When i am clicking rmb and choose edit in cs6 there is no export dialog like i had before ( export with lightroom settings, copy or original). My cr2 opening in cs without changes i made in LR ?
In the develop module the edit in dialogue gives me the choices of CS5 which I have, Elements 7 which I have, but NOT Elements 10 which I also have. Is there a way to include this as a choice for editing directly from Lightroom?
I have LR4 and PS CS5. Edited several photos this morning without a problem --But this evening, after editing in LR, clicked command+E to open in Photoshop- as I always do, but didn't get the dialog that gives me the option to edit with LR changes. The files are opening as raw instead of TIFF all of a sudden! I have done nothing different aside from updating the Kubota dashboard.
I deleted the Kubota plug-in since that was the only thing I did out of the ordinary but still no luck. I am deserate to get images edited in LR transferred to PS WITH THE EDITS! Why would it work one minute and not the next?
Just tried to edit in Color Efex from Lightroom and got the dialogue. So...it's only happening with Photoshop. I tried uninstalling Photoshop and reinstalling with updated Camera Raw 6.7 plugin. No luck....
What happened to the stacking optons n the export dialog when adding the exports back into the catalog? After watching Jared Platt's creativelive course, I started creating my PSD's by exporting them in bulk, adding them back into the catalog and stacking them on top of the original raw files. After updating to LR 4.2 I don't see the option in the export dialog any more.
If I export a photo, then make edits and want to save them, should I export them again? It looks like when I export a photo a 2nd time, then I get an additional photo on my hard drive. This is not really want I'm trying to do - I'm just trying to save it as an edited copy.
I think this contributed to some of the problems I was having with getting too many photos, then discarding the "extras" - that apparently was a bad, bad thing to do, but I'm still not quite sure how to handle this.
I've seen a procedure for LR4, but it doesn't work for LR5 (the LR4 procedure involved right clicking the preset to save from a context menu after making edits to the existing preset).
I want to edit an export preset and in this example I want to remove the check mark to "Add to This Catalog". How do I "save" this change to that preset?
just started with my lightroom 4 / photoshop cs5 set up? when i edit a image in lightroom4 and export to photoshop cs5 ,the image apears to be over exposed ,quite a lot.i export from lightroom with lightroom adjustments and it keeps coming into photoshop overexposed.
Today I'll tryed to open Photoshop and it says "Error: 1, uninstall and install application again". I uninstalled and installed it and after that trying to open photo/photos from Lightroom to Photoshop and found it does not work anymore. Photoshop starts but it only Pop up "Open As" windows and that's it.
I am a full member of creative cloud so all progs are the newest ones.
I have now tryed to install both Photoshop and Lightroom again. No change...
Lost the ability to double click on blocks and mtext to bring up the editor box in my drawings. I've tried all settings that i know of and have had zero results.
In previous version of AutoCAd 2008 (or earlier) the images dialog to edit the images (i.e., brightness, sharpness, etc, it has been a long time and I forgot what they were, but they were there and with many options) was obvious, versatile, and very easily found then, but I could not find it in AutoCAD 2012.
I'm using P&GD2013. I draw with a wacom tablet and use the freehand brush tool in sketch mode with pressure enabled. I want to edit the properties of the brush . The help pages are quite clear except that I can't access the dialog box because the 'edit brush' button is greyed out.
If I double click a workplane in the browser, the edit dimension dialog comes up half way off screen, does not remember the screen position if I move it, so it has to be repositioned every time. Seems to be tied to the browser position.
I have several drawing templates that have prompted entry field text in the border and bring some model properties in the block. Problem is, if any change in the model properties occurs, this dialog box pops up EVERY TIME I return to the drawing, when changes in the model properties have nothing to do with the border. I have just checked and IV10 SP3a does not suffer from this behaviour. For me, this is an unnecessary dialog that pops up without being required to do so, and is time consuming - it takes extra mouse/keyboard clicks to dismiss and up to 10 seconds for it to close after being dismissed.
Is there an option to turn this off? (I've checked the Options >> Prompts tab, but there's nothing there)
I don't know why, but lately, I don't have any options available when I go to export an image. Once I click "Export" from the file dialog box, all I get is this three-button Help/Export/Cancel dialog, and I can't specify any options relevant to the export format.
When X7 and its Group Editing mode first came out, there were grumblings about the "Closing Document" dialog that appears when clicking on the little "X" found on the Edit Inside tab.
I am sure most folks have found that can all be bypassed (assuming you want to keep the edits you just made). But for those that haven't, simply click the Save Icon in the Standard Toolbar.
I have PSE 10 and I recently decided to start some shooting in RAW. However, when I open my photos( I have a Canon Rebel T2i so the file extension is .CR2), it says, "processing Camera RAW file" and then opens the photo in the full edit mode instead of the Camera RAW dialog box. I checked my plug-in, and I have version 6.7 of the Camera RAW plug in. I'd really like to start working with Camera RAW! Oh, and I am working abroad for a couple months and do not have my installation disks with me, so uninstalling and re-installing PSE is not an option.
Transitioning to CD X6 while try to get work done is a chore. I just loaded the real CD X6 box version. It deleted the downloaded test version. But now I made a new poster and I am using Ctrl-E to export it and there is no Export Dialog box. It just saves the JPG in what it thinks I need!! How do I get the Export Dialog box back to control the parameters of my Export?
We have CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 installed on a Windows XP SP3 32-bit machine and when attempting to export a CorelDRAW file to anything (i.e. JPG), the applications crashes after the export dialog box opens. This happens for any file we try to export.
We have reset the workspace using F8, but it did not resolve the issue.
Exporting the same file in CorelDRAW X4 or even X3 works perfectly, this is only an issue with X5.
I lost my dialog boxes for SAVEAS and EXPORT. I tried the CMDDIA system variable but had no luck. I can't stand having to type in full paths for files that I'm trying to save.
I would imagine that alot of my other dialog boxes default back to command line as well.
Is there anyway to call activedoc.saveas as method with the save copy as boolean variable set to true and have it not display the export DWG dialog box? Without using the translators in code, or do we have to use that if we want to use savecopyas = true and bypass the dialog?
We save all our inventor files to .dwg's and I just want to loop through a file a bunch of times, change some properties and save it out to a new location. Doing just a save as, makes a mess of things and I would like to use the SaveCopyAs feature but don't know how to get the dialog to not show up.
This is in part of a vb.net addin using inventor 2013.
I am exporting graphics to TIF format and it needs to be exact same as in document, RGB code. I found out that if I uncheck the "Embed Color profile" it exports correctly with exact color codes as in Corel. However, sometimes I have found out that I have forgotten to uncheck that little box..
So I would prefer to have it unchecked by default. How would I do it?
I opened filters.ini and found the TIFF section, but I don't really understand anything there.
I've been attempting to export geometry (which I believe is in the proper format) out of AutoCAD 2013 to the .iges (or .igs) solid body model format with no luck. I found the instructions in the AutoCAD documentation but when I try and execute, no luck. I do get the mandatory "1 object found that "fits the file type format requirements" dialogue so again I'm pretty sure that I'm doing things correctly.
Do I need a special plug-in? Here is the info on this type of export: Click Output tabSend panelExport.In the IGES Export Data dialog box, in the Files of type box, select IGES (*.igs, *.iges).In the File Name box, specify the name of the IGES file.Click Save.Select the objects to export and press ENTER to begin the export process.When export is finished, a notification bubble is displayed.
I don't even get the IGES Export Data dialog box to show up..
it's possible to have a standard text filled in the "Authorization" and "Organization", so that I don't have to enter the same text each time I want to export a STEP file.
Product Design Suite 2014 Inventor 2014, Vault 2014 HP Workstation Z220 Intel Xeon 3.4GHz 16GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 4000 Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.
I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".
I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.
It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.
Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.