Illustrator :: Prevent 100% Black Text From Being Converted To Process Black When Saving PDF From AI
Jun 7, 2012
I am saving a PDF from Illustrator CS4 that contains only 100% black text. My print provider is telling me that the text in the PDF has been converted to 4C, rich black. I have tried all different PDF creation settings (high quality, press quality, PDFX3, default) from Illustrator but nothing works. How can I create a PDF that maintains 100% black and prevents it from converting to process black?
When 4-color process printing (CMYK), how might one remove the black plate from the process, but maintain the same "shade", or very close to, of all process colors?
Top swatch is the original. Bottom is the closes I could get while keeping Black at 0%.
So, I'm creating a logotype. It consists of a black rectangle and then there is some white text on top of it. However, when I save the file as pdf, the whole file is transparent.
The user is having a problem with imported jpgs. When she creates a Corel document, she usually imports a jpg as a background, then places text over it. When she prints, the text created in Corel is in color, but the imported jpg is B&W. The issue just started. She has used Corel 11 for some time.
Alright, I have a grunge vector I'm using in an opacity mask over my shapes. I need to convert my .eps grunge vector to full black, if I dont then the end result looks fine in illustrator...but when brought into PS you can still see light pieces of the object that the grunge was supposed to mask out.
When I click the eps file and use %100 black: instead of filling the grunge bits to black, it fills the entire selection black so I end up with a big black box, and if I use the stroke, it outlines the box itself. I tried making a compound path and also expanding the grunge, then retrying but no dice. Does AI recognize this eps file as one big square selection?
How do I get my .eps grunge vector %100 black rather than the CMYK black?
I got bounch of pictures that were taken with a very big zoom lens. As a result, the pictures got four black corners. Taking that away taking me a long time, creating three or four layers and then leveling them.
Since upgrading to Illustrator CC, I've noticed a strange issue (on Mavericks). When I copy and paste text (within the same Illustrator doc) Illustrator ignores the colour of the original text andwill always pastes the text as black.
How to get Illustrator to paste the original colour or turn this behavior off?
I use to be able to click on the outer box of text and give it a white fill to clarity when placing text over compex flow diagrams in CS3. I don't seen to be able to do this is CS6?
I am using CS6. I have created some text with a gradient fill. I have converted it to shapes before addin the Fill. I appear to get a slight black shadow arround the letters. This appears to get worse when I Export it to png with a transparent background. This black shadow is not a stoke that I have added.
For my business card design I have white text overlapping an area of very white grey- causing readability issues (insufficient contrast). It looks great apart from this one problem, so I still want to keep my white text and light background and fix it by separating the text and background with a darker drop shadow..
First, I added a black drop shadow to the text- but this was not enough to increase readability (text still looked faded on background as drop shadow was too subtle at 85% opacity, 0.04" blur) so I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow (100% opacity, 0.02" blur + 18% opacity, 0.02" blur). This produced a heavier drop shadow effect for my text as desired but, for some reason, the text came out slightly grey in print (offset run). It seems the drop shadow somehow got printed over the text itself to some extent- turning the white text somewhat grey (and so not looking as clean as intended).
How could this dropshadow bleed into the text happen? Is it to do with the fact I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow? I would have thought that, even then, the text should entirely overlap all of the drop shadow as the text is the top layer in the group.
What can I do to ensure that drop shadow does not print over text in any way in future? Do I have to stick to only one layer of dropshadow-or is there something else I'm missing?
When I import an eps, or create a new object with a shape tool. The default style is a clear fill and a hairline CYMK black (0,0,0,100) outline. I think I know how to change it to true black (0,0,0,0), but when i import an eps or an illustrator file, it is coming in as CMYK black (0,0,0,100)
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
CS5.5, Windows 7 64-bit (just in case that's needed) I have a layered PSD image. One layer is black (#000000). I flatten the image and sample the black area, and it is still pure black. I crop and resize the image - still black. I save as a jpg, and when I reopen the jpg, the black is no longer pure - (#010101).
saving and opening up as a .tiff or .jpg the black has faded and becomes much more weak, why is this? This happens every so often when I'm working with files, but I don't know the reason, maybe a setting I need to tick?
-I created my event poster in CMYK, the darkest black I used was 75, 68, 67, 90 -I have 1 photo (background mountains) that was orginally RGB and converted to CMYK when brought in. -Tested merging all layers together and the outcome was fine, only after saving and viewing is it faded -Could this be a monitor issue, or even the settings in my "preview" that are throwing this off?
Color setting Screenshot of original .PSD file Screenshot of JPG and TIFF file
Using Acad LT 2014, Win8. Using stb plot style. I also tried printing from my Win7 laptop, same result. Does not appear to be a Windows8 issue.
I am having something odd happening, I think it is new with 2014.
I noticed that my lines are not actually printing as black, but rather a very dark brown or almost black.
I have a stb style (Bk 1.00), Color = black, screening 100, and for some reason it's not really printing full black.
One layer (A-Elev-Maj) is set for color 132, but the plot style is Bk 1.00. It prints on my Canon Pixma and on pdf as very dark brown.
I have another layer (A-Fill-Bk) set to color 0,0,0, and also plot style Bk 1.00, and it prints dead black.
I tried making the A-Elev-Maj layer 0,0,0 and it still prints an "almost" black.
I checked in the stb file, it is really set to black. I tried 250, as well as 0,0,0 and go the same result.
Attached pdf. You can look at the fence railing or the triangle chimney cap to see the comparison of the A-Fill-Bk which is printing actual black and surronding lines which are "almost" black. Zoom in and you can see it.
I have been working on a large number of sketches. At this stage I am just using the path tool to make the outlines of my cartoons.
I have got fairly confident with the path tool now, however on my first 3 pictures my paths were a mess. The first 3 pictures I stroked the path at 10 pixels, I would like to reduce this to 6 pixels. I am not able to go back to the original paths so I guess I need to select lines from the completed pictures and and convert these to paths, then restroke.
I have been trying to select by colour (it is all black) but that gives me the outline of the black, ie, a double path. I have tried selecting the back ground and expanding it by 2 pixels, this worked but not in tight corners.
Object that I make black, do not stay black - Why?
I'll change it to black, do some more work and later I notice that it's not quite black. after checking the properties, I will see that it is in fact back to some default value and I have to again set it to black, 0,0,0
Basically a CAD program I use only exports PNG files. The CAD program can export in black and white and in color. The color PNG files open fine in CorelDraw. The black and white PNG files just show up as a black filled box.
I am trying to save a red and white and black logo to an eps file to use with a vinyl cutter but when it saves it changes it to a greyscale picture and the red color is removed. I tried resetting to factory settings and that didn't work.
I am working on a project which needs..Text frames to be converted as flash text >property changed to dynamic text > writing instance name “_txt”.so how can i write scripting on above process.
Started producing a new catalogue some time ago very happy working away on the first 3 – 4 pages
Before long I was up to 100 pages, looking fantastic. But then the thought come to me, I have set may page colour to BLACK and all my drawing and text are WHITE as I said looks fantastic until you go to print a page. How much black Ink would you use printing 100 pages black.
I have tried publishing to PDF then in acrobat replacing document colours and on screen that works fine but when you print it still prints
With the black background and white text for some reason.
I'm making vectors for my Spreadshirt page, and when I try to upload them SS is telling me that I must convert all the text to curves.How do I convert the text, and what do I do when there is no text in the image?
win xp CS2 We have tif files of drawings placed in a ID publication. Our printer has informed me that the drawings, which are basic line drawing wtih a color panel behind, are constructed of 100% of all four colors and therefore too much ink for the press to handle. The printer wants the black converted to a rich blk (40, 20, 10, 100)Is there a easy clean way of doing this? I suspect it's something in the channel pallette. Your thoughts?
I have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?
Total buffoon when it comes to getting GIMP to do what I want to do. I'm just practicing with making maps, black lines on a white background, and I've run into some issues I'm wondering if I can get rectified.
1) For whatever reason, the line weight of everything has shifted throughout the file, ending with some lines lighter and grayer than others. Is there a way I can get GIMP to trace all the lines in a uniform black, with uniform thickness?
2) I have tried locking the white background, but often when I select and move my black lines, if I don't click in just the right spot it moves the white background instead, which is really, reeeaaaly aggravating. How Do I get that background to be completely untouchable?
3) In trying to colour the image, I've run into problems with their being a white outline between the colour and the black lines. I think I need to sharpen the image or somesuch? How can one correct this issue?
4) Is there anyway to convert the black dotted lines of the paths tools into straight black lines, in regards to an older file? If not, is there an easy way to trace them?
5) I find the scale too tends to make my image too jagged. I want to take a section of my map, move it too another file and enlarge it to do detail work - what's the best way to do this in order to have a clear image?
6) Any way to translate an image from a MErcator Projection ot a Winkell-Trippel projection, one that works on a Mac?
I am having a weird problem with some files I'm getting from a third party. They are created in CS4, then saved to EPS v.10. I need the text in the file to remain live, but every time it gets saved to EPS 10, it gets outlined. URL....
I have been able to verify that ligatures is sometimes the culprit, but I think there's something in the way this one person is creating the files that's causing the problem. I've opened hundreds of EPS 10 files from other users that have live type. Yet when I take this one person's original AI file and down-save it, the text gets outlined.
It's a very simple file - no transparency or other red flags that I can see. At first I thought maybe it was just the font, but I have used the same font in tests, and down-saved to v.10, with no text outlining.