Photoshop :: Masking Multiple Layers In Different Groups With A Single Mask?

Apr 9, 2012

author one mask that effects multiple layers without using a group mask?  Unfortunately I can't throw all the layers in a group and use a group mask in this case since the layers that I want to share the mask must be in different group folders.  (I am using actions to export the results of each group to the different flattened files.)  So I have similar but not identical layers in separate groups that I would like to share one authored mask.  I also can't use smart objects because the layers are not identical. 

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Photoshop :: Plugin / Action To Separate Multiple Objects On Single Layer Into Multiple Layers

Jun 24, 2013

Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?

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Photoshop :: Mask Layer / See Through Multiple Layers

Mar 12, 2012

working on Layers and Layer Mask to obtain see through multiple Layers effect.Below is the description of my problem that I am looking forward towards resolution in this forum. I will be glad if some expert can guide me on this.
I have three layers of different colors as below.

Layer 1topmost layer) with Red color filled rectangle.Layer 2(below Layer 1) with Green color filled rectangle.Layer 3(bottom most layer, below Layer 2) with Blue color filled rectangle.When I erase something with brush on Layer 1 using masking Layer 1, it hollows the erased part and start showing the Green color of Layer 2 in hollow section of Layer 1.
What I want to achieve is that, when I erase Layer 1 using layer mask, then it should hollow Layer 1 as well as Layer 2 and should show Blue color in the hollow section of Layer 1.i.e: Hollow section made on Layer 1(using Layer Mask on Layer 1) should also be applied on Layer 2 so that Layer 1 and Layer 2 becomes hollow using eraser and I should see through Layer 1 and Layer 2 and Blue color of Layer 3 should be visible from the hollow section.
Though I can do this by Flattening Layer 1 and Layer 2 together so that it forms one single Image, and then when I hollow this Flattened image using Layer Mask, then it will show me Blue color. But I do not want to do this, as I would lose the flexibility to unhollow/recover the hollow region on both Layer 1 and Layer 2 independently in the future.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask Multiple Text Layers Without Merging Text Layers

Dec 29, 2008

I am trying to get a white layer with see through writing which reveals the background image underneath. (Almost like I have put a stencil over a photograph). I have discovered this is called a clipping mask.

However, I am having difficulty using a clipping mask over multiple text layers. It seems to only do it to one layer directly beneath. I do not want to merge the text layers as I want to mess about with the design a fair bit.

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Photoshop :: Possible To Select Multiple Layers (with Layer Mask) And Merge Them

Aug 12, 2013

is it possible to select multiple layers (with layer mask) and merge them?
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
tell current document
set current layer to every layer of layer set "bloem 1-9" of layer set "Bloem"
tell current layer
end tell
end tell
end tell

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Photoshop :: How To Apply New Mask To Multiple Existing Adjustment Layers

Oct 25, 2013

how to apply new mask to multiple existing adjustment layers

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AutoCad 3D :: Multiple Layers Moved To A Single Layer?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm working on a drawing and I need to take multiple layers that I have drawn (which make up one unit) and basically merge them together so that I can replicate and move them about and place them where they need to go in the larger unit that they live in.

I tried playing with grouping in the Layers Manager, but that doesn't seem to be doing anything for me. Not sure if I'm just doing something wrong, or if there is another way to go about this.

I'm attaching my CAD drawing so you can see what I'm up to. In this drawing, there are basically two groups of layers. Those that make up the Control Tower itself, and another group for what's called a Tajimi Rack. I need to have all the layers for the Tajimi Rack made as one so that I can move that object around without having to move the layers one at a time. (There is a lot more that needs to drawn into the Tajimi Rack, but once I know how to merge them all together, I'll be in a good position to carry forward.)

I also need to know how to then take that new Tajimi Rack layer and duplicate it (I'm looking to place about a dozen of the Tajimi Racks in the control tower.

FWIW, I'm a self taught CADer. By that I mean I have to use CAD in my job but it's always done in a 2D setting where I'm simply looking through roofs with other drawings laid under for rigging purposes. This drawing things in 3D concept is something I'm just making up as I go along. 5PTS Control Tower.dwg

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Illustrator :: Opacity Mask Applied To Multiple Layers?

Feb 14, 2013

I'm trying to apply an opacity mask to multiple layers (which happen to be contained within a Layer Mask). When I make the Opacity Mask, it takes all of the stuff on different layers and compresses them to a single layer (see attached images). I would like to keep the data on their assigned layers for later editing. I've done this before, but I have a feeling I have a setting or pref de-selected somewhere. Could the layer mask be the culprit?

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Photoshop :: Refine Mask Feature - Hair Masking

Mar 11, 2013

Still getting mixed results using "Refine Mask" feature. I have seen the tutorials on this -Russel B, and Juleane Kost. Sometimes the results are outstanding, other times I have to resort to contrast masking, etc. I currently have a series of portraits shot against blue (basically a blue screen). Some of the subjects have good hair contrast (very dark brown or grey). There are many parameters to set in the refine mask dialog. I need a clean, sharp silo of hair edges.

I have tried many combinations, and typically use "smart radius". But I am particularly disappointed with the results of one subject who has grey hair -good contrast against the blue. They mask tool keeps including too much of the BG blue. I have also tried decontaminating colors, but prefer to do that later with a layer set to "color". Some of the tutorials sneer at the use of Contrast Masks (which I typically get good results from). But the the Refine Mask options often produce flawed results -which is surprising with these blue screen portraits.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Background Mask Not Masking When Lines Merge Is ON During Plot

Apr 25, 2008

Try plotting to a PC3 format with Line Merged option on under the properties for the plotter. Note how the contours continue through the text.

Try plotting with Lines Overwrite. Note how the contours don't go through text.

Any users out there saying they cannot use the "Lines Overwrite" option and need something else so they can still use the Lines Merged option and have their contour text looking good. How to get this in a SP or HF soon. Otherwise it may be deferred to 2010 and so on and so forth.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Ungroup All Groups Then Create A Single Group?

Jul 30, 2013

I'm having trouble getting a script together where I can ungroup all groups in a document, then put everything under a single group. Everyhting I'm working with has a single layer, but for some of the arts I'm importing have groups within groups ect. To run certain actions I've made properly after I need eveything to be in one, single group.
I searched for an answer and found this (wirtten by Carlos Canto)
function ungroup(whereToUngroup, group) // where to ungroup? layer, document, other group?
for (i=group.pageItems.length-1; i>=0; i--)
group.pageItems[i].move(whereToUngroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
But I'm having trouble getting it to work.

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Paint.NET :: Easy Way To Remove Random Single / Groups Noise Pixels?

Sep 26, 2012

I have pictures that have different objects over a canvas like/un uniform back ground.

I need to remove that background without any part of the objects them self.

I mange to get most of the background out using the magic wand , but i'm left with many random single/groups of noise pixels left in the picture since they were not captured with the magic wand.

most of the time i can remove those using the eraser or use the selection tools with different shapes around the pixels and press delete.

but those methods take lots of time, specially around a complex objects and as i'm getting near to them, i need to make my selections/eraser radius smaller and smaller.

I have tried to use a plugin called "Reduce Noise" that i found , but it does not work.

faster way how to remove this noise pixels without any part of the objects?

a plugin that "scans" the image/selected area and remove all pixels that are surrounded by transparency in it?

p.s I can't always select only the object/s itself/them self and just move it/them to a new picture.

p.s.2 maybe a plugin that the user can choose up to what size, a group of pixels, should be removed ?

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Photoshop :: Masking Each Smart Filter Separately On Single Smart Object

Aug 23, 2013

1. Is there a way for masking each smart filter separately on a single smart object other than nesting one smart object into the another?
2. Is there a way for removing the previously created smart object?

I mean ... let's say I have a smart object containing four layers. Can I remove smart object from these layers?

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Photoshop :: Two Adjustment Layers In Two Different Groups

Sep 25, 2012

I have a problem with my layers which I can not figure out how to solve.

see picture:

I have a group called: "Hele akvarier" " where I have used "Create new fill adjustment layer" - "Brightness / Contrast" to the layers which are under. (Layer 2, Original Copy, Original).Over is there are two layers named "Layer 3, Layer 1". These layers, I also need to  use the "Brightness / Contrast" to they're going to look right, but the top "adjustment layer" affects all the layers under.
How do I get my layers divided into two groups, each with its "adjustment layer" to use each with its own settings?

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Photoshop :: How To Collapse Multiple Layer Groups All At Once

Jan 24, 2013

Is this possible with some keyboard shortcut? Seems like that should be possible...

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Photoshop :: Crashes On Duplicating Layers / Groups To New Document

Aug 11, 2013

Randomly on both of my computers. It happens on different versions of Photoshop, on WIN XP and WIN 7, so it's quite random. It happens everytime I want to duplicate layers, only when I duplicate them (or group) to new document. What to do about it?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Dead Slow Moving Layers And Groups

Oct 18, 2012

I have this brand new PC, got it last week,  i7 core, SSD drive, 16gb ram.When I open my PSD doc with my design (approx 43mb psd file) then the photoshop application spikes in memory usage, to 3.5gb (from 120mb), and moving groups and layers around is DEAD SLOW, horrible lag.
I had CS3 on my previous PC, which was Core2 Duo with 4gb ram, and the speeds there were similar on the same psd document.I've also tried CS5.1 on a similar PC hardware specs as my new PC, and moving groups and layers around is much faster.Is it just CS6? Why is this so slow?

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Layers Grouped Into A Folder / Merge Groups

Jun 1, 2012

I have recently ran into a few issues with Photoshop CS6. When working with Layer Groups and Blend Modes.
Here is what happens:
I am working with a document and have layers grouped into a folder. All is good when I merge that group any layers that I had with a blend mode change from that mode to Normal, thus messing up the merge. Another instance where I had this issue is if I had any hidden layers that were not displayed. If the layers were merged they would be changed from hidden to displayed. Again messing up the image and the merge. Not sure what do to here.

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GIMP :: How To Put Layers Into Groups

Jun 27, 2013

how I can put my layers into groups now, but there are a few problems I've seen pop up.

First are foremost, when I disable the visibility on a group, if I use the move tool it will select layers from that group that were visible before the group was made invisible. Seriously, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that I would ever want to move an individual layer that I can't see. This clearly is a glitch and needs to be fixed.

Second of all there is an issue with a layer's mode when it is in a group. For example, if a layer is set to multiply, if it is set in a group it will only multiply on layers within that group. Now this I can see a good use for, but honestly, it is not how I usually want to use layers. I'm not usually trying to separate the actual graphics in my image, I'm just trying to organize my massively long layer dialogue into something more useful. It's great to collect different aspects of my image and keep them all together. But basically every time I need a multiply layer or other effect, I need it to effect the whole image. To keep it effecting an entire image I have to make two separate groups, each above and below the layer, in order to organize my image.

Now, since there is certainly an advantage that could be given by not having such layers have any effect outside of their group, I can't argue that the feature should be removed. However, I do think it would be fantastic if a property could be added to a layer group that would allow for such layers to effect the image outside of the group or not.

The third thing I have to say about groups is linking. First of all, as it stands, when I activate linking on a layer group it has absolutely no effect, making the option redundant. However, what would be useful is if I could link an entire group to itself and then move every layer within a group in tandem.

Often times I want to move several groups of layers around so I can arrange a composition. For a simple example, maybe I have several images of characters, each built with a layer for flats, lighting, textures, etc. And to arrange the composition I want to move the whole character with all its layers to one spot, then grab another character with all of its layers to another spot.Conventionally, there are only two ways I can do this. Either I flatten each of those groups and move them as single layers, destroying my ability to alter them with any level of convenience, or I have to manually link every layer for that character, move it, un-link every layer, link all the layers in another character, and repeat.But it would be so much nicer if I could link all the layers within several groups, and move each group as a whole without moving any other layers.

Since the link option on a layer group doesn't do anything anyway, it seems reasonable to me that enabling it should have that exact effect. Using the same example, if I have each character in its own group, I activate the link option on all of those groups all at once, and then I can grab a layer on any group and that whole group will move, but not any other layers.Even if it automatically linked all the layers in that group to all other linked layers, it would still be much easier to activate and deactivate the link on just one group each time I move that one group, rather than each individual layer.

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AutoCad 2D :: Deleting Masking On Multiple Text Boxes?

Apr 11, 2012

I am having a problem with a blueprint for a house. the plan was sent to me dwg. We use pdf factory to print the plans. This leaves a black spot where ever the dwg has mask on the dimensions. Which happens to be throughout the plan and it will only let me take it off one text box at a time. There is way too many dimensions in the plan for this to be practical. how to remove this mask from all? I am using autocad lt and pdf factory to print.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Part Masking With Multiple Networks?

Sep 29, 2013

i utilize part masking in my profile structures but it only works with connected pipes not other networks pipes.

Besides wipeouts, how do you get around this?

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Photoshop :: Lock Two Or More Video Groups To Maintain Relative Positions Of Layers?

May 9, 2013

I want to insert a layer into one of my video groups. But when I do I want all of the layers in all of the selected groups to move holding therei relative position. e.g. i have a text layer positioned at a certain time in a Clip B. I want to insert another clip right before this clip which will shove Clip B to the right.  I want the text layer to move also keeping its relative position to Clip B. The text clip is in a different video group from that of the underlying layer that is being shoved over.Restated, I want to hold all the clips and layers in position so that when I insert another clip everything moves holding their positions relative to each other.

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Photoshop :: Auto-select In CC Selects Layers Within Locked Or Hidden Groups?

Jun 24, 2013

i can't be the only one who thinks it's nuts that when 'auto-select > layers' is selected and i drag to select a bunch of layers, i also select layers that are turned off and/or locked, can i?i just confirmed that this IS not the case with CS6 -- locked or hidden layers are not selected upon dragging to select exposed layers.
is this a bug, or a bit of new functionality that i am failing to grasp? i did notice that in CC, on right-click there is the new option to "isolate layers", but this seems to just isolate & unclutter layers within the layers panel.

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Photoshop :: CC - Move Tool / Auto-Select / Layers In Hidden And Locked Groups?

Aug 6, 2013

improve Photoshop CC, but this bug beaks my workflow to the point I can't use it.
Other than this critical bug, the software engineers behind Photoshop CC are doing a great job.

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Ungroup Multiple Groups

Aug 28, 2013

Using LT 2014. If I select a few lines and group them, I can select that group, right click, and ungroup them. No problem.

If I group a few lines, then make another group of a few lines, then group the two groups together, then the right click menu will no longer allow me to choose ungroup. Also on the ribbon, the ungroup icon will not operate.

Before this I had LT 2011 (and before that) and I was able to group/ungroup multiple grouped objects at will. So this appears to be a glitch that was introduced since then.

How do I ungroup multiple groups?

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Illustrator :: Losing Layers And Groups When Opening CC In CS6

Aug 6, 2013

If CC is a TRIAL program, why would you allow it to blow away layers and groupings when the doc is reopened in CS6? No I have to resinstall CC, open the doc, save it back down to CS6, and PRAY that the layers and groupings are intact. What a waste of my time.

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Photoshop :: Multiple Selections To Multiple Layers Or Multiple Files With One Go?

May 26, 2013

how to convert multiple selections to multiple layers or multiple files with one go?

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Illustrator :: How To Export Multiple Groups To PNGs

Dec 8, 2012

Is there a way, to export grouped items out as a png file? I got like 19 artboards with a lot of groups on each. All these groups has to be png files, so I can animate them in After Effects.
Right now I am copy/pasting the groups into a new illustrator file saying "save for web and devices" but it takes to long time if there is an easier way

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Delete Multiple Point Groups

Feb 21, 2012

Is there a way to delete Multiple point groups?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exporting Multiple Point Groups?

Oct 22, 2013

I have about 50 point groups that the client needs in an ENZ format, is it possible to export them all at once with the name of the point group being the name of the file?

if so, the more annoying part of this is that I actually have to make the ENZ file an ENZD file with the D being the name of the file for each point, if both of these things are possible

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Groups / Surfaces Different Layers And Colors

Jul 18, 2013

write out the steps involved in importing one set of points to a point group so that it is one color and on one layer and a different set of points onto a different layer with a different color? We gather survey data using different methods and want to be able to overlay the data sets for quality control purposes and them being the same color is crazy making

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