Trying to do a normal projection painting and getting darker skins. I tried to turn on and off the gigatel to see if fixes the problem but still gives me darker color. Tried using Ptex to see if this fixes the problem, problem still remains. None of the techniques I tried worked...
When I use the standard mudbox base head, no issues. It paints as it should. When I open my sculpted mesh portrait, same workflow and it gives me much darker image as the video shows.
Video: [URL] ......
My system spec:
I’m using Nvidia GTX 560 Ti, 1G ( Driver version - 02-October-2012 )
Windows 7 Pro 64bits.
cpu i7 860, 2.8 ghz
16 GB rams.
When i update in mudbox to maya the diffuse texture automatically flattens from the first image to the second. I cannot find a solution to stop it turning red.
i selected a texture to use for a wall and painted it on my model, regardless of what i do the texture comes out a LOT darker than the actual texture. How can i change this? i have trys on variouse models and its all the same comes out a lot darker.
I watched a video: [URL]...... and the person paint in UV view at times. I can not figure out how to do this. How they are painting in the UV View? It would be great for fixing little oversprays like they used it for.
Every time I export a scene from Max, and then use the paint tools, mudbox crashes, literally every single time. I can quite happily use the scuplt tools.
I can also quite happlily use the paint tools as long as mudbox is not connected to 3DS Max.
I have applied both SP1 and SP2 for Mudbox 2012, and max is SP'd aswell.
I've got a good machine, Dell M6500, 12gb RAM, 1gb ATI Gcard, Win7
I am loving the painting tools in Mudbox, however I cannot find a way to paint on a non diffused model. Any trick to see 1 to 1 pixel values while painting?
it seems it's impossible to paint sharp edges in mudbox (ie when painting there is no softness to the brush)... is there a good way to do this that i'm missing?
I have painting artifacts in Mudbox 2014 even when using the default models. I tried the environment variable "MUDBOX_PAINT_CONTEXT_FLUSH" as suggested on the Service pack 2 page.
I have the brush and the layer set to 100% opacity and the layer is set to normal but it's not coming out normal.. I choose a pink color and stroke somewhere and it comes off as a highlighter yellow and looks like it's about 20% opacity in other places on the layer the color doesn't even show up.. I take a pink color and color over a black and it turns red.. and other places it's completely normal.Also i can erase a color and then paint in that spot but if i don't erase first it won't let me paint there.
Btw I've tried checking my layers brush settings and opacity all fine. I'm using photoshop CS6
Sent to Mudbox working fine and i can see all uvs and so on, however sent back to maya with UVS and textures giving me hard time, whatever i do it always send it to maya with black textures. I have 3 layers on normal,spec and diffue...
The CS6 mixer brush stops painting and turns into a hand icon, with only the index finger out, when I paint near the top left of my screen. It's about 3 inches from the left and 2 inches from the top.
I don't have this problem in CS5.5/CS5.1 or CS5 . what the hand icon with only index finger out is for? It's not the move tool icon. I should also add that I'm using Win7 and a Cintiq. and I should add that the standard brushes don't have this problem in CS6.
trying to apply a diffuse glow, but the resulting effect comes out all grey/blue. I've tried the effect on multiple different image types (jpg, nef, etc.) and the results are always the same. I know what diffuse glow is supposed to look like.. and this ain't it!
I was editing on a different windows machine and I applied the diffuse glow. It worked fine. 10 minutes later, I tried to apply the filter again to the same image (started over), and again it gave me the ugly gray/blue look.
I'm try to add a Diffuse Glow filter to an image and it's not working as expected. When I increase the Glow Amount slider, the high lights in the image turn BLACK, shouldn't they get brighter? This happens with all images JEPG's, TIFF's and PSD's with layers or not. I'm running PS7 on a PC. What am I missing? Thanks in advance for your help!
It seems my 'diffuse glow' filter option has somehow inverted itself and now read everything as black. I have tried to eveything, even re-installing the program to reverse the mistake, but to no avail.
no matter what i try, i can never get a nice diffuse reflection using mental ray. How to achieve a nice smooth (not grainy) reflection using mental ray?
When I open the Diffuse Glow filter, it appears as if inverted, or negative. What I expect to be a light halo effect shows up as a dark glow. How can I reset this filter to show the normal 'light' halo effect?
I am still on PS CS saving up for Creative Suite production Premimium CS3, anyway, When I add a diffused glow to a picture instead of the white glow I get a grey color cast with lots of noise where the glow is supposed to be, this also happens when I try to change a color. When I change say red to blue all the red areas of the picture turn to a grey noisey, ugly color. Any ideas why this is happening. This is happening to all my pictures.
I am having troubles loading a .avi file into the diffuse color swatch.I am following tutorial which comes with 3ds max.(Animation Tutorials-Creating Explosions) There is a plane and i must load a video file with explosion (.avi) and assign that material to it.So i make new mateial,choose Bitmap on Deffuse color swatch and when i browse for the video file i can see it in the browse window but when i select it i cant click "Open". Also 3ds max comes with the tutorial files ready , so i tried to open the ready scene and in it , the plane is with assigned material on it,but the .avi file can not be seen, even when u render the scene.)
I've enclosed an original picture and my 3d scene. the problems lies in the shadow on both sides of the lamp which is too hard edged. and normally, there is a grid right beneath the cylinder bulb, but when applying that grid in 3ds max the whole scene becomes speckled. must have something to do with the light being blocked by geometry.
how to achieve a soft shadow as shown in the ref pic?
I'm modeling in mudbox 2012 and extracting my normal maps for 3ds max and my diffuse and bump as a PNG.In 3ds 2012 the normal map seems to be changing to the overal brightness of the diffuse, changing it noticeably darker.
It's been ruled out that its not a bump map that's causing so its definitely the normal map.
Having problems with *.3ds exports no longer referencing color/diffuse textures? All I get is a white square now. Everything works fine in 2012 (standard install)
Some time ago i used express tools to save my sysvar settings and now when i read the old settings back in, i'm put in 3D parallel project mode. I know this because i have the background color for this mode set to something other than the background color for 2D model space. But now i can't get out of 3d parallel projection mode.
Don't get the AD strategy.... ok, I can import fbx....without projection tools? it such a basic tool, specially when AD has already developed the tools over other similar systems...
I just ran into a projection issue with a couple of AutoCAD files. There is a possibility that one of the files was originally in Microstation and in meters before it was converted to AutoCAD but I'm still trying to confirm this now. The problem that I am running into is that AutoCAD Map doesn't allow you to xref or attach other CAD files and use different projections. I have one file in Maryland State Plane, Feet and a second one which appears to be in Meters and I can't get them to overlay or for the file in meters to come in at the right location when it is xrefed.
I'm wanting to use a diffuse colour to alter the iterations in the mesh smooth modifier. I'm using the wire parameters dialogue but am unsure of how to turn the 3 point value of the diffuse (rgb) into linear (1 point) data.
Work Computer - Max 2012, Core i7 3.6, 6GB RAM, ATI FireGL V7700 512MB, Windows 7 64bit Home Computer -BBC Electron with tape player and a copy of creepy cave
I set levels in photoshop and then when I open them on my PC in Windows picture viewer they are much lighter and overexposed looking. How do I set up my photoshop CS2 to be at the same level.