Illustrator :: How To Make A New Calligraphic Brush
Sep 30, 2012
I am using Ai Cs6. I am trying to make a new calligraphic brush. The graphic I wish to create the brush for is highlighted on my screen, and I clicked on the New Brush icon in the Brush Menu. After changing the angle, roundness and size, the only options are "fixed and random". All other options are greyed out. How do I access the "tilt" feature for example?
I'm working on a reflective drawing and using gradients on strokes. I've been using pressure sensitive calligraphic brushes I made. Now I'm trying to use variable width preset profile brushes. It works fine for the first stroke, but every time I make a new stroke, it reverts back to a calligraphic pressure brush. How can I keep my brushes the same profile until I manually select it to be different? I've gone back and forth between the brush tool and pencil tool and neither will keep any basic variable width profile past the first stroke. I have to select every brush stroke and change it again and again after drawing it.
Reducing the Roundness of a calligraphic brush to 0% seems to create 'flat' ends to a stroke, but, on closer inspection, the ends are not perfectly flat/straight.
The line seems to start and end with a slight 'S' curve; it's less visible when the stroke has a different bearing, but I need it to be gone - is this possible? I'm trying to create a calligraphic brush with perfectly flat ends.
I am using CS5.5, and I was watching a video of someone using CS6 inking a sketch with a calligraphic brush that has black stroke and white fill. I am trying to do the same thing, but every time I select the fill color and start using the brush it goes back to "none" as the fill option. Is this a CS6 exclusive feature?
When creating strokes with the calligraphic brush (using an Intuos5), I noticed that the eraser tool breaks the stroke thickness when apllied to the calligraphic stroke. The entire stroke defaults to an undesired,uniform thickness.
See video here: [URL] ...
So why does this happen? Is there some way to prevent the eraser from destroying the stroke thickness?
I followed this tutorial to create 3D Christmas lights, and all was going well until I reached one of the final steps- release clipping mask in order to proceed with making a pattern brush. The "Release" option is simply not available, I'm only allowed to "Make."
My questions:
- What might have I missed/what should I look for to enable making a pattern brush with 3d objects?
I have a fabulous image of a painter's palette: [URL]
I want to show only parts of this image at a time, so that the viewer sees it in increments. However, I want to make the edges look more organic, like brush strokes, so that it looks almost as though the painting is being completed and the viewer gets to see the process.
p.s. I'm in CS2, unfortunately, so the bristle brush isn't an options
I am looking to make a brush that I can use for cartooning in CS6 that starts out thin, gets thicker with pressure (I have a cintiq), and ends in a thin line.
I've made a pattern brush that I'm using to simulate a woods line for a boardgame map:
Shown above is the unstroked bounding box as well. To use this brush, I draw an outline of a woods mass with the pencil tool, then apply the brush and Expand Appearance. At that point I'm hoping the brush sections will join into one closed path so that I can fill it with a woodsy green, but instead the fill gets applied to each section of brush independently:
The join points seem fine - it's not like the two ends of the brush don't line up at all: EDIT - Actually, that's not just one point in the middle there - that's the ends of both paths lying almost on top of each other. It's possible to separate the two and then ctrl-J join them. Problem is, I want that single path automatically.
So how to get Illustrator to treat the resulting path as one closed path instead of a compound path?
Is there a way to make a custom vector brush smoothly meet at beginning and ending of the stroke, such as with a circle? I'm trying to create smooth circles with a brush and Wacom. I want a brush rather than a mathmatically perfect circle with a perfect stroke weight-thickness, but I don't like how the two beginning and ending join up. i like the slight variations of human imperfections one gets when using a vector brush, but there must be a way to make the joing points look more smooth, rather than an after-thought prgramming fault, right? Is it possible?
The image below shows my attempts to make as smooth a joint as possible, but it still looks too much like it wasn't meant-to-be.
I'm a web developer but have little knowledge of Photoshop. I got a web design job to create something very similar to URL.... Firstly i want to know how to make a brush mild like the white brush on that website. It doesn't overshadow the blue background.
I'm having a problem with the Blob Brush tool where I can't change the basic brush to something else. Whenever I pick a brush I want and I try draw with the Blob Brush tool, the brush I picked reverts back to the basic brush. Here are screenshots:
I pick a brush that I like first
But when I start drawing with the Blob Brush tool, it reverts back to the basic brush automatically
Am I doing something wrong or is the Blob Brush tool only capable of using the basic brush?
I was wondering if it was possible to make a selection tool that works just like the brush tool and pencil tool.i think it'd be much easier to select very small areas with this.If it is possible to consider putting it in PDN if it isn't too much of a problem.
Also while im at it can you make the transparent background design customizable because all the grays make it kind of hard to tell if you have a stray pixel.I'm currently using PDN to sprite so stray pixels will get me flamed on the site i post them on i'm also aware that i could just make a layer to cover it but when i click save im reminded of the extra layer than i have to cancel and remove it.
After upgrading to Gimp 2.8, I am loving the single window mode. But the brushes are working a bit differently to 2.6.
I work, mostly, on A4 pages at 300DPI. So when I want to enlarge a brush, I like to use a custom shortcut to quickly upscale the brush so that I can to a large size quickly.
This happened nicely in 2.6. However, in 2.8, I can't find a way to quickly upscale the brush in the same way. I've created the same custom shortcut, but the upscaling takes a lot longer to reach the desired scale. It's a case of holding down the keyboard shortcut and then waiting while the brush gets bigger.
Is there a way to speed up that upscale motion?
EDIT: In other words, is there a way to make the "increase brush size more" function increase its increments?
Im using a tablet. I want to make my brush stoke very very short. Previously, I would do this by setting the fade to a very small number. I think I used to set it to airbrush but possibly it worked in brush as well. (I cant even figure out how to select an airbrush now) How do I do this in 6?
I was asked to make a couple fantasy maps that look hand-drawn. It would be really cool if I could make an isometric mountain brush that puts a different mountain down every time I click it, or a randomized series of mountains along the brush stroke if I need a range. I thought some of the special effect brushes did this, but it turns out they just randomize the rotation in CS6.
On a related note and seemingly more unlikely, is there a way to have a two colored brush that uses foreground and background? If above mentioned mountain brush consists of ink-like lines, it would be useful if the mountains came in already filled so that they cut out the lines of whatever mountain is behind it.
I'm learning to create digital scrapbook pages. One of the most challenging tasks is making a fiber. Can you suggest how I could make a brush that would produce the shape of the fiber that I've referenced in my attached picture?
I know there are many ways to create light beams or God beams.There are several tutorials and net has many brushes.I just want to make a simple tapered brush in Photoshop CS6 so that If I click at a source like window then shift click at another place I get a 'tapered' beam, smaller at origin and flaring to larger size, like a flashlight beam
it should be easy with shape dynamics and all, but I am not able to figure this out.
My Photoshop brush, pencil and Clone strokes are smaller than the cursor, which makes it very difficult for accuracy. Don't know what made them change, but want the cursor and stroke to be the same.
I've tried different settings in the brush dialog box, with difference tip settings, etc, with no results. Also, tried different settings in Preferences / Cursor setting.
When I set my pencil brush tool to 1px, to make some pixel art, it is not 1 pixel, it adds an extra pixel to the left. I dont know why this happens, but im the height IS 1 pixel, but the width adds an extra pixel to the left or right (mainly left). even when i position it ExACTLY in the center of the grid, which is set to 1px by 1px, it STILL adds an extra pixel