Lightroom :: Process Version 2012 For Photos Taken With Olympus OMD EM5?
May 13, 2013
I have just purchased an Olympus OMD EM5. When I download images to Lightroom (v4.4) I have to manually convert to Process 2012. Am I doing something wrong? Why does this not happen automatically?
How can I search and/or filter to find photos which have not been updated to the current Process Version? I would like to get a list of the photos rather than going through them one by one and looking for the lightening bolt.
I successfuly imported my LR 3 catalog to LR 4. At first, all photos looked as like as I had them processed in LR 3.
But by entering the developing module, sometimes there comes the suprise: After LR 4 loads the data, it changes in some cases the NEF-photo suddenly to a complete different look (for instance much brighter)! From that time on the preview and even the LR 3 snapshots are likewise displayed in the altered way. By the way, this happens before I change the photo to the 2012 process version! (When I change it to the 2012 process version, LR 4 uses the altered photo, not the in LR 3 originally processed one.)
I didn't find out yet, which photos are affected. It seems to me that the problem appears mainly with the more post processed ones (for instance sunset and dusk photos where I had massively to reduce the contrast).
If I want to share my presets shoudl I click "process version" when creating my preset? what happens if I click it (I am using lightroom 5) and somone uses lightroom 3 or 4 with the preset? What if I DON'T click it and they use lightroom 3 or 4 with the preset.
I have been using LR for ages at work and recently got offered a free full version of LR 4 by Amazon Vine programme. I happily installed it on my laptop and imported my presets which I mostly created myself.I was shocked to find that they look completely different on LR 4 (last version I used was 3.4) and found out that this is due to the new process version.
I have to tweak a LOT and still am not satisfied with the results. The main problem seems to be that ALL photos start with a linear curve, no matter which custom curve the preset contains. Is this a bug or a feature?It is really getting on my nerves and I am considering to go back to good old LR 3 again. Questions I have:
1. Could this problem be due to the fact that I did not to an upgrade but installed a completely new version of LR3?
2. Whenever I google I find the hint that there should be a dialog menue like this URL... this dialog never appears on my LR version. Or it did for the first time and I clicked "Don't show again" - I can not remember If I did chose to not show it again - can I redo it? Maybe it would make the tweaking easier if I had a preview which I absolutely don't have on my LR version.
I work in a studio where we use a DNG workflow - delivering DNG files to prepress. We are currently upgrading to LR4 to support some new cameras. Long story short, our prepress provider is using PSCS5 (and ACR 6.7) which means we'll need to keep our work in process 2010 for the forseeable future.
Given that I'll be sticking with process 2010 for a while, is there a way to turn off/disable the little exclamation point version warning?
Since converting from Lightroom 4 to 5 I the Process Version warning icon does not appear in the lower right of the preview panel when the file was processed using a 2003 or 2010 version. How can I re-establish the icon?
My Lightroom 4 catalogue is now automatically updating my DNGs from Process 2010 to 2012 when I open the folder in Library. The Update Dialog box does not open. I do not want this to happen automatically, but cannot find a preference or setting to control this.
Is there any way to turn off auto-recovery in LR4 2012 process engine? When shooting on white seamless, I gradually bring up the background lights until I see the raw file just blowing out as I want it, at my shooting aperture. With LR4 and auto-recovery - using this method of 'metering' if you like - I'm adding 2-3 extra stops of light than I would expect before this happens, which then gives me wrap around and flare problems. I'd like to take back control of this, so I'm not guessing where my pure white is any more..
I just upgraded to LR4. I have a number of images that I converted to black and white using Silver Efex pro directly from Lightroom 3. I also have scans of images from black and white negatives in my catalog. When updating these images from process 2010 to process 2012 in LR4 each image becomes ever so slightly warmer (dirtier) on the screen. I noticed this because when updating the process I checked the review changes via before/after box. Some of the images where tweaked a bit in lightroom 3, others not. Strange thing is that when I run the cursor over the images the RGB values in the histogram are exactly the same in the before and after images.
I would have to say the before looks cleaner and more neutral. I don't mind using process 2010 for previously worked on images; however, it does seem to defeat the purpose of upgrading.
When I change to process 2012 on an image that has been worked in 2010 I'm seeing a big change in the image, much brighter, less contrast. Any way to closely preserve the old look while updating the process?
Also wondering what the new 2012 process brings to the image, aside from access to the new tools. Will I see a better (or just different) rendering of the image from older files?
When LR4.x sees an older image it shows me the exclamation mark. OK, yes I will be updating... so the next step is a side by side. I could skip this, but it can be interesting to see where the subtle differeces will be. I know about the backslash key as a way to close the side-by-side. Up to today it always closed the *old* (2010) version and I sailed off into whatever editing was needed.
Today the backslash is always placing me in the older version "Before".as if I chosen "do not update"? ...but I *did* click "Update".My LR4 book (M. Evening). which I generally like, was written before the interface got locked down as there are some inconsistencies even with 4.0, so looking there I find nothing that works on this exact flow of events.
What am I doing "wrong" for the 4.3 interface. Hmmm, I just updated from 4.2 and that's when LR started leaving me in the old process.
I am a relativcely new Lightroom user, and brand new to Lightroom 4. (I just upgraded after a hardware failure forced me to get a new computer.) My photos all came up missing -- mainly because the new computer assigned a different drive path to the external hard drive where most of my photos were stored. I spent much of yesterday locating 5000+ photos in my old catalog. Late in the day I tried to import the "located "photos into the new Lightroom 4 catalog. I am not sure what actually happened, but the photos do not currently appear in either the old catalog or the Lightroom 4 catalog. Fortunately, Lightroom does seem to know how to find them, because if I click "find previous process photos," the re-located photos are displayed. How do I get these photos incorporated safely in a catalog? Do I need to do take appropriate steps before conducting any other processing of photos?
I am trying to append GPS data to my photo's using a track log which I have converted from KLM to GPX. The information loads onto the map just fine, but after selecting the option 'Auto-tag xxx selected photos' the process bar does appear in the top-left corner, but never progresses.
Is exposure and contrast supposed to be altering saturation in version 2012? See the 4 screen shots below to see what I'm talking about (RAW NEF taken with a Nikon D4 and the other details are on the screen). Here I am adjusting effects contrast, but I don't think it matters which contrast.
v2012 contrast set one way (this slightly peach tone is accurate and desired):
v2012 contrast raised. There is no mistaking how much yellower it is. Now if I try to fix this with the color controls, something else usually gets thrown off.
This does not happen in v2010: Contrast raised (if anything, slightly opposite):Do not get me wrong --the 2012 controls are far superior at their named function --but they make the mistake of doing more than that function.
The fundamental problem here is that this makes it extremely difficult to edit a photo because changing one setting alters settings you may have already set. When order in which you tweak things becomes a factor, it exponentially increases the complexity (and edit time) because you are then dealing with a moving target. You keep having to go back and reset settings that should not be drifting, and did not drift in prior releases. This is a problem for me especially with photos containing a wide range between light and dark, especially where contrast is desired in both light and dark (as above). This is not the first contrast control problem I've posted (it appears to interfere with lens correction). Contrast seems to be at the center of all my release difficulty (that combined with lack of a linear brightness control). Contrast appears to be adjusting more than just contrast in v2012.
In upgrading to LR4 I wish to keep my process 2010 photos as process 2010. There is no need to redo them because the update pretty much forces you to start again with most processed photos.
My problem is that I now find that LR4 greys out the detail and color sliders for Luminance and color noise reductionas if they are process 2003 photos. That is, I do not have access to the detail and color for the noise reduction section.
I can only assume this is a bug or that Adobe have changed the Noise reduction engine.
I have recently upgraded to ver 2012 from ver 2000. I have numerous macros that were written for the older version that I need to utilize in ver 2012. I manually recreated them in the new version by typing in the commands from ver 2000. As I expected I am getting errors when I try to run these macros in Ver 2012. The mlayer command, for example, does not work. I am pretty sure I need to use the -layer command and have tried this but I still get errors. While I am relatively proficient in ver 2000 I am having some trouble finding commands in ver 2012 that match the old version. Below is an example of a macro from ver 2000 as well as my attempt to rewrite it in ver 2012.
I have downloaded the trial version. I have around 22,000 photos and included are some videos. The import gets to around 6,000 inports and freezes. I am picking a folder and requesting all of the sub folders for the import.
Up until now I have been using ACDSee. Wanting to changeover to Lightroom, but need to make sure it can do the job with my existing data.
My Lightroom catalogue crashed, and i started a too old backup version. By importing new files, lightroom does show the older files in the importfield, are they still there? I desperately need them back,
I'm being a bit premature but when could we possible see support for the Olympus OM-D EM-5?The camera is getting in the hands of the consumer and would love to have LR support it
Is it possible to use Lightroom for tethered shooting with Olympus E series (particularly E-600)? If not, is it in the future plans to include support for Olympus cameras?
I have about a hundred photos in high resolution that I want to reduce to (the same) small image size for a website. How can I do this several (or all) at a time, instead of individually editing each one, using my Photoshop Elements 11 or 12? I cannot find an action for this in the action menu. If not possible within Elements, is there anything "free," or do I have to get Creative Suite or the like?