Illustrator :: SVG Is Being Resized When Saved From CC

Feb 5, 2014

I am encountering an issue that has arose since the latest update for Illustrator CC (64-bit). When I come to save a file as an SVG (from my original AI file) the artboard's proportions change, and the size of the SVG changes. I am using Windows 7.

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Photoshop :: Saved Images Are Resized

Nov 18, 2006

I'm doing some work in photoshop, well, more like fooling around with Photoshop. But when I'm all done with a picture, save it as Jpg and upload the image, its about 25%-50% smaller then what the original psd is ....

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Paint.NET :: Cropped-resized Image Being Automatically Saved As Oil Painting?

Dec 4, 2013

I have been using for a couple of years to resize photos for work purposes with no problems. All of a sudden two days ago the photos I resized or cropped started saving as oil paintings. I didn't click on the oil painting effect and I haven't changed anything that I am aware of. I've been going through everything I can think of and even uninstalled and reinstalled the program trying to get rid of this weird default change. I can't figure out how to change it back to normal.

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Illustrator :: CC - Objects Randomly Change When Resized Don't Center Correctly With Align Panel

Mar 12, 2014

I make a compound object, then when I resize it, it moves anchors around. Note the corners on the 3rd "8" -- they're pinched together. This is happening on a lot of different object
Edit: There are no "snaps" enabled.

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Photoshop Elements :: Saved Black And White Photos Create Pink Hue When Saved?

Mar 20, 2014

I removed color info and reset to greyscale, yet I still get a pink hue when I save as a pdf.

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Illustrator :: Blurry Images When Saved In CC?

Dec 15, 2013

I'm trying to create a new logo and now that I've created it, I try to save it and once saved, It looks very blurry/fuzzy. But in illustrator it looks excellent! It's just in the saved copy that looks horrible. I'm just metally drained and don't know to do
-Illustrator CC
-Macbook Pro Retina -late 2013
I've tried every possible format just about for the logo to be saved as. Even in the browser preview mode in save for web, it looks horrible. I'm needing this logo to be saved as jpeg, png, or something relative.

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Illustrator :: Accidentally Saved As PDF And Then Kept Editing?

May 8, 2013

I accidently saved my .ai file as a pdf and then kept editing. The file still had all of the layers etc.

If I 'save as' again and choose an illustrator document, will any quality be lost?

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Illustrator :: Opening AIT File Saved In CS5 With CS3?

Jan 2, 2013

I'm having some problems properly opening an Illustrator Template file in CS3 that I saved when I was using CS5 (I use CS6 now).  My co-worker uses CS3 and can't open the template I made using CS5.  I haven't found an option anywhere to be able to downsave the template file to an earlier version. allow my co-worker to open the template file without having any compatibility issues?

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Illustrator :: CC Photoshop File Could Not Be Saved

Sep 24, 2013

I've always in the past brought a logo file that a graphic designer provided into Illustrator and then exported a psd so that I could bring it into Photoshop on layers and get the exact size, etc that I've wanted and since Illustrator CC I've not been able to do this with any .ai files that I've been given.  It always gives me this message after I've gone through the process: "Photoshop file could not be saved" no matter what the settings are.  This means I have to use the eps file that was provided which is not nearly large enough and when I try and resize it ... what a mess

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Illustrator :: AI File Saved To PNG Or JPG Changes Color?

Feb 17, 2014

When I save my AI file, it saves in the correct color scheme but when I go to look at it on a different computer, the color is off. The blues are greener etc.

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Illustrator :: Where Did Most Recent Saved Files Go

Feb 1, 2013

I have been working on a project all week, including today. I saved my project again today at 5:00 p.m. closed Illustrator and went to dinner. Came back home, logged into Illustrator at 6:30 p.m. and my project is not there. When I go into "open recent files" the only files that come up are dated last week.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Edit Saved AI Files

Apr 10, 2013

I created and saved several files today, both as .ai and as .pdf. Then I quit illustrator. Now when I re-open the files, they are opening as .ai* (with the astrisk) and I can not edit them. How do I edit them?

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Illustrator :: How To Recover A File That Not Saved

Aug 24, 2011

Is there any way to recover a file that I hadn't saved after Illustrator CS5 crashes???

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Illustrator :: 2nd Artboard Won't Stay Saved

Oct 28, 2013

I was working in 1 artboard and added a 2nd one. saved the file and when I opened the file again to work on it there was only 1 artboard. it doesn't want to save the 2nd artboard.
what could possible be the reason for that?!?!??? By the way I'm working in Illustrator6.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Last Saved By And Last Saved Date Drawing Template Properties

Jul 15, 2013

I'm trying to customise my drawing templates to keep them up to date and also include accountability.I seem to be having trouble in including the name of the person who has last saved the model, and the date the model was last saved.

Manually including this information isn't ideal as people will forget, and it makes it harder to trace revisions.I can't see anywhere on the iProperties where the 'Last saved by' feature is available, but I thought maybe the information could be pulled from the username from the application options?

The last saved date should be easy, as there is a modified date in the model's iproperties; however, I cannot pull this information.I have used other cad packages in the past and this was never an issue. With all the customisation of Inventor, I thought this would be relatively straight  forward.

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GIMP :: How To Restore Layers Or Previously Saved Version Of Saved XCF Image

May 2, 2012

I have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.

Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - How To Make Metadata Saved To XMP File Stay Saved

Mar 12, 2013

When a raw file badge shows that the file has been changed, I use Metadata Save to File & for the large majority of my images, the badge goes away and Metadata Status Changed does not show the file.  For some of my files, however, the Save to File command doesn't work properly.  If I am only displaying files with changes, the file briefly disappears, then returns.  Even if I go to Windows Explorer and delete the xmp file, then again Save metadata to file, it pops up again with the badge saying it needs to be saved.  I'm using Lightroom 4.3 64 bit on Windows 7.

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Illustrator :: Text Getting Converted To Outlines When Saved As EPS 10

Mar 12, 2013

I am having a weird problem with some files I'm getting from a third party. They are created in CS4, then saved to EPS v.10. I need the text in the file to remain live, but every time it gets saved to EPS 10, it gets outlined. URL....
I have been able to verify that ligatures is sometimes the culprit, but I think there's something in the way this one person is creating the files that's causing the problem. I've opened hundreds of EPS 10 files from other users that have live type. Yet when I take this one person's original AI file and down-save it, the text gets outlined.
It's a very simple file - no transparency or other red flags that I can see. At first I thought maybe it was just the font, but I have used the same font in tests, and down-saved to v.10, with no text outlining.

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Illustrator :: Text Not Presenting Properly When Saved As PDF - AI CS5

Jul 2, 2013

I have a document where the text as been coverted to paths. The document prints fine. However when I save the document as a PDF for distribtion, the text doesn't present properly. Particualry the l's. its only a few lettes but it is enought to make it look terrible.
Platforom is Windows 7

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Illustrator :: Text Breaking Up When Opening PDF In CS5.1 - Saved In CS6

Apr 4, 2013

Our company recently upgraded to the Creative Cloud, but our problem occurs with our customers who have yet to upgrade from CS5. We provide the files in PDF format, but unlike with .ai files, I can't find a way to save a PDF in CS6 making it fully compatible with CS5. It's of course possible to open the PDF in CS5, but the text gets fragmented into clusters of sometimes words, sometimes a few letters, which makes it unwieldy for customers who need to edit the original.
Is there any way I can save a PDF in CS6 so it retains the text as in the original, when opened in CS5?

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Illustrator :: Some Of Work Area Become Rasterized After Saved?

Aug 5, 2013

Sometimes when I work on a complex design project, I've notice that after I save and re-open my file, some of my work area was rasterize and uneditable.

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Illustrator SDK :: AICS6 - Dictionary Not Saved / Different ArtHandle?

Aug 13, 2013

when trying to set an entry value in an art object's dictionary with AICS6 SDK. I have a native winow handler set on a toolbar where I have set a few buttons.
When I click on the "Outline" button, it is supposed to set an entry (named "FB_CurveType") in the dictionary of the selected art object.
newKey = pAIDictionary->Key("FB_CurveType");
pAIArt->GetDictionary(hArt, &dataDict);
pAIDictionary->SetIntegerEntry(dataDict, newKey, type);

The returned art handle is valid (not NULL) and I can successfully set the value, and re read it immediatly after setting it (even when disposing/re-getting a reference to the dictionary).
The problem comes when I click on "Get Data", it is supposed to loop through each art handle in the document, and check if it has an entry called "FB_CurveType" in its dictionary. Unfortunately, the returned Art Handle's dictionary is empty, and no error code is returned by the SDK functions.I have also noticed that the art handle's value is not the same as the one in the selection code above, at first I thought "Well, maybe that's because Illustrator returns some dynamicaly allocated pointer or something", but when I'm clicking on "Outline" again, the art handle's value is the same as the one in the previous call.
My guess is that my function to get all the art objects in the document makes an older or a pale copy of the real art object. Here is the function :
void GetArtsByType(AIArtType artType, AIArtSet set)
AIArtSpec specs[1];


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Illustrator :: How To Recover Artwork Saved Outside Artboard From CS5

Mar 13, 2013

I worked on some logo designs at home using CS6.The next day at my friends office I opened the file up in CS5.Now it read the Document as a PDF form (not sure why). I had 3 pages of Artwork that I had to open seperately.I saved 2 of the Docs as new CS5 docs and cotinued working on my logo development on the original CS6 doc opened in CS5.
I continued to work off the original file outside the artboard parameters without 'saving as'.I have spent 5 hours working on designs and kept saving the file until home time.
When I then tried to open the same file that had registered the save (time shown) and file size increased I was left with 1 Artboard and no surrounding designs.
I know my work is in there somewhere due to the file size and fonts it keeps asking for that I used outside the artboard.

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Illustrator :: Why Does One Object Lower Opacity When Saved Out As PDF

Jun 15, 2012

I'm having a repeating issue and I can't seem to find a proper answer on how to fix it. When I'm saving out a file in AI, all the objects that I want to show are at 100% opacity and it looks right. When I save out a PDF (High Quality Print - Don't keep editing capabilities) the object is repeatedly somewhat transparent.
Top image is the AI file and the bottom is what the PDF turns out. Lower quality with the PDF image since it's blown up so much.

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Illustrator :: Can PDF Saved From CS6 Be Opened In CS5 With Layers Intact

Jun 4, 2013

I have a client who insists on receiving final files as PDFs saved as Illustrator Default with Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities ticked. This wasn't an issue until I upgraded to cs6. In cs6 I'm saving the native file as cs5, and then saving as PDF with the following options:
The client is able to open the PDF in cs5 but the layers are all flattened into a single layer. Is there way to Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities for any version other than cs6?

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Illustrator :: Saved Files Turn Into All Black When Viewing?

Aug 27, 2013

Sometimes when I save files as a pdf in Illustrator, or receive files from other people the image loses it's colour. 
All colour is just black.  I'm attaching a screen shot so you can see what I mean, the colours here are supposed to be a shades of a PMS colour, but instead they're all black.

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Illustrator :: Text Saved In PNG - Select Outline Of Image

Sep 16, 2012

i have a text saved in PNG is a text designed with an can i select the outline in illustrator? in photoshop i need 3 click, open it, click rapid selection and click the image = done in illustrator what i have to do? i am capable only of open the file...

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Illustrator :: How To Access ASE Color Swatches Saved In Photoshop

Jul 14, 2013

how do I access ase color swatches saved in photoshop for exchange into illustrator cs6

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Illustrator Scripting :: CC Extension Preferences Aren't Being Saved?

Jul 1, 2013

I am trying to save preferences in the onClose function of my extension using the following code:
CSXSInterface.instance.storePreference("shapeStrokeSize", model.shapeStrokeSize.toString());
But the values I save do no persist and I can't find the prefs file. I am checking in: /Users/mitya/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEPServiceManager4/preference
if I run this same extension in CS6 everything works fine.

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Illustrator :: Where Are Image Trace Custom Presets Saved

Jan 3, 2013

I had to reinstall CS6 and am now looking for my old AI Image Trace custom presets. I'd like to restore them if possible from a Time Machine backup so I don't have to recreate a setting, but I can't seem to find where those are located.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Get Saved Selection List In JavaScript

Aug 21, 2012

Recently I met a little problem about save selection. I want to get saved selection list so that I can used in javascript. Some useful information about how to get Saved Selection list in javascript!

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