Photoshop :: Files Opening At 0.044% Of Original Size
Oct 11, 2012Some of my files I open in CS6 open really 0.044% or the original size. Is ther a setting I can change to have then open larger.....
View 3 RepliesSome of my files I open in CS6 open really 0.044% or the original size. Is ther a setting I can change to have then open larger.....
View 3 RepliesI can not figure out how to maintain the original file size of my photos when I open them in Paintshop For example, the original file might be 3.78 MB but once it opens in Paintshop it is only 706 KB. Do I need to change settings somewhere?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen you select the option to apply any changes & overwrite your original photo does the program attempt to try to a default setting to keep the picture approximately the same size as it was before? (assuming that you haven't cropped it) If it doesn't default to a size automatically can is there an option to do so?
View 4 Replies View RelatedBristle brushes have an option near their size sliders named "restore to original size" ... but for some brushes, this option is resetting brushes to another size other than the original size appearing on the brush swacthes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just reduced the size of a canvas from 300x300 to 200x200 but when I merge the layers I'm left with a dotted line showing the original size.
reduced canvas size.tiff (128.61K)
Number of downloads: 3
My picture’s original size was 108.2 MB in tiff. After I developed my photo in Lightroom and exported the new image, the file decrease to 50MB in tiff. Why did Lightroom decrease the file size to more than half the original size? Is there a way to increase the exportation file size to that I may develop a large size print?
View 7 Replies View RelatedThis is a huge problem for me, and it's getting incredibly annoying.
This issue is when I import an image (drag and drop, or other ways as well) into Photoshop and the image appears in a really small size. I need to be extremely percise in all of my projects by the pixel, I can't have it going a single pixel larger or smaller. But when I drag it in, it shows up much smaller and I have to drag the boundries to make it larger. I basically just want to drag a 64x96 image in, and have it actually show up as 64x96, not incredibly smaller.
I don't know the size of a portion on the canvas, because I can't just guess, so it's impossible to actually stretch it to its original size and actually be accurate.
I got a picture of 4kb, and used Photoshop(cs4) to paint white all,so it changed to white rectangle, then saved it. that's for web site logos, so it must keep the picture size same as original (ex, 70px * 50px).
The problem I have was, the saved picture(with png, jpeg, gif, or any format) has a size of over 40k bite. How to make the file size at most the original size, i.e. 4kb by using Photoshop, if it is possible.
I'm using Photoshop Esentials 3.0.
I have a photo of a negative from a 35 mm camera. File "A". It's a jpg file.
I need a picture of two of these negatives side by side.
I opened file "A" and used the marque to highlight the picture and copy it to the clip board.
Then I closed the file and opened a new file "B" and made the demensions of the new file "B" the same height, but I doubled the width.
Everything copied and pasted ok and I mergered down all the layers and saved it as a jpg. file.
Here is the problem.
The new file that I created, File "B" with the two pictures side by side is only about half of the height of the original file.
I've tried everything that I know but I just can't increase the height of the new file "B" I created with the two pictures side by side.
For a poster design I have a smart object that has been warped and transformed in delightful ways so it looks like it's on the cover of an old warped book. I had to change the smart object to siut my "client" (I'm doing it as a favour) and now it doesn't look right.
QUESION: how do I return this transformed and warped smart object back to its original pixels, so that it looks just like it does when I edit the smart object separately.
Attaching a JPG to an email, says its a larger size than the original?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen transforming I am unable to increase size from original .image is stretched outside box but parts of image is outwith original size and is unseen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I get my gimp windows to return to their original size - they are very large and remain that way? Shrink wrap only only holds while working on the image, then large again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I export photos and keep their original size. I do not have the Image Sizing checked but it seems to be resizing my photos anyway. It seems to have started this evening. I exported files fine at file sizes of ex: 5387 kb the original size. Not they are exporting at ex: 478 kb.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI joined two video clips and saved them as a single clip. They are both .mov files. One is 18mb and the other is 15mb, so I assumed the new file would be 33mb. When I save the new file in .mpg, however, it is only 27mb. When I try saving it in .mov, it balloons to over 120mb. How should I save the new clip to maintain the original size and ensure I'm not losing any quality?
Also, when I save the clips it seems to be converting the original 640*480 aspect ratio to 720*480. How do I preserve the original aspect ratio?
Why Corel Draw does not preserve original JPG size defined ie. in Photoshop.
Instead I think Corel Draw looks at the DPI and then maybe opens it as native monitor dpi I don't know but I spend ages to make JPG to size in PS to them make layout in CorelDraw and it was all wasted because I need to resize them back in CorelDraw.Graphic Designer, Web designer and playing with Video and Audio mixing and editing as well ;-).Working for Large Format Printing company Carrick Signs.
[ Bug ] Exporting to .GIF does not keep its original sizeThe checkbox 'Maintain Size' checked.
Result: importing that .GIF is 5 time size bigger.
LR 3.6 has serious limitations causing what should be an easy task hours to trouble shoot. Exporting original size JPEG images to DVD should be a no brainer but the application was not built to handle MS OS 7 64bit. Choice is to upgrade to LR v 4 but will it work?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I save files to their original folder. And YES I have checked " Save As to Original Folder" in the Preferences.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt doesn't always happen but when I use save for web to save an image it goes through all the motions as normal but when I go to view the image, I find that it hasn't overwritten the original file. It has happened to other people in the studio too so it might be something to do with our setup?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk I did this graphic a few years back for a website but now my original files have been corrupted and are not able to be opened. I have lots of similar fonts like ethnocentric but it is not quite right. I have also tried uploading it to font identifier etc.
View 6 Replies View RelatedRecently upgraded from X3 to X6. Just discovered there is no place on the property bar to change the size by entering a percent of original size. It was located next to the actual size in inches.
I did Ctrl-J and tried to find it in the customization, but came up empty. Surely this feature still exists?
I drag the graphed box to scale an image down (or up) and after clicking "scale" the image size decreases but the original box is there (original size). Why?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI wanted to combine two images one needs to be fit to the scale of the background image. So basically I followed the instructions.
Open up your background layer which was 800x600 landscape photo.
Then I imported my other image which was 600x800 portrait photo too. Layers -Import from file. I resized it then copied into a new layer. That was fine.
The problem is as soon as the new image is imported, the background image changes so that it only takes up half of the canvas. So now I've got a white area for half of the canvas. I can't seem to change this.
How come the file size when I export from Lightroom is substantially smaller than the original file size? My original image file was 6MB, but when exported from zlightroom the file size for that file is only 2MB. I want to export full size files so that they can be published or enlarged.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI increased my document from 8.5"x11" to 22"x34" and a black line of the original document remains. It is not selectable - the word "x page" appears when my cursor hovers on it. I'm working in C6.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAt random moments when I'm saving layered Photoshop CS5 files, a message pops up with the following text: Could not save "...FileName..." because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.
Well the strange thing is that I'm the administrator, the only user of this PC and even when I set/check the properties of the folder containing the files this continues to happen. What is even more disturbing is that I have to save my file as a new file in a new location and when I check the original file, it is no longer in it's original folder.
I save all my files to the local HD and I use an external device to backup my files. I regularly get notices on my backup device telling me that various files were deleted, but will be kept until I need the room. These are files which I did not delete, they are files which I'm still working on.
I'm having to save to the original job folder first, save to the desktop when I get the notice saying I can't save, and then save back into the original folder when I can't save on the desktop anymore because of the same error message. I sometimes get a similar Adobe error message which is basically along the same lines, but I haven't noted the exact text yet.
I no longer run my back up continuously while I'm working because while it's great to have the peace of mind that I'm regularly backed up, my files can get up to 2GB in size and I think the backup running at the same time is slowing Photoshop processes down, so I most often pause it until I take a break. On this occasion, I had been running it while working (smaller file) and so I was able to retrieve an earlier version from my backup which saved me from having to re-do the job completely. I didn't get this problem when I was using CS5 on Vista, it's been since I've been using Windows7 and my back up drive.
I only recall having had this problem with PSDs, but that could just be because these files can take up to ten hours to complete and there's a higher chance of getting an error message over a longer period of time.
I'll disconnect my back up drive while I'm working and see how it goes. It's not ideal, but probably worth a try.I don't know if there's a connection, but occasionally windows randomly sticks a lock on zipped folders which I create, regardless of the permissions I apply to the upper level folder they sit in. I'm told by a friend that it won't affect other people accessing these zipped folders from other machines. I don't know if that's the case, I always change the zipped folder's permission to include 'Users' and that makes the lock disappear.
Total amount of system memory 6.00 GB RAM
System type 64-bit operating system
Number of processor cores 4
I accidentally exported original photos in low quality (reduced size from 12MB to 600KB), as I needed to quickly (herein lays my mistake) upload them to a proofing site which requires me to reduce the quality of the images significantly. I NEVER usually do anything without backing things up, or before making a copy etc. This time however, I was in a BIG rush to get these to a client and I not only exported the original files (even though I exported to a new folder, somehow, the originals got reduced as well without me noticing), but I also deleted them from my memory card (I tried card recovery software and no luck). What I'm left with now is a folder full of low quality, useless images and no (known) way of restoring them to the original high quality (12MB) state. Here are some other details:
Program: Lightroom 2
Computer: MacBook Pro
Camera: Nikon D7100
(I only post this as I used my camera to delete the images off the memory cards...not sure if there is a way to recover via camera?)
Images no longer show in preview (yes, I deleted them from there too!)I did not back-up I tried scanning my hard-drive, memory card and external drive with recovery software (no luck)the images were on 2 memory cards and, as mentioned, I deleted them using my camera (when I ran the recovery software, only images that I originally deleted via my computer came up - which were the "did not make the cut" photos from the shoot that I deleted in Bridge - the rest of the photos, which are the ones I need, are not coming up in the scan)These images were to be used as posters, so high quality is crucial. There is nothing in my trash can eitherI tried using a preview extraction plug-in, but as there are no previews (duh Sanja), the plug in proved useless I think that's all the info I can provide (maybe it's too much info as is)...
Problem zoom, when visionage and exporting my videos, they are zoomed while I put the original video settings. However when I put break in the previsualisage video, it returns to its normal size. How do I get it retains its original size and delete this zoom effect ?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow can I make available "Refine edge" when advised in (Elements 11 - Guided - Depth of field - Custom - Blur - that the "Command refine edge is not currently available" ??????
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter adjusting white balance in ACR - images are opening in PS at a different size? how to prevent it?
Negatives are scanned at 3200dpi, and 24bit depth. This is the metadata from Bridge.
Default settings in Camera Raw After opening in Photoshop.