Lightroom :: Converted Images To DNG From RAW - How To Get XMP Back
Oct 10, 2013
i converted 1,900 images to dng from raw in lightroom to make shure the 2 weeks 62 hours of work croping & adjusting to be perfect to give bride & groom would be saved but there is no adjustments to them when i open photos where are all my adjustments. find xmp sidecar.
I just upgraded to LR4. I have a number of images that I converted to black and white using Silver Efex pro directly from Lightroom 3. I also have scans of images from black and white negatives in my catalog. When updating these images from process 2010 to process 2012 in LR4 each image becomes ever so slightly warmer (dirtier) on the screen. I noticed this because when updating the process I checked the review changes via before/after box. Some of the images where tweaked a bit in lightroom 3, others not. Strange thing is that when I run the cursor over the images the RGB values in the histogram are exactly the same in the before and after images.
I would have to say the before looks cleaner and more neutral. I don't mind using process 2010 for previously worked on images; however, it does seem to defeat the purpose of upgrading.
I seem to have a corrupted version of LR4 and the Adobe tech in India got on my computer remotely and really screwed me up even worse. He seemed to reset the default system and removed the plist (which I have on my desktop) but the LR version now is showing up as it was 6 months ago and I am missing many images, collections etc. His answer was " Well just re import the images and sorry I don't know MAC".
I have a mac and am not sure where to restore them from in Time Machine or if I put the plist back that will fix the problem. I do not back up in LR since is creates duplicate files which take up way too much space when you have over 50k images.
I have a mac book pro and use lightroom 4. I use an external drive to store the original images. I have a second external drive for backup of the images. I now make image copies when importing, to the back up drive. Some of my earlier images are not on the back up as I didn't copy them. How can I get these earlier images onto the back up drive. How can I synch these two drives on a daily basis?
by mistake I imported (moved) several AVI and MPEG videos into a specific folder that I inteded to use as backup for one of my relatives.
Problem is that my original folders, where I stored these videos, along with specific names regarding genre and/or subject were left intact, with nothing inside them.
I am trying to find a way to "revert" the import process and send those files back to where they belong.
I use Canon 60D and normally shoot in mRAW. I am considering a move to DNG conversion so I did some test conversions and was amazed to find that, far from reducing the size of my mRAW files, it increased them by about 60%. I repeated the exercise with RAW files and found that this did reduce the size of the files by over 10%. In fact, i ended up with the crazy situation where the DNG files converted from mRAW were much bigger than those converted from RAW.
Below are some sample sizes based on Medium previews, Embed fast load data - YES, Embed original RAW file - NO, Compatibility Camera Raw 7.1 and later
So, after many trials and studying websites that take images seriously on different monitors I'm considering giving up trying to get converted sRGB images from my wide gamut monitor to look good in my browser. Sure if you convert to sRGB, in a wide gamut setup, the image will look good on old monitors.
BUT it won't look good on the new ones. Nobody talks about that. It really seems that some of the high end coporate sites are already converting to adobeRGB and putting images on the web that are converted to AdobeRGB and not sRGB. The photos look great in my browser on my wide gamut monitor and those sites' photos seem washed out on the sRGB monitors I used on the same sites.
There is no way for me to know for sure sinced the images are untagged but when I download them and apply the AdobeRGB profile to them, it looks just like in the browser. The sRGB profile washes out the image. Look at [URL] ....
I just switched from a PC (XP) to an iMac (Lion), and have gotten all of the pictures and catalog moved over. HOwever, none of the previews show. When I go to develop mode, picture opens, preview generated: But, when I then switch to another file, the preview seems to disappear and has to be regenerated each time.
I uploaded the Camera Raw update for a new Nikon P7100 to Lightroom 3 on Mac 10,7,4, but when the pics come up they're extremely noisy. When converted from RAW to jpg the noise remains.
No problem with JPGs. Same pics from the camera in RAW are fine on the Nikon viewer, so it seems to be a Lightroom mismatch.
I have a big concern. How can all my develop presets (more than 300 now!) be converted correctly so that the changes that one of them applied to one pic in the 2010 PV are the _same_ changes the same preset applies in the 2012 PV?
I'm not talking of Adobe LR presets (those that are installed by default and that come along with the LR itself) ... I'm quite sure Adobe has made a good job keeping them coherent with those of LR 3.x . I'm talking about of the huge numbers of largely available (on the net) presets .
I'd like to know if they will be converted _CORRECTLY_ with the 2012 PV so that they will work applying the _SAME_ _VISUAL_ changes as they did in LR 3.x .
Of course I'm available to manually edit the old presets, if necessary but how? Logically, there would not need to be a new process version if all they did was put a new UI on the same controls the old process version contained. The new controls set values for new algorithms (fill light apparently the most obvious) that don't work like the old algorithms, and can't produce the same results, but I'm pretty sure that the same visual results are still reachable somehow!
And I still need the old presets working as usually they did as a steady coherent base for my retouch workflow...
After updating to LR 3.6, DNG Profile Editor does not display previews correctly, if base profile is one of the "new technology" camera specific profiles (for example the v4 profiles for Nikon). It looks like the previews are not properly converted to sRGB for display.
I also noticed that if I decompile and then compile such a profile using dcptool of Chromasoft, the resulting profile generates very strange looking pictures.
My computer: MacBook Pro Retina16GB ram Software latest updated os Xlightroom 5 Camera canon 5D MII
When importing 300 raw pictures from the camera with LR5, the software crashes 10(!) times. I import the pictuers to a external HDD. The pictures where converted to the DNG-format.
When importing with the photoloader from mac os x everything went fine.
I imported some RAW files into Lightroom 4, which I then copied/converted to DNG, then edited them. I now want to export them as full size, high-quality jpegs but I only seem to be able to export them at a maximum of about 800kb, which is far lower than full-size. Is this to do with first the conversion to DNG from RAW on the import? Am I best copying them from raw and not converting them to DNG at all? Next question is, will I have to import the original RAWs again and re-edit them to be able to export as full-size high quality jpegs or is there some way to not have to do them again?
I have a new MAC running 10.8 IOS and Lightroom 4.3. I also have a new Canon 5d Mark III. According to documentation Lightroom should recognize RAW files on the camera for download into Lightroom. But while I had success with only importing a single image amid multiple attempts, I cannot. Files are not recognized or cannot be converted to DMG for import. I took the card and put it into my old Rebel XT camera body, and it very slowly worked.
I have been using Lightroom with the old XT camera with no issues. Now I have a 1000 CF card and I can't get this to work from the camera. I have oredered a card reader which I have seen in other groups is supposed to solve this, but quite frankly: what the heck?
I've been using Lightroom 3 with an external hard drive for a few years now with no problems.
I shoot raw with my Canon t1i and jpg with my Canon SX-10.
Just last week I hooked up my external hard drive and Lightroom wouldn't connect to it. Usually when I hook it up, Lightroom opens up automatically. At least it use to.
I looked at the drive and it seems the tiff files are now called CR2 (Canon Raw I think). Why this happened and is there a way to get them back to where Lightroom will recognize them?
I can open them in Photoshop, but not Lightroom. I usually go first to Lightroom, then to Photoshop and back. Can't do it know though.
As you will see from my attached image all of my open images are now sitting outside of the screen. To get them to appear on the screen again I have to hold down the PS logo at the bottom of my screen, which then brings them up as per the image, then click to select an image. This then brings it onto the main screen. But I have to do this with each image individually. How to bring them all up at once? Or how to turn off this feature completely?
Since installing the X6 Trial I have lost the images for my cdr and cpt thumbnails. I haven't decided to upgrade yet but would like my thumbnails images back in the meantime. Do I do a repair with X5?
Old PC Windows XP with PSE8. New PC Windows 8 with PSE11.I did a backup and restore operation. After the restore, there was a large list of files that could not be restored. I also noticed that there were a large number of thumbnails with a question mark attached.
I did a reconnect using FindAll missing files. Instead of placing the recovered files in their original path and folder location, they ended up in an entirely different path in the Folders View. I tried to drag the folders back to their original location, but got the message: folder with that name already exists at the requested location, even though it wasn't visible. In addition some of the folders involved were no longer visible in either path structure.
I checked in the My Folders View, and it showed that the folders involved in the reconnect were still intact. I opened one or two and found they contained the original missing images.How can I get the folders and their images back to their correct places in the original path structure?
How come my 16 bits RAW file is only 10 bits when converted to DNG? To me that sound like a loss in quality and possible post processing issues. Do I need to worry?
How do I "back-up" my Lightroom license? I'm worried that my computer may crash someday and I will lose the product. How can I be sure this doesn't happen?
I had upgraded from LR2 to LR3 about 6 months ago. It was working great, but the other night I opened LR and it seems like it has gone back to LR2 mode. All my recent work is gone and I have work that I had done in LR2. I even have assignments that I had done last semester, 2011 work. How can I get all my photos back?
I have my catalog and photos on my D drive. I notice that sometimes photos that I import also appear on my C drive. All I have been able to learn is that there is an option for backing up imports but I cannot find an option to disable this.
I've been working on my macbook pro for years now exporting files from LR into PS, doing my edits, then saving and having the file automatically import back into LR.
I just upgraded to an iMac and have everything set up, but, now, when I do the EXACT same process, I recieve the error "Could not save as "IMG_1445.tif" because write access was not granted." when trying to save my file in Photoshop.
If it has anything to do with it...I also get an error before exporting from LR: "This version of Lightroom may require the Photoshop Camera Raw Plug-in version 7.4 for full compatibility"
when I go to quit LR and backup the catalog I am getting a message that reads "Lightroom was unable to back up the catalog named .... Please check your folder permissions, and make sure that you have available space on your backup drive and main catalog's drive." I backed up the catalog as recently as 11/12 (it is 11/16) without incident, as I have been doing for my catalog for many years. The drive to which I back up and which has the main catalog has sufficient space to backup. Folder permissions all seem to be in order. I have tried to backup on 3 different drives and get the same message each time. I have a Mac Pro Tower running OS 10.7.5. I am using LR 4.4.