Illustrator :: CS6 - Image Document Looks Cloudy After Saving
Apr 30, 2013
I saved a logo I've completed at work using CS6, and saved it in CS5 format and also as a PDF. However when I open them both (one in illustrator and the other in Adobe Reader) they both have a cloudy, hazy effect over them. The colours aren't bright and crisp like they were when I saved them at work in CS6. I have them saved as RGB as least that's what it showed the document colour mode was when I checked it
When I save an Illustrator (CS4 and below) file that has a document title and an author in the File Info tabs only the author field is properly transferred to the metadata of a PDF when using Save As PDF. The title field of the PDF gets the file name ("map_data_2006") and not the document title ("Map of Data in 2006"). How do I keep from re-populating the PDFs with metadata (which increases the file size after a resave) which is already stored in the AI files?
In Illustrator 6, you have to check "include linked files" every time you save a document. If you don't, the next time you open it, you are looking for the missing link. Is there a way that I can set a default so that it automatically checks it each time?
I'm working on a document in Illustrator, that I want to save as PDF. Need to make some words hyperlinked. Is there any way to do that? Any easy tool as in MS Word, I know not of?
Strangely, every time I click "save" in CS6 it opens up a 'Save As' window, (which shouldn't happen), then I click save witht the existing file name (it then tells me the doc already exists), I click OK, (and then OK to the next popup window) then get the message that "This file cannot be found". I'm forced to click "ok" and the doument isn't saved. I've tried saving it differently in previous versions and it still doesn't work. I recorded a video of this behavior. You can see it here - [URL]
Why would it be trying to find a file? It seems like an error message when trying to Open a doc, not Save a doc. I can't shutdown my station until I get the document to save.
I create a document with multiple artboards whereby every image I place in the document is linked, however the size of the document is still enormous (around 350mb). It's a big document with a lot of clipping masks on images but surely it shouldn't be so big.
I was able to do this once but I need to add more images and it won't let me. I've tried saving the JPEG images on my desktop. I've tried saving my document on my desktop. I've done the update.
Have photos from trip to Japan and Grand Tetons that are cloudy. Is there a way to change the sky to blue. I have pictures of only sky I have taken that I thought I might be able to use as a layer or in some other manner.
I am trying to place an .eps image on an InDesign document, however, the blue bounding box in Illustrator is cropping part of the image. I can see the full image in Illustrator. Maybe the bounding box is too close to the edge of the logo? Below is the what it looks like when I place it in InDesign and what it looks like in Illustrator. Is there a way I can include the missing part of the image? I am not the creator of the logo and received it from another company.
I just got a fresh install of Illustrator CC and every time I place a raster image into my document, it appears dim or very light. When I go to export the image, the PNG file displays the image correctly.
I've been trying out the different palette options in Image Trace and I believe I've come across a feature that does not work as the designers intended. In Adobe's documentation, there is very little said about the feature, which I believe is intended to allow you to substitute a custom palette for the palette that would be created by the original artwork that is being traced. It's under the Palette drop-down menu and is available if you've selected the Color Mode. It's called Document Library. In Adobe's documentation, there are these two paragraphs:
[URL]Palette - Specifies a palette for generating a color or grayscale tracing from the original image. (This option is available only when Mode is set to Color or Grayscale.)To let Illustrator determine the colors in the tracing, select Automatic.To use the document swatches as a palette for the tracing, select Document Library.
This would be a great feature, if it worked! I have a lot of artwork to trace, it's all in a set yellow-to-green palette, and it would be a big time-saver if I didn't have to change the palette after the trace. Unfortunately, the feature doesn't work as promised.
image looks pixelated after saving with transparent background...
i created a logo in adobe illustrator cc and i wanted to saved it for web in order to be able to copy and paste the logo where ever I wanted but the image looks extremely pixelated after saving as an png, and for web.
System is Windows xp pro 32 bit with 3GB ram. Cannot save or even close out photoshop. Need to end task and start over again. Sometimes documant will be recovered sometimes not.
I have done some photography for a preexisting series.
The existing files are embedded with a unique colour profile, I ideally need to use that profile so that the new photography exactly matches colour wise, as I will be using some elements from the original files.
Is there any way to save the embedded profile, so that I can apply it to any new files that I work on?
I am working on a 44-page document, opening a pdf in GIMP. I've never done anything like this before yet have taught myself how to work page to page, insert images between the text blocks on each page, resize the images and position them where I want, even in more than one layer. (That in a couple of days, me a novice! HOWEVER, after working hours on my project, thinking I was saving as I went, I discovered after the fact that I was only saving the highlighted page, not the entire document. I lost all my work, twice! Luckily I had only gotten through page 7.
The project requires me to need to see all the pages, sometimes to backtrack to reposition an image in order to achieve a consistent flow. At the end I will save as a pdf, flattening all images. In the interim, I need to be able to get back in, day-to-day, to continue the detailed work.
PS. I'm using Gimp 2.8 on a MacBook 10.6.8. And yes I know to save as .xcf while the work's in progress.
Photoshop 13.1.1 x64. Mac Pro 3.33 6-core running OSX 10.6.8, 48Gb RAM. Working on a large-ish .PSD file (650 Mb) and saving to a network drive (a Drobo connected to a server) which is our usual routine and has been for years.
Problem – When I save the document and close it, the saved file (in the correct target location) shows the correct modified time and date stamp but if you open that file up again a lot of work is missing. In this instance, about the last half hours work (since the previous time I saved it). However, if you then go to File > Open Recent and choose the file name, the document opens with all the missing up-to-date work in it.
Clearly, File > Open Recent is opening a temporary document somewhere and not the saved file in the target location.
My concern is why isn't the saved file (with correct modified time and date) up-to-date? Suddenly we are having to double check every PS file we work on and save and that is not practical.
I've never had this issue before, but recently when I create a new document preset and go through the process of saving it, it simply doesn't save (File > New > Preset: Custom > Save Preset > Ok). I've tried reinstalling CS6, removing all other custom things I had (textures, brushes, etc.) but not matter what I do, I cannot for the life of me get custom new document presets to save anymore.
I have 300 photos that are being saved as thumbnails for my online store. I am looking to see if I am able (in automated batch saving) to add "-TN" after the document name, before the extension. It will let me add the dash but not "TN."
An example of how my document name needs to be is "MyFile-TN.gif".
I opened a document and it popped up a messages asking if I want to revert to the saved version YES or NO. This is weird because I didn't try to open the document twice. I suspect it is a macro that was causing this problem but I have many so it could take a while to locate the culprit. I also suspect a windows 7 update may have caused an interference with the macro.
I am trying to find a faster way to save my images. I shoot in raw, save raw images as jpegs after editing them in Camera Raw. I am using Photoshop CS6 on a Mac version 10.7.5. When I save, I either have to save as a copy of the exisiting image, or replace the image I'm working on. Other forums I've read said to make an action to save and create a function key to make this process faster, but my function keys aren't working, and playing the action I've created still makes a copy of the image.
I'm designing a user interface for iPad (Resolution: 1024x768, DPI:132). Setting the resolution is a piece of cake but when I change the ruler unit to Centimeters, it shows the screen about 36x27cm which is not right (iPad screen is 24.3x19cm).
Illustrator calculates these lengths based on the DPI. But when creating a new document the only available DPI's are: 72, 150, 300 (File > New > Raster Effect). I know that Illustrator is a vector design program but there must be a way to set the DPI to an arbitrary value.
How can I have a 1024x768px artboard in Illustrator that is 24.3x19cm? (DPI=132)
Is there a quick 'n easy way to scale a whole document in CS6?Right now, I select all, use the scale tool, option-click, type in a percentage, then resize the artboard. Just wondering if I'm missing something to do it all in fewer steps?
Also, any way to scale by other unit besides percentage? So I have a shape that's 374 pixels across. I want to scale it proportionally to 800 pixels across. (traditionally, I just whip out the ol' proportional alegbra equation to convert to percentage)
how to use document profiles? I noticed a yellow ! triangle when I selected RGB as the color space for a new document. When I clicked on it, I was informed that my new document didn't match the document profile, and now I am wondering whether I should ignore that, or get up to speed on how to use/create document profiles.
I have always had multiple files open at a time when using illustrator but all day today the program has been freezing everytime i open more than one document. I am able to use the program now if i only have one file open but it freezes as soon as i open the second file. I have restarted my computer twice and i have closed every other program on my computer. I have a macbook pro and i save all of my illustrator files on an external hard drive.
I had a leaflet given to me that I agreed to edit. It was A4 in size and fold in three so the original has six faces. The owner wants to keep the design but reduce it to a single-sheet double sided one third of A4. So I just did the edits and and made the leaflet into three on a page; like this:
My question is how can I put a cut mark in the page. I am guessing that the leaflets can be cut as required. Or is that not a good thing to do and should I put them on a standard compliment slip size?
I created a custom resource as xml . and browsed .xml file, I am able to see this browsed xml file in my Resource Browser. actully this xml file I want to used for custom plugin. but i am not able to get how can i access this xml resource file as xml document ? Becuase i have to read this xml resource file as xml document.
one thing more after build my pluing when i opened my .aip file in notepad++ , This xml data is appended as the part of .aip file. I am working with AI CS6