Illustrator :: Losing Layers And Groups When Opening CC In CS6
Aug 6, 2013
If CC is a TRIAL program, why would you allow it to blow away layers and groupings when the doc is reopened in CS6? No I have to resinstall CC, open the doc, save it back down to CS6, and PRAY that the layers and groupings are intact. What a waste of my time.
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Jun 11, 2013
Im trying to create a logo. I grouped a bottom layer of shapes to form one shape. I also group three letter together. When i put the group of letter on top of the group of shapes it looked great. Then i tried to group this bottom and top layer together and lost the top layer of can i stop this from happening?
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May 12, 2012
I am using Illustrator CS5.5 on a Mac.
Sometimes, after moving stuff around (groups, layers or artboards), I notice that hidden objects didn't move with everything else.
How this can be if no objects are locked ?I cannot make this happen on purpose with a simple example and it is really annoying not to be sure that everything was moved properly.
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Aug 14, 2013
How can I back save illustrator files created in CC (CS7 version???) to CS6 without losing layers? when I open the files in CS6 it says "some info will be lost' Ha! all layers and separation is lost, so cannot separate parts whole file seems grouped and cannot be separated? When I go back to my (other) computer where I was foolish enough to upgrade to CC, way to save back as I can with InDesign and saving as a idml file.
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Feb 9, 2013
I'm a cartoonist, and I do rather complex vector drawings. It's no unusual for my work to have hundreds of layers, and those layers have dozens of sub-layers. When I opens said files, several layers expand to reveal all the sublayers. I then have to colapse them, one at a time. Is there a quick way to close all sub layers at once?
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Mar 30, 2012
When I open a file, one or more layer are opened/expanded in the layer tab on the side of the screen. I can close the layer, make modifications, and save; but when I open it up, the layer is always opened.It doesn't happen with every file. But on the files that do have this, it's always like this.
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Jan 17, 2014
[URL] This image is directly from a customer’s email. An Illustrator template for custom candy bags is sent to the customer and has about 10 layers on it. Somehow they always come back as Layer 1, flattened. I am opening them up in CS5.why a multi layered file constantly comes back from our customers as a single layer? Having all layers is very important for these bags to print properly.
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Jul 6, 2013
Is there a way to open a file as a layer? I want to open multiple files in the same window to make a collage. Currently, as I open each file they all open in separate windows. The "Open Document As Tabs" option in the User Interface preferences is not selected.
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Jul 22, 2013
I have a question about the layers I created in photoshop and I would like to open as a vector in illustrator.
The layers in photoshop as a smart object are done in pen tool.
The question is a little confusing, but what I'd really like is to take an art that I created in photoshop pro after effects, as a vector. Only when I open the AE, rasterize all layers and can not work by increasing the elements.
Hence I wonder if I can bring all these elements created in Photoshop vector shape in Illustrator pro.Without me having to "redo" everything in illustrator.
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Aug 22, 2013
When I open an Illustrator file with many layers, nested groups, etc. I have to spend the first minute or so closing all the nested layers in the layers palette.
I've searched for a preference but can't find anything to tell Illustrator to open with all layer triangles closed. Is this possible?
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Jan 15, 2013
Are there any keyboard shortcuts for twirling folder groups open/closed?
Would be nice if there was a command when I have a group selected that would unfold all nested folders to make all layers viewable.
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Jun 27, 2013
how I can put my layers into groups now, but there are a few problems I've seen pop up.
First are foremost, when I disable the visibility on a group, if I use the move tool it will select layers from that group that were visible before the group was made invisible. Seriously, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that I would ever want to move an individual layer that I can't see. This clearly is a glitch and needs to be fixed.
Second of all there is an issue with a layer's mode when it is in a group. For example, if a layer is set to multiply, if it is set in a group it will only multiply on layers within that group. Now this I can see a good use for, but honestly, it is not how I usually want to use layers. I'm not usually trying to separate the actual graphics in my image, I'm just trying to organize my massively long layer dialogue into something more useful. It's great to collect different aspects of my image and keep them all together. But basically every time I need a multiply layer or other effect, I need it to effect the whole image. To keep it effecting an entire image I have to make two separate groups, each above and below the layer, in order to organize my image.
Now, since there is certainly an advantage that could be given by not having such layers have any effect outside of their group, I can't argue that the feature should be removed. However, I do think it would be fantastic if a property could be added to a layer group that would allow for such layers to effect the image outside of the group or not.
The third thing I have to say about groups is linking. First of all, as it stands, when I activate linking on a layer group it has absolutely no effect, making the option redundant. However, what would be useful is if I could link an entire group to itself and then move every layer within a group in tandem.
Often times I want to move several groups of layers around so I can arrange a composition. For a simple example, maybe I have several images of characters, each built with a layer for flats, lighting, textures, etc. And to arrange the composition I want to move the whole character with all its layers to one spot, then grab another character with all of its layers to another spot.Conventionally, there are only two ways I can do this. Either I flatten each of those groups and move them as single layers, destroying my ability to alter them with any level of convenience, or I have to manually link every layer for that character, move it, un-link every layer, link all the layers in another character, and repeat.But it would be so much nicer if I could link all the layers within several groups, and move each group as a whole without moving any other layers.
Since the link option on a layer group doesn't do anything anyway, it seems reasonable to me that enabling it should have that exact effect. Using the same example, if I have each character in its own group, I activate the link option on all of those groups all at once, and then I can grab a layer on any group and that whole group will move, but not any other layers.Even if it automatically linked all the layers in that group to all other linked layers, it would still be much easier to activate and deactivate the link on just one group each time I move that one group, rather than each individual layer.
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Sep 25, 2012
I have a problem with my layers which I can not figure out how to solve.
see picture:
I have a group called: "Hele akvarier" " where I have used "Create new fill adjustment layer" - "Brightness / Contrast" to the layers which are under. (Layer 2, Original Copy, Original).Over is there are two layers named "Layer 3, Layer 1". These layers, I also need to use the "Brightness / Contrast" to they're going to look right, but the top "adjustment layer" affects all the layers under.
How do I get my layers divided into two groups, each with its "adjustment layer" to use each with its own settings?
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Jul 13, 2012
My Photoshop CS6 PSDs are getting flattened if opened by any previous versions of Photoshop, despite not being saved just opened. When I open the original in CS6 again, all layers are merged. Where there were 12 layers, there is now one. This is causing loads of problems.
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Aug 11, 2013
Randomly on both of my computers. It happens on different versions of Photoshop, on WIN XP and WIN 7, so it's quite random. It happens everytime I want to duplicate layers, only when I duplicate them (or group) to new document. What to do about it?
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Oct 18, 2012
I have this brand new PC, got it last week, i7 core, SSD drive, 16gb ram.When I open my PSD doc with my design (approx 43mb psd file) then the photoshop application spikes in memory usage, to 3.5gb (from 120mb), and moving groups and layers around is DEAD SLOW, horrible lag.
I had CS3 on my previous PC, which was Core2 Duo with 4gb ram, and the speeds there were similar on the same psd document.I've also tried CS5.1 on a similar PC hardware specs as my new PC, and moving groups and layers around is much faster.Is it just CS6? Why is this so slow?
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Jun 1, 2012
I have recently ran into a few issues with Photoshop CS6. When working with Layer Groups and Blend Modes.
Here is what happens:
I am working with a document and have layers grouped into a folder. All is good when I merge that group any layers that I had with a blend mode change from that mode to Normal, thus messing up the merge. Another instance where I had this issue is if I had any hidden layers that were not displayed. If the layers were merged they would be changed from hidden to displayed. Again messing up the image and the merge. Not sure what do to here.
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May 3, 2012
So I have been trying to learn to be as non destructive as problem I've recently had is that when I try to merge layers, I will lose the mask that was on one of the layers.
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Apr 9, 2012
author one mask that effects multiple layers without using a group mask? Unfortunately I can't throw all the layers in a group and use a group mask in this case since the layers that I want to share the mask must be in different group folders. (I am using actions to export the results of each group to the different flattened files.) So I have similar but not identical layers in separate groups that I would like to share one authored mask. I also can't use smart objects because the layers are not identical.
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Jul 18, 2013
write out the steps involved in importing one set of points to a point group so that it is one color and on one layer and a different set of points onto a different layer with a different color? We gather survey data using different methods and want to be able to overlay the data sets for quality control purposes and them being the same color is crazy making
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May 18, 2012
I'm trying to save a file that looks great in Photoshop and preserve it as a PNG. I'll create the image, simply "merge layers" and lose the transparency of it. How do I get my PNG to look like it does in photoshop.
The red background show through in photoshop originally...but then after "merge layers" or saving the PNG every way possible (or so I think)... the degree of transparency isn't preserved.Below looks great. (red bleeds through nicely, good transparency)
Now doesn't look so good. (all i did was merge layers and red doesn't bleed through properly anymore, same result when saving as png)
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May 9, 2013
I want to insert a layer into one of my video groups. But when I do I want all of the layers in all of the selected groups to move holding therei relative position. e.g. i have a text layer positioned at a certain time in a Clip B. I want to insert another clip right before this clip which will shove Clip B to the right. I want the text layer to move also keeping its relative position to Clip B. The text clip is in a different video group from that of the underlying layer that is being shoved over.Restated, I want to hold all the clips and layers in position so that when I insert another clip everything moves holding their positions relative to each other.
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Jun 24, 2013
i can't be the only one who thinks it's nuts that when 'auto-select > layers' is selected and i drag to select a bunch of layers, i also select layers that are turned off and/or locked, can i?i just confirmed that this IS not the case with CS6 -- locked or hidden layers are not selected upon dragging to select exposed layers.
is this a bug, or a bit of new functionality that i am failing to grasp? i did notice that in CC, on right-click there is the new option to "isolate layers", but this seems to just isolate & unclutter layers within the layers panel.
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Aug 6, 2013
improve Photoshop CC, but this bug beaks my workflow to the point I can't use it.
Other than this critical bug, the software engineers behind Photoshop CC are doing a great job.
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Aug 24, 2011
In an effort to firm up my understanding of how styles, point groups, description keys and layers collide, I followed the recommendations of an article. How groups/deskeys function together for layer visibility.
This process of Layer visibility that is supposed to make the program flexible makes it almost impossibly complicated.
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Oct 15, 2009
I just discovered survey figure groups and am playing around with them. Great way to bring certain figures in & out. What seems crazy is that I have to check them on/off one at a time. Am I missing something or is this the only way to add figures to a figure group?
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Jul 14, 2012
We recently updated all of our software at my company from 2010 architectural desktop to 2013 autocad. We do a lot of architectural work where we use the "wall" functions to draw our floorplans. I have noticed that the walls are disappearing on some files and not on others. Or we will only be able to see the outside line of the wall, but not the interior, which results in an undesirable appearance to the floorplans.
I have also run across these error messages when opening the files, I dont know if they are related or not:
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address E43AA180h"
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address D41218AEh"
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Dec 19, 2012
I used to be able to create groups of objects, and groups of groups, and be able to drill down to the object level by double clicking with the cursor. Now I can't. What would cause this?
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Mar 8, 2013
I am running Illustrator CS5 on a Laptop PC. I am constantly installing new fonts to work on customer projects...
I have noticed that sometimes the fonts appear in the font list in alphabetical order, and sometimes they appear either towards the top or bottom (not in order), or they are in a completely separate grouping at the bottom of the list. Is there any fix for this? I'd prefer that they all be in Alphabetical order if possible...
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Sep 16, 2013
there is probably a simple solution to this but I am stuggling to create a paint group in CS of multiple paths. I have been stuck with doing some work on Illustrator 11, and not familiar with these old versions. I am a CS4-6 user and am used to the select all paths.... Live Paint ... good to go.What is the procedure in the earlier versions ? E.g., a compound path required ?
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Jun 20, 2012
I'm working on a proprietary project that has lettering with a white rectangle overlaid in Screen mode at about 35% to convey the idea of a metal surface to the viewer (similar to how the apps launch buttons in iOS have that glossy sheen). My question to you all is, when I have worked on the design in Illustrator and pulled it into AE the white box in Screen mode is visible and affects the layers below.
Now, I thought there was a way to isolate blending modes to groups or layers, so that anything outside of that group/layer would not be affected. Is this correct? My workaround at the moment is to boole the box so that the screening geometry fits to the lettering, — an arduous process. Attached is an example of the effect I am going for. Ideally I'd like to keep my screening box whole so that I can play with the angle of the faked reflection without having to go through the boole process again.
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