Lightroom :: Decrease File Size To More Than Half Of Original Size
Dec 6, 2013
My picture’s original size was 108.2 MB in tiff. After I developed my photo in Lightroom and exported the new image, the file decrease to 50MB in tiff. Why did Lightroom decrease the file size to more than half the original size? Is there a way to increase the exportation file size to that I may develop a large size print?
We have a drawing that has been exploded purged, overkilled, audited and we still cannot decrease the size of it. Theres no blocks, theres no 3d, its a very simple drawing but I feear its corrupted. I've tried copy/blocking the information out of it but that just makes it crash. I cant attach it its too big! (16 meg)
How come the file size when I export from Lightroom is substantially smaller than the original file size? My original image file was 6MB, but when exported from zlightroom the file size for that file is only 2MB. I want to export full size files so that they can be published or enlarged.
Our supplier sent us some wierd size pdfs that are not full size or half size. I am trying to resize them to full size pdfs (Arch D) but am unable to figure this out in Acrobat.
My work-around is to insert them in AutoCAD and scale them based on known dimensions, then print to pdf. Unfortunately the resulting file is collosal and the quality degraded.
Bristle brushes have an option near their size sliders named "restore to original size" ... but for some brushes, this option is resetting brushes to another size other than the original size appearing on the brush swacthes.
I want to print pdf. Actual pdf size is 2.27mb. But when I send it on plotter for plot it , pdf file size increase up to 46.9MB. I wait more than 60 min for plot. But nothing came out.
Plotter display windows shown as processing print.
How I print it fast or how I decrease pdf size for printing.
How do I export photos and keep their original size. I do not have the Image Sizing checked but it seems to be resizing my photos anyway. It seems to have started this evening. I exported files fine at file sizes of ex: 5387 kb the original size. Not they are exporting at ex: 478 kb.
Is it possible to reduce canvas size by removing a set width or height to be removed from the center of the image? Here is an example situation. I have a graphic that I use for rounded corner effects in a website. For border and shading reasons, I am using images that span the whole width of the element, not using individual corner images. So, my image would look something like this:
:.__________.: (bottom.gif, let's call it)
I've had to create a number of these images in varying widths, based on whatever element it is to accent. What I'd like to do is have my base PSD image be, say, 1000 pixels wide, and when I need to create a graphic that is 200px wide, I would just remove 800px of width from canvas, but from the center, and have the sides collapse in together.
Within gimp, I selected a portion of one image, copied it, and pasted it on another image. Now I want to take the pasted selection and increase/decrease its size. What tool does this? 'Grow' and 'Scale Image' doesn't work.
LR 3.6 has serious limitations causing what should be an easy task hours to trouble shoot. Exporting original size JPEG images to DVD should be a no brainer but the application was not built to handle MS OS 7 64bit. Choice is to upgrade to LR v 4 but will it work?
I edit an mp4 video and produce a new mp4 video. If I produce the new mp4 while I open the project, the screen size is normal. (c_not_use_batch.jpg) If I produce the new file using batch convert, the screen size is reduced (c_use_batch.jpg) However, the setting for producing the files are the same (c_setting.jpg)
The files and settings are the same. The only difference is using batch convert or not.
I can not figure out how to maintain the original file size of my photos when I open them in Paintshop For example, the original file might be 3.78 MB but once it opens in Paintshop it is only 706 KB. Do I need to change settings somewhere?
I accidentally exported original photos in low quality (reduced size from 12MB to 600KB), as I needed to quickly (herein lays my mistake) upload them to a proofing site which requires me to reduce the quality of the images significantly. I NEVER usually do anything without backing things up, or before making a copy etc. This time however, I was in a BIG rush to get these to a client and I not only exported the original files (even though I exported to a new folder, somehow, the originals got reduced as well without me noticing), but I also deleted them from my memory card (I tried card recovery software and no luck). What I'm left with now is a folder full of low quality, useless images and no (known) way of restoring them to the original high quality (12MB) state. Here are some other details:
Program: Lightroom 2 Computer: MacBook Pro Camera: Nikon D7100
(I only post this as I used my camera to delete the images off the memory cards...not sure if there is a way to recover via camera?)
Images no longer show in preview (yes, I deleted them from there too!)I did not back-up I tried scanning my hard-drive, memory card and external drive with recovery software (no luck)the images were on 2 memory cards and, as mentioned, I deleted them using my camera (when I ran the recovery software, only images that I originally deleted via my computer came up - which were the "did not make the cut" photos from the shoot that I deleted in Bridge - the rest of the photos, which are the ones I need, are not coming up in the scan)These images were to be used as posters, so high quality is crucial. There is nothing in my trash can eitherI tried using a preview extraction plug-in, but as there are no previews (duh Sanja), the plug in proved useless I think that's all the info I can provide (maybe it's too much info as is)...
When you select the option to apply any changes & overwrite your original photo does the program attempt to try to a default setting to keep the picture approximately the same size as it was before? (assuming that you haven't cropped it) If it doesn't default to a size automatically can is there an option to do so?
I’m a PS user new to Illustrator (CS6). In PS, using the bracket keys [] to increase/decrease brush point size will simultaneously update the data displayed in the tool panel at the top.
While I can use the bracket keys in Illustrator to change the appearance of the brush stroke, it is not being updated in the tool panel input or in the stroke window…so I can essentially have (2) 3 pt strokes created with the same brush that don’t visually match but whose display properties DO match. Because I will be doing lots of editing I certainly don’t want to work this way.
is there a function in photoshop cs3 that will reduce the file size of a photo without affecting the physical size of it, i know macromedia fireworks can but thats no help to me unfortunately...
Why is the image on the screen small the the actual file size. As an example I have an image thats 5.7x5.7 @72DPI. My canvas says 100% but the image on screen is about 3x3.
Can someone please explain to me about file sizes and image dimensions. I have to put together a collage which is 165mm high by 258mm wide. If I click file new and choose default resolution (72) then the file size is ok, if I type in 300 dpi the image becomes huge.
If i chosse 300 dpi then the images I was going to use seem tiny on such a vast workspace - Im confused why does the canvas become so large when changing resolution?
 When I save a file to jpeg the image size in photoshop remains the same as it was as a tiff file BUT according to the information that comes up in windows properties the file is much smaller (300k vs 2.9mg).  Can you advise me which is the correct file size?  If the correct size is the one showing in windows (300K) does mean that the file compressed in JPG and lost a lot of information?
 and if this is the case how can I prevent that from happening and still save the file as a JPG?  [ I would like the image to remain the size photoshop shows it to be] . Thank you very much.
Any way to get a scale bar/title block text to reflect plotting at half size?
We use the common (24x36) sheet size for all projects, but when plotting we send out half size (12x18) as well. This means the scale bar reading 1"=40' is no longer correct. It should read 1"=20'. I would like to automate this.
Running LR 4. Recently noticed that when importing CR2 files and converting to DNG that the file size almost doubles. "Imbed Original" is NOT selected in the Preferences menu.
This is a huge problem for me, and it's getting incredibly annoying.
This issue is when I import an image (drag and drop, or other ways as well) into Photoshop and the image appears in a really small size. I need to be extremely percise in all of my projects by the pixel, I can't have it going a single pixel larger or smaller. But when I drag it in, it shows up much smaller and I have to drag the boundries to make it larger. I basically just want to drag a 64x96 image in, and have it actually show up as 64x96, not incredibly smaller.
I don't know the size of a portion on the canvas, because I can't just guess, so it's impossible to actually stretch it to its original size and actually be accurate.