Illustrator :: Opening Documents - All Nested Layers Are Open
Aug 22, 2013
When I open an Illustrator file with many layers, nested groups, etc. I have to spend the first minute or so closing all the nested layers in the layers palette.
I've searched for a preference but can't find anything to tell Illustrator to open with all layer triangles closed. Is this possible?
When opening older documents, why does PS CS6 mess up my text layers when I select them? I open the .psd from CS5 in a file with many text layers, the text is correct when opeinging the file but when i click on it to edit it, data from another layer replaces the selected text!
This has happened since CS5 I think. When I select an area to copy into another document, I am so used to dragging it over to the destination document. Sometimes I have more than one document open at a time and dragging over them blanks them out.
Is there a way to prevent Ai CS5 from re-opening documents after a crash?
I think a specific document is causing Ai to crash, so after Ai crashes, it tries to re-open the file when I restart Ai, then it crashes again - ad infinitum!
I have a Macbook Pro ver. 10.6.8 i7 Core, 8 Gb Ram, and I am running Adobe Illustrator CS6.
I have a document that is 18" x 42" and contains drop shadows. It was created using CS6. When I apply a graphic style (gradient and drop shadow) It has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes. I recreated the document, and I am having the same issue repeatedly.
In order to do what I needed, I had to ungroup the letters recieving the graphic style and apply it to each letter individually. If I try applying it to more than one object, the freeze happens again.
I saved the file I created, and now I can not open it. On load it has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes.
I can open the same document in CS4 on the same system with no issues, it takes less than 5 seconds to load.
I want to open a document and Force illustrator to open it using CM or MM as the Default Units.
i.e If a client sends me an .ai file and they use Pt or Px, How can i get the document to open by default with Centimeters, I've changed it in Adobe preferences but it only applies to new documents.
I'm trying to open some AMD partner logos, and they're in EPS format. I tried opening them in PSPX2 originally, and it gave the error that "This PostScript file is either not valid or contains unsupported features" so I tried PSPX3 and the same thing is happening. I tried opening them in Notepad to see if there was anything in there to identify the program that was used to create them and it appears to be Illustrator 13. I don't have Illustrator 13, so how do I resolve this issue with PSPX3?
CS6 illustrator and photoshop not allowing me to open documents due to different reasons...damaged files, badly formatted, not compatible etc. However, these files were all created on the same computer and program therefore should be compatible. Is there a way for me to fix these files/prevent this from happening in the future?
I'm a cartoonist, and I do rather complex vector drawings. It's no unusual for my work to have hundreds of layers, and those layers have dozens of sub-layers. When I opens said files, several layers expand to reveal all the sublayers. I then have to colapse them, one at a time. Is there a quick way to close all sub layers at once?
When I open a file, one or more layer are opened/expanded in the layer tab on the side of the screen. I can close the layer, make modifications, and save; but when I open it up, the layer is always opened.It doesn't happen with every file. But on the files that do have this, it's always like this.
I'm working with both Photoshop and Illustrator CS6 on a mac. I'm creating a graphic. The background is a (cartoonish) mouth and I finished it a couple of days ago. (It's an Illustrator file.) I've been working on the letters to go inside of the mouth, (Once I'm finished it'll look as though they're being crushed.) I scanned and edited small wooden letters in Photoshop, and now I would like to work with them with the background in Illustrator. I understand how to open a Photoshop file in Illustrator, but I don't want to open the document as a separate Illustrator file. Is there a way to open a file from Photoshop as a second layer?
Some of the letters repeat as well. Will I have to create two files for this, or can I open the same file twice?
If CC is a TRIAL program, why would you allow it to blow away layers and groupings when the doc is reopened in CS6? No I have to resinstall CC, open the doc, save it back down to CS6, and PRAY that the layers and groupings are intact. What a waste of my time.
[URL] This image is directly from a customer’s email. An Illustrator template for custom candy bags is sent to the customer and has about 10 layers on it. Somehow they always come back as Layer 1, flattened. I am opening them up in CS5.why a multi layered file constantly comes back from our customers as a single layer? Having all layers is very important for these bags to print properly.
Is there a way to open a file as a layer? I want to open multiple files in the same window to make a collage. Currently, as I open each file they all open in separate windows. The "Open Document As Tabs" option in the User Interface preferences is not selected.
I have a question about the layers I created in photoshop and I would like to open as a vector in illustrator.
The layers in photoshop as a smart object are done in pen tool.
The question is a little confusing, but what I'd really like is to take an art that I created in photoshop pro after effects, as a vector. Only when I open the AE, rasterize all layers and can not work by increasing the elements.
Hence I wonder if I can bring all these elements created in Photoshop vector shape in Illustrator pro.Without me having to "redo" everything in illustrator.
So I use Photoshop a lot. I think I got CS6.Anyways. Last week I could play 3 internet files, two movies, photoshop 5 different documents and much more. However, now I can't open internet and do photoshop. I have to restart my computer to run photoshop and make sure I don't use any other program. Sometimes the file only lasts 30 minutes before it won't allow me to edit.
I have A LOT of room left on my computer. 706GB free of 907GB. I tried to clean my computer, but that didn't work. It also is saying extrusion file is curruptied or damaged.
I have installed Photoshop CS6, am running on Mac 10.6.8 and now EVERY file I open in PS opens up at 0.071%. Tried throwing away preferences, no change. Have looked over every PS forum and the net in general for ANY clue on this one.
When loading a previously saved item the preview shows the "complete job lot" however when you load the item it does not load the full drawing and is missing approx 3 hrs of work.
how to load the full document, I have tried the recovery manager which only loads the part document
Below is a picture of the preview working fine
Below is a picture of CAD not loading the full document up
When trying to open a coreldraw document sent to me containing fonts that I do not have, I cannot seem to open only as curves and it always wants to replace missing fonts. I am sure I could do this with X3, but not X5.
I just want to import as curves and not substitute fonts.
I noticed over the last few days that Corel was taking a while to open files. Like, if I had one open already it was usually fast enough, but if Corel wasn't open I'd get an error from the file manager I use saying it couldn't execute the program. Every time though, if I closed CorelDraw, and open a new instance of the program I'd be fine again.
Today has been different. Today I've had to restart corel practically every time I've tried to open a document. A few minutes ago I couldn't even get corel to open.
Right now where I'm at: I can open corel, I can change workspaces, but I can't open any file or even a 'new blank document' It freezes/hangs with the processing bar at about 80 %.
I'm going to try a restore point. I brag about how stable my system is, this makes no sense, I don't think it is a corel problem, I've noticed a ton of updates from Windows starting middle of last week. I just figured it would work itself out. I'll post every step I take. Oh, and by the way, I can open PhotoPaint Just fine.
I've removed update KB2853952 - Improvement only in that I can open corel, but can't open a new document or an existing document. I've done an F8 while starting up Corel Draw and reset to factory specs. No change. Deleted all 10,006 items in my temp folder. No change. System restore back to 9/10/2013 worked. Corel functions as expected.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I have created .dwg drawings in AutoCAD LT 2013 and have found that people with older versions of AutoCAD cannot open them. Is there a generic overall version of AutoCAD that I can save my drawings in that would be accessible to all versions of AutoCAD?
I am working in the lastest illustrator through cloud and when I go to open artwork(not through File-Open but through double clicking off an email or on desktop), it minumizes and says that there isn't enough room to open. This causes issues mostly when I need to open through photoshop to make changes through a smart object. I am using a PC, which I am not used to.
I work with several files at a time and it can become annoying when you open several files and a minimized file keeps opening after each one. I don't want to have it open in the background, I just want it to stay minimized until I'm ready to work with it.
The sublayers are all open when I open the document. I DREAD closing a document because I have HUNDREDS of layers that I have to close. Is this BUG really something that has been around for YEARS like others are saying?
Illustrator running very slowly, problem with layers. Nothing happens when clicking on triangles to open and collapse layers. Can turn them on and off by clicking the eye. Can also create new layers and delete things.
Working in windows 7, but switching between personal Mac OSX. Both running Illustrator CS6 trial version with vectorscribe plugin. Also using wacom intuos 4 tablet. Have intermittently saved as .pdf. Problem first occured when working on mac.
Does anyone know how to create an action that will open a second document, select all of the layers (or layers within a group) and move/drag them back into my working document?
I have tried all kinds of combinations but only received the " not currently available" alert; somehow, move is not recorded.