Illustrator :: Open Type Fonts Not Working On CC
Jun 20, 2013Fonts from Dyna Fonts are working fine on CS6, but not on CC.
View 1 RepliesFonts from Dyna Fonts are working fine on CS6, but not on CC.
View 1 RepliesI've noticed that I can download open type fonts on my computer (OS Windows 7) but if I type them out in my Corel X3, nothing shows up. Even files that I open up in Corel that have open type fonts in them, no text shows.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm new here but for from new to PSP. I've used PSP8 for years and now are using PSP X1. I got PSP 4 but I'm not a fan at all. Anyway I've got a new PC running Win7 64 bit pro. The thing is PSP has decided it want use Adobe open style fonts. The True Type are fine. The open style do show in the fonts list and when used they do create a new vector layer and show the writing in the layers column. The thing is they don't show on the image. They used to work fine before but not now.
View 14 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know anything about making these? Is there a program available?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSince applying the latest Microsoft updates to XP/SP3 last week I can now no longer add Open Type 1 or Type 1 fonts to Fonts in Windows, and therefore can't add more fonts for use in Photoshop CS3. I tried a new hard drive, reloaded with XP/SP3 plus updates and the exact same thing occurs. Any of those types of fonts I try to add come up as corrupt/can't load, when in fact they are not corrupt and the exact same font files load with no problem in another XP/SP3 machine that hasn't had the updates applied, and they also load without a hitch in a Vista machine. Anyone else, who has all the updates installed noticing this? Anyone have a solution? I know that this isn't exactly 100% related to Photoshop only, but it does affect the program.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat's the easiest way to determine if an Open Type font is enhanced with ligatures, optional caps, etc? I have not found any means other than to open each one individually and try to implement the features.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the Adobe Font Folio (Open Type) but I don't know where to start. I do a lot of small ads and so I use a lot of small type.
Does anyone know which fonts in this pack are good for small type? Maybe something thick that will look better at a smaller font size.
I've tried going through the fonts by highlighting the font name in the box and using the arrow keys to rifle through them, but as you know, it highlights what's on the page, making it near to impossible to see how the font would actually look if it weren't highlighted.
How do I use an Open Type font varient in Afx Path text tool?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I import True Type fonts into Illustrator CC without Tykekit?
View 6 Replies View RelatedSuddenly my normal crisp type is all ragged. Don't know how to fix this- tried restarting, no luck. All of my files have this problem now.
View 5 Replies View RelatedGraphics department is having a problem with Franklin Gothic Medium Condensed Font.
Font has extra space trackings in Corel x6. Is there a specific menu setting i should have to fix this?
Is it because it is an open face font?
I want to see "resent" fonts when choosing, be able to type letter to get down the list quickly, group similar fonts, etc. Maybe have a magnifying glass attached to cursor to see fonts better.... Why have this not been done?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded to CS6 from CS4. Some fonts that worked without a problem in CS4 no longer even show up in the font options in CS6. I use Font Agent Pro to manage my fonts. They are not corrupt, they work on other computers, and were purchased from online font foundries.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am opeing a coworkers files in Illustrator, we both have the same version of illustrator (CS6) and the same fonts installed, but for some reason they're displaying differently on my computer than on his.
They're not missing - I didn't get an error when I opened the files, and highlighting the text doesn't give me a Font Family with an asterisk after it like it would if it were missing. So it seems like they should be working fine, and they sort of are. Anything in Franklin Gothic Demi seems to be Franklin Gothic Demi, for example, but the pt size, leading, tracking - all that sort of thing seems to be off.
I had some font issues with Microsoft Excel on my mac earlier today and had messed around with the fonts, basically moving them from one folder to another, deleting duplicates etc.
I must admit at this point that I'm no Mac expert and I do like to do things the trial-and-error way. and I may have done something that I shouldn't have as my AI CC won't launch now.
I can't undo what I've done as I can't remember what I did, and Time Machine isn't useful.
I can't reinstall the CC as I don't have the installer and now Adobe won't let me download it again as apparently my OS is supposedly out of date, even though it still meets the minimum requirement (OSX10.6.8) stated.
i downloaded some free fonts and tried to implement worked. But now my brushes aren't working as in when i open the library of brushes and click it pops up and says "unknown error has occurred". are these 2 linked?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI keep having issues with the text tool so here is what i did. I opened a new document, clicked the "Type tool", drew a box with it and starting typing, now everything was working as it should, while typing when i would get to the right side of the "Type tool" box i had drawn, the text would stay within the box and the next line would begin sorte of like this (asume the imaginary box is four spaces long):
But then i started to do the same thing later in the project and the text would stay on one line and just disappear when it got to the end of the box, and i dont know how to get it working like it did before. When reshaping the box the text would stay the same size (was not a point type problem) but the text would basically just run off the end of the box and disappear, here is an example using the same text i showed above, but i'll use "b" to simulate the last four "a" lines which in this case the "b"'s will represent the invisible "a"'s. In this case the box is still four spaces wide and 5 spaces in height, but the text does not seem to acknowledge the box. And member i'm only using the "type tool", to draw these boxes, i'm not acutally drawing square shapes. Also i'm using Illustrator CC, and am using a mac.
Up until now Stroke on text seemed pretty straight forward.But now it doesn't work. Is there some magical shortcut that could have made it not possible to appear? It's showing up in the Appearance panel, but not onscreen.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIn Illustrator CS6 I established a keyboard shortcut of Alt+Shift+Ctrl+= to the command Type-->Change Case-->UPPERCASE (and Alt+Shift+Ctrl+- to Type-->Change Case-->Title Case). In Illustrator CC, these two keyboard shortcuts are not working. They are displaying in the Type menu correctly, and the menu commands themselves work correctly, but the shortcuts do not work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI drew a beautiful SVG for a website, just coded it in html/css/javascript. (It's in there, just scroll around)
It needs finishing by hand ... how on earth do I open it in Illustrator?
I downloaded it as an .svg via SVG Crowbar. (That's the only way I know to extract an .svg and am happy to try your better strategies)
.When I ask Adobe File -> Open -> and choose it, Adobe says "can't open illustration."
Fwiw, Reader error is "could not open graph.svg bc it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged, for example it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded"
Inkscape will open graph.svg, no problem. But I was hoping to try out Illustrator.
in CS6 illustrator when we open file we get message " font Missing" but fonts are loaded.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been sent a logo in a .eps file and I need to edit. However I can't see what font type has been used!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using a MAC OS version 10.6.8 and ESTK 3.6. When I open ESTK the font is very small and I want to make it larger. I go to ExtendScript ToolKit>Preferences when I click Fonts and Colors the program crashes and sends an error report to Apple.
I would like to script Illustrator with .jsx instead of AppleScript because I am more familiar with JavaScript (plus it's cross platform compatible).
When I try to open files - ANY files - I get an error message that AI doesn't recognize the file type. I tried importing files and received the same message. I then went back and attempted to open files that I had created with AI. NO FILES will open. I tried re-installing the program, still no dice.
View 16 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the default type Myriad Pro 12pt to open all new documents with Helvetica Regular 8pt?
View 6 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop does not reload the desktop synced fonts from type kit. They are acknowledged as synced in the creative cloud main page but not visible in the project (even if I try to reload the fonts).
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow to 'install' Type One fonts under Windows, especially when I want to use them with FontNav. Should the pairs be kept together within the same folder? I tend to use multiple sets of folders for other font types to aid me in organizing them within FontNav, and I love FontNav for its ability to make fonts active or inactive.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have the Adobe Font Package but I'm having trouble finding what I need for my banner ads. Because I'm working in small type, I need thick fonts that look good in small, 12-16pt type.
I've found that Myriad Pro Bold is a good one for this but I'm looking for others that will give a nice, professional look to my banner ads as well.
will not allow me to attach screen shot from grab. Image not allowed is error message
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to use a true type font on my CAD template. I have copied the file and saved it in the fonts folder (path x64/acadlt/windows/fonts), however in CAD when i try to select the font it is not available on the list.
View 9 Replies View RelatedCorelDraw 12 & Windows XP.
Type 1 fonts not displaying. Open Type & True Type OK. Type 1 OK in all other programs. Problem just happened a day or so ago.