Maya Modeling :: How To Resize Auxiliary Shapes Like Lights
Jan 1, 2012
I have a problem with object like cameras and lights, which don't have any real shape. When I create one, I can see only point but in every tutorial there are auxiliary shapes, which demonstrate for example direction of light or how the light is shining. How can I turn on this shapes?
I just discovered, that the shapes are not hidden, but they are really small. I don't know, how to resize it.
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
Excuse my ignorance but how can I resize or change the radius of a rectangle after it has been drawn other than the free transform tool in Photoshop? In other words I would like to be able to resize rectangular shapes after drawn by inputting a new dimension, something like Flash where you just type in the dimensions you want.
Would someone be so kind and explain me how this works in Photoshop or show me the easiest way to resize and change the corner radius of a rectangle.
Working with scientific figures containing circles, squares, etc in CS4. How can I resize many circles to be 1.5 by 1.5 mm, for example, after they have been skewed a bit to make the entire graph the same size as adjacent figures? In other words, I import the graph from elsewhere and to touch it up I have to resize it a bit. Resizing the whole figure distorts the circle to an ellipse and I want to turn it back into a circle. Takes too long to select each shape and indicate the size.
I have tried to reset my bounding box and also hidden and unhidden edges. It won't let me resize anything. Where there used to be an resize cursor, there is just a default cursor.
I often have to import shapes via illustrator export/import. Then I have to scale all the shapes up to real world 1:1 size.
I typically just grab all objects and use the SCALE tool...but I hear that is actually the WRONG approach?
So I tried scaling all the objects at a sub-object level. i.e. select ONE object, yellow highlight vertex, segment or spline... then scale up.
Is it possible to select multiple/all my shapes and scale up this way? When I select all of them, my modifier stack obviously disables and cannot select via sub-object (vertex, segment or spline level).
I tried grouping. modifier stack disables still. Do I have to ATTACH each one to another (multiple I guess via list?) and then scale all them via SEGMENT level?
Is there a easier/faster way to do lots of objects imported like this...or is this the way to do it?
I understand a bit about using booleans to cut shapes out of a mesh, but how can i use vector shapes I created to cut a custom shape from a plane (for example)??
I am student so still learning.
If not using vectors, another way to cut shapes from mesh?
Basically I am following a tutorial which says that when you create a loft from a path and two shapes, the loft should still be linked to the shapes, so if you resize one, the loft would change, but that is not happening for me. I am using 2014 so I don't know if this feature has changed, or if you access it in a different way?
I need to Import Maya blend shapes into Unity without using the bake animation is the blend shapes are needed to be useable in Unity. I have not been successful so fare. The method can be either by FBX with the rig or any other method!
When I go to edit mesh on a brand new hedra and take two points and scale them, the sides are uneven, one side isn't scaling properly. It looks to be the one with the square edge. Here's a video.
Typically a door hadle lever comprising initially circular geometry at the rose (fixing point) with round bar (x place)geometry up to and around the initial lever bend. Then the lever elongates in section and curves along a y plane and possible twists along its sweep path. Ive tried mass and create solid using a path with worlplane aligned geometry with fail every time, Also tried in face based generic. The problem is a bit abstract in that only trying to take an image in a manufacturers catalog of a manufactured component and recreate the design phase. Can this be done (sucessfully) simply. If only there were a way to do a swept bleand withj sveral profiles on the path. Hosting circles and then curved profiles is not working for me - cant get uniformity in the way the circles sweep into the curved parts
how to resize my maya window? I can't see my time slider
I accidentally click something while I was doing my blend shapes activity. Now, I need to get back my maya on its normal view with the time slider so that I can work on my animation.
does Mudbox support FBX with a Maya blendShape node? I have a face with hundreds of blend shapes on an active node in Maya, will Mudbox support this as FBX import? If so, are there some settings I need to be aware of?
so i know if you want two blend shapes to happen at the same time they have to be in the same node.but what if i want 2 separate nodes? say: one for body shape, one for face shape a blink, and an inflated belly, that i want to happen at the same time? I don't want it to be all in one node, but 1 cancels out the other depending on the order.
I have a rigged object and I would like to add a blend shape to this rig. Now my blend shape is not for morph animation rather it is for manipulating the original geometry. Put it this way, I modified the original object and I would like to put this new shape in place without changing my rig, or transferring weights or bones. I presume that best would be to put this before the rig deformer so that the bone deformer works on top of it? I am not sure how I should handle or approach this.
I have a rigged human character with many corrective blend shapes, which sometimes overwrite each other. For example, the corrective blend shape on the finger, when activated, "un-does" the corrective blend shape on the elbow, when both the finger and the elbow are bent.
I have tried the input editor, and can change which blend shapes overwrite what other blend shapes, but they still overwrite each other.
My next step is to try and paint the areas which the blend shape affects (stop the finger blend shape from being applied to the elbow). However, when accessing the "Paint Blend Shape Weights" tool, most of the target blends do not appear in the list. Two target blends do appear, but the two which appear are seemingly random and have nothing that sets them apart from the other blend shapes which do not appear.
When creating new blend shapes from the same base mesh, the new blend shapes also do not not appear in the target blend list.
When attempting to duplicate the problem (with several cubes), the issue is not present.
How to prevent the blend shapes from overwriting each other, or how to fix the issue with the targets not appearing in the paint blend shape weights list? Attached is a screen grab of some of my blend shapes visible in the blend shape editor on the right, and them not being present in the paint blend shapes weights list on the left.
How can I change the range at which blend shapes are created? In other words, blend shapes are created with ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. How could I change it to, for example, -0.4 to 4 without using a custom attribute?
I'm aware I can type -0.4 or 4 in a blend shape target. However, that will mutiply the effect which is not desirable.
Is there a way to extract the WHITE edges of this Editable Poly as Spline Shapes? Then I could use the Surface modifier to convert it to a Patch object.
I know there is a "Create Shape From Selection" button on in the Editable Poly dialog. But this gives me the ORANGE lines from the control cage, not the smooth lines on the subdivided object.
I created a flat polygon shape (object) and attached it to a motion path (curve). I then created a Animation Snapshot. So, my question is, why are the shapes bunched up at the beginning and end of the Animation Snapshot render ... instead of being all equally spaced?
I've recently upgraded from Maya 7 (32-bit Windows XP) to Maya 2010 (64-bit Windows XP). In Maya 7, I used corrective blend shapes to fine tune skin deformations by the bones of a character's skeleton. I used Parallel blending, and it all worked very nicely.
I've been trying to do exactly the same thing in Maya 2010, and it works fine with the character in its default 'T' position. If I then try to pose the character, the corrections become progressively worse the more extreme the pose.
I'm using the same technique as I did in Maya 7, so I'm wondering if something has broken.
I want to rig a face for animating. (not for a game). and I can't figure out which is better and why: having all joints, and those joints driving parts of the face.. or just making blend shapes for all expressions like smile, angry, sad etc....
I know blend shapes won't work for games, but I'm planning to do mmo's anyways so I'll never need a complicated joint setup for faces... but as far as film, what works better?
I am trying to LOFT multiple ellipse shapes along a spline path to create a door handle. But as soon as I choose 1 section, MAX creates the shape. I cannot figure out how to create the shape with multiple cross sections. I have attached a screen shot and a pic of the door handle I want to create.
I have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
I wish to create a testing surface for simulation from a DSM height data (under a college assignment). I downloaded a height data from [URL]........ in a .dwg file format and want to import in on maya and create a surface out of it.
Now the only thing I want to do is to cut out this:
I used the Extrude tool just for visualization. The problem is, working with booleans apparently doesn't work for such objects, it works for freshly created clean polygons, but not for this one, when I try to use "Boolean difference" both objects disappear.
Extruding doesn't work because the faces are still there and I cannot delete them for whatever reason:
My cursor is pointing on the little face, but both are being highlighted. Making a hole through the the "Make a hole" function doesn't work because it only deletes faces as it seems.