Paint.NET :: Use Of Brush Tool With Horizontal Line

Feb 9, 2011

I need to cover some details about the photo such as: date - location, etc.. - Until now I used the brush tool with a stroke to cover the details I have mentioned, but I can not run it with the mouse perfectly horizontal line. There is another way that I could use?

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Paint.NET :: Brush Width 1 Line Tool?

May 15, 2013

Is there a way to use the line tool to make a 1 pixel wide line? When I use a brush width of 1, the line apears to be blurred. I would like the line tool to draw a line as if it was drawn using the pencil tool (with brush width of 1). This means that every pixel I colour, will have the exact ARGB value that I am using at that moment.
I have attached an example of this to this post. It consists of two lines, the top one has been drawn using the line tool, the bottom one using the pencil tool. I would like to turn the top line into the bottom one.

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Illustrator :: Line Segment Tool Does Not Allow To Draw Horizontal Line?

Oct 18, 2012

I must have pushed one or the other button but I don't know which one!
I use CS5 and have now a small arrow on my line segment tool (as shown in the picutres):

Ever since that when i click shift, it just allows me to draw vertical lines, rather than vertical or horizontal.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Paint 1 Pixel Brush Line (with Brush Not Pencil)

May 28, 2013

you can see what i mean in the following picture examples.
Selecting a brush (any 1 pixel) brush

shows my selection . Drawing a straight line
Zooming in to the line (600%) you can see i can draw a marquee through half of it ...
No matter what 1 single pixel brush i use this will happen... no matter which computer i use cs6 on and different copies of the installation.   Anyway have any insight into this?  frankly... it's somewhat limiting that i can't use the brush for stroking a shape if i need a pixel line and yet soft curves that a pencil won't get you. 

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Xara :: How To Use Straight Line Tool To Make The Vertical And Horizontal Lines

Apr 6, 2011

I'm pretty new and have a simple problem that for some reason I can't figure it out! And that is how to make a series of lines on the image that are all perfectly horizontal or perfectly verticle. This will be part of a chart and the lines will be dividers. So the chart will have basically 21 rectangles with 3 rectangles across and 7 rectangles down.

So, I KNOW how to use the straight line tool to make the vertical and horizontal lines but I don't know how to keep the lines perfectly vertical and horizontal and parallel with each other!


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Illustrator :: Eraser Tool To Remove Parts Of Straight Horizontal Line

Aug 4, 2012

If I use the eraser tool to remove parts of a straight horizontal line, the resulting lines are not 180°.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Size Of Brush At Brush Mask Tool Cannot Be Changed

Oct 3, 2013

the size of the brush at the Brush Mask Tool can not be changed when I pressing the Shiftbutton

X6.4 - Win7

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool Setting To Make It Just Like An Actual Paint Brush

Sep 8, 2012

I am not very good with photoshop, and if there was a brush tool setting to make it just like an actual paint brush.

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Photoshop :: Draw A Straight Vertical Line Like Horizontal By Holding Down Shift+tool?

Sep 8, 2002

I use Photoshop 7 & do a lot of cleanup of bitmap/tiff images, such a logos & symbols that need cleaning up around the edges etc. Holding the shift down while drawing with a brush in eraser, etc. mode creates a straight horizontal line & that makes cleaning a horizontal edge easy & quick.

Is there any keystroke combinations that will draw a perfectly straight vertical line?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Floating Toolbars Have Icons Across In Horizontal Straight Line

Dec 4, 2011

My floating toolbars have the icons across in a horizontal straight line, but every time I open PSPX4 they are stacked 2 rows or more. I have to readjust them every time. It remembers where I had them placed but doesn't remember they are horizontal and opens them with the icons vertical.This is with SP1 installed. I don't know if it did that before SP1. Don't have this problem with X3.

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Illustrator :: Changing Line Fidelity With CS6 Brush Tool?

Dec 23, 2012

I know that when I draw with a brush or pencil tool in Photoshop, the line will pretty much look the way I drew it, warts and all.
On the other hand, when I draw in Illustrator with the Brush Tool, it tries to clean up the line for me. But it cleans up the line a little too much for my liking. How do I tell Illustrator to ease up on the clean-up?
The picture below show a sample of a line that I drew (left), and what Illustrator did to clean it up (right).

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Photoshop :: Healing Brush Skips - Leaves A Line Of Brush-sized Circles Instead Of Smooth Line

Nov 18, 2012

When I use the healing brush is tends to "skip".  It leaves a line of circles like a stamp would instead of a flowing line like it should leave.  No matter how slow I move the brush it leaves a circle and then as I continue to draw nothing happens until I reach the edge of the first circle, it then drops another circle and it continues that way as long as I draw with it.   The brush tool works fine, leaves a smooth line.  The Spot Healing and Patch Tool work fine but the healing brush will not heal in a smooth stroke.  It skips along a leaves a tail of circles the size of the brush.  I am using a fast computer, i7 processor, 16bg ram and a SSD drive so I do not think speed is an issue.  I upgraded from CS4 where the healing brush worked fine on this computer

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Photoshop :: Auto Paint Or Attach Brush To Line?

Mar 9, 2013

I have a couple of lines I've drawn on a image map that I am working on. The lines are perfectly straight but of course my hands lost being that study years ago so I can't paint a straight line with the brushes on top of the drawn line to keep it straight.  Is there any auto way to make a line turn into a paint brush style line or action, effect or script that will accomplish this task? 
Maybe the best way to work it is to get a paint brush to follow a preset path.  I know how to set paths in other software and make an png or obj follow that path but still trying to learn that in adobe. 

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Photoshop :: Paint Brush Tool

Jun 27, 2008

I try to use the brush tool I can not "paint" in the image.

I created a new image, selected the brush tool.

In the image a circle with a + in the center appears, but when drag the circle nothing appears.

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool Paint Number 8

Jan 12, 2011

When using the Brush tool in Photoshop, adjusting its opacity to (say) 50% en then painting the number "8"---so by crossing the curve with itself---how come the crossing does not add its opacity? If you would draw with a real brush on a real canvas, and come back to the same point in one single stroke, then that would be darker and darker. Why does Photoshop has another rule for this, should that work for a certain application? I find it rather not realistic, so I was wondering...

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Photoshop :: Masking: Pen Tool Or Paint Brush?

Jun 29, 2005

I, like most of us here undoubtedly, have become pretty familiar with the pen tool. From way back when we first start by placing anchor points then going back over them and adjusting them, to getting to the point where we can place them in the right spot, adjust them as we place them and keep moving.

Recently though, just to change things around so I don’t get bored, I've decided to try using the brush tool and my drawing tablet for masking purposes.

I was surprised to find that I really enjoyed it.

While they both give different results right off the bat, the end result is still the same. Something is masked out.

Mostly now, what I do is pen tool for everything except the hair. I just create a big path around the hair then come back and use the brush tool.

So...anyway. I'm just wondering if anyone has a preference or a good combination between the two?

Personally, I like both. I think they both have their strong points and weaknesses. The pen tool makes masked objects look obviously cropped, while the brush gives a bit more of a random edge. I mean you can still spot cropped images that were made with a brush, but its not as in your face. Of that is neither good or bad because if you need those sharp edges, your better off using the pen tool.

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Photoshop :: Pen/Paint Brush Tool Is Translucent

May 7, 2008

I made a new document on Adobe Photoshop today, and I picked a color, and used to paintbrush tool. It came out very translucent and I had to go over it about 5 times before it looked opaque...And I never changed any of the settings, I left it the same since I bought it. Does anyone know how I can fix this so I can draw on here without having to go over my lines a million times?

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GIMP :: Rotate The Paint Brush Tool

May 19, 2011

Is there a way to rotate the paintbrush tool? There's many times when I'm using a brush and it's at the wrong angle. Placing the brush on a separate layer and then rotating the layer is a huge hassle. Therefore, I was wondering if there was a way to rotate brushes.

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Paint.NET :: Hexadecimal Variation When Using Brush Tool?

Dec 31, 2011

I create 16x16 pixel icons for use in my mapping software. I notice, when picking colours from the colour palette and dropping them into my grid using the brush tool, the initial colour is not its full intensity and that it is increased each time I click the mouse. This resulted in different hexadecimal values for each pixel square, which is unacceptable for my purposes. However, I discovered while writing this post, using the pencil tool drops the full colour intensity into the square. Now I am curious to understand why the two tools operate differently and how one knows, if using the brush tool, when full intensity is reached.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Lost Wrap Brush Tool Bar?

Dec 28, 2013

I was using the warp brush tool (Paint Shop Pro X4) and for a stupid manipulation the tool bar where I had the value related with the brush tool slipped away. Now I 'm not able to recover it and I cannot change the dimension of the brush of the warp brush tool. I don't know what to do and I'm in trouble. I have tried all the tool bars but it doesn't appear anymore. How can I change the dimension of the warp brush tool without that?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Check Tool / Brush Action

Sep 22, 2012

Check the following

Smudge Brush.
Size 40. Doesn't matter what size.
Hardness 100. Doesn't matter hardness setting.
Step 1.
Density and Thickness 100.
Rotation 0.

Here's my problem. If I set it to 71 or below nothing happens. If I set it to 72 or higher I get a big smudge. I can't get an opaque smudge. 72 I get nothing and at 73 I get a lot of smudge. I can go with a higher setting ok but I can't get anything below 72.I can play with density but that' gives a different result. Not what I want.

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Photoshop :: OpenGL Lags Paint Brush Tool?

May 11, 2009

Does anyone else get this lagging effect when using the paint brush tool with OpenGL?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Break Diameter Line Into Horizontal Line At End

Apr 12, 2013

how to break diameter line into horizontal line at the end ?... there's no such option in editor style (I want to have 2 arrows for this diameter, not one as it is in editor options)

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool Won't Paint Black In Masks Of Adjustment Layers

May 12, 2006

this worked until yesterday. I didn't install any software on the pc or change any settings that I can think of. I'm using photoshop cs2. I've rebooted the computer several times and I've quit/restarted photoshop several times.

when I create an adjustment layer, I cannot paint black in the mask area. I can fill with black and paint white. if, after filling black and painting white, I press D (to swap foreground/background colors), I can paint, a paintbrush thing shows up in the history, but it won't change. if I press D again, and paint some more white, it shows up in white. likewise, if I choose black another way (eyedropper, setting rgb to 0,0,0), it behaves the same. likewise, if I don't start out by filling black, and I just try to paint black on the white mask, it behaves the same (doesn't work).

if I create a new layer, I can paint black on it. If I switch to the pencil tool rather than the brush tool, I can pencil black into my adjustment layer masks.

any suggestions?

or what info can I get for you so you have a good place to start?

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Paint.NET :: Smudge Very Small Areas Of Photo Using Brush Or Similar Tool

May 20, 2011

looking for a way to smudge very small areas of a photo using a brush or similar tool--Nothing I have tried is working..

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Paint.NET :: Line Tool Not Visible?

Jan 27, 2014

have just downloaded - no problem on many basic functions but cannot get the line tool to give me a visible line. I have changed primary and secondary colors to make sure regardless of whether I'm left or right clicking the line will stand out against white background. I have increased width to six pixels to make sure it will be nice and thick and visible. I do get the four little box thingies when I release the cursor, and I can then go in and manipulate them. But no matter what I try I cannot SEE a line.

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Paint.NET :: Using Line / Curve Tool

Jan 23, 2014

When using the Line / Curve tool, I tend to cause a line to "finish" because when I try to click on a handle to bend the line, I miss, (due to poor vision)... and the line can no longer be adjusted.  Is there a way to cause the handles to re-appear so I can complete the line the way I need to?  "Undo" only makes the line disappear, and I have to start all over. 

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Paint.NET :: Way To Add More Than Just Four Segments Into Line Tool

Oct 22, 2011

I use pdn to cg my sketches and such and I love it. I tried paint tool sai and disliked it because I don't have a tablet..I was wondering tho.. If there's a way to added more then just four segments into the line tool. The little box things if you don't know what I mean.

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Paint.NET :: Line / Curve Tool

Jan 13, 2014

i'm drawing a logo and have used the line/curve tool a lot. once i have got my basic shape and have rubbed out the lines i no longer need, is it possible to reselect a line and change the curve?

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Paint.NET :: Line Tool To Have 5 Or 6 Anchors In It?

Jul 21, 2013

Is there any way that can add or make the line tool to have 5 or 6 anchors in it..??

Attached Thumbnails

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Paint.NET :: Add More Nodes To Line / Curve Tool

Nov 5, 2011

Is there any way to add more nodes to the line/curve tool. Limited to only two is not enough.

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