Lightroom :: Why Are Some Of Imported Photos Showing File Xxxx Is Offline Or Missing
Mar 18, 2012
I am a new Lightroom3 user trying to prepare a portfolio for a juried show. I have imported photos from CDs and a flash drive and have created a Collection for my portfolio. When I click on what seems like a random grouping of photos in the collection (in the Library Module), I get the error message "file xxxx is offline or missing", even though the image is showing correctly. I am unable to work on any of these images in the Develop Module.
When I click on a picture to edit (new or old) I get this message. "File name XXXX is offline or is missing" I can not do anything (edit, export, anything!) What does this mean and how do I fix it? Why did this happen? I am still using LR2.
I just got Lightroom. I imported 800 some new pictures on and started to develop them. Then, I went into Picasa to check some older pictures and it captured all the new pictures and since then, I cannot develop my pictures in Lightroom. I can still see them in the Library, but a message appears above them saying they are missing.I can't. They are on my hard drive and in Picasa.
Yesterday, all of my photos were on my laptop. Today, I get the message that all of 2013, including the photos I uploaded today, are "offline or missing".
I installed Lightroom 4 on my laptop a couple of months ago. Since then I’ve had to replace laptops so my computer support person backed up what I’d done on Lightroom and reinstalled the software on my new laptop (which I just received yesterday).
Under the folder section when I view my Galapagos photos, on each photo there is a statement saying “The file named ‘May 2012, Galapagos, Jude (photo #).JPG’ is offline or missing.” This statement is also on the photos in the collection section. As I’ve spent many hours in the development module I don’t want to lose what I’ve done.
I did have a '?' on the impacted folder but that's not there anymore. I had right-clicked on the '?' and attempted to locate the missing folder. The folder name is now lightroom and I can't rename it!
So I was just importing all my xmas shots yesterday, and I kinda did it wrong in a result, the folder I created is now the "main folder" i.e the one that has all my photos under it, as subfolders and as a result, ALL my photos has now gone offline or missing.
The new folder I created sits on top of the hieracy, and I dont want that of course, I want it under my "2011" folder, which was the main... I cant move the new folder called "xmas 2011" and If i try to delete it, it says do you want to delete 2200 pictures, which is everything I have under the original "2011" folder...
Im pretty new to lightroom, and the file handling and renaming of libery's seems very confusing, but this is really bad and its ALL my pictures being listed as missing of offline
I tried to open via backup, but the lastest backup I can find is from Aug 2011, which I know isnt true, as I back up everytime I have used lightroom, but I cant find any other back ups !!
I recently imported photos from my camera to my laptop and Photoshop Elements 11. Why do each of the images have an icon that says they are offline? And when I try to enlarge them, they are blurry?
Some of my imported photos are showing blank in preview mode before I import, reading Preveiw unavailable for this file. Does this mean when I import they wont be imported.
Normally I import as RAW, and then convert to DNG; today is first time that I've Imported/Copied directly to DNG.
Using LR5, I "Copy to DNG" a bunch of images from my CF Card, that I shot over the weekend. In Grid view, under the Histogram, I noticed the icon "Originals without Smart Previews" had a 1, "Originals + Smart Previews" had a 0, "Smart Previews" has a 0, and "Missing" also has a 1 next to it. Admittedly, I forgot to check the "Build Smart Preview" check box, so I Library -> Previews -> Build Smart Previews. After the process finished, I now have "Originals without Smart Previews" - 0, "Originals + Smart Previews" - 1, "Smart Previews" has a 0, and "Missing" - 1. When I go into Develop module, under the Histogram I also see "[!] Photo is Missing". When I Right-Click and select "Show in Finder" it takes me straight to the original, in the correct folder location that I Copied/Imported into. I've also done "Find All Missing Photos" and re-synchronized the folder. Nothing has changed.
I am new to lightroom, I was playing around and clicked a button at the bottom of the screen and now it has locked me out saying my images are missing or offine line
Keep getting this message on lots of my photos. I move the majority of my photos to an external hard drive for volume reasons. Even when I have the external hard drive attached I get this message. Seems I can only access photos that are on my computer hard drive. I read through all the suggestions and followed guidelines for clicking on "find in explorer." This does indeed take me to files and tells me where it thinks the file is located. And yes, I can then go to the external hard drive and find the photo. However, all it does is pull it up and does not import it into my LR program. So I still cannot work on the photo or have access to it. I am frustrated as I need to access photos for printing and uploading to stock sites. Lots of good work is sitting in my files and I cannot get to them. And on top of that, if this is the way to access the photo, then I have to do this one photo at the time.
I recently edited about 1000 travel shots, organized them into collections, accessed those collections many times during the vacation, had no problems. Now, returning home LR suddenly says the files are off-line or missing. I've tried to re-import the originals to repeat the edits, but am told that the pix are already in the catalogue.
I had pictures on a flash drive that I scanned in. When I brought them into Lightroom, I "added" them to lightroom. I didn't "move" them. So, I am assuming that when the flash drive is missing is why I am getting the "jpg is missing or offline" message. Is there any way to fix this or do I just have to delete them all and "move" them?
Lightroom3 has all my images marked as missing or off-line. Recently I have been able to recover them by re-powering the external hard drive (Seagate 1tb) but this no longer works. The external drive is recognized by the 3 computers I have tried.,
When I downloaded my photos into Lightroom today I used today's date on the folder, but got the year wrong, 2013. After I completed editing my entire photo session, and tried to export some of the images, I realized I had the date wrong on the folder. I used my Mac's "Finder" to locate the file and change the name to 2014, with the rest of the folder name. I see now that this was a mistake and I should have probably changed the file name IN lightroom instead. Now I cannot export because I am getting the message about the files being offline or missing. I have tried to correct this by changing the folder name back to the original incorrect name (year), but this did not solve it. I clicked on the question marks and tried to "find" the folder, but that did not work either. It would be nice to be able to save my work in editing, rather than to have to start over again. In addition, Lightroom now shows several extra folders with the same folder names have been created that I didn't plan or create, purposely at least :
I am trying to reconnect a ton of missing folders and files. In the Library module when I right click on the folder with a ? nothing happens. When I right click on a specific picture with a ? I get the appropriate dialogue box to find the picture.
I have about 9000 missing or offline images according to my Lightroom3 software.
However, they're not! I can see them in the folders on an external drive where Lightroom says they are not. When I try to reimport them, Lightroom says they are already there, doubly confusing?!
How to get them back in my Library so I can use them.
How do you turn off the 'image is offline or missing' dialog when no drives are hooked with the source files. I'm on LR3, and I don't remember this being an issue with LR2. Doing a client presentation with my MBP and the files are indeed offline. I usually my client selection process from the grid and loupe views, but I'm getting this message, pretty large across the top of the image. I don't remember this being an issue before, so either it wasn't there at all, or the text was smaller.
I had an internal hard drive installed in my macbook pro 15 inch in place of my optical drive in order to give me more storage space. Per apple's instructions I then copied and moved Lightroom v3.6 to the new 1 TB drive. I then deleted Lightroom from the older smaller internal drive. Now when I open Lightroom in the new drive all the photos say file is "offline or missing' and can not be used. How I can use the files in Lightroom. 99% of them were raw files from either a 12 or 18 MP camera.
There are some pictures from a friends wedding in lightroom who are missing/ offline. The problem is that the pictures aren't on my computer or memory card anymore and I already tried a data recovery with Disk Drill. Unfortunately the pictures (documents) which have been found by Disk Drill, are damaged and can't be opened. So the pictures are really gone.
But now I was looking in Lightroom (i've uploaded the pictures with Lightroom in the first place) and I see that the thumbnails are from a reasonable quality. That's why I am wondering if it's possible to larger the thumbnails without losing quality/ pixels. Of course I already tried a few things (SmillaEnlarger & some things in Photoshop), but unfortunately the pictures are still very bad.
Or is there any other way to get this pictures back? I still got the catalogus from Lightroom where the pictures where.
I have more than ten thousand photos on an external harddisk. When I travel I prefer to leave the external harddisk at home and just use the previews of Lightroom. However, only some photos display well without the attached harddisk. The rest are very pixelated.
Is there any way to make sure all photos have properly cached previews?
(I'm fairly new to trying to using Lightroom for anything useful, even though I have played with it every now and then for several years. Tools I know better are Aperture and Photoshop and ACR.)