Illustrator :: When Open File / Get Message - Font Missing But Fonts Are Loaded
Mar 23, 2013in CS6 illustrator when we open file we get message " font Missing" but fonts are loaded.
View 3 Repliesin CS6 illustrator when we open file we get message " font Missing" but fonts are loaded.
View 3 RepliesIt seems to work. How un-Corel-like.
CGSX5 on i3 PC, Win 7, 6G RAM.
The version that came with X4 worked in XP, but when I upgraded to Windows 7 it wouldn't install Type 1 fonts, and it wouldn't install any missing fonts when a file loaded. I buy Font Expert, though I never got it to work as well as the old FN.
But my new (trial) version of X5 has a version of the utility (v. 6.0.0, build 108) that seems to work just fine both ways. Thats a wonderful. When did this happen? There's a noticeable difference in the versions, according to xplorer2. X4's version:
and X5's:
I can no longer load X4's version; only v. 6.0.0 comes up, so I can't compare. But FN now works properly in X4, too, so Corel must have done something to address this. Cool.
When I open a file that I have previously saved a message comes up saying the font Biondi Normal (Western) is not available and it wants to substitute with another font in this case Ribbon Normal which is nothing like the font I need. I have read the previous threads but as they are quite old I thought there might be something new (perhaps easier) I could try.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwill not allow me to attach screen shot from grab. Image not allowed is error message
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I double click an AI file to open it, I get this message: "Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window, increase document area and try again". This error started happening about a week or two ago. Although it is inconvenient to have to go to File>Open and then locate the file to open it since I am used to doing it the other way at least it is a way to open the AI file. I just discoved that if I double click a graphic in a Adobe Acrobat Pro using the Edit Object I get the same error message. This is a problem.I have checked previous discussions about this and tried things like unchecking the "open as tab" option in the preferences but that does not work.
Creative Suite CS6
is there a way to suppress the "missing shape file"-message.
I believe there was a checkbox to check this every time you open a drawing. I must have checked it, and now autocad always asks for it.
I have recently installed Civil 3D 2013 and was configuring my options to how I have done so for the last few year and when I tried to change the message window font from the default Courier new to Courier I could not find said font. How to get this font or if it has been removed from 2013?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have linotype and i often type things in and scroll thru to see what font looks best. However, There are are a lot of fonts that are not available to PS cs5. Some of these fonts have Adobe at the design of their manes. They did not exist previous to me installing PS so i figure these are specifically made by Adobe fonts.
So why are these fonts not available in PS? Do i need a better font manager?
I just got myself a new laptop with windows 7 on it. When I open a file that is missing fonts on my system the Font Substitution for Missing Fonts does not display on opening that file. Corel doesn't replace the missing font with an other font text it just shows up on my screen as a blank page. I need to know what fonts I'm missing in my system so that I can install them and continue working on my projects.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've been sent a logo in a .eps file and I need to edit. However I can't see what font type has been used!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can't open AI on C6 (error message : link file missing) but I can open same AI on C2 without any error , why is that so ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just tried to open a CorelDRAW document on my other computer where I'm obviously missing one of the document's fonts.
The CorelDRAW font substitution dialog does not list the missing fonts:
Thus, it's impossible to install them to get the document working as expected.x.
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
why does message say application components are missing when trying to open Photoshop?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with my 2013LT. Everytime I open a new drawing I get a dialog box that says "One or more SHX files are missing. What do you want to do?" The options they give me are "Specify a replacement for each SHX file" or "Ignore and continue".
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to specify a given system font that should be substituted for a given missing font? For example, the document I'm working with contains CourierStd and CourierStd-Bold which are not installed on my system. I would like to set Illustrator so that any time a document that contains these fonts is opened, Courier New and Courier New Bold are substituted automatically.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have the Adobe Font Folio (Open Type) but I don't know where to start. I do a lot of small ads and so I use a lot of small type.
Does anyone know which fonts in this pack are good for small type? Maybe something thick that will look better at a smaller font size.
I've tried going through the fonts by highlighting the font name in the box and using the arrow keys to rifle through them, but as you know, it highlights what's on the page, making it near to impossible to see how the font would actually look if it weren't highlighted.
Graphics department is having a problem with Franklin Gothic Medium Condensed Font.
Font has extra space trackings in Corel x6. Is there a specific menu setting i should have to fix this?
Is it because it is an open face font?
I am getting font style(like regular, bold, italic etc) like this-
while (count < fontCount) {//loop , which iterate throgh used fonts.
ATE::IFont currentFont = fontRefArray.Item(count);
if (!currentFont.IsNull()) {
FontRef fontRef = currentFont.GetRef();
AIFontKey fontKey = NULL;
result = sAIFont->FontKeyFromFont(fontRef, &fontKey);
result = sAIFont->GetUserFontName(fontKey, fontname, 50);
result = sAIFont->GetPostScriptFontName(fontKey, psname, 50);
result = sAIFont->GetFontStyleName(fontKey, stylename, 50);
result = sAIFont->GetFontFamilyUIName(fontKey, familyname, 50);
For some fonts(not all the fonts) , Style name is comming as empty string, however for other fonts its working. Not sure why its working for some fonts and not for others. Other font properties are coming fine for all fonts.When its failing, result is not kNoErr, but i dont know that how to get the exact error?
I have a Mac on 10.7 running cs6 Illustrator. I have been able to load fonts into Font Book but when opening the document I get the error below. This is only happening on one mac out of 6 that use this font. I have tried fixing permissions and clearing the font cash.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedIllustrator CS5 and CS6 (and previous versions) came with a set of core fonts, e.g. Myriad Pro, included upon install.
I uninstalled Illustrator CS6 (and all other CS6 products) before installing Illustrator CC, but none of the fonts were included, so in Illustrator I have no MyriadPro (the font appears in the font list, but has an asterisk next to it to indicate a subsitution is being made). Are these fonts no longer included?
Okay - fixed. A restart later and the fonts are there. They must be registered with Windows on restart, which is an odd way of doing it as there's no requirement that the computer be restarted between font installations.
I have installed some new fonts in my windows font folder, but they are not showing up in illustrator. I am using a cloud version of illustrator and have tried closing and restarting to no avail.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI am finding missing fonts when I publish a PDF document from InDesign CC file.I tried to install the custom fonts in my system, but the installation is not getting completed.
I am using the fonts like, Akzidenz-Grotesk and Helvetica family fonts.
Normally I'd place the PDF into Illustrator and use 'Flatten Transparency' with the 'Convert Fonts To Outlines' option to create vectors for the missing fonts. However this particular PDF file seems to have been saved with the 'Preserve Illustrator Editing' setting, so when I place it into Illustrator the illustrator data is read and I get live artwork - with the fonts replaced - instead of something I can work with, meaning that I can't replicate the type I need.
I've tried importing the PDF into inDesign and resaving as a new PDF - but Illustrator is not fooled by this clumsy and desparate ruse, and again treats the file as editable artwork with the missing fonts replaced.
How can I force Illustrator to ignore the editable capabilities of the file and just convert the fonts to outlines?
Im working with a clients file and being told Im missing some fonts. There is text ALL OVER this thing and it will be a major headache to see where the font problems are located. When I open a file like this in InDesign where a font is mssing, its highlighted in large pink boxes that stand out real easy. Does Illustrator have a similar feature?
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