Illustrator :: Opacity Mask Applied To Multiple Layers?
Feb 14, 2013
I'm trying to apply an opacity mask to multiple layers (which happen to be contained within a Layer Mask). When I make the Opacity Mask, it takes all of the stuff on different layers and compresses them to a single layer (see attached images). I would like to keep the data on their assigned layers for later editing. I've done this before, but I have a feeling I have a setting or pref de-selected somewhere. Could the layer mask be the culprit?
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Aug 22, 2012
I have two layers. Upper most with text is locked.Bottom layer is an image I have applied a transparency/gradient mask for the raster image. Now, seems my layers palette is stuck in a mode called 'Layers (Opacity Mask)'.Not seen this before, but this is CS6. How do I get out to the main, root level of the layers palette?
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Mar 19, 2013
I use a simple opacity mask on some equally simple (but large) artwork. It slows down the screen rendering so much as to make the file almost unworkable with the preview turned on.
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Aug 28, 2012
So, I'm having trouble with CS6 Ai and the artwork link with the Opacity Masks...for instance, I have placed a black-white image that I am using as a "grunge effect" mask over a group within my artwork. The problem I am having is that when I do one of two things (move the artwork itself or copy/paste the artwork into another file) the mask does not remain. I have the little link selected on the opacity mask that says "Link to artwork". I also tried "Expanding" the artwork to no avail. Am I missing a setting or something that would allow me to "finalize" a piece of artwork that has an opacity mask applied so that I can use it elsewhere?
I opened Ai on my office computer and tried an opacity mask and it worked as far as moving the artwork around within the same artboard. But, if I copy and paste the artwork to a new Ai file, the mask does not remain. Is this normal?
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May 22, 2012
Is it possible to set the blending mode or the opacity settings formultiple layers all at once? Ideally I'd like to select multiple layersand change the settings for all of them at once, but I can't seem to figureout a way to do this, so I think it doesn't exist?
Is this something other people would like to be able to do?
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Jan 15, 2013
I'm in the process of drawing a site plan which contains buildings, roads and wooded areas. I want to draw roads which go through the wooded areas. I want both the road and the woods to be opaque except where the woods overlaps the road (I want the wood to be partially transparent at the overlap). Example of the effect I want is shown below. I don't get this effect when trying to use blending transparency modes. I'm sure it can be done with the opacity mask but I've tried all sorts of combinations and not managed to get this effect.
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Aug 14, 2013
I am looking for a way to create an opacity mask through JavaScript. My program has the correct items selected, I just can't seem to find any documentation about creating an opacity mask. If I run the program as is, I just need to click one button ( "Make Mask") and the desired process is completed. Of course I would love to find a way to do this programmatically.
If I cannot access Opacity mask, is there a way to manually do this through grouping and blending or something?
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May 22, 2012
OS X lion
I created this logo in Illustrator. I made my basic shapes with a pen tool, put a vector grunge texture over the top of the shapes and then used "make opacity mask" to get my grunge effect. As you can see in the screenshot of my illy it is all very clean and looking like it should. When you open my other picture you can see that once I transferred (cmd+copy cmd+paste) the logo into PS you can now see faint lines of where the shapes used to be *highlighted in red*. I also tried placeing the .ai file in ps but got the same effect. I am using all pantone colors on the logo, both documents are set to 300 dpi....err I cant think of anything else. PS is in RGB, Illustrator is in CMYK (but using Pantone)
How do I get my logo to look as good in PS as it does in Ilustrator?
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Dec 11, 2012
I'm using AI CS6;
I have a type object with an opacity mask created in one document. When I copy and paste this object into a new file the text is pasted without the opacity mask attributes. I can separately copy and paste the opacity mask object but then I face a tricky realignment to repeat.
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Jul 25, 2013
I'm trying to resize a opacity mask by doing
10, //scaleX,
10, //scaleY,
true, //[,changePositions]
true, //[,changeFillPatterns]
true, //[,changeFillGradients]
true, //[,changeStrokePattern]
0.1, //[,changeLineWidths]
This resizes the item, but it does not resize the item inside it. I tried similar command with the translation command
100, //([deltaX]
100. //[,deltaY]
True, //[,transformObjects]
True, //[,transformFillPatterns]
True, //[,transformFillGradients]
True, //[,transformStrokePatterns])
and similar thing happened. The item gets moved, but the object inside it doesn't.
How do I resize or translate an opacity mask along with the items inside it?
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Feb 18, 2014
When I use a numeric scale from the scale dialog box, Illustrator will not scale the the strokes and patterns attibutes applied to the layer via a graphic style. Has this always been the case, or is this a new CC feature? You know the ones that keep popping up as I'm trying to get my work done. I have to calculate the scale of all my patterns and strokes MANUALLY?
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Mar 12, 2012
working on Layers and Layer Mask to obtain see through multiple Layers effect.Below is the description of my problem that I am looking forward towards resolution in this forum. I will be glad if some expert can guide me on this.
I have three layers of different colors as below.
Layer 1topmost layer) with Red color filled rectangle.Layer 2(below Layer 1) with Green color filled rectangle.Layer 3(bottom most layer, below Layer 2) with Blue color filled rectangle.When I erase something with brush on Layer 1 using masking Layer 1, it hollows the erased part and start showing the Green color of Layer 2 in hollow section of Layer 1.
What I want to achieve is that, when I erase Layer 1 using layer mask, then it should hollow Layer 1 as well as Layer 2 and should show Blue color in the hollow section of Layer 1.i.e: Hollow section made on Layer 1(using Layer Mask on Layer 1) should also be applied on Layer 2 so that Layer 1 and Layer 2 becomes hollow using eraser and I should see through Layer 1 and Layer 2 and Blue color of Layer 3 should be visible from the hollow section.
Though I can do this by Flattening Layer 1 and Layer 2 together so that it forms one single Image, and then when I hollow this Flattened image using Layer Mask, then it will show me Blue color. But I do not want to do this, as I would lose the flexibility to unhollow/recover the hollow region on both Layer 1 and Layer 2 independently in the future.
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Dec 29, 2008
I am trying to get a white layer with see through writing which reveals the background image underneath. (Almost like I have put a stencil over a photograph). I have discovered this is called a clipping mask.
However, I am having difficulty using a clipping mask over multiple text layers. It seems to only do it to one layer directly beneath. I do not want to merge the text layers as I want to mess about with the design a fair bit.
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Apr 9, 2012
author one mask that effects multiple layers without using a group mask? Unfortunately I can't throw all the layers in a group and use a group mask in this case since the layers that I want to share the mask must be in different group folders. (I am using actions to export the results of each group to the different flattened files.) So I have similar but not identical layers in separate groups that I would like to share one authored mask. I also can't use smart objects because the layers are not identical.
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Aug 12, 2013
is it possible to select multiple layers (with layer mask) and merge them?
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
tell current document
set current layer to every layer of layer set "bloem 1-9" of layer set "Bloem"
tell current layer
end tell
end tell
end tell
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Oct 25, 2013
how to apply new mask to multiple existing adjustment layers
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Jan 9, 2013
I recently created an illustration where I need muliple colors on 1 document. I did a command + a to select all, then I went to object->live paint->make. After I added my colors I tried to change the opacity on a few of them, but the opacity for the entire document changes. Is there a way to get around this.....or do it right?
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Jan 25, 2014
I'm going to connect my AI file to After effect. So I had to create lots of layers in order to edit them seperatly in After effects. But it seems like my amount of layers are too large because AE always crashes (not responding -> Force quit)
So I wanna break some stuff down in multiple AI files, but I don't wanna go and select every layer and delete it. That would take too much time. Is there a way to select the multiple objects in Illustrator and delete that but also its layer its in?
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Apr 1, 2014
I have a project in which I need to do a 3 or 4-way split screen. While it's easy to set that up and position them at the right places, I cannot seem to find a way with which I could change the scale of the video with an Image Matte applied without changing that of the Matte as well. I can use offset and push the video around "underneath", so to speak, but I would love to be able to scale that video underneath as well. I know that could be done with a layer on top obscuring the video below but I find that rather cumbersome, especially with 4-way or more, adding quite a few more layers.
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Sep 8, 2012
I have a logo made up of multiple (5) polygons. I see how to use one of the polygons to create a clipping mask but haven't been able to figure out whether (and how) to use all 5.
Can you use multiple polygons as a clipping mask? Or any other method to produce the same effect?
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Aug 13, 2012
When I make a layer mask and use my brush tool at 100% opacity you can still see some of the image below. It is as though 100% is only 98% or so.
When I merge down the layers the slight opacity shows on the flattened image. actually get 100% opacity?
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Feb 27, 2013
Alright, so I'm about to rip my hair out. I'm a Photoshop guy who occasionally vectorizes stuff into Illustrator CS4 by exporting work paths. Usually it works fine, but it's been a few years since I've done this and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to apply an opacity mask to an area of a layer so that it is transparent through all objects of the layer down to the background.
Basically, I created an image with text in Photoshop. I exported work paths to illustrator and colored/filled in all the objects. I need to cut out certain parts of the image so that they're transparent through to the background so that when the image is printed up on a shirt, fabric shows through rather than ink. This sounds like a stupid question, and it probably is, but I just can't get it to work.
I've gone through all the steps of creating an opacity mask, but every time I make the object transparent, I just get a white fill from an underlying object. It will not cut through to the transparent background. I need to get this object to cut through all layers.
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Oct 21, 2013
My masks are all about 50 per cent in opacity lately but I can't see any control or method of making a 100 per cent mask. See above-- The A was masked by a black brush at 100% opacity. The Properties control has opacity set to 100%
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Apr 20, 2008
When I create a channel mask I notice that the mask does not provide complete protection. The masked area is partly affected by the brush.
I figure that there must be an opacity setting somewhere that's not 100 percent but I can't find it.
Anybody know where that is?
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Oct 31, 2012
A problem has developed in my photoshop CS 6 64 bit on windows 7. I can't paint at full opacity in a layer mask. It is like an 75 % opacity brush. I have gone back to the default brushes soit is not the particular bursh. My brush settings are all at 100%, mask density is 100% , the blend mode is normal,-can't think of where else to look for the solution.The brush works just fine when I am not in a layer mask.I updated the graphic card driver and also the wacom intuos driver. It has to be somewhere in photoshop CS6 as when I go into my older version photoshop, cs5, the mask opacity works works at 100 % opacity.
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Sep 26, 2013
In CS6 I created a clipping mask with an image above a type layer, and when I lower the opacity of the image layer, it starts turning the color of the text green? Why is this?
1. How could I lower the opacity of the image inside the text?
2. The same thing happens when I try to change the blending of the clipping mask with the text layer beneath it. Why is turning green?
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Feb 12, 2013
Selected area with eliptical lasso to put on new layer, then rotate horizontally. However, all my other layers rotated as well, even when turned off. What did I do wrong?
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Aug 31, 2013
Any way to turn multiple layers on or off en masse within Illustrator CC?
I thought I saw a video demonstration of this at some point. Select the desired layer names and use some shortcut key combo - or something like that.
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Aug 8, 2013
I'd like to use boxes to punch holes into the layered artwork below them. I want the result to look exactly like this image, but with the white boxes being transparent holes.
This seems so simple, but I can't find any combination of layers/pathfinder tools/compound shapes/or clipping masks that will produce this result. No matter what, I end up losing part of the artwork (usually the topo lines and the black bar).
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May 16, 2013
I often color code layers in the layers panel.
In CS5 I could select several layers and change the color for all at once. Doesn't seem to work anymore in CS6.
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Oct 3, 2013
Am I to understand if I have multiple artboards, they all will share the same layers? Each artboard does not have it's own separate set of layers, am I right? This is my first time using the artboard feature... CS6.
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