Photoshop :: Adding A Fixed Width Paint Line To A Shape

Apr 21, 2009

I have some irregular shapes pure black on white background. I want to be able to make an outline with a fixed pixel size- quite small - less than 20 pixels around the inside edge as though I had taken a brush and carefully run it around the edge- it need to be more precise that what I can do by hand

I'm not suer yet whether the inside of the line should b hard or soft edge when it touches the colour, the outside edge can overlap the shape as it will be masked out- to leave a hard outside edge

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Photoshop :: Fixed Width Function Did Not Work When Draw A Fixed Width Rectangle

Nov 2, 2012

The fixed width function did not work when I wanted to draw a fixed width rectangle. Is there a new way to do this in CS6?

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Photoshop :: Save Layouts As Fluid Width, As Opppsed To Fixed

Apr 21, 2008

i have started creating layouts in photoshop cs3 and i was wondering if there is an easy way to save my layouts as fluid width, as opppsed to fixed, so they resize according to the browser window. is css the only way to go?

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Lightroom :: Constraining To Fixed Width Regardless Of Height?

Apr 17, 2013

Can Lightroom constrain images to a fixed pixel width regardless of height and orientation?
None of the options in the image sizing dialog seem to be suitable; for instance constraining the "long edge" would work for horizontal images but not for vertical ones.

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Paint.NET :: Create A Line With Different Width

May 9, 2011

I would be possible to create a plugin that could create a line with different width. Photoshops pen tool where you can fill stroke, and simulate pressure.

It would not have to be an advanced plugin, it would only require 2 features:

1. Max width (the maximum width in the middle of the line)
2. And of course would let you decide where the line should be.

So the plugin should create something like this:

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Converting 2D Polylines With Fixed Width To Polygons

Sep 11, 2012

I've been sent a series of CAD drawings in which the author has used global width to define the appearance of features. I need to import this into our GIS, which for reasons too complex to bother with won't import any attributes such as width. I don't want to lose the information recorded so was wondering if it's possible to create a closed polygon to represent the shape of the line. I guess something might be possible using buffering, but I can't figure out how to use the existing line width.

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Paint.NET :: Brush Width 1 Line Tool?

May 15, 2013

Is there a way to use the line tool to make a 1 pixel wide line? When I use a brush width of 1, the line apears to be blurred. I would like the line tool to draw a line as if it was drawn using the pencil tool (with brush width of 1). This means that every pixel I colour, will have the exact ARGB value that I am using at that moment.
I have attached an example of this to this post. It consists of two lines, the top one has been drawn using the line tool, the bottom one using the pencil tool. I would like to turn the top line into the bottom one.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Changing Width Of Line When Working In Text?

Mar 8, 2013

I typed "text" in the help box, did a bunch of reading, but didn't see the answer to this. I have two colored text.....a thin line in one color and an inner color. How do I increase the thickness of the outer line?

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Photoshop :: The Crop Tool Is Stuck In A Fixed Shape?

Mar 15, 2012

The crop tool is stuck in a fixed shape? How can I make it work properly?

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Photoshop :: Fixed Sized Shapes From Shape Tool

May 12, 2004

It might just be my coppy of Photoshop (7), but whenever I use the shape tool (round, rectangle etc) I always get a small fixed shape, and can't seem to draw the shape to the size I want. I can't do a free-transform after creating the shape, but I don't wanna do that as it alters the overall look.

Does anyone know what may be doing something wrong? Do I have to change a setting somewhere? Unlike the marquee tool, I m not able to select from a dropdown box for its constraints.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Creating Upper Cabinet With Fixed Height But Select Different Width?

Feb 21, 2013

I am creating an upper cabinet which has a fixed height but you can select different widths. What our firm does is also list the size of the cabinet. What I would like to do is make this font some sort of preset attribute and control it with the visibility states. I also want to control the font height by the scale of the drawing. my question is I if its possible and how? I've attached what I have thus far. The attribute is in teh top right corner and is justified as top right. The only way I can get this to work is if I manually adjust the font after its inserted into the drawing.

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Photoshop :: 'Create A Fixed Size Selection, Shape Or Path'

Sep 16, 2005

How do I create a fixed size Selection, Shape or Path?

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Illustrator :: Smooth Transition Of Stroke Width Along Line Segment While Preserving Original Width Outside

Mar 5, 2014

Trying to use the width tool, I ran into the following problem. I would like to have a smooth transition of the stroke width between two width points while keeping the original stroke width unchanged outside of that line segment.
There are four width points here: two end points and two in between. The original stroke width is 200. The two on the left have one side set to 100 while the two on the right have one side set to 50. I would like to eliminate the distortion of the line width occuring in the first and third line segments. The only solution that I have come up with so far is to place two additional width points very close to the two middle width points: one with a 100-unit side to the left of the second point in the picture and one with a 50-unit side to the right of the third point in the picture. Yet there will be a small distirtion in between.

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Paint.NET :: How To Make A Solid Line / Shape

Aug 2, 2011

I'm trying to do some pixel art, and whenever I use a tool that isn't just the pencil tool, it makes its own weird shading along my selection. Like, if I make a diagonal line with black, fills in random gray above and below the line between the two points I click. Or if I make a non filled circle, it fills in shading around the edges. All this is with one pixel thickness How do I just make it the color I've picked from the color picker without any extra color interpolations along the way?

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Paint.NET :: Adding Control Nubs To Line Tool?

Sep 10, 2012

Is there a way to add a node onto a line when you're making it? Obviously you can just make the line, shape it, and then make a new one to get more nodes, but I find it annoying to line up and such. If you can't add more manipulation nodes onto it, that should be a feature!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Draw A Line With Fixed Ends

Dec 27, 2012

Is it possible to draw a line with fixed ends. I want to draw a line, representing a pipe, which connects two tanks. Whenever I move one of the tanks I'd like the line automatically to adjust its coresponding end in such a way that the line aways will start from the one tank and end on the other. Is it possible that?

Another question, is there some option, such that whenever two line cross each other, one of the line automatically to go over the other. By this I want to show on the drawing that the two lines are not connected. Something like the following "sketch"   

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Photoshop :: Adding Height (or Width) To An Image

Mar 29, 2006

how do I add height (say 200px) to an image without distorting what I already have on the canvas? Whenever I add an additional 200px, everything stretches. How can I just add 200px of extra white/blank space to the canvas?

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Photoshop :: How To Change Width Of Shape Lines

Nov 25, 2012

I created a pattern in Photoshop CS6 for a project with shape lines which reside on shape layers. I want to change the line weight but after I create them it seems there is no way of changing the shape; even after I select line.
I can change the spread (uniform distribution) of the lines and lengh but not their weight. No matter if I choose all or just one of the lines which are all on the same shape layer the weight does not change. This does not make sense. [URL]....

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Line With Thicker Appearance Than Typical Line Of Width 0

Mar 26, 2009

I am looking to draw my pipe with a thicker appearance than the typical line of width "0". Our storm pipes are usually drawn with this so as to stand out from other utilities. If the pipe is represented by a polyline, I have usually adjusted the "Width" or "Global Width" value to my liking. With pipe objects, it seems more complicated. I have searched the settings, and the closest thing that I could find was the Lineweight property, but that appears to have no effect on the line thickness in the CAD drawing.

Do I need to tweak a plot setting? Make a new linetype altogether?

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Paint.NET :: How To Change Fixed Size Default From Inches To Pixels

Jan 10, 2014

This is for Rectangle Select. I read somewhere else that it's possible but it didn't say how. I would also like to change the default for fixed ratio from 4:3 to something like 1:1 (square).

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Photoshop :: Control Width Of Bezier Line

Apr 11, 2013

Using [PS6], how can I make the line left by the pen tool heavier?
I've been pounding away with google and PS6 manual... but must be using off the wall search stings or something because I'm getting piles of info about bezier curves and using the pen tool but no mentions of making the damn line at least visible.
Even on High desktop sizes that darn line, if anywhere near any other border or line, is nearly invisible.
I'd like a line several pixels wide... but not seeing how that is done.

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Photoshop :: How To Make Variable Width Line

Sep 10, 2007

how to make the line smaller in the start, and wider at the end. With a brush, I can only figure out how to draw with the same thickness all the time..

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Missed Line To Line Table

Feb 5, 2013

I have created an easement after I selected the line callouts and created my parcel table I realized I missed selecting one of my line labels and it is missing from my table. I know I can just erase the table and then reselect all line callouts to create a NEW table, but I was wondering if there was a way to just select the line callout I missed and have it added to the parcel table without recreating a new one.

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Photoshop :: Adding A Background Image To Another Shape

Oct 7, 2013

I am trying to add a background image to a jigsaw puzzle piece, Been using the magic selection tool and 'paste into' but i cant seem to get straight lines, Ideally i wanted to keep the 3d style of the image, with the new multicolor background, is it easier to create a 'flat' version and then turn it into 3d afterwards,using illustrator or Photoshop or am i best doing what i was doing originally? images are below to show what i mean.

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Photoshop :: Adding Shape - Program Error Message In CS6

Sep 28, 2012

I downloaded CS6 and everytime i try to add a shape I get a program error message

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Feature Line Width

Oct 24, 2013

I have liner map feature. I want  to apply to lines width like on the picture which I attached. For drawings - polylines I apply differnt "start segment width" and "end segment width" on the "Properties". But how can I do it for liner map features which I connected with "Data connect"?

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Illustrator :: Default Line Width

Jun 6, 2013

I've got CS6 (Using the Cloud so most up to date version).I want to draw a line segment. I select .5pt for the stroke width. I draw the line whilst holding down Shift so it's straight. It defaults to 1pt width. I select it and try to change the width using both the appearances panel and the tool bar. It automatically defaults back.
I draw the line on an angle and it remains at .5pt. But I don't want an angled line. I want a straight line. I draw it with the pen tool and it defaults to 1pt.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Line Width In 3d Wireframe

May 14, 2012

I am looking for a settings which can change the width of the line in 3d wireframe. Some of my users find that too thin. I've looked into application's options and in the registry. I can change almost anything but not that width.

Does any of you allready tried?

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Xara :: Line Width Become Transparent Not Solid

Aug 8, 2011

I'm working on a project, and all of a sudden when I ad a outline line width to an object the outline seems transparent to me. I can get it to stop doing this with copying other objects in the scene that have a solid line around them, but as soon as I go back to the other items the transparent line width starts happening again.

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Xara :: No Option For Changing Line Width To 6 Px

Jan 9, 2012

I'm doing Gary's Create a Sunflower and pot (July 2008) tutorial and just as always I run into problems combining/converting shapes. I believe I have followed the tut exactly and the only thing my lines do is taper at the bottom.

Also, I'm using Designer 7 and there is no option for changing line width to 6 px, only 4 and 8. So I'm using 8 pxls. I tried typing in a 6 and hitting enter but it doesn't accept a 6.

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AutoCad :: Reduced Width Command Line

Feb 15, 2013

A colleague has asked me over the phone about a command line problem he was with 2013 LT in Classic Mode.His command line is reduced to about 20% of the full screen width. He has sent me a print screen and everything else looks ok. It is correctly parked in the space below the drawing area and above the status bar. It's left hand edge is correctly positioned but it is greatly reduced in width. The area to the right is the standard grey sort of colour as all the other blank areas.He tells me he can't drag the rh edge across the screen.We have tried dragging the whole command line onto the screen and then returning it to the parked position but to no effect.It was ok earlier in the day but obviously he has done something to break it.

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