Lightroom :: B&W Images Take On Slightly Warmer Look In LR4 When Converted To Process 2012
Mar 22, 2012
I just upgraded to LR4. I have a number of images that I converted to black and white using Silver Efex pro directly from Lightroom 3. I also have scans of images from black and white negatives in my catalog. When updating these images from process 2010 to process 2012 in LR4 each image becomes ever so slightly warmer (dirtier) on the screen. I noticed this because when updating the process I checked the review changes via before/after box. Some of the images where tweaked a bit in lightroom 3, others not. Strange thing is that when I run the cursor over the images the RGB values in the histogram are exactly the same in the before and after images.
I would have to say the before looks cleaner and more neutral. I don't mind using process 2010 for previously worked on images; however, it does seem to defeat the purpose of upgrading.
why Lightroom 4 is importing my images with a warmer tone, then exporting with a cooler tone. There are no presets selected on import so why is it doing this??
When LR4.x sees an older image it shows me the exclamation mark. OK, yes I will be updating... so the next step is a side by side. I could skip this, but it can be interesting to see where the subtle differeces will be. I know about the backslash key as a way to close the side-by-side. Up to today it always closed the *old* (2010) version and I sailed off into whatever editing was needed.
Today the backslash is always placing me in the older version "Before".as if I chosen "do not update"? ...but I *did* click "Update".My LR4 book (M. Evening). which I generally like, was written before the interface got locked down as there are some inconsistencies even with 4.0, so looking there I find nothing that works on this exact flow of events.
What am I doing "wrong" for the 4.3 interface. Hmmm, I just updated from 4.2 and that's when LR started leaving me in the old process.
i converted 1,900 images to dng from raw in lightroom to make shure the 2 weeks 62 hours of work croping & adjusting to be perfect to give bride & groom would be saved but there is no adjustments to them when i open photos where are all my adjustments. find xmp sidecar.
I have just purchased an Olympus OMD EM5. When I download images to Lightroom (v4.4) I have to manually convert to Process 2012. Am I doing something wrong? Why does this not happen automatically?
My Lightroom 4 catalogue is now automatically updating my DNGs from Process 2010 to 2012 when I open the folder in Library. The Update Dialog box does not open. I do not want this to happen automatically, but cannot find a preference or setting to control this.
Is there any way to turn off auto-recovery in LR4 2012 process engine? When shooting on white seamless, I gradually bring up the background lights until I see the raw file just blowing out as I want it, at my shooting aperture. With LR4 and auto-recovery - using this method of 'metering' if you like - I'm adding 2-3 extra stops of light than I would expect before this happens, which then gives me wrap around and flare problems. I'd like to take back control of this, so I'm not guessing where my pure white is any more..
When I change to process 2012 on an image that has been worked in 2010 I'm seeing a big change in the image, much brighter, less contrast. Any way to closely preserve the old look while updating the process?
Also wondering what the new 2012 process brings to the image, aside from access to the new tools. Will I see a better (or just different) rendering of the image from older files?
I have a pretty standard workflow for my pictures, where i import as dng, adjust exposure and a few general parameters, and then convert them to black and white in Silver FX. But, there's one specific image that, when exported, looks warmer in the browser than in lightroom. I have investigated a bit on this, and here's what i've tested so far, without luck:
- Set color profile to v2 in colormunki. - Recalibrate monitor and refresh color profile (colormunki). - Set firefox gfx.colormanagement.mode to 1. - Set color mode to black and white in LR. Re processed the image from scratch. Re exported.
This is the exported image:
there's a distinct warmish cast to the first image that i don't see on LR, and that i can't quite get rid of.
Using Lightroom 3.5. It seems to me in the past that my images would import and the 2010 process would be applied automatically. However, no matter what I do, I'm getting to the "!" on my new imports. But I guess I have forgotten what to do to force Lightroom to default to the 2010 process.
I have thousands of images. I have found that a catalogue can only process about 3500 images without slowing down greatly. This means I have to create multiple catalogues to process my images.
I have Lightroom 3 version 3.6 installed on my MacBook. I then upgraded to OS X 10.8.2. Since the upgrade when I try to import raw images from my Nikon D3100 camera I get images to preview and select but when I select and try to import I receive a message saying that there are no images to import and then the import process shuts down. I have also downloaded the most current version of Java RunTime. How can I fix the import process and resume using Lightroom?
I want to take one image process it to make (e.g. HDR) then restart with original image and make another completely different process (e.g. B & W). Sometimes I have many ideas for a photo and I like to see what I end up with. What would be the workflow for this?
i'm using Autocad2012 now. when i use paste special in objects and give x or y insertion scale. after i do explode that object the arcs are converted in to ellipses and it come with ellipse grips. before 2012 version it won't happen. what's the change in autocad 2012? is there any variable to change?
I use the Lightroom 4.1 export feature to export my HDR panorama images as 16 bit tiff in a temporary folder and after that to open the images automatically in PtGui Pro 9.1.x. The problem is if I export more than 25 images PtGui Pro starts one time for the first 25 images, then a second time for image #26 till 51, and so on. This happens during all my test with multiple image formats like 8 bit tiff with/without compression or with jpegs. It makes no difference whether the temporary folder is located on an SSD or a regular hard drive.
Additional I tested LR4 Export to Hugin 2011.4.0 (32Bit) and Gimp 2.8 (64Bit) and the result is the same like with PtGui Pro: After the 25th image a new instance of the program started.
Because of this behavior in different programs, I must assume that the fault must be with Lightroom. Is there any hardcoded limits by handover of pictures to external programs?
(Windows 7, Lightroom 4.1 and PtGui Pro 9.1 are 64 Bit versions)
I have been using Lightroom 4 with a subscription on my personal computer. I am now taking a class at a college where they have Lightroom 2 on the computer lab's computers. Can I use/convert a lightroom 4 catelog or .dng picture from 4 to 2 without losing my editing work?
It seems as if there is no rhyme of reason as to how the import process presents the previews to select for import. I did s shoot last night and the images are spread out over different areas between other photos that I took in the past. Shouldn't they just be sorted by image name so they are presented together?
when i am saving into save for web & devices .. images are slightly blurring . when i'm seeing in photoshop images are good quality . after saving web & devices images are slightly blurring.
I am saving a PDF from Illustrator CS4 that contains only 100% black text. My print provider is telling me that the text in the PDF has been converted to 4C, rich black. I have tried all different PDF creation settings (high quality, press quality, PDFX3, default) from Illustrator but nothing works. How can I create a PDF that maintains 100% black and prevents it from converting to process black?
I am trying to combine these two images (I want to keep the very top of the first image but I like the second image better...there is just not enough of her hand). How would I be able to accomplish this while also getting the perspectives to match up? I can get the hand looking ok, but then the rest of the image is funky because nothing else matches.
This issue occured shortly after update to 4.2, but not directly after. I am using windows 8.
The issue that occurs is after importing images they are adjusted automatically to develop module cross process 1. After dealing with this annoyance for a bit of time I realized that I can not even "RESET ALL" the images to delete the adjustment. In delving into other images that have been in my database for quite some time, I have tried to "RESET ALL", which resets images to CROSS PROCESS 1. I have never set import to automatically adjust.
I use Canon 60D and normally shoot in mRAW. I am considering a move to DNG conversion so I did some test conversions and was amazed to find that, far from reducing the size of my mRAW files, it increased them by about 60%. I repeated the exercise with RAW files and found that this did reduce the size of the files by over 10%. In fact, i ended up with the crazy situation where the DNG files converted from mRAW were much bigger than those converted from RAW.
Below are some sample sizes based on Medium previews, Embed fast load data - YES, Embed original RAW file - NO, Compatibility Camera Raw 7.1 and later
So, after many trials and studying websites that take images seriously on different monitors I'm considering giving up trying to get converted sRGB images from my wide gamut monitor to look good in my browser. Sure if you convert to sRGB, in a wide gamut setup, the image will look good on old monitors.
BUT it won't look good on the new ones. Nobody talks about that. It really seems that some of the high end coporate sites are already converting to adobeRGB and putting images on the web that are converted to AdobeRGB and not sRGB. The photos look great in my browser on my wide gamut monitor and those sites' photos seem washed out on the sRGB monitors I used on the same sites.
There is no way for me to know for sure sinced the images are untagged but when I download them and apply the AdobeRGB profile to them, it looks just like in the browser. The sRGB profile washes out the image. Look at [URL] ....
I just switched from a PC (XP) to an iMac (Lion), and have gotten all of the pictures and catalog moved over. HOwever, none of the previews show. When I go to develop mode, picture opens, preview generated: But, when I then switch to another file, the preview seems to disappear and has to be regenerated each time.
I uploaded the Camera Raw update for a new Nikon P7100 to Lightroom 3 on Mac 10,7,4, but when the pics come up they're extremely noisy. When converted from RAW to jpg the noise remains.
No problem with JPGs. Same pics from the camera in RAW are fine on the Nikon viewer, so it seems to be a Lightroom mismatch.