How to mix colors in Photoshop like you would mix colors in real life to get that "in between" look. I have tried smudging and blending options but could not find anything. Here are some pictures of what I am looking for.
I would like to use photomerge to blend two pictures together. The only thing is, when I put them together, the colours mix, which I do not want to do. Basically, there is a red image and a blue image that I would like to join together, where in between them, there is a gradual change of colour. Is there a way of doing this?
I am pretty sure that I am using the wrong method of doing it, and that there is an easier way of doing it. could someone please enlighten me on this?
What I'd like to do [in photoshop] is treat 4 pantone colors just like CMYK channels. What I mean by that is that I would like to replace Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black with my own colors [pantone colors] and have them mix and act exactly like those channels. As in, when I open a full color image, and my pantone [or any color] channels or color profile is active, the full color image will react to those colors [with the blending of the colors].
Instead of 45% Cyan, 55% Magenta, 83% Yellow, and 2% Black in a given spot, it would be a mix of the 4 chosen colors [example: 45% pantone A, 55% Pantone B, 83% Pantone C, 2% Pantone D].
or to put it another way, if I were to color the background in, say, a blue, I would be able to use the "Info" panel to see how much of each pantone color was mixed to create that color. Obviously there would be a limit to the colors I could create based on the pantone colors I select.
I don't want to do anything printing wise with this technique. I am looking at it solely as an on screen viewer or perhaps use it in some manner for screen printing.
Is there a way to mix an off-white color to a green color? I'm not referring to adjusting the brightness and adding white, I'm referring to taking a green and adding some other custom off white color?
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
I've tried looking this up but just get the mixer brush on every hit or. What I want to do is to take two colours, use the colour picker and mix the two colours to make a third.
I know I can arbitrarily change the opacity or by steps with the number keys but I don't to do it this way. I don't want to use a blur too or a filter. This is mixing colours basics. The mixer brush looks like it mimcs painting in one respect but its also creating muddy values.
II want to ask information how to mix 2 different color to make one color.
For example like mixing two paints, yellow and blue, whether you put yellow first or blue first, the results is the same green. You put white and black, the result is gray.
But from what I try in Photoshop, mixing yellow and blue in different layers, produce different green, depends on which is latter.
I have 2 pictures wich i want to put in one new picture. I want them to fade into eachother. So left is one picture and right is the other. I want a fadeline in the middle, but not vertically, but diagonally.
I want to create cd covers by mixing images from different photos. Collage if you will.
I found a tutorial that describes the selection process and so forth. I also read something about how Image Ready makes it easier to cut up pictures for rearranging. How so?
Also I wonder if I can use photoshop to make images appear "ghostly". Like the ghosts in the Haunted House film. Or the librarian ghost in Ghostbusters.
A pop up message says Could not complete your request due to a program error. I am using the paintbrush tool, 150 soft round brush size. It will not allow me to change foreground and background colors or paint. What can I do?
We would like to experiment mixing a spot colour in a normal CMYK image in order to expand the colour palette. Our problem is the fact that we cannot get Photoshop to show us the actual image once we have added the spot colour.
The spot channel shows as if it is being printed on top of the CMYK colours instead of being mixed with them. This makes it very difficult to judge what adjustments have to be made to the image. Of course, saving the file as a DCS2 and placing it in InDesign shows us what we want, but this is too much jumping back and forth between programmes to be efficient. We are runnnig CS3 on Windows XP Professional.
would like to use it to start making my pics stand out more. My first experiment is to make a colour pic into black and white, THEN bring back the original colours in certain parts of the pic. ie i have a pic of an old steam train, and i want to leave the surroundings in colour, but turn the steam train in the picture to black and white. I have been advised on less photoshop specific forums, to turn the whole pic to B&W, then use the history brush to bring back the colour to the parts of the pic i want to be in colour.
I was trying to make a signature with cool effects mixing filters, adding layers, gradients, etc. only thing i know to do is mix filters and add gradients.
I wanna have your opinions about my signature, and some tips on how to get better and better working on photoshop.
I'm using paint bucket for fill colors and though I see and choose colors from the spectrum all I am getting is shades of gray. What happened to the colors for the foreground and background, why does it only come out shades of gray even though in picker it shows I have picked a color?
I created a 8-bit .bmp file which shows 257 (=2^8+1) colors in Windows Picture Viewer. The image shows a black frame with 256 different red colors inside. You may load it with Paint.Net and count the colors. ;-)
You can get the image here 8-bit bitmap showing 257 colors.bmp
What i would like to do is add a background texture to an image that already has color without the texture pictures color taking over, how can this be done?
I am using an apply texture plugin, but once again it applies the texture and the color of the picture , all i want is the texture.
I have two Sony full HD camcorders: my new one will do 50p whilst my old one with only do 50i (UK Pal for info). Just wondering, if you were doing a multi-camera project would you film in 50i and 50p or both in 50i?
Also, what are the ramifications of editing mixed formats? I'm using Premiere Pro CS6.
When I put orange gabriola font, 144 size, Bold effect on a canvas--and then try to make it 3-D by adding white. The white is smaller --not the same size as the orange--yet everything else is the same!
I tried measuring them together by putting the white behind the orange (it is smaller!) by going back to a file I'd resized before making the white (in case I did) --same thing. Made new layer, duplicate layer, put the active layer below, above..nothing would make them the same size!
Not that the actual letters are so badly different is size, but the spacing appears to be wider in the orange than in the white--which means that the white doesn't fit on the orange.
I need to get my manuscript published. And after all I've had to do to learn to get as far as I have, I sure don't feel like having to repeat if for one contrary white font!
While using a word, is there a way to write text using different colors within the same word ? When I attempt to change the color, it changes the color of the whole text.
Is it possible to have some kind of calc mode or another technique that would allow me to have an object that I could move around without having to "magic wound->recolor" each time?
I want to be able to change colors across my entire image. Kind of like the bucket tool when it is on universal, but with a few changes. It would be able to change dark red into dark blue and also light red into light blue at the same time when the tool is used. It would scale based on the lightness of the color throughout the entire image.
I could basically choose blue, click on any red part with the tool, and then every red color (with a certain tolerance) would change into blues of the same lightness and darkness as red. I was thinking that this would be useful for changing the colors of objects that have certain shading effects or shadows in them.
I am trying to blend certain portions of an image where I have done some cut and paste work. I have tried many effects and plugins, but have yet to find a fairly seamless solution (yes I have tried Seamless Texture maker).
I have attached a part of the pic where you can see my copy and paste issues. A
What does the magic wand tool do on PAINT.NET. I need to know What it is for b4 I can follow the instructions referring to me doing something I have no clue about, since I can not be doing it, as I do not know what the function of this tool is. 6 words (or 10) or less?
Or what has happened to the once great function on Adobe software called smudge? Unless I was dreaming, this was a simple function that would allow one to rub two different colored or shaded areas together, to blend them subtly into one color. This allowed one to blend a color or fix a big flaw, with out days of screwing around fixing 1000s of pixels one by one. I am trying to take the shadow out of the background in a picture, I just need to blend the two colors of white together to get rid of the shadow.
Also, why is crop command gone on my It will not work. It is there, but it is lite (gone) and will not work.
It's been a while since being on PDN and I can't find the tutorial where you have different colors scrolling horizontal or vertical within the text. Think you created a .gif file to do this.