Illustrator :: Can't Outline Missing Fonts In PDF When Editing Feature Is On?
Feb 3, 2012
Normally I'd place the PDF into Illustrator and use 'Flatten Transparency' with the 'Convert Fonts To Outlines' option to create vectors for the missing fonts. However this particular PDF file seems to have been saved with the 'Preserve Illustrator Editing' setting, so when I place it into Illustrator the illustrator data is read and I get live artwork - with the fonts replaced - instead of something I can work with, meaning that I can't replicate the type I need.
I've tried importing the PDF into inDesign and resaving as a new PDF - but Illustrator is not fooled by this clumsy and desparate ruse, and again treats the file as editable artwork with the missing fonts replaced.
How can I force Illustrator to ignore the editable capabilities of the file and just convert the fonts to outlines?
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Aug 11, 2013
I would like to create a wavy line (the zigzag feature is not exactly what I need here) to outline a shape and then fill it with a solid color.
This is approx what I want; however the undulation needs to be more round and less peaked.
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Dec 6, 2012
how to edit a PDF file in Illustrator when you don't have the fonts. This is a godsend and thought others might benefit from it if they don't know about it.
You get a PDF file from somebody and when you try to open it in Illustrator, the PDF is using fonts that you don't have so it substitutes the fonts and screws everything up.
Create a new Illustrator document the size of the PDF. Place the PDF into the Illustrator document. While the PDF is selected, go to Object menu / Flatten Transparency...In there, make sure"Convert All Test to Outlines" IS checked.Click OK and there you go, everything is converted to outlines, including the fonts and you can do with it what you want.
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Jul 3, 2013
I'm looking for a better alternative to my current vector graphic applications, mostly to create modern web and application UI's.So I downloaded the trial version of Illustrator CC, to see if I should make the jump to Illustrator for vector work.
After using about half a day to learn the applicaiton and do some experimentation, I was going to apply an Inner shadow to some text on a button, to make it look indented, and was like "What the.....where's the Inner Shadow Effect?".I could see the Drop Shadow feature, and there's an Inner Glow feature (can't be offset), but that doesn't solve the problem of making shapes and text look indented.
just browse 'Inner Shadow' on Google, it's such a fundamental feature.Photoshop has it.InDesign has it.Fireworks has it.Even Sketch, the app for Mac has it. And Acorn has it as well.Hell, I can even write it in CSS3:Â
.example {
-moz-box-shadow: inset -5px -5px #888;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset -5px -5px #888;
box-shadow: inset -5px -5px #888;
So I looked around the web, and realized Illustrator has no Inner Shadow feature (!!), but there are work arounds. Here's an example: URL...
but when you are used to applying something so fundamental as Inner Shadow, to make your shapes and texts look indented with a single click (and easily adjust it live and experiment), then it's hard to get used to Illustrator.
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Dec 26, 2012
I seem to have lost the center line cross hairs in Illustrator CS6.
I draw some shapes, then go to outline mode and the center lines are now missing. They used to work. Still have them in CS5.
Here are a couple of images that show what I mean.
Here in 5 you can see the center points in each shape
Here is a similar picture from 6 with the center points missing.
The center points do show up if I put my cursor over the shape.
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Jun 18, 2013
Illustrator CS5 and CS6 (and previous versions) came with a set of core fonts, e.g. Myriad Pro, included upon install.
I uninstalled Illustrator CS6 (and all other CS6 products) before installing Illustrator CC, but none of the fonts were included, so in Illustrator I have no MyriadPro (the font appears in the font list, but has an asterisk next to it to indicate a subsitution is being made). Are these fonts no longer included?
Okay - fixed. A restart later and the fonts are there. They must be registered with Windows on restart, which is an odd way of doing it as there's no requirement that the computer be restarted between font installations.
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Feb 7, 2013
Im working with a clients file and being told Im missing some fonts. There is text ALL OVER this thing and it will be a major headache to see where the font problems are located. When I open a file like this in InDesign where a font is mssing, its highlighted in large pink boxes that stand out real easy. Does Illustrator have a similar feature?
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Mar 23, 2013
in CS6 illustrator when we open file we get message " font Missing" but fonts are loaded.
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Feb 20, 2012
fonts withs parts of letter missing in a few fonts when sent to cut/plot
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Oct 19, 2013
will not allow me to attach screen shot from grab. Image not allowed is error message
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Mar 5, 2012
I created a few different Sites as I created Feature lines in order to keep them separate and avoid having one affect the others. Â The problem is that I am now stuck in the Last Site created. Â So commands like "QUICKEDITFEATUREELEVS" only see those feature lines in the last Site created. Â How can I switch to another site so I can quickly edit those feature lines?
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Jan 6, 2012
I just want to notice the Autodesk guys that when editing a hole feature in an assembly, then the sketch is hidden so that is not possible to pick more centerpoints. I noticed this when working with a sheet metal part, I don't know if its the same with a regular part.
Inventor 2012 SP1 / 64 bit
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Jul 29, 2013
using Civil 3d 2009
I am editing a feature line which is a driveway. I set the feature line to have a constant slope from one end to the other. I had to move the line and when I did the contours went away. I tried to just add grading to the feature line and it when through the steps I always take and acts like its there but I dont see it. The contours are set to 1' and 5' contours w/ design. The feature line that is added when creating a grading from the original feature line (that shows the base of the slope where the contours fit between or in other words it is the feature line that follows the existing/natural ground) is also gone.
Also on another feature line all I did was go into elevation editor and change an elevation and the contours dissapeared.
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Aug 28, 2013
OS X 10.4.11, ran FontNuke. Fonts are available for use in InDesign and Illustrator as well as the rest of the system. All fonts were available a few days ago, now missing fonts from 'Fe' - 'Z'. I have all of them from 'A' to 'Fe'. No font manager but Font Book. Need to update an ad for a client using the Helvetica font family.
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Jan 3, 2005
I have installed these fonts in Windows 2000 and Adobe Photoshop CS and for some reason it is giving me the error message "The following fonts are missing for text layer...etc".
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Nov 16, 2008
I have installed CS4 Suite. I opened in photoshop some documents created in cs3. A client wanted a different font so I highlighted the text and selected the font window as I used to do in CS3 and previous versions and used the down arrow to toggle through the fonts when I got a ping and the fonts would not move to the next font in the list or go back.
Notes: the window was blank, and when I clicked on the pull down window I could see all the fonts I selected one and the font in the document changed.
So I up arrowed back to the font and the same thing happens.
It would appear that some fonts are not compatible with CS4?
I have about 30 or so fonts that will not work with any CS4 product, but all other software programs see and uses these fonts fine.
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Jul 22, 2009
I accidently deleted some fonts that are required for a project that I'm working on. My question is, is there anywhere I can go within the document to be able to retieve the vital information? All I need is the name of the specific fonts I used. Also I use FontAgent Pro 4 and it says it has a type of auto activation of fonts needed. Will this work with cs4 when a document needs certain fonts required to kick in?Â
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Mar 30, 2005
I've got about 700 fonts in my FontBook™ and they show up in
all my programs (including Illustrator® and even my lowly mac text editor) except Photoshop®.
For some reason there are no fonts listed after "p" except for one single "v" font. Anyone have a clue why? I find it difficult to believe that PhotoshopCS would set a limit and that doesn't explain why it would add a single "v" font.
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Apr 27, 2009
I have installed CS4 on my XP desktop after uninstalling CS2 completely and I am now having some font missings from the applictation. Although the font name like "Arial Black" already exist on the PC but its not finding it. When I open an existing Indesign CS2 file( I am getting an error message saying few fonts are missing and then a find a font box coming up with missing font names marked with yellow !. I dont know how to add these fonts back into the CS4. Someone advised me to delete all "adobefnt*.LST" files but this did not work either for me.Please can you advise how to do this?
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Apr 23, 2013
I was using the Add Parent Folder command in V3 and earlier and very likely in V4 too but when I wanted to use it in V4.2 it was not there and it is also missing in V4.4 after I upgraded. I am on Windows.
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May 24, 2013
I really got used to the short cut of editing text pressing ctrl+left SHIFT + t , this brings me right into the
text box where I am able to quickly access all the text features, now since last update every time I make a text change in that window my text drops one line down and even though I will hit the cursor to front and back space it bringing it right to top when I hit OK it still drops my text one line down, this has become very annoying...
I love this feature but I am unable to bring it back to its original functional way. I did reinstalled corel , and yes I did reset the application still the same thing is happening.Â
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Aug 23, 2013
I recently updated my corel x6 and have noticed some of the fonts are missing from the list in the drop down box?
I had maybe 8/9 versions of Futura for example, now I only have 2. I haven't changed any settings other that do the auto update.
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Aug 4, 2012
Few days ago I opened a file in corel x6 and bitstream font navigator found missing fonts and installed them. After that I found that a lot of my fonts are partly missing and I mean for example Arial has only Italic and Bold Italic but no Regular or Normal, Bold and Italic... That happens with a lot of my fonts.
I'm with win7 64 bit and cdrX6 + font navigator 64.
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Apr 7, 2009
We have been using Comic Sans MS true font in AutoCAD since version 2000 all the way to 2009 LT without any font problems when generating drawings in PDF format (standard DWG to PDF. pc3 plot). Now with AutoCAD 2010 LT some symbols no longer work (diameter for one). I can take the same dwg file to AutoCAD 2009 LT and not have the problem. I converted the text to ISOCPEUR true font and the symbols work. It seems to be related to the COMIC SANS MS font. I hate to think that our library of company standard details will
all need to be converted to another font type, plus any older drawings as needed.
The attached file is what I see when opening the TEXT TEST.PDF plot file.
A row of dots appears in the lines of text that contain the missing symbol. I am using Adobe Reader 9 to view the pdf file.
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Dec 12, 2007
I have a question about fonts. I have a PS doc. that a client sent me for some revising. When I open the .psd there several missing fonts.
Is there a way to Identfy those fonts by there name for refrence in finding them online? I found a nice little site for Identfying fonts but you have to answer at least 12 questions. And with so many fonts this could take hours.
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Feb 23, 2013
Where are my fonts?  After re-installing Elements to Window 8, some of my fonts are missing. Can they be retrieved?
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Jun 16, 2013
I have installed the fonts but the amount of color editing and customization I can do is very, very small. For example I want to take a letter have it colored purple (so far so good) and then give a border to the letter like thin line of yellow (no option that allows me to do this).
we are talking about pretty big letters here but I cant seem to be able to do this. I am trying to edit this pre existing image and trying to enter dialogue bubbles with thin colored borders.
As for the dialogue/though bubbles themselves I can seem to find any "insert shape" inside gimp, you sometimes characters are yelling or crying or just speaking normally has to be shown by the dialogue bubble but I cant seem to be able to do it.
I have used photoshop before but it is very complex and I feel like I can work with GIMP much more easier and faster but none of these basic options seem to be available. Are there addons to install so I can work easier with than making every single dialogue bubble from scratch? *shudder*
Edit: I am using both the new version and the 2.6 version... I find the new version absolutely terrible, especially when it comes to saving your work as an image file but if necessary I will work with both versions.
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May 16, 2013
I have a corridor with the two daylight points marked as BOUL BOUR.
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Jun 1, 2012
I created an assembly using BasicLaneTransition. When I apply it to my corridor I am not getting a feature line at the crown (center) of the road. I have used this subassembly on several other projects and have not had this issue. The only difference I can think of is that the other projects we started in C3D 2009 and this one is in 2012.
How do I get my feature line to show without adding a marked point?
Civil 3D 2012 SP3 | Win 7 64-bit SP1
Xeon E5-1620 @ 3.60GHz, 16GB Ram | NVidia Quadro 600
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Apr 3, 2013
Last I checked, Arial was a default font and I have always had it on my system. It's still there too. Why is CS2 being wonky about this?
Every text layer has a little yellow triangle and harasses me about changing the font which if it does, I wouldn't know since it just changes it back to what I had before anyway.
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Jan 28, 2013
I have created a design with two fonts that I used, but when I open that design now is shows that the 2 fonts are now missing and wants to substitute for another font, I designed the logo about 8 months ago, I have looked in my Fonts folder in Control Panel as well as Font Navigator, but they are not there, this happens a lot with other designs as well.
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