Lightroom :: Missing Photos - Get The Message File Not Found?
Sep 23, 2012
I have more photos ending up lost. Most I've done nothing t,o or moved since importing. I've tried the directions outlined in "help" but get the message "file not found" or "folder not found". All missing photos can be seen on my screen but I can't do anything with them. how to recover and have access to them?
Lightroom 4. Can't get error message that a particular file is missing off the screen. I have verified that the file is gone. Now how do I get rid of that message
I have several photos which carry the message "File access denied". On the same folder there are photos taken on the same day which I can access. I dont believe that I have done anything to the photos outside of LR (4). I use Windows 7
Strangely, every time I click "save" in CS6 it opens up a 'Save As' window, (which shouldn't happen), then I click save witht the existing file name (it then tells me the doc already exists), I click OK, (and then OK to the next popup window) then get the message that "This file cannot be found". I'm forced to click "ok" and the doument isn't saved. I've tried saving it differently in previous versions and it still doesn't work. I recorded a video of this behavior. You can see it here - [URL]
Why would it be trying to find a file? It seems like an error message when trying to Open a doc, not Save a doc. I can't shutdown my station until I get the document to save.
I have been working with LR 2.7 for a while now and was happy with it.
PC - Win XP - LR3.5 Photo's stored on external hard disk (K:)
The RAW captures of a Nikon 3100 I recently won were not being recognized/imported by LR 2.7 and I installed the 3.5 version to see if it was any better. I would have to buy it anyway by the time I switch to Win7. In 3.5 the Raw files were imported, the settings of 2.7 were nicely taken over but now and I cannot export the files I have worked on to the K: drive of the external hard drive as I used to do with 2.7.
I get the message 'The folder could not be found' though it is set in the Export Window and I am looking at it in Win Explorer.
The original RAW captures are on the D: drive but that was always the case with 2.7 as well... I am doing it exactly as I used to with 2.7.
I tried with a photo from an older folder of my usual camera and everything works fine there.The problem seems to be only with the Nikon files. Now I start wondering if there is something with raw format of this Nikon camera that is putting LR in a twist...
I am a new Lightroom3 user trying to prepare a portfolio for a juried show. I have imported photos from CDs and a flash drive and have created a Collection for my portfolio. When I click on what seems like a random grouping of photos in the collection (in the Library Module), I get the error message "file xxxx is offline or missing", even though the image is showing correctly. I am unable to work on any of these images in the Develop Module.
I am trying to download photos from a Nikon D90 into lightroom. Have done successfully in the past but now getting a "no photos found" message. Have tried a different cord.
I upload my photos to iPhoto first, then put them on my desktop for easy import into Lightroom. However when I'm done importing and put the photos on my desktop into my trash bin, the photos in lightroom say "“IMG_7944.jpg” could not be used because the original file could not be found." I don't understand why it's suddenly doing this because this is how I've imported my photos for years?
I just transferred all my files to a new Macbook Pro. The problem is when I open Lightroom now the photos are not in the catalog.
They are in Photoshop under My LIghtroom Photos but they do not show up when I open Lightroom. How can I get my Photos back into the Lightroom catalog.
They are on the older Macbook Pro and they are backed up on an external hard drive.
I'm running 64 bit Lightroom 3.5 on Windows 7. I've been using Lightroom for about 2 years, this is a problem that just came up this weekend.
When in the Develop module and selecting Export and selecting Export Location and a folder to export to, the dialog box now only shows me the Desktop and my User folder - it does not show either of the two hard disks in my PC. These disks do show up in Windows Explorer and the Library module is able to find these disks and load the photos on them.
I have a folder of around 6GB worth of photos (all in JPEG format, and all taken using Nikon D7000 on the same day), then when I imported them into LR4.3, only around 100+ were imported. I then tried to import the remaining photos, but an error came out an said "no photos or videos were found to import".
I had pictures on a flash drive that I scanned in. When I brought them into Lightroom, I "added" them to lightroom. I didn't "move" them. So, I am assuming that when the flash drive is missing is why I am getting the "jpg is missing or offline" message. Is there any way to fix this or do I just have to delete them all and "move" them?
When I downloaded my photos into Lightroom today I used today's date on the folder, but got the year wrong, 2013. After I completed editing my entire photo session, and tried to export some of the images, I realized I had the date wrong on the folder. I used my Mac's "Finder" to locate the file and change the name to 2014, with the rest of the folder name. I see now that this was a mistake and I should have probably changed the file name IN lightroom instead. Now I cannot export because I am getting the message about the files being offline or missing. I have tried to correct this by changing the folder name back to the original incorrect name (year), but this did not solve it. I clicked on the question marks and tried to "find" the folder, but that did not work either. It would be nice to be able to save my work in editing, rather than to have to start over again. In addition, Lightroom now shows several extra folders with the same folder names have been created that I didn't plan or create, purposely at least :
How do you turn off the 'image is offline or missing' dialog when no drives are hooked with the source files. I'm on LR3, and I don't remember this being an issue with LR2. Doing a client presentation with my MBP and the files are indeed offline. I usually my client selection process from the grid and loupe views, but I'm getting this message, pretty large across the top of the image. I don't remember this being an issue before, so either it wasn't there at all, or the text was smaller.
When I click to edit a photo that I've re- imported, it says "photo missing" and "file can not be found". How can I re- access this photo and continue to edit?
I have several external drives that are too small to hold my entire photo library (and one large enough to hold everything).
I'd like to select certain photos from my catalog, say those with attribute >= two stars, and back them up to one of my smaller drives. It's important I back up the photos themselves - with or without a catalog - as the goal here is extra security.
After the fee upgrade from OSX Lion to Mavericks my Lr cannot find the previously imported and processed RAW file when the Export function is requested.
Normally I do not have a problem reordering photos in LR4. However with my last import from a folder in Pictures on my Imac's hard drive I am being shown the following error message,
'Cannot reorder photos. The currently selected scource does not support custom order.'
My Imac works on OS X version 10. 6.8, with a 500GB hard drive of which 186GB is free.
I'm working with Lightroom 4.4 to upload photos to Blurb. Two weeks ago, I tried this with 44 page photobook and it worked fine. In the past few days, I made a new book (205 pages) and it simply give an error message in the middle of an uploading process. I'm wondering if starting this all over again is the only option. The error message simply states there was an error during the uploading process and nothing more.
LR states that my photos are missing, but none of my photographs seem to be missing, ie, there are no question marks and all photos can be found, edited, and exported in the normal fashion.
Everytime I open up a file in Photoshop, it says, 'Linotype Fontexplorer version fc4 or newer cannot be found'. I recently deleted that program, how can I get Photoshop to stop looking for it?
I created a Dynamic Block that works perfectly, however when I try to add it to my tool pallet, I get an error message that reads "Block XXX is not found in source drawing. If the source drawing is currently open in the editor please save your drawing."
I'm not in the block editor, and I've saved it multiple times before I tried doing this. I've even closed AutoCAD and reopened it and I'm still getting the same results. I've been able to add many other blocks to my tool pallet, but it just will not accept this one.
When I emptied my MAC desktop trash, it somehow deleted my entire iphoto. I can still see all of my edited versions of my photos in LR, but it says they are missing. Because my trash was emptied, it says it can't find them anywhere. Is there ANY way to get them straight from LR. I already went to an outside source to retrieve and couldn't get good files, BUT i can see them clear as day on my LR.
My 2006 folder w/ 1,000+ photos was accidently put into the 2007 folder. I can view the 2007 photos but the 2006 photos are missing. I can view the date the photo was taken, with the number of pictures, along with a question mark.