Illustrator :: Editing A PDF When Don't Have Fonts
Dec 6, 2012
how to edit a PDF file in Illustrator when you don't have the fonts. This is a godsend and thought others might benefit from it if they don't know about it.
You get a PDF file from somebody and when you try to open it in Illustrator, the PDF is using fonts that you don't have so it substitutes the fonts and screws everything up.
Create a new Illustrator document the size of the PDF. Place the PDF into the Illustrator document. While the PDF is selected, go to Object menu / Flatten Transparency...In there, make sure"Convert All Test to Outlines" IS checked.Click OK and there you go, everything is converted to outlines, including the fonts and you can do with it what you want.
Normally I'd place the PDF into Illustrator and use 'Flatten Transparency' with the 'Convert Fonts To Outlines' option to create vectors for the missing fonts. However this particular PDF file seems to have been saved with the 'Preserve Illustrator Editing' setting, so when I place it into Illustrator the illustrator data is read and I get live artwork - with the fonts replaced - instead of something I can work with, meaning that I can't replicate the type I need.
I've tried importing the PDF into inDesign and resaving as a new PDF - but Illustrator is not fooled by this clumsy and desparate ruse, and again treats the file as editable artwork with the missing fonts replaced.
How can I force Illustrator to ignore the editable capabilities of the file and just convert the fonts to outlines?
I have installed the fonts but the amount of color editing and customization I can do is very, very small. For example I want to take a letter have it colored purple (so far so good) and then give a border to the letter like thin line of yellow (no option that allows me to do this).
we are talking about pretty big letters here but I cant seem to be able to do this. I am trying to edit this pre existing image and trying to enter dialogue bubbles with thin colored borders.
As for the dialogue/though bubbles themselves I can seem to find any "insert shape" inside gimp, you sometimes characters are yelling or crying or just speaking normally has to be shown by the dialogue bubble but I cant seem to be able to do it.
I have used photoshop before but it is very complex and I feel like I can work with GIMP much more easier and faster but none of these basic options seem to be available. Are there addons to install so I can work easier with than making every single dialogue bubble from scratch? *shudder*
Edit: I am using both the new version and the 2.6 version... I find the new version absolutely terrible, especially when it comes to saving your work as an image file but if necessary I will work with both versions.
I have a bear of a project where I have to match different fonts w/ different "logos", and being able to highlight the font, and then use the font menu and, maybe, the up/down arrow keys would make my life infinitely easier.
This works in InDesign.. and every other program on Earth... is there ANY way to do this in Illy CS4?
One of the few software that didn't play nice was CS3, so I had to re-install it. Now, many of the fonts won't show up. I'm doing a logo for a client and I need some fonts but fonts from the following- New Peninim, Corsiva Hebrew, Ariel Hebrew and/or Raanana-- don't appear after you engage the Type tool. What shows up in both Photoshop and especially Illustrator is a square box with nothing in it.
columns on line and followed 4 or 5 different "solutions"-- nothing seems to work. I even, against my suspicions, called the Adobe customer service and the best they could offer was to post a question here if my answer was not apparent.
Bearing in mind that I've put fonts in the Adobe folder, reset characters and a few other things since yesterday.
just installed illustrator cs6, am not fluent in cs5. I cannot find any fonts. the character window shows no type face selections. Did I install wrong or aren't there any fonts that come with this version.
I'm having an issue with Illustrator 6. I had a previous verison (CS4 and CS5) that was used to created some documents. I'm having trouble with the fonts used translating to the new version even though in the font library, all the fonts I need are listed there.
I just upgraded to CS6 from CS4. Some fonts that worked without a problem in CS4 no longer even show up in the font options in CS6. I use Font Agent Pro to manage my fonts. They are not corrupt, they work on other computers, and were purchased from online font foundries.
I have Illustrator CS5 and I am having problems with my fonts. I like to type my text, highlight it, and then click on the font I am using and scroll down so I can see the text I've type changed until I find the font I want.
However, I am having some issues - it only seems to go through fonts in sections. I have a lot of fonts on my computer but I cant scroll through more than about 10/15 without it either jumping to the end/bottom font or going back to the font I started on.
when trying to preview different fonts in AI i am unable to scroll through them using the arrow keys, it just doesnt move... if it can be fixed... oh im using cs3 and a mac on os x leopard
When opening an CS6 Illustrator file, certain fonts are not recognized – any pointers? Font Book confirms the fonts are "installed" with no compat issues. Wondering why CS6 doesn't see/sniff out the fonts.
I have a problem with Illustrator CS6 on Win7 x86 on one of our users' machines. The font Arial Narrow is installed, MS Word / Framemaker pick it up and you can use it, but Illustrator and InDesign won't see the font. So my user can't use Arial Narrow as the family so can't select the font for bold/italics/underline. He can only choose narrow as a sub style of the Arial family, but Arial Narrow has been installed seperately.
The font has also been placed in the Common subfolder for adobe softwares, but after that it still won't be found.What has been tried:
Uninstall and Reinstall the fontAdd font to font folders for adobe products (both common and product specific)Clearing Windows and Adobe font caches ..All these steps have not solved our problem.
A client really likes a font and wants me to incorporate it into her logo. I installed the font and it's working in Pages and other programs, but not in Adobe CS6 applications (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign). I installed a ttf and an otf version of the font but neither work. I installed & validated the font with Font Book. I've tried a lot of the fixes I've seen on these forums but nothing's worked. I've restarted my computer a few times too.
Every once in a while my illustrator doesn't load up all the fonts in my computer and I have to restart it each time and this time restarting doesnt work at all.
In Illustrator CS5, I would use a font called Kozuka Mincho Pro/EL. Illustrator's font selector would show the font with the English name. I'm on a Mac running 10.7.4 and Font Book shows me the font with the English name as well. After upgrading to CS6, the font name in Illustrator is being displayed in Japanese. Unfortunately, I don't read Japanese. Is there some way to correct this on my end or is there a bug in Illustrator CS6?
Illustrator CS5 and CS6 (and previous versions) came with a set of core fonts, e.g. Myriad Pro, included upon install.
I uninstalled Illustrator CS6 (and all other CS6 products) before installing Illustrator CC, but none of the fonts were included, so in Illustrator I have no MyriadPro (the font appears in the font list, but has an asterisk next to it to indicate a subsitution is being made). Are these fonts no longer included?
Okay - fixed. A restart later and the fonts are there. They must be registered with Windows on restart, which is an odd way of doing it as there's no requirement that the computer be restarted between font installations.
I am opeing a coworkers files in Illustrator, we both have the same version of illustrator (CS6) and the same fonts installed, but for some reason they're displaying differently on my computer than on his.
They're not missing - I didn't get an error when I opened the files, and highlighting the text doesn't give me a Font Family with an asterisk after it like it would if it were missing. So it seems like they should be working fine, and they sort of are. Anything in Franklin Gothic Demi seems to be Franklin Gothic Demi, for example, but the pt size, leading, tracking - all that sort of thing seems to be off.
Today is my first day using CS6 and all of a sudden some of my fonts are substituting (to a default font) when I print. The print preview looks normal. These are the exact same files I've been able to print with no problem in CS5. I tried setting Convert All Text to Outlines: On in the print presets and that didn't do it. (and of course I don't want to have to convert all of my text to outlines each time I print).
I also uninstalled and reinstalled my printer last night but I've done that before with no issues so I don't think it's the culprit.
I found a big problem (for me ) of the font showing. Since i used CS5 before , the font can show normally. But I found that some of the type cannot be show but instead with " square " in CS6.
With other software in the past, I have been able to set a default substitue font for a specific font not in my system, but I cannot see how to do this in Illustrator.
Another designer uses the same font as me, but his computer has labeled it differently, so every time I open a file in which he has used that font, Illustrator says the font is missing. instead of having to go in and manually change the font every time I open a files he has worked on, I would like to set Illustrator to automatically change the font on opening.
I am getting font style(like regular, bold, italic etc) like this-
while (count < fontCount) {//loop , which iterate throgh used fonts. ATE::IFont currentFont = fontRefArray.Item(count); if (!currentFont.IsNull()) { FontRef fontRef = currentFont.GetRef(); AIFontKey fontKey = NULL; result = sAIFont->FontKeyFromFont(fontRef, &fontKey); result = sAIFont->GetUserFontName(fontKey, fontname, 50); result = sAIFont->GetPostScriptFontName(fontKey, psname, 50); result = sAIFont->GetFontStyleName(fontKey, stylename, 50); result = sAIFont->GetFontFamilyUIName(fontKey, familyname, 50); }
For some fonts(not all the fonts) , Style name is comming as empty string, however for other fonts its working. Not sure why its working for some fonts and not for others. Other font properties are coming fine for all fonts.When its failing, result is not kNoErr, but i dont know that how to get the exact error?
I am running Illustrator CS5 on a Laptop PC. I am constantly installing new fonts to work on customer projects...
I have noticed that sometimes the fonts appear in the font list in alphabetical order, and sometimes they appear either towards the top or bottom (not in order), or they are in a completely separate grouping at the bottom of the list. Is there any fix for this? I'd prefer that they all be in Alphabetical order if possible...
I have a lot of existing eps-files of which the option "embed all fonts" is unchecked. Know I have to check the "embed all fonts" in the existing eps-files. I tried to modify the script below, but it seems that the embedallfonts is NOT working.
When I do it manually (without script), then it works fine. With script, it doesn't work.
#target illustrator // PART 1 var doc = app.activeDocument; // PART 2 -> herbewaren eps als eps [Code] ........
Another question will be: can I get a dialog box to put in the path to the eps-files, I can do thereafter it in batch instead of each time opening and closing a file.
When I choosing font this font actually its not my font to choose? Here whats happend! I writing any text and I choosing font for example "Ferigo Pro" actually which font I choose for writing Illustrator choosing automaticly next font. Font panel still showing "Ferigo Pro" but Im writing with what next font is? My next font is "Franchise" Illustartor writing with "Franchise". But on the font panel show choosed "Ferigo Pro". When I choose "Franchise" this time writing which font next. .