Maya Animation :: Facial Joints Versus Blend Shapes?
Sep 17, 2011
I want to rig a face for animating. (not for a game). and I can't figure out which is better and why: having all joints, and those joints driving parts of the face.. or just making blend shapes for all expressions like smile, angry, sad etc....
I know blend shapes won't work for games, but I'm planning to do mmo's anyways so I'll never need a complicated joint setup for faces... but as far as film, what works better?
I recently began using Unity at work, exporting from Maya does not allow me to keep Blend Shapes or Deformers (not even by doing a Geometry Cache, Unity does not read any of that) and wanted to test out how to make a facial rig using joints in case I ever need one.I have seen demos using 3D Studio Max and I see the gist of it is to create a round joint hierarchy around the mouth and eye, mimicking the edge flow. The place where I got stuck is when I saw a NURBS controller in Max move a parent joint without affecting the children joints. I know how to move a parent joint without affecting its children (press Insert) but not how to set a constrain to do the same in Maya. If I use a parent constrain or direct parenting moving the parent joint drags all the children along.
How can I get a constrain to affect only the parent joint and not its children?
so i know if you want two blend shapes to happen at the same time they have to be in the same node.but what if i want 2 separate nodes? say: one for body shape, one for face shape a blink, and an inflated belly, that i want to happen at the same time? I don't want it to be all in one node, but 1 cancels out the other depending on the order.
I have a rigged object and I would like to add a blend shape to this rig. Now my blend shape is not for morph animation rather it is for manipulating the original geometry. Put it this way, I modified the original object and I would like to put this new shape in place without changing my rig, or transferring weights or bones. I presume that best would be to put this before the rig deformer so that the bone deformer works on top of it? I am not sure how I should handle or approach this.
I have a rigged human character with many corrective blend shapes, which sometimes overwrite each other. For example, the corrective blend shape on the finger, when activated, "un-does" the corrective blend shape on the elbow, when both the finger and the elbow are bent.
I have tried the input editor, and can change which blend shapes overwrite what other blend shapes, but they still overwrite each other.
My next step is to try and paint the areas which the blend shape affects (stop the finger blend shape from being applied to the elbow). However, when accessing the "Paint Blend Shape Weights" tool, most of the target blends do not appear in the list. Two target blends do appear, but the two which appear are seemingly random and have nothing that sets them apart from the other blend shapes which do not appear.
When creating new blend shapes from the same base mesh, the new blend shapes also do not not appear in the target blend list.
When attempting to duplicate the problem (with several cubes), the issue is not present.
How to prevent the blend shapes from overwriting each other, or how to fix the issue with the targets not appearing in the paint blend shape weights list? Attached is a screen grab of some of my blend shapes visible in the blend shape editor on the right, and them not being present in the paint blend shapes weights list on the left.
How can I change the range at which blend shapes are created? In other words, blend shapes are created with ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. How could I change it to, for example, -0.4 to 4 without using a custom attribute?
I'm aware I can type -0.4 or 4 in a blend shape target. However, that will mutiply the effect which is not desirable.
I've recently upgraded from Maya 7 (32-bit Windows XP) to Maya 2010 (64-bit Windows XP). In Maya 7, I used corrective blend shapes to fine tune skin deformations by the bones of a character's skeleton. I used Parallel blending, and it all worked very nicely.
I've been trying to do exactly the same thing in Maya 2010, and it works fine with the character in its default 'T' position. If I then try to pose the character, the corrections become progressively worse the more extreme the pose.
I'm using the same technique as I did in Maya 7, so I'm wondering if something has broken.
I have 3+ Nurbs Circles that I have parented up in a hierarchy and now want to use them to create an IK chain.I can create a chain with a joint system, but can I create it with just my curves? I have tried using the IK handle tool and it requests that I LMB on the first joint and nothing happens.
Is it possible to make an object, say a NurbsSphere to always be on top of the geometry in the viewport, like x-ray on joints. That way, I could use a small sphere in say the Elbow as a controller, and it could be inside the mesh but not hidden. Much like what you see here:
I see a lot of skeletons that people created with handles on them so you can manipulate your joints easier (Like arrows and nurb circles etc.) Is there a good tutorial that can show me how to make handles for my joints?
I picked up two characters that I had working just fine about 3 years ago. Somehow, when I imported them into the same file, the skins came unbound. Annoying, but not insurmountable--rebind and weight painting took a couple hours. However, while the controls move the joints and deform the skins, the global move controls do not move the characters. It seems like the main mass of the bodies are stuck in place.
I just rigged a model of mine and even added controls to certain parts of it. The problem is that I do not know how to bind the joints to the model. Every time I attempt it I get an error message. What is the best way to attach a joint with controls to a model?
I am working on (yet another) minecraft character rig xD
So i have set up a facial control panel, using blend shapes and driven keys, but i need it to follow my character. If i parent it to the head, i doesn't follow when i grab the skeleton and move the character around, and if i bind it to the neck joint, i am not able to use the control panel, because the movement of the controls are locked, since they're binded to a joint.
I've been trying to feel out the pipeline for creating HIK rigs and jumping back and forth between Maya and Motion Builder. In Mobu, there is a way to add prop joints to a character's definition, but I haven't found a way to do so in Maya.
What I have done, is created the joints as necessary, and then created custom controls that the prop joints are constrained to. It's a simple parent constraint, so nothing too tricky. However, when I go to File-> Send to Motion Builder, the joints that are constrained are offset from their proper positions by a distance similar to their offset from the origin of the scene. The only way to get them back, is to turn off the effects of the parent constraints.
The controllers, and constraints transferred into Mobu fine, it seems. So I'm not sure where the discrepancy is. It would be ideal to be able to add these joints into the characterization step in Maya, to simply move them about with FK controls. What the best way to set this up would be? Is there a way to add prop definitions to a character in Maya?
While the original question remains, I found that the prop controls I had in my scene, were off from their proper positions, by the exact relative amount from the origin in the maya scene. Even though I froze transformations on the controls, coming into Mobu, they were put back on somehow. After selecting them, and setting their trans values to 0,0,0, they were put back into the correct position.
Trying to animate a rigged model for a class project but I'm running into problems. If I, for example, pick the joint at the top of the hierarchy, in the main view it appears as though everything gets selected. When I try to set a keyframe for the whole model, though, it only gets set on the actual joint I picked, none of the ones below it.
I looked at things via Outliner and see the same problem: I pick a joint there but the ones below it show as unselected in the Outliner window. Right now it appears the only way I can select multiple joints to set a keyframe on them all is to manually expand the tree in Outliner and then explicitly pick each one with command-click or shift-click. If I select an un-expanded joint section in the tree the hidden joints do not get selected, and if I expand the tree and pick a root node the ones below it are not selected.
I have tried this on three different models, including one I rigged myself, and the same behavior is present across all three.
Is this normal behavior for Maya animation? Is there some configuration setting that will change this so I can select an entire skeleton tree via the root node and have all of them accept a keyframe?
I'm running Maya 2011 for the Mac, on OS X Lion, with service pack 1 installed.
I'm looking to import a rig into a maya scene but every time I do the skeleton joints appear and it's hard to click on the controls. I have opened up the rig file and it's completely fine with no skeleton showing. Why is this happening?
I need to Import Maya blend shapes into Unity without using the bake animation is the blend shapes are needed to be useable in Unity. I have not been successful so fare. The method can be either by FBX with the rig or any other method!
does Mudbox support FBX with a Maya blendShape node? I have a face with hundreds of blend shapes on an active node in Maya, will Mudbox support this as FBX import? If so, are there some settings I need to be aware of?
So I was in the midst of making blend-shapes for an animated wizards staff, but one leaf wouldn't deform like the rest.
I know I selected the vertices properly when altering it, but every time I try to create a blend shape deformer I get the error "Error:// no deformable object selected.
I have a scene with an object with multiple blend shape targets. I'm not using custom attributes to control these targets (since doing that makes the Blend Shape Editor nonfunctional). I'm just directly changing the value in the channel box's 'Input' section, under 'blendShape1'. By typing in the number directly, I can get it to work with any number I want, but if I try the Maya Cntrl-drag method to interactively change the number, I'm stuck between values of 0 and 1. Is there any way to change the min and max of these attributes? Its strange that I can type in whatever I want and it will work, but cntrl-dragging does not work that way.
I'm rigging a character for use in Maya 2011, which I'm not all too familiar with - How would I link the blend shape states for 2 objects, so when I increase the value of one blend shape for one object, it increases the value for another blend shape for another object?
I have a blend shape for the mouth open position & I need the teeth & tongue open blends to match as the value increases.
In 3DS Max I'd use the reaction manager - is there something similar for Maya?
how to get a nose to blend into the facial skin. I've searched on the web with no luck. I've used the mesh fill and vector objects with transparencies, but I can't get it to look right..
I created a flat polygon shape (object) and attached it to a motion path (curve). I then created a Animation Snapshot. So, my question is, why are the shapes bunched up at the beginning and end of the Animation Snapshot render ... instead of being all equally spaced?
why my facial control rig is not updating my character morph targets in real time? I would have to go into the modifier in order to see changes after clicking the slider. I used both the reaction manager method and the wired parameters but neither is working.
wondering how to implement the many facial expressions from facegen to 3ds max to use as morph targets for facial animation. fairly new to max animation.