AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Line With Thicker Appearance Than Typical Line Of Width 0
Mar 26, 2009
I am looking to draw my pipe with a thicker appearance than the typical line of width "0". Our storm pipes are usually drawn with this so as to stand out from other utilities. If the pipe is represented by a polyline, I have usually adjusted the "Width" or "Global Width" value to my liking. With pipe objects, it seems more complicated. I have searched the settings, and the closest thing that I could find was the Lineweight property, but that appears to have no effect on the line thickness in the CAD drawing.
Do I need to tweak a plot setting? Make a new linetype altogether?
I have some picture look like a line of graph, but it has only one-pixel line width (for an example in attach file) and it can't be seen when I put it in presentation slide. So I want to make line thicker, like 3-5 pixel width. How can I do this?
I am trying to make a typical column and row line layout for a roof plan. I know in acad architecture this is very easy. I am using regular 2011. I went to one of the preset palettes and saw a detail grid. What is that even used for? I basically draw them out at this point in a template.
I have a Storm pipe network for a subdivision. All of the pipe are on the same layer, using the pipe style. For some reason, only 1 of 68 pipes will display through my viewports. All of the layers within the pipe style are thawed in my viewports, as well as the layer the pipes themselves are on.
Further, when I go back to an archived file from a few days ago, all the pipes are also on the same layers and styles, and all pipes display as they should through all viewports. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for this. I am not sure what could have changed as I didn't knowing adjust anything with the pipe networks since archiving a few days ago
I need to project a crossing pipe onto a road centerline. I have water running down one side of the road 7' off the centerline of the road and sewer running down the other 8' off the centerline. There is storm drain running perpendicular across the road.
The sewer and the water are projected onto the centerline of road profile. When I draw the crossing pipes in that profile view and change the override, because it does not cross the centerline, it disappears from the profile view. How can I accurately show the crossing at the proper invert of the respective crossing without drawing the ellipses manually?
We have a big piping job coming up and as Civil3d still lacks some of the labelling abilities we want in the profile view bands. I am updating some old vba that adds a profile line of the invert of a pipe network to a profile view effectively tracing along the bottom of the network like I know a lot of people do by hand.
My original code works on assuming that the start and end structure are at the start and end of the alignment in the revised code I want to allow for situations where this is not the case.
Leading to my question is there and easy way to find the distance a profile view part is drawn along the parent alignment or do I have look at writing my own function possibly extracting a polyline from the alignment and finding the distance using intersectionwith and distancefrom functions with the structure.
I am trying to redesign these cupcakes. I am wondering how do I get the thinner endings of the lines that eventually become thicker as the line extends? You can see it on the frosting lines and smiles. I am using Illustator 10.
Trying to use the width tool, I ran into the following problem. I would like to have a smooth transition of the stroke width between two width points while keeping the original stroke width unchanged outside of that line segment.
There are four width points here: two end points and two in between. The original stroke width is 200. The two on the left have one side set to 100 while the two on the right have one side set to 50. I would like to eliminate the distortion of the line width occuring in the first and third line segments. The only solution that I have come up with so far is to place two additional width points very close to the two middle width points: one with a 100-unit side to the left of the second point in the picture and one with a 50-unit side to the right of the third point in the picture. Yet there will be a small distirtion in between.
I use many types of lines for drafting. I have to set a Linetype Scale depending on the scale asked by the client. For example if the client asks for 1:100 then my lines are set to 0.5. But if he suddenly changes her/his mind and asks for a 1:250 scale I have to change all the Linetype Scales to 2.5.
Is there something like "Annotation scale" for lines? So whenever I change the drawings scale my lines can be seen as they must be.
I needed to remove a feature line that I used as a break line when creating a surface. When I removed the feature line from the definition of the surface, the grading did not change. It appears the points created by the feature line remain which is why grading didn't change. The only work around was to delete these points.
I noticed the same thing happens when I removed the surface boundary and inserted a new boundary. why these points remain and how to remove when I delete boundary and feature line from surface?
I have a line or a pline segment and i want to start a line from a point laying there and go perpendicular outwards. Is there a way to do it with tracking?
Yes, i saw the command draw line at an angle but i find it a little bit complicated for a simple task like that. I am sure autodesk have a simplest solution about that.
If i am already at the draw line mode and i can easy catch the tracking perpendicular to previous segment but if i want to start from another line and go perpendicular i cannot make the tracking work.
I have feature line with elevations that represents bottom of ditch and want to go UP 3:1 slope. also i have edge of road feature line that is higher than ditch and want to go 2% down until it hits side of the ditch that is 3:1. Any easiest way in civil 3d to create intersection line between ditch bottom going up 3:1 and edge of road going down 2%?
I seem to be having trouble changing the lineweight of my profile line. I have changed the line weight in the layer properties, in the Profile properties and tried changed the line weight in the pen style. Everywhere I could think I try to make the line thicker but when I plot, the line is still the same and difficult to distinguish from the grid blocks of the profile view.
I have created an easement after I selected the line callouts and created my parcel table I realized I missed selecting one of my line labels and it is missing from my table. I know I can just erase the table and then reselect all line callouts to create a NEW table, but I was wondering if there was a way to just select the line callout I missed and have it added to the parcel table without recreating a new one.
The lines apear with different width, but they have the same properties (layers, pen , thickness etc...). AND THERE s NO supperposed lines. The only thing different is one have vertex z, and the other only x and y.
Have tried following solutions:
match properties, flatten image (all z with 0), repair archive with audit, regen copies past theses line in a new archive, print with different printers... nothing change.
Something more strange there, when i draw line they are with x and y vertex. When i draw circle it have also z vertex, wich made another apprarence... .
I have liner map feature. I want to apply to lines width like on the picture which I attached. For drawings - polylines I apply differnt "start segment width" and "end segment width" on the "Properties". But how can I do it for liner map features which I connected with "Data connect"?
I am looking for a settings which can change the width of the line in 3d wireframe. Some of my users find that too thin. I've looked into application's options and in the registry. I can change almost anything but not that width.
A colleague has asked me over the phone about a command line problem he was with 2013 LT in Classic Mode.His command line is reduced to about 20% of the full screen width. He has sent me a print screen and everything else looks ok. It is correctly parked in the space below the drawing area and above the status bar. It's left hand edge is correctly positioned but it is greatly reduced in width. The area to the right is the standard grey sort of colour as all the other blank areas.He tells me he can't drag the rh edge across the screen.We have tried dragging the whole command line onto the screen and then returning it to the parked position but to no effect.It was ok earlier in the day but obviously he has done something to break it.
I have used color to determine line widths. The plotter set-up recognizes color and assigns the appropriate line width. My new company is determining line width by using polylines. Am I behind the times? Or, is this a better way. Willing to change.
I am trying to work out a way to set up my Structure Table so that I can show either the Inner Pipe Width OR Headwall Base Width to avoid having Question Marks showing in my Table? Is there a Function in the expressions that equates to a Non-Existent or Null Parameter. Ie.
IF({Inner Structure Width}=???,{Headwall Base Width})
Also, Is there a way to hide Structures from a Table, in particulat, Null Structures?
polylines in my current drawing have started to come out with a very fat line width. It doesnt matter what layer its on, even though previously they were drawn 'properly' i.e the thin line width that shows when you have show/hide lineweight on 'hide'. This doesnt happen on any other drawing tool (arc, circle, polygon etc). The lineweights in layer control are all 'default'. I can't explain this as it seems to have just happened. Is it a known bug or something?
I have a leader that I want to make the line part of thicker (already made the leader arrow head bigger). I saw that it appeared to be based on dimension style, and I tried changing the lien thickness in there although as we use color dependent plot files, not line weight dependent plot styles, this had no effect.
I am working with CS6 windows. I am having a problem when I made a brush, and add additional strokes to the same line.
Here is a pic of what is happening. You can see at the beginning of the arrow, there is a blue and pink link showing around the beginning of the arrow head. I added the pink and blue lines to the same line as the brush using the appearance tab.
Now if I add a dash to the the pink and blue lines, this is what happens... There is a little pink and blue line at the very tip of the arrow head. My dash options use for both the pink and blue lines.
My question is how to I get rid of this little line? What I am trying to do is.. use the black arrowhead on line with a stoke of 1 point black, and then under that have a 3 point stroke of white. In the image what is blue would be white, and what is pink would be black, and the arrowhead is correct as it is now. I had this same setup in CS4, and did not have that little line at the beginning.
I need to change the text line width in model space, not the overall text width or the text line width/weight in paper space. Our mold maker wants to measure that on screen and he wants to set the text line width to 0.060”, while the overall text width fixed.
For example, the text “REMOVE FROM BOAT” is 3” wide total from first letter R to last letter T and height 0.4”. That is easy to do. The hard part is that he wants the line in each letter to be 0.060” (1.5mm) wide. I practiced the true type text which is measurable in model space, but that is fixed with for a certain font with a certain size. I can change from one font to the other and get different thickness but cannot change the width freely to 1.5mm as requested.
Whenever I xref this file or copy this pipe and paste it to the other, the pipe appears to be a single line, what's the reason of it? I have all of the object enablers loaded. This is the only file that keeps acting like this? This is from the subs, so it's not generated from Autodesk softwares. it's a converted DWG file.
Floating command line width gets shorter and shorter everytime you open up AutoCAD? Civil 3D is real bad, I used it to shoot the above video. In regular AutoCAD, it still shrinks, but it shrinks a lot less.
Any tips for keeping it floating but making the width stay constant?