Lightroom :: Slow Rendering Image Previews In Import Dialogue?

Jul 29, 2013

Slow rendering image previews in import dialogue?

My LR 5 is as slow as a snail generating those previews.
Importing my RAWs form the EOS 6D (saved on a 95MB/s 32 BG SanDisk Extreme Pro) it renders only the 12 or 24 displayed previews and leaves out the rest (the next only when I'm scrolling down). For 12 images LR5 needs 8-10 seconds. LR4.4 does the same process for all 150 RAWs in 1-2 seconds.
It doesn't matter if I want to import to my workstation (Dell Precision T1650, 8core Intel Xeon E3-1240 V2, 16GB RAM, 64bit) via USB 3.0 (Reader & Port) or to my laptop (Dell Latitude E6400). So it must be LR, not my hardware.
Are there known issues with the Canon-RAW format? I just updated EOS firmware to 1.1.3, but the renderspeed stays the same. For 1 image 3-4 seconds single...

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Lightroom :: Slow Catalog (edits / Previews / Ratings / Collection) Import

May 1, 2012

Since starting to use LR in 2009, I've been making separate catalogues for every 6 months worth of photos. I've now decided to consolidate all my photos in a single catalog, but the process is taking forever, even though I'm not moving the photos, just importing edits/previews/ratings/collection etc.. How to speed things up.BTW, all of my catalogs have been converted to LR4 format.

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Lightroom :: Stopped Rendering Previews?

Mar 12, 2012

I am running Windows 7.  I have been using Lightroom 4 for several days with no problem. Today it stopped rendering previews.  When importing for a card or adding from a drive the files get added but then the program says "Rendering Standard Previews" but they never render. You can see the images in Develop but the previews do not stay.  
I have tried deleting and reinstalling the program. That didn't work.
I went back and tried Lightroom 3 with the same setup and it worked fine.  I tried this in case it was a drive problem.

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Lightroom :: Previews Slow To Load?

Oct 11, 2012

I've seen this topic on the threads, but mostly for previous versions.  I have LR4, and my previews load so slowly.  How can I speed them up?  Bridge handles the previews so fast and it is so much nicer going through with that program, but I'd like to move my workflow to LR4 solely.  But hard to with the preview handling being so much slower.

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Lightroom :: Slow Loading Previews During Selection Process

Jun 14, 2012

When I am sorting photos in the library loupe mode, the thumnails always show loading as I am trying to make my  pics and rejects.  How to speed up the process?  I have already increased my cache to 100.

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Lightroom :: Preview Freezes - App Very Slow To Load While Creating New Previews?

Jul 15, 2013

Preview panel "preview" freezes indefinitely.App very slow to load while creating new previews. (previews take forever to create and update)Wrong previews showing for wrong images when swapping between folders, etc. (ie: all photos, last import, custom collections) This one is a little different...
Ratings lost when switching between folders, etc. (ie: all photos, last import, custom collections) This was a clean install that ran beautifully at first. Started noticing this more and more after using the spot tool. (my last step in processing a job)
I use separate catalogs per job. Some as small as a few dozen images. (family stuff) Others, as large as 500-600. (engagement and wedding clients)

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Lightroom :: Rendering Of Nikon D800 NEF Images Still Slow In 5.2

Sep 18, 2013

I just checked whether the update to 5.2 would improve speed of rendering images in the Develop module for Nikon D800 NEF files but alas, LR is still taking its time to render images and going back and forth between two or more D800 NEF files to check focus at 100% magnification remains an excercise in meditation....
I had initially hoped that the move from LR 4.x to LR 5 would improve things but this wasn't the case - so when will Adobe finally catch up with the development in cameras with ever bigger files? The Nikon D800 came out one full year ago...

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Lightroom :: Previews Broken On Import?

Sep 22, 2012

I've had trouble since upgrading from LR3 to LR4 with previewing files on import. Sometimes reports no import, sometimes just shows thumbnail; sometimes fails on all photos, sometimes on just some. Happens for different file formats (ie, JPEG, raw from different cameras), different card readers, different USB ports. Canceling the import and selecting import again seems to be a workaround, but this is annoying nonetheless.

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Lightroom :: V5 Import Dialog Box Not Showing Previews

Jun 10, 2013

I just installed Lightroom 5 and the import dialog box is not showing the previews of the images.  Without the previews, there are no images to select for importing.  It doesn't matter if they are JPG or CR2 and if I try to import from the camera card or hard drive.  Version 4.4 also failed at first but after hacking away, I finally got the older version to work. 

I am using Lightroom 5, Windows 7 64 bit.

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Lightroom :: Import And Create Smart Previews

Feb 1, 2014

I haven't paid much attention to my smart preview status. I always import and create smart previews and watch the completion bar go across the page and see the message after import that x number of smart previews were created.
But when I look at my catalog files (which I keep on Dropbox if that matters), I see that the file shows last updated on OCT 30 and it's 7.68gb. If I do a spotlight search for the smart preview irdata file, I find it has the same date but is 9.3gb. In either case, the size seems smaller than I would expect.
On my laptop, the smart previews of recent imports are all there, so I'm using them. On my desktop (even when disconnected from the drive with the original files) I do not see them (since that machine is always hooked up to the drive that the originals are on, it doesn't really matter but I'm confused).
Is there some setting that I can't find where I've set a max size of the smart preview file? Is there any way it could be saving somewhere other than in the LR cat folder I'm saving to?

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Lightroom :: Tiny Previews In Import Window?

Dec 31, 2013

I sometimes get full size previews in the import window (when I double click on a picture in the grid), but usually they are tiny and get extremely pixelated when I try to make them bigger. This makes it very difficult to decide if a picture is good enough to import.

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Lightroom :: Images Are Not In Order In The Import Dialogue Box?

Mar 1, 2013

using lightroom 4.3...  when I import photos, they appear in random order in the IMPORT viewing window.  With pervious versions of lightroom, they were always in order of file name.  It becomes more time consuming to select specific files to import to a file if there are 2 or more jobs on one CF card ( I have photos of my kids skiing mixed up with a portrait session.).  Is there a way to sort the photos (by file name, or time) before import?  I do know how to sort post import.

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Lightroom :: Cannot See Previews When Import Raw Canon CR2 Or Nikon NEF Files

Jan 2, 2014

This issue has happened all of the sudden...
When I import raw canon cr2 or Nikon NEF files, I cannot see the previews.
The progress bar gets stuck on building smart previews and I see a greyed out box.  When I choose one greyed out preview box and go into develop then the preview appears and I can edit the image.

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Lightroom :: No Actual Previews In Import Dialog Window

Jun 4, 2013

When I import files from the M Monochrom there are no actual previews in the import dialog window. Also LR4 does not indicate the aperture used in either the library or develop module.

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Lightroom :: Photo In Folder Doesn't Appear In Import Dialogue

Feb 12, 2012

I have LR 3.6 and have created a catalog of pictures from a ski trip I took last year.  All of these pictures and the LR catalog are in one folder on my hard drive.  After sorting, deleting and retouching quite a few pictures I now notice that one picture is missing from the library.  If I open the folder in Explorer (Win 7) I can see the picture, and Windows Picture & Fax Viewer will open/display this picture so it appears the file itself is fine.
However, I cannot get this picture into the library for some reason.  When I choose File>Import Photos this one picture doesn't show up in the list of photos.  It's as if Lightroom can't see this picture for some reason.
Oh, and I don't know if it matters, but there is a movie clip with the same filename but a different extension (obviously) that does show up in the library and the import dialogue.  The picture filename is DSC_0001.jpg, the movie filename is

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Lightroom :: Show Import Dialogue When Memory Card Is Attached?

Jun 12, 2013

I have unchecked the box for "Show import dialogue when memory card is attached" in LR 4 and checked it in LR 5, but LR 4 is still opending every time when I insert a card in my card reader.

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Photoshop :: Cannot Access Video Rendering Dialogue

May 30, 2013

When selecting the render video command, a progress bar appears stating "Initializing Video Export", and gets most of the way done but then freezes. At this point a dialogue pops up saying that "Required software extensions are missing" and that if one presses okay it will direct to the PACE website where an installer can be downloaded. But this dialogue then proceeds to freeze as well. The little circle of death spins forever in front of it and neither button may be pressed. Went to the PACE website and looked at their anti-piracy "tools" and it all seemed rather weird. Anyway, what is the way past this empasse?
I have an older late 2008 macbook pro with OS 10.8.3, running Photoshop CS6.

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Lightroom :: Rendering After Import Changed Colour?

Aug 26, 2012

I moved from Windows to Mac. Today I imported a set of photos from my camera to my disk. After rendering all of my photos became B&W (LR4 changed color treatment of my RAW files). It surprised me a lot. I did it again and again. All my photos are B&W. I have to change color treatment in all of them. I would prefer my old importing scheme (photos are color after rendering). I did not use any preset and all oprions were as usual (only changed a name of photos).
I noticed that LR4 changed a few other options: decreased highlights by 100, increased shadow by 100, increased clarity by 50, changed tone curve to strong contrast, increase sharpening to 100, noise reduction to 40, and so on. Increadible! How can I came back to my way of importing?

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Maya :: 2014 Slow File Load Dialogue Box

Feb 4, 2014

Suddenly Maya's import/export/open file dialogue box has become extremely slow, taking forever to browse thru folders, freezing in the process.
This is independently of file/scene size. Specs are Ok. CPU i7-4930k, 16gb RAm, Geforce GTX 780, running windows 8.1 with a Kingston SSD and a second 3tb Caviar Green HD.

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Lightroom :: Extremely Slow Import And No Auto-update?

Feb 6, 2013

I'm using LR 4.3 on Windows 7, 64-bit.  It seems to work pretty well in Library and Develop and such, so I don't think there's a performance issue...
When I do a synchronize on a folder (may be 500 files or as few as 20), new files don't show up to be imported.  I can look at the folder and SEE the file.  It's there.  But, it's NOT in the library grid.  Synchronize does NOT see the file.  If I do an import (separate from Synchronize), the file usually shows up.  The file I can't see in the library shows up in the list with a checkmark, so it KNOWS it's not been imported.  At that point, I can go ahead and tell LR to add them and it's fine.
ALSO, when I add a keyword to a new file, it doesn't show up when I open the files for that keyword.  For example, I take a .dng file edit it, then finish in Photoshop.  Saving the file in Photoshop gets it back to LR.  I can see it in the files in Develop.  I can see it in the Library grid.  But it ISN'T in the keyword set.  Even if I ADD the keyword AGAIN, it STILL doesn't show up in the files for that keyword.  If I shut down Lightroom and restart it, THEN the file shows up in the keyword set.  Is there some "auto-update" setting I've messed up? 

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Lightroom :: 3.6 - Previews In Preview Cache Specific To Image File Location?

Jan 10, 2012

Recently I reorganized my system so that my image files were on a different drive that I had previously been using a backup drive, so no additional file copying was involved. When I ran Lr it did not find any images, as expected, at the original location and I told it where to find them by pointing it to the new parent image folder. That worked fine but then it seemed as if all of the previews had to be rebuilt on the fly by Lr as I went to each folder. Could it be that the previews in the preview cache are location specific to drive/volume level rather than just folder level ?  Or is there a way to aim that ole preview cache at the new image locations ?
Likewise, would this apply to the ACR cache too ?  i.e. if I point Lr at the same images in the same folder names on a different drive, will the ACR cache data still be relevant or should I just scrap it and start again ?
I told Lr to rebuild previews for many of my images and it did so overnight, but now the preview cache is about 30GB instead of about 12GB. It's possible that I picked up previews of images that were previously not in the cache, but would the new cache still contain previews of the now non-existant images at the old locations ?
I have previously reverted to system backups in which the whole drive volume had previously been been copied intact. Lr always worked fine in those situations. Is my present problem because I shifted the images folder relative to the drive volume where Lr is running ?

I'm using Lr 3.6 on a 2011 MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8.

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Photoshop :: CC - 3D Texturing Slow (suspected Culprit - Live Previews) - Can Turn Off

Sep 3, 2013

We do a lot of 3D texturing for models. While CS6 was doing that just fine, CC has a problem. When we paint on 3D model directly, it has a 0.5-1 second lag. That's acceptable, as it's not used much. However from CC it started to lag even when painting directly on unfolded texture. Which basically interferes with our job.
It seems that there is no applying step anymore when switching from flat texture to 3D view and all changes are applied on 3D immediately when we paint on flat texture. Release notes say it's a 100x speed improvement, but we don't really see it. We see this behaviour on 2 computers: OS X one and Win8 one.
So my question is - can we turn immediate change applying on 3D model off?

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Lightroom :: Nikon D610 - Import Speed For Files Is Excessively Slow?

Dec 4, 2013

Got the new Nikon D610 and was forced to purchase lightroom 5 to read my RAW files. (although 4 was just fine besides this file issue)  Then i discover that 5 does not support this raw file type yet, so i download 5.3. Program seems to be working fine, not unusually slow, but the import speed for the files is excessivly slow.  Im clocking it at around 1 minute per photo based on 24 minutes for 26 photos.  This problem is not with the larger file size from the new camera. I tried importing some RAW files from a D7000 and the time was only slightly faster. This problem is with Lightroom 5.3 importing.

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Lightroom :: Previews Of Deleted Images Themselves Automatically Deleted From Previews Folder?

Apr 15, 2013

Are the previews of deleted images themselves automatically deleted from the previews folder?

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Photoshop :: CS6 3D Rendering Speed Too Slow?

Feb 25, 2013

How do I increase cs6 3D rendering speed

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Photoshop :: CS6 Very Slow On Rendering Type?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a notebook with specification as mentioned below :
Lenovo Ideapad Y470P 2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB) Windows 7 Ultimate x64 AMD Radeon HD 7690 2GB 8.0GB PC3-10600 DDR3 SDRAM 1333 MHz 750GB 5400  

I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit) for doing my job.Right now, i have a task to create a banner with dimension 800 x 900 Centimeters with Resolution 300 DPI and Color Mode RGB 16 Bit.The file size when blank is about 56.1 GB.The problem is, when i add some text with Horizontal Type Tool and click on the Move Tool, the Rendering Type screen show up and take a very very long time to finished.
I have made some configurations to my Photoshop that i found on Adobe Forum, but the problem still persisted.

Some configurations that i've made is :

- Turn off the Automatically Save Recovery Information

- Set Maximize PSD and PSB File Compatibility to Ask

- Set the Memory Usage to 95%

- Set the Cache Levels to 8 and Cache Tile Size to 1024K

- Set the Graphics Advanced Settings to Drawing Mode Advanced, and Check the option Use Graphics Processor To Accelerate Computation, and Uncheck the option Anti-Alias and 30 Bit Display

- Set the Scratch Disk to another partition ( C:System D:PageFile E:Data F:Scratch Disk)
And after all of that configuration, my Photoshop still slow when Rendering Type.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Rendering Video Very Slow

May 27, 2012

Rendering video in new Photoshop Cs6 is very very very slow!!
(test on iMac intel 3,2 Ghz i3, 8gb Ram, 512 Mb video Radeon, 1Tb Hd)
1:40 (min:sec) video (no effect, no levels, only cut 5 sec.), rendering video (H.264 high quality) in 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!
Simply unusable.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 - Slow Load / Rendering?

May 13, 2012

I created a 30min video, with a lot of photos mixed with live video, transitions, music, etc. Now, when I try to reopen the file for futher editing, it appears the software needs to re-render all the thumbnails in my video track stream. As I mentioned, I have a lot of photos in there, so it's taking forever.

With the previous software I used (Pinnacle Studio), I could flush the cache and have the program rebuild (and store) all the thumbnail info for faster loads in subsequent sessions.

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After Effects :: Rendering Slow On New IMac?

Jul 30, 2013

i have the imac 27 680mx 32gb ram,when i render on cs6 takes very long time, the first one takes 8-10mins,when i do the second time its very fast 30seconds

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VideoStudio :: Slow Motion Rendering Is Jumpy?

Jun 19, 2013

I have Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X6 and am having problems rendering clips in slow motion.

I have recorded at 50p in full HD. In Video Studio I have slowed the clips down to 25%, and when I do a preview in the editor, it looks fantastic. However when I render to a MP4 file it looks terrible. You can see every frame.

How do I render and get at least the same quality as I get in the preview window?

Here is the video I am talking about. [URL]...... through to about 30 seconds to see the jumping.

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Premiere Pro :: Slow Transition Between Rendering Videos?

Jan 13, 2014

It used to be that when rendering a timeline, there would be no lag between rendering the first and second videos. Now, between each video there is about a 30 second transition before the next video begins rendering. Anything that would have caused this, or is there anyway to prevent it? If I am rendering a timeline with 60 clips that need rendering, this can add a significant amount of time.

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