Illustrator :: This File Cannot Be Found - Error Message When Saving Document
Dec 19, 2013
Strangely, every time I click "save" in CS6 it opens up a 'Save As' window, (which shouldn't happen), then I click save witht the existing file name (it then tells me the doc already exists), I click OK, (and then OK to the next popup window) then get the message that "This file cannot be found". I'm forced to click "ok" and the doument isn't saved. I've tried saving it differently in previous versions and it still doesn't work. I recorded a video of this behavior. You can see it here - [URL]
Why would it be trying to find a file? It seems like an error message when trying to Open a doc, not Save a doc. I can't shutdown my station until I get the document to save.
I´m having som problems to publish a part in to the Content Center. It´s the first time I´m doing this.
The part is made with parameters and is a little bit more complex than a bolt.
The problem is that I got this message: "There are external dependencies found in the document. Please remove the dependencies then proceed with this comand."
Everytime I open up a file in Photoshop, it says, 'Linotype Fontexplorer version fc4 or newer cannot be found'. I recently deleted that program, how can I get Photoshop to stop looking for it?
I created a Dynamic Block that works perfectly, however when I try to add it to my tool pallet, I get an error message that reads "Block XXX is not found in source drawing. If the source drawing is currently open in the editor please save your drawing."
I'm not in the block editor, and I've saved it multiple times before I tried doing this. I've even closed AutoCAD and reopened it and I'm still getting the same results. I've been able to add many other blocks to my tool pallet, but it just will not accept this one.
I have an ai file that I can not save with out getting the File I/O error message. One person suggested that this file may be corrupted since I've been bouncing back and forth between 2 different Illustrator programs. I use CS-4 at work, save as CS-3 format then continue working on it at home. I tried copying each layer to a new fresh doc. but still get the error code. Is there a way to fix this file? Both back-up files I have behave the same way.
When I double click an AI file to open it, I get this message: "Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window, increase document area and try again". This error started happening about a week or two ago. Although it is inconvenient to have to go to File>Open and then locate the file to open it since I am used to doing it the other way at least it is a way to open the AI file. I just discoved that if I double click a graphic in a Adobe Acrobat Pro using the Edit Object I get the same error message. This is a problem.I have checked previous discussions about this and tried things like unchecking the "open as tab" option in the preferences but that does not work.
I have more photos ending up lost. Most I've done nothing t,o or moved since importing. I've tried the directions outlined in "help" but get the message "file not found" or "folder not found". All missing photos can be seen on my screen but I can't do anything with them. how to recover and have access to them?
I receive that message when I try to open a new document. My others such as Photoshop and In Design are fine as far as I can tell. I'm using CS4 on Windows 7.
I am using Photoshop CS5 on OSX 10.6.8. When I try to create a new file or copy and paste within an open file, I receive this error message: "This is not a valid Portable Document File (PDF) document. It cannot be opened." This does not occur when opening files, only when creating a new document or working within an open document. I have tried deleting preferences and resetting all warning messages but nothing has worked.
Over the past week or so we have had a error. When working in a AI file and trying to save as a PDF we get this error: "Cant save the illustrator file. File may be read only, or the file is in use, or you dont have the required permissions. ID=54". We have to go back to file and re-save every time.
So, I have a .PSD file I want to Re-save Over the existing one already on the hard-drive, but everytime I save the file it says the file is "Locked, unlock it in Properties, via Internet Explorer options".
Well, none of the layers in the file are locked. I tried the settings on my computer and didn't find any option that related to the error. The question is, What type of setting in Internet Explorer might have caused this, and How do I fix it?
After that, I tried saving a Different file I was working on, and it saved- with no Error-message. Is it a security setting? But, if so- why does this problem only occur with This file and not others?
I am running Photoshop CS3 Extended on a Windows XP Pro, with SP2 installed. The computer has two hard drives installed. On all previous versions of Photoshop I've been able to save a file to my 2nd hard drive easily by typing "D:image.jpg"
When I try to do the same in Photoshop CS3 I get an error message that says "could not save as d:d:image.jpg because the file name was invalid"
So I have to hit SHIFT+CTRL+S then type "d:" and then type a file name, making it a 2 step procedure to save a file now. If I don't follow this procedure, and just type the filename it saves the file on drive C: in a subdirectory.
Obviously it's a path error, but I've never had a problem with a straight out command "D:image.jpg" on previous versions and looking at the Preferences options or doing a search for this error didn't shed any light on this issue.
I have both 32- and 64-bit versions of Adobe Illustrator CS6 The error occurs only with the 64-bit version,The error occurs only when saving files containing text objects.Unchecking "Create PDF Compatible File" doesn't solve the problem. Resetting Illustrator's settings also doesn't work.
It's pretty much time taking switching between the two versions and I also have files pretty big enough that require opening in the 64 bit version.
I cannot save for web and devices for some reason. I get the error message shown in the screen shot below.
I'm using CS5 extended, version 12.1, 64 bit. My OS is windows 7. It doesn't matter whether it's a JPG file or a PSD, I get the same error message, and I am unable to find a solution so far.
I have recently bought a copy of CS6 Production Premium classroom in a book. I am going through it, and am currently busy with lesson 6. In this particular lesson, I need to open a PNG file that was supplied. The PNG file is 53kb. There are a few steps after that, including selecting the object, and using "Image Trace", "Make and Expand". After this step, a few layer deletes are called for. Once all this is completed, I am supposed to save the edited file as an "AI" file. when I select the "Save as" function, browse to the location I wish to save it, and then name it and select "OK", the program freezes for a few seconds, and then I get the dreaded "Adobe Illustrator has stopped working" message. The program then closes, and I have to start again.
I have tried the following solutions so far:
1) Open the file and without any editing at all, try to save - This has the same error 2) Opened the original file in Photoshop and saved it as a PSD file 2.1) Opened the new PSD file in Illustrator and tried to save - This had the same error 3) Created a new Illustrator document. Typed some random text. tried to save as an AI file - This saved with no problems.
I am running a Windows 7 are the PC specs: Is this a known issue with the training material perhaps?
The message reads "One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created." I am using AutoCad Civil 3D 2011.
We have AutoCad LT 2012 version. We encounter fatal error when we save the drawing. we cannot finish our job because everytime we save our work it will show a messsage FATAL ERROR.
Verify that the files exists and that you can access it. Needless to say AutoCad wont open all I get is Retry or Cancel, selecting.
Retry just gets the same error so when I Cancel I then get "Are you sure you want to Cancel" which I select and then I get the message Fatal Error during installation.
This is a downloaded install from Autodesk and I dont have discs available.
DWG TruView,Autodesk Vault 2010 and Autodesk Design all installed OK.
System detail's; OS is 64 bit Windows Home 7 Ver 6.1.7600 with IE8
CPU AMD Athlon 11 P320 Dual Core, 4 gig RAM,500GB HDD running on a new Toshiba Laptop.
I've looked around at various forum's without success.A couple of sites offer what they call a fix but it turns out to be registry scanners.
When I try to place this ipart, I get an error saying "The server returned the following information: This file is not found on any server in the replicated environment". This child part is already in vault. I tried to delete the child from Vault and I thought that I would just re-generate it. But, when I try to delete the file from Vault, I am given a restriction, but no explanation.
What can I do to get this back in sync with vault?
After I save a file for "Web & Devices," when I open it, it returns this message, "This file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored." Will this cause any problem with the file once I place it in the website I'm building? I've never seen this message before on a photo I've edited. The changes I made involved color correction.
Photoshop 13.1.1 x64. Mac Pro 3.33 6-core running OSX 10.6.8, 48Gb RAM. Working on a large-ish .PSD file (650 Mb) and saving to a network drive (a Drobo connected to a server) which is our usual routine and has been for years.
Problem – When I save the document and close it, the saved file (in the correct target location) shows the correct modified time and date stamp but if you open that file up again a lot of work is missing. In this instance, about the last half hours work (since the previous time I saved it). However, if you then go to File > Open Recent and choose the file name, the document opens with all the missing up-to-date work in it.
Clearly, File > Open Recent is opening a temporary document somewhere and not the saved file in the target location.
My concern is why isn't the saved file (with correct modified time and date) up-to-date? Suddenly we are having to double check every PS file we work on and save and that is not practical.
I saved a logo I've completed at work using CS6, and saved it in CS5 format and also as a PDF. However when I open them both (one in illustrator and the other in Adobe Reader) they both have a cloudy, hazy effect over them. The colours aren't bright and crisp like they were when I saved them at work in CS6. I have them saved as RGB as least that's what it showed the document colour mode was when I checked it
When I save an Illustrator (CS4 and below) file that has a document title and an author in the File Info tabs only the author field is properly transferred to the metadata of a PDF when using Save As PDF. The title field of the PDF gets the file name ("map_data_2006") and not the document title ("Map of Data in 2006"). How do I keep from re-populating the PDFs with metadata (which increases the file size after a resave) which is already stored in the AI files?