Photoshop :: Unable To Add Adobe Open And Type 1 Fonts In XP/SP3
Dec 11, 2008
Since applying the latest Microsoft updates to XP/SP3 last week I can now no longer add Open Type 1 or Type 1 fonts to Fonts in Windows, and therefore can't add more fonts for use in Photoshop CS3. I tried a new hard drive, reloaded with XP/SP3 plus updates and the exact same thing occurs. Any of those types of fonts I try to add come up as corrupt/can't load, when in fact they are not corrupt and the exact same font files load with no problem in another XP/SP3 machine that hasn't had the updates applied, and they also load without a hitch in a Vista machine. Anyone else, who has all the updates installed noticing this? Anyone have a solution? I know that this isn't exactly 100% related to Photoshop only, but it does affect the program.
I have the Adobe Font Folio (Open Type) but I don't know where to start. I do a lot of small ads and so I use a lot of small type.
Does anyone know which fonts in this pack are good for small type? Maybe something thick that will look better at a smaller font size.
I've tried going through the fonts by highlighting the font name in the box and using the arrow keys to rifle through them, but as you know, it highlights what's on the page, making it near to impossible to see how the font would actually look if it weren't highlighted.
I've noticed that I can download open type fonts on my computer (OS Windows 7) but if I type them out in my Corel X3, nothing shows up. Even files that I open up in Corel that have open type fonts in them, no text shows.
I'm new here but for from new to PSP. I've used PSP8 for years and now are using PSP X1. I got PSP 4 but I'm not a fan at all. Anyway I've got a new PC running Win7 64 bit pro. The thing is PSP has decided it want use Adobe open style fonts. The True Type are fine. The open style do show in the fonts list and when used they do create a new vector layer and show the writing in the layers column. The thing is they don't show on the image. They used to work fine before but not now.
What's the easiest way to determine if an Open Type font is enhanced with ligatures, optional caps, etc? I have not found any means other than to open each one individually and try to implement the features.
this is a problem that arose after repairing the previous issue, downloading the MSXML4 SP3 I can't use some fonts I purchased, open face fonts. After redownloading from supplier, issue is still not resolved.Also, I am unable to open disc 3 of Corel X3 to add fonts.
I want to see "resent" fonts when choosing, be able to type letter to get down the list quickly, group similar fonts, etc. Maybe have a magnifying glass attached to cursor to see fonts better.... Why have this not been done?
i use Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and i know that it's possible to add some fonts on it. I've downloaded them but don't know where to put them, i can't find the "Fonts" folder in Adobe folder. Also i want the font that is on this website: URL....
Photoshop does not reload the desktop synced fonts from type kit. They are acknowledged as synced in the creative cloud main page but not visible in the project (even if I try to reload the fonts).
I have the Adobe Font Package but I'm having trouble finding what I need for my banner ads. Because I'm working in small type, I need thick fonts that look good in small, 12-16pt type.
I've found that Myriad Pro Bold is a good one for this but I'm looking for others that will give a nice, professional look to my banner ads as well.
I am trying to work with my previous Photoshop files I created last night on CS5.5 and Suitcase Fusion 4. All my loaded and active fonts are not active in Photoshop. How do i get my fonts to be activated in my adobe applications?
I have the following hardware/software combination: Lenovo ThinkPad W700dsNVidia FX2700M (512MB)Windows Ultimate 64-bitAdobe Photoshop CS4 After installing Adobe, I have been noticing that the text of the menus is cropped (Please check the image below). This makes it very difficult for me to read the menu items (especially when the text is cropped horizontally).
I have a couple of Adobe Post Script fonts installed using Adobe Type Manager. I'm using Windows Vista Enterprise. First of all, is this C:PSFONTS and C:PSFONTSPFM the correct location for Adobe fonts under Windows Vista? I just installed about four Adobe post script fonts using Type Manager and it does not show up any of Adobe's product including Photoshop and LiveCycle. I also went back into Adobe Type Manager and look at the fonts that I just installed under the Fonts tab and I could not find it.
how to get this problem resolved. everytime i use my type, when i click on my work area, a black dot appears on page before i begin to type. then no matter what font i use, there is a black line under all my type. how can i get just the black dot from appearing at first when i click, and that annoying line under all my type to dissappear! i'm veryy new to photoshop, and i have cs.
i have to install photoshop cs6 on a new machine..os windows 7 64bit the installation gives me some options  1) install 64bit and 32bit or only 64bit  2) extra fonts  may i ask you a explanation?  1) install 64bit and 32bit is for old plugins compatibility?  2) does the installer store the extra fonts in the adobe folder? i mean does photoshop share these fonts with windows or are used only by photoshop.
I've just read your article on 'Cleartype Text in IE7'. I am a user experience designer/art director who regularly creates visual designs of websites in Adobe Photoshop CS3.
I have a question that I am trying to find out the answer to, which is proving to be quite the mystery/problem.
Here's my question: Is there anyway to mimic clear type displayed in an IE7 browser, in Photoshop CS3 (on a PC)?
As you probably know there are 4 different options of anti aliasing text in Photoshop, but none of them truly represent how the text will appear when it's been coded up and displayed in IE7.
I have a vector shape (which is simply four rounded rectangles) that I have converted to a 3D object,now you can see I've angled the flat plane so it's a little oblique, but what I want to do now is map the 'face' of the extruded shape so instead of lying on a flat plane, the plane itself is warped like a sphere. Â Imagine taking these 'chicklets' and pressing them onto a bowling ball instead of lying on a flat table.Is there any way to do that in CS6 or am I going to have to do this in another 3D application?
Is there a way I can edit the registry so that in Adobe Bridge, under edit, preferences, file type associations, the jpg extension is forced to use the 32-bit version of Photoshop? I can do it manually, but is there a registry key i can export to apply it to multiple computers?
Trying to use the Adobe email to send attached photos. After attaching the photos and before sending the email I am trying to type in text in the message area, but it will not let me?
In creative cloud i selected English (Arabic enabled) as a preference. I reinstalled Photoshop because I had already installed Photoshop with English as a preference. I still can't type joining Arabic letters. How to type joint Arabic letters in adobe Photoshop / illustrator?
How to 'install' Type One fonts under Windows, especially when I want to use them with FontNav. Should the pairs be kept together within the same folder? I tend to use multiple sets of folders for other font types to aid me in organizing them within FontNav, and I love FontNav for its ability to make fonts active or inactive.
I am creating a document in Tamil. Normally I type in Google document. Then copy and paste in Word. It works perfectly.  Now I am creating a poster in Adobe illustrator. I did type in google and pasted in notepad. It works perfectly.  When I copy and past in Adobe Illustrator the font is not displaying correctly.                     In preferences-->Type-->Text Engine options I selected 'Middle Eastern', previousy it was 'East Asia', after that the Tamil letters are getting displayed correctly.   I have seen another post which says I need to enable show Indic option. [URL] Unfortunately I do not have Indic option. My screen looks different  I have some tamil fount installed. When I tried to change the fount to tamil font, it does not work either. I have another font called Latha. When I changed to Latha font the character displayed in Tamil but all spelling went wrong in Tamil.
I batch renamed a bunch of photos in adobe bridge and renamed them as SaraJ._01 etc. and they were saved as a strange file type that I can no longer open?? Document type just says _35 or whatever number the file is. They are just white files no thumbnail preview nothing...
I want to use a true type font on my CAD template. I have copied the file and saved it in the fonts folder (path x64/acadlt/windows/fonts), however in CAD when i try to select the font it is not available on the list.
I choose the vertical type tool or the vertical type on a path tool or the vertical area type tool...and all I get are letters that are rotated 90 degrees clockwise that go down in a vertical line. The effect is the same as if I took one of these lines that I am typeing here and rotated the entire line 90 degrees clockwise. That is not the effect I want. I am tying to get vertical letters stacked on top of one another in a line going vertical. I watched videos and they simply pick the tool and it functions this way, but when I pick the same tool I do not get this vertical orientation of the individual letters, but the 90 degree rotated letter.Â