Illustrator :: Preference To Turn Off Documents Opening Full Screen?
Jan 17, 2013is there a preference so that I can turn off documents opening full screen?
View 4 Repliesis there a preference so that I can turn off documents opening full screen?
View 4 RepliesIs this possible to turn on full screen mode in Photoshop Elements 11 Editor on Mac computers? If
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have recently upgraded to CS6. I have attempted printing full documents in illustrator ( I tried a 12.5x18 document). In the print dialog box there is a preview of the full sized document however when I print it only prints 10 inches of the document. I am printing to a Canon IRadv- c5030/5035.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working under Windos XP pro with Radeon X1950 pro and two screens 22"
My two problems :
1 - Opening a New file:
When I open a new file, I cannot obtain a full screen image as I did in previous versions of PS. May be because I use centimeters dimensions?
2 - In the "work space " (Is it right in english ?)
When I choice "affichage" and then full screen for work space, the image I get is much larger but not entirely full screen..
How can I turn hyphenation off for all documents? Is there a way to change the default setting to hyphenation off? I know how to turn it off for individual documents, but I want it to always be off.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince ADM is not available in CS6, I am wondering how to add preference items to the preference panel. Though AddPreferencePanel is still available in preference suite, it is taking a dialog id as parameter and the doc refers to ADMDialogSuite, so I guess it is still there by mistake.
I am using Qt, and of course I can create my own preferences dialog, but is it possible to add it to the existing preferences dialog to provide seamless interface?
Is there a way to prevent Ai CS5 from re-opening documents after a crash?
I think a specific document is causing Ai to crash, so after Ai crashes, it tries to re-open the file when I restart Ai, then it crashes again - ad infinitum!
When I open an Illustrator file with many layers, nested groups, etc. I have to spend the first minute or so closing all the nested layers in the layers palette.
I've searched for a preference but can't find anything to tell Illustrator to open with all layer triangles closed. Is this possible?
I have a Macbook Pro ver. 10.6.8 i7 Core, 8 Gb Ram, and I am running Adobe Illustrator CS6.
I have a document that is 18" x 42" and contains drop shadows. It was created using CS6. When I apply a graphic style (gradient and drop shadow) It has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes. I recreated the document, and I am having the same issue repeatedly.
In order to do what I needed, I had to ungroup the letters recieving the graphic style and apply it to each letter individually. If I try applying it to more than one object, the freeze happens again.
I saved the file I created, and now I can not open it. On load it has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes.
I can open the same document in CS4 on the same system with no issues, it takes less than 5 seconds to load.
How can I open the Illustrator CS 6 in the full screen mode. The program opens every file in the minimized mode and I think it's annoying when I have to clcik the full screen every time.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I open an Illustrator document it opens full screen - meaning the top left corner of the document is at the very top left of my screen, (behind my tools) - and the bottom right is at the very bottom right of my screen (and behind my palettes).Is there a preference setting so that a file would open in the middle of my screen - NOT full screen?
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen I open illustrator CS6 or InDesign I always want to be able to view my desktop so I can access files. Why has CS4, 5 and 6 gone full screen when you open files. Is there a way to prevent full screen mode? I am getting so tired of dragging the bottom right corner to make the window smaller. I'm using a mac, 10.7.5
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying Illustrator CC 17.1 under Mac OS X 1.8.5 with Mac Pro with two monitors Apple Cinema and NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 1536 MB Video Card.
Can't use it on Full Screen Mode because the hover effect use it to show tools and panels don't works o both sides and on both monitors.
Seems to be Illustrator CC don't support two monitors under full screen mode on Mac OS X.
I am new at using Adobe Illustrator and I am having a problem when I try and open an AutoCAD file (.dwg).
The file does not open to the right size, full scale. And some of the radius do not open as radius but as angles.
I can't figure out how to adjust the size of the program screen when in Full Edit Mode. I can see portions of the Quick Fix menu and none of the Guided Fix menu. There seems to be no way to resize the window.
View 5 Replies View Related1. Why do Illustrator, Fireworks and InDesign (these are the ones I have checked) open with floating panels, tabs and windows, even in full screen mode... but Photoshop opens nicely in windowed mode with all the panels, tabs and windows fixed?
2. In full screen mode the left ruler is hidden behind the tools panel?! Why?!
3. How can I have Ai, Fw and Id open like Ps opens?
I have Adobe Creative Cloud CS6 for Mac.
So I use Photoshop a lot. I think I got CS6.Anyways. Last week I could play 3 internet files, two movies, photoshop 5 different documents and much more. However, now I can't open internet and do photoshop. I have to restart my computer to run photoshop and make sure I don't use any other program. Sometimes the file only lasts 30 minutes before it won't allow me to edit.
I have A LOT of room left on my computer. 706GB free of 907GB. I tried to clean my computer, but that didn't work. It also is saying extrusion file is curruptied or damaged.
I have installed Photoshop CS6, am running on Mac 10.6.8 and now EVERY file I open in PS opens up at 0.071%. Tried throwing away preferences, no change. Have looked over every PS forum and the net in general for ANY clue on this one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing 2011.
I have lists of Documents I am altering and saving automatically in a loop, The problem is that if the file needs to be migrated you get a dialog box in your face for every file in the list. How can I temporarally turn the dialog off?
ThisApplication.SaveOptions.PromptSaveForMigration = False
Does not do it.
When a client sends me drawings via email, how do I open them up/upload them to my AutoCad LT program?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen loading a previously saved item the preview shows the "complete job lot" however when you load the item it does not load the full drawing and is missing approx 3 hrs of work.
how to load the full document, I have tried the recovery manager which only loads the part document
Below is a picture of the preview working fine
Below is a picture of CAD not loading the full document up
Autocad 2012 not all document.jpg
When opening older documents, why does PS CS6 mess up my text layers when I select them? I open the .psd from CS5 in a file with many text layers, the text is correct when opeinging the file but when i click on it to edit it, data from another layer replaces the selected text!
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to open a coreldraw document sent to me containing fonts that I do not have, I cannot seem to open only as curves and it always wants to replace missing fonts. I am sure I could do this with X3, but not X5.
I just want to import as curves and not substitute fonts.
I noticed over the last few days that Corel was taking a while to open files. Like, if I had one open already it was usually fast enough, but if Corel wasn't open I'd get an error from the file manager I use saying it couldn't execute the program. Every time though, if I closed CorelDraw, and open a new instance of the program I'd be fine again.
Today has been different. Today I've had to restart corel practically every time I've tried to open a document. A few minutes ago I couldn't even get corel to open.
Right now where I'm at: I can open corel, I can change workspaces, but I can't open any file or even a 'new blank document' It freezes/hangs with the processing bar at about 80 %.
I'm going to try a restore point. I brag about how stable my system is, this makes no sense, I don't think it is a corel problem, I've noticed a ton of updates from Windows starting middle of last week. I just figured it would work itself out. I'll post every step I take. Oh, and by the way, I can open PhotoPaint Just fine.
I've removed update KB2853952 - Improvement only in that I can open corel, but can't open a new document or an existing document. I've done an F8 while starting up Corel Draw and reset to factory specs. No change. Deleted all 10,006 items in my temp folder. No change. System restore back to 9/10/2013 worked. Corel functions as expected.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I have created .dwg drawings in AutoCAD LT 2013 and have found that people with older versions of AutoCAD cannot open them. Is there a generic overall version of AutoCAD that I can save my drawings in that would be accessible to all versions of AutoCAD?
View 7 Replies View Relatedway of opening images in CS2 where after opening they will appear in the middle of the CS screen rather then in the top left corner?
I can drag and maximize so they appear in the middle, but on reopening another image they default to the top left again, I would like them to always open in the middle?
My untabbed documents always snap to left side of the screen. I can't center them in the screen. How do I fix this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI accidentally hide that bar at top of screen that lets me hide/close multiple documents... I pressed something, but I don't know what - it's tough to hide PS now (Version CS6)
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy documents will not show up properly in the large screen, but they show in the layer screens. it does not mattter if it is a new psd or an old one.
View 6 Replies View RelatedCan I run Video Studio Pro X4 at other than full screen? While working on a project, full screen is fine. But, once I start rendering I'd like to have my PC back and do other things and have VSP render in the background. I opened the preferences dialog, could find nothing relevant. Doesn't appear to be the normal windows shrink button in the upper-right, only minimize which takes VSP totally off screen.
Running Win XP SP3.