Paint.NET :: Adding Control Nubs To Line Tool?

Sep 10, 2012

Is there a way to add a node onto a line when you're making it? Obviously you can just make the line, shape it, and then make a new one to get more nodes, but I find it annoying to line up and such. If you can't add more manipulation nodes onto it, that should be a feature!

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Paint.NET :: Get More Than 4 Nubs On Curve Tool?

Jun 22, 2011

Is it possible to get more than 4 nubs on the Curve tool? I know I can use Sin Waves to get curves, but it would be more useful if I can get the curve I need by using the basics.

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Paint.NET :: Nubs Only Appear When Trying To Use Gradient Tool

Jul 19, 2012

When I click, using the gradient tool, a nub appears and no color appears. As I drag my mouse, the first nub remains and a second nub appears, following the cursor. At no time does the gradient itself appear. I've tried rebooting the program. it doesn't work. I've never had this problem before using the gradient tool.

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Paint.NET :: How To Add Line / Curve Pointers / Handles / Nubs

Feb 28, 2013

know the Line/Curve only have 4 pointers/handles/nubs (To be honest, I do not know what it called). There one at the start, two in the middle and one at the end but I need to add more as I need to make more curve so, is there a way to add it or at least any plugin.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Adding To Line Type Control?

Sep 1, 2012

how to add, in this case the "Dashed2" Linetype, to my drop down selections and have it stay there pernamently? I know how to add it but every time I start a new drawing it is missing again.

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Paint.NET :: Ellipse / Line Tools Control

Aug 20, 2011

Since the location of an ellipse is extremely difficult to predict, would it be possible to make the ellipse tool behave like the Text tool?

That is, when you have created the ellipse, have a 'handle' appear next to it so you could move it to the exact location desired. Maybe even a selection box that you could modify its shape and rotation as if you had selected it.

The other feature I would like to see is constrainment of all drawing tools (brush, pencil, color change) as is done with the Line/Curve tool. Hold the Shift key to keep the line straight.or is there some way in which these features already exist?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Control Print Line Weights On Feature Control Frames?

Nov 8, 2012

Using AutoCAD 2013 and TOL command to generate feature control frames.  We set our lineweights based on layer assignments.

Problem is that when printing, AutoCAD seems to randomly assign a lineweight to the feature control frames.  It can vary from what it's supposed to be (such as lineweight set for the dimension layer) or thicker than even what the object lines are set at.  Seems to pick a random linewieght at time of printing for these elements (just the boxes, not the symbols/text itself).

Is there a setting we should be defining somewhere to force it to follow the lineweight of the layer that it has been assigned to?  Known bug?

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Photoshop :: Adding A Fixed Width Paint Line To A Shape

Apr 21, 2009

I have some irregular shapes pure black on white background. I want to be able to make an outline with a fixed pixel size- quite small - less than 20 pixels around the inside edge as though I had taken a brush and carefully run it around the edge- it need to be more precise that what I can do by hand

I'm not suer yet whether the inside of the line should b hard or soft edge when it touches the colour, the outside edge can overlap the shape as it will be masked out- to leave a hard outside edge

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Paint Shop Pro :: Adding New Button Group To Tool Toolbar

Nov 29, 2012

Have only recently purchased and installed X5. I am coming from PSPv9 (and doing so reluctantly.)

I am attempting to duplicate the tool toolbar that I am use to in PSPv9 in X5. I have been successful except for one group. In PSPv9, the Dropper tool and the Color Replacer tool are in the same group. I have been able to create a new Button Group and place both tools into it. What I can not figure out is how to have the new button group display an icon. All other groups display the icon of the first tool in the group listing.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Adding Images To Sprayer Tool?

May 2, 2011

When I load  my own  images to the image sprayer tool in Photo Paint there is  a white square background showing when I use them. I have tried png and jpeg what sort of file should the images be.

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Paint.NET :: Line Tool Not Visible?

Jan 27, 2014

have just downloaded - no problem on many basic functions but cannot get the line tool to give me a visible line. I have changed primary and secondary colors to make sure regardless of whether I'm left or right clicking the line will stand out against white background. I have increased width to six pixels to make sure it will be nice and thick and visible. I do get the four little box thingies when I release the cursor, and I can then go in and manipulate them. But no matter what I try I cannot SEE a line.

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Paint.NET :: Using Line / Curve Tool

Jan 23, 2014

When using the Line / Curve tool, I tend to cause a line to "finish" because when I try to click on a handle to bend the line, I miss, (due to poor vision)... and the line can no longer be adjusted.  Is there a way to cause the handles to re-appear so I can complete the line the way I need to?  "Undo" only makes the line disappear, and I have to start all over. 

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Paint.NET :: Way To Add More Than Just Four Segments Into Line Tool

Oct 22, 2011

I use pdn to cg my sketches and such and I love it. I tried paint tool sai and disliked it because I don't have a tablet..I was wondering tho.. If there's a way to added more then just four segments into the line tool. The little box things if you don't know what I mean.

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Paint.NET :: Line / Curve Tool

Jan 13, 2014

i'm drawing a logo and have used the line/curve tool a lot. once i have got my basic shape and have rubbed out the lines i no longer need, is it possible to reselect a line and change the curve?

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Paint.NET :: Line Tool To Have 5 Or 6 Anchors In It?

Jul 21, 2013

Is there any way that can add or make the line tool to have 5 or 6 anchors in it..??

Attached Thumbnails

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Paint.NET :: Add More Nodes To Line / Curve Tool

Nov 5, 2011

Is there any way to add more nodes to the line/curve tool. Limited to only two is not enough.

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Paint.NET :: More Segments / Grips In Line Tool?

Apr 24, 2011

Is there a plugin that can make more segments/grips in the line tool? Like in PS or Sketchbook Pro? Idk if Gimp has it also.. But I'm sure it does.

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Paint.NET :: Use Of Brush Tool With Horizontal Line

Feb 9, 2011

I need to cover some details about the photo such as: date - location, etc.. - Until now I used the brush tool with a stroke to cover the details I have mentioned, but I can not run it with the mouse perfectly horizontal line. There is another way that I could use?

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Paint.NET :: Brush Width 1 Line Tool?

May 15, 2013

Is there a way to use the line tool to make a 1 pixel wide line? When I use a brush width of 1, the line apears to be blurred. I would like the line tool to draw a line as if it was drawn using the pencil tool (with brush width of 1). This means that every pixel I colour, will have the exact ARGB value that I am using at that moment.
I have attached an example of this to this post. It consists of two lines, the top one has been drawn using the line tool, the bottom one using the pencil tool. I would like to turn the top line into the bottom one.

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Paint.NET :: Grey Outline On Line / Curve Tool?

Feb 24, 2013

Is there any way to get rid of this grey outline on the Line/Curve tool?

Click on Picture

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Paint.NET :: Insert Line Styles Tool Into Toolbar?

Mar 7, 2013

I cannot get the "Line Styles" Tool to work" as in broken line, dotted line, arrow tipped line's, pointed lines, flat line's.
I can see them in Tools> Choose Tool Defaults> but  how Ido   Insert the "Line Styles Tool" into the Toolbar so its there all the time

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Paint.NET :: Malleable Shapes Like The Line / Curve Tool?

Mar 6, 2011

One of the things I do a LOT is outline a circular object (in a photo) using the line/curve tool in a separate layer so that I can select the circular thing or everything else. Hope that made sense. Anyway, the thing is not exactly a circular and the line/curve tool works great but it would be nice to have a shape tool that would draw a circle that could be sized/positioned and slightly deformed using nibs (or nubs or whatever) similar to the line/curve tool.

Is there a way to do that with the built in shape tool? Or is there a plugin?

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Paint.NET :: Can't Get Line / Curve Tool To Make Solid Connections

Dec 30, 2011

Alright here's the problem, after reading extensively and watching many videos, I finally learned how to crop and layer , which is ridiculously easy!But now I can't get the line/curve tool to make solid connections.

Green Circle: Where the lines meet end to end
Red Circle: Where the lines overlap
Blue Circle: Where I crossed lines perpendicularly in example of what's going wrong.

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Paint.NET :: Drawing Line Using Current Tool When Holding SHIFT

Aug 16, 2011

I'm trying to use it instead of my photoshop «not very legal» version.

There is a feature I really like in Photoshop and GIMP which is the ability to draw a line using pen/brush/eraser/any tool using the SHIFT modifier key. This really miss me in Paint.NET. You click somewhere, you move the cursor elsewhere, holding SHIFT you click again, and (using the tool you currently have selected) a perfect line is drawn between the two points.

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GIMP :: Adding Control Key Toggle

Jul 27, 2013

I'm using gimp on the surface pro (windows 8) and how I can add a control key toggle to gimp (for doing paths) without having a separate keypad.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Feature Control Frames To Dimension

Sep 10, 2008

I can add Feature Control Frames in a Drawing Curve but i can't do it in General dimension. How I can add Feature Control .
Frames in General Dimension.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Missed Line To Line Table

Feb 5, 2013

I have created an easement after I selected the line callouts and created my parcel table I realized I missed selecting one of my line labels and it is missing from my table. I know I can just erase the table and then reselect all line callouts to create a NEW table, but I was wondering if there was a way to just select the line callout I missed and have it added to the parcel table without recreating a new one.

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Photoshop :: Control Width Of Bezier Line

Apr 11, 2013

Using [PS6], how can I make the line left by the pen tool heavier?
I've been pounding away with google and PS6 manual... but must be using off the wall search stings or something because I'm getting piles of info about bezier curves and using the pen tool but no mentions of making the damn line at least visible.
Even on High desktop sizes that darn line, if anywhere near any other border or line, is nearly invisible.
I'd like a line several pixels wide... but not seeing how that is done.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Control Weight Of Line For Hatch?

Jan 30, 2013

Is there a way to control weight of line for hatch?

I'm trying to make some style for number of areas and when I do hatch on a paper it's almost invisible because it's weight!

Tons of hatch patterns and they all useless!?

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Revit :: Where To Control The Crop Region Line

Nov 1, 2012

I am trying to find where to control the Crop Region Line.  I'd love to be able to creat view templates to control visibility and also Line Weight.  Currently we are turning them off per view.  and only want it on for 3D View and Interior elevations. 
I know that by selecting each view crop region, right clicking and overriding by element I can control the weight. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Control Length Of Dimension Line

Nov 15, 2013

In Autocad 2006, is there a way to control the length of the dimension line when it extends outside of the dimension distance itself? In other words, when a dimension is small, and the arrowheads flip to the outside of the dimension parameter, the text and the extension line outside of the dimension seems to go to far outside of the dimension area..

Can I control how far outside of the dimension area that this line and text are placed? They seem to go to far out on my drawings. I prefer them to be closer to the actual dimension area instead of extending so far out.. Didn't know if there was a control for this and where to find it.

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