Illustrator :: Manipulating Font Converted To Object
Oct 8, 2012
I have the following image:
This actually started out as a font, and I converted it to an object with paths using apple-shift-o. I'm wanting to get rid of the balloon around the lettering, but am having a real hard time doing so using the convential methods (ie cutting, deleting the anchor points). When I do this, it seems to interfere with the lettering. How I can accomplish this for a piece of text I converted to an object?
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Sep 24, 2013
After opening a file from another designer, this Chinese font has taken over my "omens – regular" font file. Anytime I use it, it converts to this font and each time I need to change a font weight, I must do it manually. As you can imagine, I use our company font all day so this slows me down quite a bit. Have you heard of this? It seems like some sort of font virus. I've researched removing it, yet can't seem to find the original font file to get rid of, which is even weirder."
We tried moving the font family to the trash, emptying the trash, rebooting the machine, and re-adding the font family and it still is happening.
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Feb 28, 2006
How do you keep very small sized fonts looking good when manipulating them, as in using arc, skew, transform? I can manage this fine on bigger sized fonts, but when I want to make a very small font size arc (for ex to use on an avatar) it ends up looking blurry and not crisp and clean. tried pixel fonts but that was totally unreadable.
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Jan 22, 2013
In the past, I've been able to take a pdf file, place it in Illustrator and then manipulate the text, objects, etc. For some reason I've been unable to do so with my new Illustrator CS6. Would this issue have something to do with the way the file has been scanned? Is there some way to open a pdf file in Illustrator in order to make edits?
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Nov 8, 2012
I need to change the color of the M and [R] in this text, allow me to set the stage.
To create this symbol you type the Letter M, change the font to our companys symbol text and the following characters then follow. However when editing the text it is recognized as a single character. I have changed the text to outlines, however it still changes every letter when I change the color. I have went into isolation mode and it still changes every color.
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Jun 21, 2012
In CS5, when you have locked objects within a group or layer, you can still select the whole group/layer at once. And with the group/layer selected, any transform/cut/etc will affect everything in the group/layer, including the locked objects.
But in CS6, it seems that you cannot select entire group/layer with locked objects -- the "selection circle" in the Layers panel will not show the double circle. And if you manipulate the group/layer now, only the unlocked objects within it will be affected; the locked objects will stay the same.
How can I revert back to CS5's behaviour?
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Jul 17, 2011
I made a staircase rail made out of splines etc...
Converted the object to edit poly and duplicated + attached all the piece.
So I have this one object that is really long and this is the rail of the whole staircase.
Now I created a spline and once I select the object and add a Path Deform, the object isn't rotating correctly along the spline. At the beginning of the spline its @ 90 degrees and further down it starts to spin.
How do I make it so it's always 90 degrees to the ground?
Pic included
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Aug 3, 2011
I am trying to convert a mesh to solid in AutoCAD 2010 using the CONVTOSOLID command but I get this message . . .
'Mesh not converted because it is not closed or it self-intersects. Object cannot be converted.'
Is there another way of achieving this?
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May 22, 2012
When I copy or move an object in a file converted from Microstation to Autocad 2012 the system freezes or slows down to a crawl. If I redraw the drawing in Autocad it works fine. I have a lot of drawings converted from Microstation and I don't need to be redrawing them all.
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Mar 23, 2012
How do I place object lines on a general plane that was converted from a 3d station? I'm currently operating acad Mechanical.
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May 25, 2012
I have taken this sketch (jpeg) converted to .eps and performed a live trace in illustrator. I then go to live paint to select areas to fill with different colors, but the whole image is selected. It could have to do with me not being able to separate into layers before the trace, but i'm not too sure where i am going wrong here. I've watched several tutorials on turning sketches into vector files, but obviously im missing a step.
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Mar 12, 2013
I am having a weird problem with some files I'm getting from a third party. They are created in CS4, then saved to EPS v.10. I need the text in the file to remain live, but every time it gets saved to EPS 10, it gets outlined. URL....
I have been able to verify that ligatures is sometimes the culprit, but I think there's something in the way this one person is creating the files that's causing the problem. I've opened hundreds of EPS 10 files from other users that have live type. Yet when I take this one person's original AI file and down-save it, the text gets outlined.
It's a very simple file - no transparency or other red flags that I can see. At first I thought maybe it was just the font, but I have used the same font in tests, and down-saved to v.10, with no text outlining.
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Oct 15, 2012
I converted a large document from RGB to CYMK (File | Document Color Mode). I'd like to select all of the text that was RGB(0,0,0) and is now CMYK(75.02,67.97,67.02,90.16) so I can change it to CMYK(0,0,0,100). I think the magic wand is the way to do this (correct me if I'm wrong).
I have text in a dozen or more text areas. Many of the text areas overflow text into another text area. Some of the text in the text areas is "black" but there is also text with other colors that I'd like to remain unchanged.
For example, I'd like to select all of the black text in the following two text areas without selecting the red text. I thought that I could click on the black text and have all the black text (but not the red text), selected, but the entire text box is selected (and nothing in the second text box is selected). Can the wand select some text within several text boxes? If not, how should I go about changing the black?
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Mar 20, 2013
All of my image layers have randomly converted to smart object layers and I can no longer resize them in the ps document. Why would it do this and how can I undo it?
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Dec 4, 2012
I have a complex pattern, that looks brilliant with a color layer. However, it was originally created RGB.
I converted the color to CMYK for print, and all the color disappears! Not that the layer is deleted, but the color layer appears Grayscale. The only area where color shows up are in the pieces that are at 50% transparency (see purple diamond). I have all my color areas set to CMYK including the color pallet.
The color will show if I set the layer to multiply, but it doesn't look the same way as it does when its in RGB mode.
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Sep 3, 2013
How is width and height calculated in the transform panel for an object? Does it use an average? An example can be seen in the first image. The lines are not a uniformed width.
Also, how are strokes converted from pts to pxls? For instance, if I make a stroke that is 2.3 pt, when I expand the object the width in the transform panel will say 2.3px ; however, I thought the point to pixel conversion (even for a 72 dpi screen resolution) was different. An example can be seen in the last two images, where a line was made with a specified stroke width and then expanded.
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Apr 12, 2013
Is there a way to specify a given system font that should be substituted for a given missing font? For example, the document I'm working with contains CourierStd and CourierStd-Bold which are not installed on my system. I would like to set Illustrator so that any time a document that contains these fonts is opened, Courier New and Courier New Bold are substituted automatically.
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Nov 29, 2013
An eps file opens without any problem with the preview as .pdf on Mac OS 10.7.5In illustrator when I open the same file, the main font is not recognized and no warning said the font is not available.
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Dec 30, 2012
I use Canon 60D and normally shoot in mRAW. I am considering a move to DNG conversion so I did some test conversions and was amazed to find that, far from reducing the size of my mRAW files, it increased them by about 60%. I repeated the exercise with RAW files and found that this did reduce the size of the files by over 10%. In fact, i ended up with the crazy situation where the DNG files converted from mRAW were much bigger than those converted from RAW.
Below are some sample sizes based on Medium previews, Embed fast load data - YES, Embed original RAW file - NO, Compatibility Camera Raw 7.1 and later
Before : mRAW 17Mb mRAW 12Mb
After: DNG 28.5Mb DNG 21Mb
Before: RAW 23Mb RAW 22Mb
After: DNG 20Mb DNG 19Mb
If I went for Full Preview, the DNG sizes rose by about 2 Mb
why the mRAW conversion is so inefficient?
I am still not entirely sure whether to adopt DNG but, if i do, it looks like I certainly won't be using mRAW as the source.
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Mar 20, 2007
I dont really know what to call this thread as it is hard to explain what I want.... So lits say that I have a circle and I want my font to take shape and fill the inside of the circle, how would I go about doing this... I know that you can set a path and have the font foll the path but that I not what I want... What I am really asking is a fill but with the text that I am writing...
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Jun 7, 2012
I am saving a PDF from Illustrator CS4 that contains only 100% black text. My print provider is telling me that the text in the PDF has been converted to 4C, rich black. I have tried all different PDF creation settings (high quality, press quality, PDFX3, default) from Illustrator but nothing works. How can I create a PDF that maintains 100% black and prevents it from converting to process black?
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Oct 17, 2012
I am working on a project which needs..Text frames to be converted as flash text >property changed to dynamic text > writing instance name “_txt”.so how can i write scripting on above process.
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Dec 5, 2006
Ok im a trying to manipulate an image or make one to look like somone on an operating theatre, i want to add text in a stitching/suture type effect to the body part (see images) I am trying to manipulate the picture so it is a portrait image like the second picture.
the one that i have quickly edited to give a quick example (the breasts) is at an angle, and i want it straight, also so i can add more text to the skin part. Does anyone know where i can find an image like this or manipulate one or even make one from scratch?
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Mar 13, 2006
In the work I do I rescale and warp layers. My question is, is there a way to make the layer i am transforming be displayed as edges, or translucent. This would greatly help me match the layer to the original image.
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Dec 12, 2013
I have AutoCAD 2011. A previous employee of this company made a dwg that had a road map overlaid with some polygons representing areas of this or that. The road map was made of lines, polylines, etc. As I hovered the mouse over the roads they highlighted as if to be edited. My co-worker insisted that there was no way he drew the map and must have uploaded it.
The reason I am asking is a current project we have has many maps available as pdfs and other formats. I know how to upload a pdf as a back drop but do not know how I can upload anything not a dwg that can be edited or changed.
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Jan 2, 2013
I'm making vectors for my Spreadshirt page, and when I try to upload them SS is telling me that I must convert all the text to curves.How do I convert the text, and what do I do when there is no text in the image?
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Oct 4, 2012
I need to manipulate digital newspaper clippings from the early 1900's in order to enlarge and create a readable hard copy. The pdf's that i am getting from the NYTimes are often miniscule - like microfilm. They are always a PDF and I am looking for the most efficient way to create (multi-page okay) readable copies.
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Aug 9, 2013
I can't seem to find a way to edit (or at least delete) the alpha channel of an image with transparency in Photoshop.
Ctrl-clicking the thumbnail of the layer and editing it in the channels tab is not what I mean...
Take a gradient, from Red 100% Opacity to Blue 0% Opacity. After I saved the gradient as a PNG, how can I for example use the levels adjustment on the PNG's alpha channel?
If I open the image in After Effects there is an option to control the alpha channel. That's quite embarrassing if a video software can edit the alpha channel and an image software can't...
I've attached screenshots to demonstrate what I mean.
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Feb 29, 2004
i'm trying to take some photos and manipulate them to look like drawings without using the basic photoshop filters....
i'm open to trying different kinds of styles. anything from something like in the movie "Waking Life", to the Power Puff girls style of animation.
Even if i could get the photos to look like a water color painting would be cool.
i've been playing with them alot in photoshop and illustrator, but I just havent found a result I'm happy with yet. although, I only have the basic default photoshop filters here.
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Jan 5, 2013
I tried Nexus font (finally) and don't see why people have mentioned it. I don't like it and uninstalled it quickly.Which font manager do you think is better than Font Nav?
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Jan 24, 2012
I have 26000 mtext that has overridden font inside the property. set to bold and print out look like crap.
see attached i want all the text to look like the text on the left. right is what they look like now. i just copied a few as an example.
can't find the font property in the mtext object:
PrivateSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesButton1.Click
Dim doc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db AsDatabase = doc.Database
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