me to have an object that I could move around without having to "magic wound->recolor" each time?
I want to be able to change colors across my entire image. Kind of like the bucket tool when it is on universal, but with a few changes. It would be able to change dark red into dark blue and also light red into light blue at the same time when the tool is used. It would scale based on the lightness of the color throughout the entire image.
I could basically choose blue, click on any red part with the tool, and then every red color (with a certain tolerance) would change into blues of the same lightness and darkness as red. I was thinking that this would be useful for changing the colors of objects that have certain shading effects or shadows in them.
I am trying to blend certain portions of an image where I have done some cut and paste work. I have tried many effects and plugins, but have yet to find a fairly seamless solution (yes I have tried Seamless Texture maker).
I have attached a part of the pic where you can see my copy and paste issues. A
What does the magic wand tool do on PAINT.NET. I need to know What it is for b4 I can follow the instructions referring to me doing something I have no clue about, since I can not be doing it, as I do not know what the function of this tool is. 6 words (or 10) or less?
Or what has happened to the once great function on Adobe software called smudge? Unless I was dreaming, this was a simple function that would allow one to rub two different colored or shaded areas together, to blend them subtly into one color. This allowed one to blend a color or fix a big flaw, with out days of screwing around fixing 1000s of pixels one by one. I am trying to take the shadow out of the background in a picture, I just need to blend the two colors of white together to get rid of the shadow.
Also, why is crop command gone on my It will not work. It is there, but it is lite (gone) and will not work.
I have a logo - blue and green colors, good for a white background. BUT, I want to place the logo on a dark green background.
SO, I want to convert all of the clors in the logo to White, but I don't know the best way to go about it. I tried using the paint bucket tool, but all of the shapes and letters have jagged edges with varying shades that are visible when zoomed in (dithered?), and the results I get when using the paint bucket aren't ideal.
Text is allowed only on the outside of a rectangle shape. The text cursor disappears when I try to enter it into the rectangle and when I place it on the edge of the rectangle, it rurns into a slanted "A" and allows texting on the border of the rectangle. Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (build date Sept 7, 2010). This software came with my new HP Pavilion dv7.
Here's my problem. When people upload pics to my website or when they email them to me, I open them (in Internet Explorer) and they are fine. I then save them and open them in PSP 9 to work on. Problem is, for the past month or so, when I open the images in PSP 9, they are dark, muddy, very flat, and lacking in vibrancy. They are very different from what I see in IE.
When I open them in Corel X3 or in Photoshop, they are just fine, so it must be something in PSP9. Could I have unwittingly changed some setting in PSP 9?
I am using the paintbrushes and all I can get is black. How to you change the colors on the Paintbrushes? I have clicked on the "Color Options" in the Paintbrush toolbox but nothing happens.
i have a gadget on my windows 7 desktop now i changed the background to transparent using, latest version.for some reason some of the colors (/text and icons) became a sort of rosa color
1. open the picture in
2. changed in the layerproperties the opacity from 255 to 122
I found some results to this question on this site after doing a browser search, but links to solutions to the question brought up a message that the page(s) was/were no longer available, so I'll ask it again:
I have, for example, a graphic file (in .BMP and .PNG formats) from which I would like to remove all colors except one. Can this be done in ?
I've read the manual on selecting colors for tools - like text, rectangle - but find nothing about saving a "preferred" color selection for various tools. Searched forum as well. Admittedly, this may be a bit below the general use of Pdn.
1) I gather there is no one - click "text box" tool / function. True? Where you select a region, it fills in a background color of choice, then you click in box & start typing - & text color is also saved from earlier choice.
2) Among other things, I'd like to at least be able to save / set a color that Pdn will use every time I draw a rectangle (unless I change it), & also set a different color for text tool. If I understand, the way you change colors as you select different tools is, must click the tool icon, then click the color you want - EACH time (if different than current primary color selection).
Is there no way to save a "default" color (say Red) that Pdn will use each time you select the text tool, and (say, yellow) each time you click rectangle tool? Many prgms save color selections made for each tool
I read the help section on working w/ palettes, but that doesn't assign / save specific colors to specific tools. Unless I missed something (quite likely), you have to continually select colors each time you use a new tool (if you want it to use a different color than currently showing in Primary Color box). This seems like a lot of unnecessary clicking, if you typically want (for example) to always use a specific color for rectangles & another for text. Seems like that should be default behavior, instead of clicking color selection every time you change tools?