Illustrator :: Print To PDF Separations Not Working?
Nov 15, 2012
I've used this function forever in CS4. I switch to the newer and allegedly better CS6 Cloud. @@#$ @!#$ Why does print to PDF not work for color separations work anymore? I installed on 2 different mac computers with mountain lion. I need to get these color seps out for screen print. There's thousands of screen print designers out there doing seps in illustrator, how do I fix?
The prepping process should be really simple right? Separate colour layers, using Illustrator, then print each layer onto transparency sheets. Well I'm about to loose my mind.
The image is CMYK, its a single spot colour (I think) which is red and the outlines are black. Printer is a Canon ix6500.
I can't seem to separate the colours in Illustrator CS3?! Why?! When selecting Print > Output > Mode > it won't allow me to select Colour Separations.
I've tried to overcome this by selecting Printer > Adobe Postscript and PPD > Canon ix6500 series. This allows me to select Colour Separations, but then it won't print, it only saves it as a PDF, and prints it as is.
I'm trying to print color separations as a Postscript file from Illustrator CS5 and the halftone areas keep showing up as grayscale instead of the specified frequency and angle. I've tried usiing multiple PPDs and options but I'm having no luck.
I am using Illustrator CS3 and 5 and i am in screen printing business, I would like to able to print each screen separations with gradient pattern (dots) to pdf file so i can send it to my printer and the only thing he has to do print the films without worrying about the dot % for the images that have a gradient pattern.
I just installed Update 4 for Corel X6 and now I can't print separations from the HP5000 printer. I can composites. When I go to print, the error message says "Nothing is selected to be printed. Check your page range and/or separations settings". It shows current document to print and separations to be printed. It will not advance to the print preview page. It printed perfectly before Update 4.
I need to print separations. I can export out and PDF and print from Illustrator, but what a pain. Should I just do a system restore and forget Update 4 for now?
I have a b&w photo that I have added a spot of red to. I have done this in PS CS3. When I save the photo (as a psd) and import to Illustrator, and I try to print separations, the entire photo separates as cmyk.
I have tried unsuccessfully to export colour separations from Illustrator (CS5.1 MacOSX). I need the separations in an editable file format, but it seems like I am only able to print separations.
I have tried to print to a file with Output set to host-based separations but even that seems to be impossible. I get an error message "The save as PDF options in the Printer dialog are not supported".
The software is clever enough to do the separations, but somehow it can only print, not export them. Is there any additional software that would pose as a printer but instead of printing would create a file?
Is it possible to make spot color separations from blended shapes.
I blended a red spot colored irregular shape with a spot colored yellow shape and now want to output 2 film positives from my postscript printer. Unfortunately the blended pathes became process colors. I am using illustrator cs 6 on a Mac.
My company is exporting Postcards in Illustrator CS6. What we do is have a large data set imported into the Variables applet and use the Actions applet to record and export action and play it through the whole data set. We later combine the PDF files and print them as a batch.
My question is: Is there a way to create an action that will automatically print the data set while avoiding the print dialog box? It will make the process simple and move faster.
Also, what are your was of creating postcards? Catalogs?
How do people create a catalog with over 60 pages and keep the file size low?
I have a Samsung Laser printer. THe passive USB hub went bad yesterday, and I re-installed teh printer drivers. Everything prints fine from my on-line E-mail, Microsoft Word, etc. However, when I attempt to print from Adobe Illustrator I get a "Print to file" WINDOW that comes up, I never got this before I don't want to print to file (!!!!). I want to print to the printer.
I am converting a photoshop doc to greyscale and saving it as an eps. when I place that eps into illustrator and try to print separation the eps is coming out in 4 color instead of just black. if I save that same file as a tiff and place it in illustrator it prints in just black. if someone else in my office opens the eps in photoshop and saves it again then it will print in only black. is there a setting somewhere in photoshop that i am missing that will fix this and allow me to save the greyscale eps correctly.
I have a very large number of 4-color TIFFs that I need converted to 2-color PSD or DCS files. Before I do a whole lot of banging my head against the wall — or heavens forbid trying to write my own script from scratch — I'd like to know if it's feasible.
First, I'm not new to this. I don't need instructions on how to create 2-color DCS files from 3- or 4-color art. I do it quite often. Only I do it manually (using different methods, depending on the art).
What I have are hand-drawn illustrations, mostly black line with blue tints. The problem is they're 4-color. The colors are consistent — I have the same 4 tints or shades of blue plus black (or 3 tints of blue and one blue/black mix + black). I have no issues using grayscale + levels to generate the spot color channels, or Select Color Range and different percentage fills in those channels.
What I have is about a thousand of them — yes, literally 1,000 images — and I need them done as soon as possible. I don't relish the idea of going through all of them with the same operation, not when it can be automated.
So that's my question — can it be automated? What I understand is this is primarily a process that requires human intervention — a human brain that can decide "this, not that." Can I create an Action that says (for example):
set theColorRange to 67, 32, 23, 6 select theColorRange fill channel Pantone Black 4 U 40% fill channel Pantone Process Blue 100%
When printing separations, you're having issues printing more than three plates. I've got the OPPOSITE issue: When I'm trying to print only one or two colors of a graphic, it prints all of them.Example:I have black, PMS-A, and PMS-B in my graphic, but I only want to print PMS-A and PMS-B.I deselect black in the separations window, and that should be it, right?Hit print, and all of them included.
I've tested it on multiple printers, and get the same results.This only started happening after my X6 upgrade.
P.S. I should add that when I take the same steps, and then print to file, it still saves all of the plates, not just those selected.
Ok, I am modifying a graphic using photoshop CS, and I am creating a spot color/alpha channel on a greyscale image which I am then placing in Quark 4.0.
The problem is that I can't get the image to separate out just my cyan plate when I distill the Quark document.
Is there a way that I can save my channels so I just get cyan and black, or do I need to switch to a CMYK image mode?
I'm going to get into some graphic design for print and I know that I have to work at 300 dpi, but I'm not really sure how to accomplish this. If I use stock photos, digital photography that I have taken, or images from scans - should I just Copy and Paste them into the "New Document" which I have made be 300 dpi? Will their screen size decrease? Is that why stock photo companies advertise 'high-res' images?
I remember using it once for my commercial job in older version. I think it was ver. 11 or 12. Today when I tried HC separations, black appeared in all plates and a change I noticed is that all the colors are changed to Pantone HC process. I remember it well, it used to be CMYK + Pantone orange + Pantone Green.
I don't remember about the black color if it was separated on each plate or not.
One day I could print but the next I get "Adobe CS6 has stopped working, Windows is looking for a solution". I have tried re-installing, up-dating drivers, clearin preferences etc but without success!
I just added an Epson printer. When I'm in Photoshop (CS5) and click print>printsettings, to adjust the print size, nothing happens. The next window asking for print parameters never appears. I also have no "Page Setup" option under File.
Having problems getting the advance key to highlight in this area. I have repeated these instructions and problem still is not resolved.
This is the area that I am having problems with. To customize a halftone screen.
1. Click File Print. 2. Click the Color tab. 3. Enable the Print separations option. 4.Click the Separations tab. 5. In the Options area, enable the Use advanced settings check box. 6. Click Advanced. 7. Change any of the following settings:
•Screening technology •Resolution •Basic screen •Halftone type
You can set the screen frequency, screen angle, and overprint opt. ions for spot colors as well as process colors. For example, if you have a fountain fill made up of two spot colors, you can set one to print at 45 degrees and the other at 90 degrees.
AutoCAD 2012. When printing a PDF file wipeouts were working correctly. But then we replaced the machines with W7-64bit machines and started using AC2013. Now the wipeouts are not wiping out the background objects when you print using the "DWG to PDF.pc3" plotter.
You can get around it by using the "Print As Image" check box in Adobe, but the end user of the file may not be aware of this fix and then his pdf prints do not read correctly.
I've copied the DWG to PDF .pc3 and .pmp files from AC2012 to AC2013, but that didn't fix the issue.
We are in the process of upgrading from AutoCAD 2010 to 2013. The print screen key on the keyboard will not work in the 2013 version (using Snagit to capture the screen image). Changing the hot key (in Snagit) works but I'm trying to keep the same workflow for my 300 plus Users.
Last week I updated my mac to Lion and encountered a problem with lightroom 3. It wont let me preview the print in print mode now! before it did! now when i try and print, it just prints a white blank print?!
Luckily i used my macbook pro, the same problem happened in the lightroom too but it printed the image rather than blank printing
Any reason why i cant see the print preview any more?
I print spot color separations using CorelDraw a lot. Just ungraded from X3 to X5. One problem I am having is in the printing dialog. When a file has, say, 4 colors showing up in the separations section I may only want to print 2 or three of them. I deselect the ones I don't want - but all 4 seps come out. I am wasting a lot of expensive separations.
Just installed 2012 from 2000. Plot style table (file copied from old installation) has all colors set to grayscale=off but is printing with grayscale.