Maya :: Shape Collapse On Adding Subdivisions In 2013?
Mar 30, 2013
after creating Polygon Primitive Shape (dosnt metter what shape) if I scale the shape in only 1 of the axes and try to add subdevisions from the input my shape collapse
is there any way to change it? i dont remembering it was like that in earlier Versions of maya.
So im working on this project were im modeling a ceiling, anyways I can not change or adjust the number of subds after i create the object. Lets say a create a simple cube with just 1x1x1 i can not change that after i created it... I just cant get to that menu when i click on the shape it only lets me rename it nothing else. Ive attached a screen shot.
Currently, I'm trying to get through the following lesson: [URL]........
My problem: I'm at the part where I need to make windows, this, by extruding selected subdivisions inwards, using the z axis. The problem is that the selected faces wont enter the building. In others words, the selected subdivisions wont extrude inwards, so that no recess (or window) appears. They go outward just fine, but going inward, the subdivision remains lined up with the outer face of the structure, so that no recess appear and the structures face remains flat.
Here's a few screenshots to better show what im saying:
Wireframe mode: As you'll see, the window recesses appear just fine in wireframe
Can I "collapse" displacements in Maya?I mean, in Max you can use a displacement modifier with a map applied, and you can see your displacement effect in viewport. Then, you can collapse this modifier and your geometry has now the displacement effect collapsed, is a new geometry with very nice detail.This is very usefull for example to use this geometry in Mudbox with a very nice base mesh.In Softimage you can do the same thing with a push deformer with your displacement map applied.
I am working with Civil 3D 2014, I played with 2009 back in 2008 and before that it was Land desktop. I don't know if I am not following a standard workflow.
Build the EG from contours.Layout the CL for the ROW and convert to a horizontal alignments.Create the profiles.Design the vertical alignment in the profile.Create the assemblies for the different types of road sections.Full profile, pavement width assembly, the curb return assembly, the daylight left / right, 1/2 side left / right, and pavement width left / right.Build the corridor, set the target surface as EG or FG, depending on where the section of the corridor is located. (At the edge of the property to EG, then after the first building pad to FG)This is where I have a thought something is wrong. If I am grading the entire site, why would I have the ROW grade to the EG, when I will need the surface to grade from the ROW to the closest building pads?Create the intersections, using the different types of assemblies, per the ROW sections.Create feature lines and use elevation editor to set all the elevations around the pad.Using the Grading creation tool, grade to surface, using a 2:1 side slope. Then adding an infill to the pad.
I keep having the file crash after grading about 10 lots. I recover and it works find, but then the file runs very slow, and will crash. I haven't taken any classes in Civil 3d, and am looking for one in my area.
I am use to creating the vertical surface then creating points along the CL, TBC, FL, BOW then creating break lines along the points. Then create a break line for the pads, and build the FG contours from these break lines.
Is there a way to reduce the number of subdivisions? Without clicking can't you just step "back" or select an area and reduce just the subdivisions in the selected area. I think I've tried everything, found something in a Maya document about reducing the hierarchy, which looked slick. The attached image should show what I mean (too many clicks on the button).
I am trying to add a background image to a jigsaw puzzle piece, Been using the magic selection tool and 'paste into' but i cant seem to get straight lines, Ideally i wanted to keep the 3d style of the image, with the new multicolor background, is it easier to create a 'flat' version and then turn it into 3d afterwards,using illustrator or Photoshop or am i best doing what i was doing originally? images are below to show what i mean.
Is there a simple way to add a vertex anywhere you want in a shape or polyline? I double click those items and a menu comes up and I can add a vertex but it limits me where I can add the vertex and then it is a pain to make it work like I want.
I'm a beginner in Maya and have to model an object for college. I've modelled an iPhone 4 in Maya 2012 and I've added colour to it but i want to add an image to the screen face. I've added the image using lambert but the image is blown up and i don't know how to resize it. I've fiddled with the settings in '2d Texture Placement Attributes' but the only thing i've been able to do was rotate the image so it's not upside down, it's still blown up. Is there another editor window to resize it?
I've also tried using the UV Texture Editor but everything is a mess on top of eachother and everytime i move things around maya crashes . Is there any other way to add the image to the face?
adding material problem. It looks pixelated and it doesn't appear to be covering correctly. The error message is on the screen but it reads when I add the material: "Warning: Mesh shape extruded surface shape20 has no triangles in tessellation." I'm also rendering it at 300 dpi... and have at 72 as well.
Did I screw up my initial polygon column.Just a simple column design..What you see is just with the standard color (metallic) that comes with Maya. But even with my own texture stock material it doesn't work which you can see in the column closer to the screen.
Is there a way in Illustrator CS6 to drawn an object (random shape), copy and paste a duplicate object and then add or subtract 1/4" from all sides of the duplicate object?
I have a rigged object and I would like to add a blend shape to this rig. Now my blend shape is not for morph animation rather it is for manipulating the original geometry. Put it this way, I modified the original object and I would like to put this new shape in place without changing my rig, or transferring weights or bones. I presume that best would be to put this before the rig deformer so that the bone deformer works on top of it? I am not sure how I should handle or approach this.
I've been trying to feel out the pipeline for creating HIK rigs and jumping back and forth between Maya and Motion Builder. In Mobu, there is a way to add prop joints to a character's definition, but I haven't found a way to do so in Maya.
What I have done, is created the joints as necessary, and then created custom controls that the prop joints are constrained to. It's a simple parent constraint, so nothing too tricky. However, when I go to File-> Send to Motion Builder, the joints that are constrained are offset from their proper positions by a distance similar to their offset from the origin of the scene. The only way to get them back, is to turn off the effects of the parent constraints.
The controllers, and constraints transferred into Mobu fine, it seems. So I'm not sure where the discrepancy is. It would be ideal to be able to add these joints into the characterization step in Maya, to simply move them about with FK controls. What the best way to set this up would be? Is there a way to add prop definitions to a character in Maya?
While the original question remains, I found that the prop controls I had in my scene, were off from their proper positions, by the exact relative amount from the origin in the maya scene. Even though I froze transformations on the controls, coming into Mobu, they were put back on somehow. After selecting them, and setting their trans values to 0,0,0, they were put back into the correct position.
I know there is the insert edge tools, but I am looking to quickly add a variable number of edge loop either evenly spaced or sporadically space in one operation.
I'm coming from Lightwave3D so excuse me if I try to relate tools to it here.
I have some irregular shapes pure black on white background. I want to be able to make an outline with a fixed pixel size- quite small - less than 20 pixels around the inside edge as though I had taken a brush and carefully run it around the edge- it need to be more precise that what I can do by hand
I'm not suer yet whether the inside of the line should b hard or soft edge when it touches the colour, the outside edge can overlap the shape as it will be masked out- to leave a hard outside edge
i'm trying to build an easy way to create something like the following network graphic in Illustrator:
I basically want to create a brush or some other automatic method for adding a specific shape (in this case a circle) at every point a long a path. It would be nice if I could easily move around points on a path without have to move all of the circles independently.
I tried creating a pattern brush where the circles were the corner elements but depending on the angle of the corner the shape would get distorted.
I want to use a 3rd party brush to 'color in' parts of a drawing or paint the background so it has a nice effect.However, when I use the brush tool to add color it reacts in an odd way as seen in the snapshot. I've looked at the brush options but am unsure of what will make a difference. Is there a way of devoting more ram to the program when I'm using it?
Is there an alternative way of adding the same stroke to the actual fill of a shape? At the moment all of my fill colors are block colors rather than having a kind of chalk / pastel texture that I can get with the brush. Basically, I would like to fill shapes with textured color rather than flat color.
So I was in the midst of making blend-shapes for an animated wizards staff, but one leaf wouldn't deform like the rest.
I know I selected the vertices properly when altering it, but every time I try to create a blend shape deformer I get the error "Error:// no deformable object selected.
I am modeling a (simplified) human brain. I have used paint effects to draw its surface and afterwards I converted them to polygons ( Actually I used this tutorial URL.... ). Is there a possible way to convert these tube - like polygons to rectungular shapes? I want in a future step to make an animation where the brains topology transforms to walls and corridors.
I am stumbling through the lessons and am stuck on Lesson #1.For those who do not know, it is to model a helmet similar to a dirt bike helmet. I have created a smoothed poly, removed much of it to create the top portion of the helmet (or cap).
I have created a poly shape using the Mesh >> Create Poly command. I have extruded said poly 3 times to shape the front facial guard.
The next step tells me to use the bridge border edges command. My problem is only my "cap" is showing a border edge. The facial shield poly has no border and I cant figure out why?
I have tried Display >> Polygons >> Border Edges and it doesn't make a difference on the facial do i view the border edges on said poly?
I have a scene with an object with multiple blend shape targets. I'm not using custom attributes to control these targets (since doing that makes the Blend Shape Editor nonfunctional). I'm just directly changing the value in the channel box's 'Input' section, under 'blendShape1'. By typing in the number directly, I can get it to work with any number I want, but if I try the Maya Cntrl-drag method to interactively change the number, I'm stuck between values of 0 and 1. Is there any way to change the min and max of these attributes? Its strange that I can type in whatever I want and it will work, but cntrl-dragging does not work that way.
I'm rigging a character for use in Maya 2011, which I'm not all too familiar with - How would I link the blend shape states for 2 objects, so when I increase the value of one blend shape for one object, it increases the value for another blend shape for another object?
I have a blend shape for the mouth open position & I need the teeth & tongue open blends to match as the value increases.
In 3DS Max I'd use the reaction manager - is there something similar for Maya?
I have run into an issue relating to the differences in the way Mudbox and Maya subdivide meshes. My workflow for creating blend shapes is as follows:
1. Create base head mesh in Maya 2. Import base head mesh into Mudbox and subdivide to level 2 3. Create a Mudbox layer on top of base head mesh to sculpt each blend shape (e.g., browsMidUp) 4. For each blend shape, export the level 0 mesh to Maya for use as a blend shape on the base head mesh
Here is where it all falls apart.
When I smooth the blend shape in Maya (either by choosing smooth preview or by selecting Mesh>Smooth), the smoothed mesh in Maya differs from that in Mudbox. In the case of browsMidUp, the blend shape created in Mudbox only modified the brows. However, in Maya when the blend shape is smoothed the mouth opens up (i.e., the lips smooth differently in Maya than Mudbox, causing the mouth to open).
This is incredibly frustrating because I did not discover this problem until after I created approximately 35 blend shapes in Mudbox!I believe I can work around my current error. However, I would like to know how others approach the creation of blend shapes.Do you use Mudbox? If so, how do prevent issues associated with smoothing differences?
im writing text inside a shape and ive got that far ive even changed font sizes, now id like to write smaller text in the gaps between different font sizes. im using PSCS2.
How to create such object (cell model) in Maya? Do I need to use a special script or is there any method to align small balls along the surface of a big ball (or other shape)?