Illustrator :: Layering Only Part Of Object And Aligning Convergence Point In Middle
Oct 12, 2012
I would like to layer them in such a way that the orage circle below is put in front of the green circle. Essentially, I need to select only the part of the orange circle and bring it to the front while leaving the other part of the circle alone. Can this be done in Illustrator?
In summary, this is what I am trying to accomplish: Green over blueBlue over yellowYellow over orangeOrange over Green
Also, is there a way to use a tool inside of illustrator to arrange the locations so they are all 100% perfectly alligned and meeting in the middle without "eyeballing" it?
I am having some trouble with a file in Illustrator CS6. Within a layer, when I add a fill to an object, the fill doesn't block out the object paths beneath. For instance, say I have a square object overlapping a circle object in Layer 1. The square object is above the circle in the layer. When I add a fill to the square, the circle stroke still shows through the square even though the overlapped part should be blocked out by the fill. The square is set to normal visibility, and I have made sure that there are no duplicate paths that would account for what I am seeing. (I.e., it's not a case where there's a second identical circle path that is on top of the square, so that it remains visible in spite of the fill.)
Other details: - I'm mainly working with a white fill, but the problem is the same with fills of any color - When there's a fill color in the circle path as well, the circle's fill color *is* blocked out—just not its stroke. - I have restarted Illustrator and restarted my computer and these have not changed anything. - There are other layers within the same document where the normal layering rules work. - I tried copy/pasting some of the problem objects into a new document, and in the new document, the fill works properly. - If I move the problem objects to another layer, then the fill works as it should. But as I'm dealing with a number of paths, it doesn't make sense to create a layer for each to solve the problem.
I can't tell if it's a matter of working in too large or complex a file.
Is it possible to find intersection poit of the anchor point and any point on path?
Like on a picture, there are an anchor poit from a line, which intersects arc path, and I need to find intersection poit on the arc (can be line) path. Thus I can do further processing for arc after intersection - change position, set color etc.
I suppose I need to divide that arc path and that will be the best way, but all I need for this moment extract point before intersection and after and process in our custom preview. Is there way to find this intersection?
Having trouble making a perfect alignment, 90 degrees, 180 degrees etc. When object is duplicated and rotated it appears to be out of alignment with original. Is there a finer control for snapping to grid/object without having to use increments or perhaps adjusting them?
Is it possible to layer part of one photo into another photo ? And, when "layering that part of the photo, is it possible to layer it into a "selected" part of the receiving photo ?
I can get my stylised map from Promap into Map3d 2011, and I have tried importing the point cloud data which I have as a esri ascii grid file, it is basically 3 columns of numbers:- for north, east and height.
Unfortunately when I choose to format as nez (when importing) it turns the whole lot round by 90degrees ...
I have tried importing it as enz but no joy, and also in niether case will it align with my map (have tried using coords and not using coords).
Just updates to Photoshop CC and I am having a problem with the pen tool. In CS6, if you made two point, and then added a point between them you could immediately move the middle point. Now in CC you must move your mouse off the point and back on for it to recognize it. There is a video of the problem at this link:
I've tried trashing my preferences (shift alt option on startup) and it did nothing.
I'm really wanting to utilize CS5's powerful 3D capabilites, but am at a loss on how to properly align 3d items in perspective to the filter Vanishing Point's planes.
I'm building a digitial room setting, and want to place a simply painting (extrusion created with Repousse, texture layer merged down onto 3D layer) on the wall in proper perspective, with an extruded canvas like so:
This took plenty of time to accomplish. Nudging, moving, stretching, etc.. You can see my gridlines of course there created by the Vanishing Point filter. Is there an easier or quicker way to match up 3d objects within PS to these perspective planes other than doing it visually this way?
I'm a Gimp newbie, using 2.8.4. I have a png image that's 530 pixels wide. I'm trying to merge it with a white background layer that is 960 pixels wide. I need to align the image to the right side of the background layer. This is what I did:
- opened my image - created background layer (960 px wide) - made background layer the bottom layer - clicked on Alignment tool - clicked the hand cursor on the image (530 px wide) - made the background layer the active layer - set "Relative to:" Active layer - clicked on the right alignment arrow
The image did move to where I wanted it, but most of the image from the right edge disappeared, so all I've got is a small portion of the left side of the image in the middle of my background layer. Then I did the following:
- merged visible layers with Expand as necessary
That action merged the layers, but all I have is a small part of my image near the center of the background.
Attached File(s) Screenshot from 2013-06-25 19:41:24.png (59.32K)
When we select an art object in Illustrator we can get the (x,y) position and the size of the selected object in the control bar.
At the left of the x value, there is something called reference point. We have nine possible choices. (bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right, left, centre, right, top-left, top, top-right). Its name seems to be the reference point (from the tooltip).
Is it possible to retrieve the current choice of the user ?
1. find the attached “Rays on Oval.png” file. (Tried attaching .cdr file but the File Size is 400KB.)
2. I would like to Repeat / Duplicate that Black Color on Outer Path of Oval Shape. (Like shown in the Yellow versus Black. The Yellow is a Circle and the Black is from Star Tool)
3. I think the Best Bet would be to Link the Rays to the Outer Path of Oval Shape.
4. I need the Rays and Oval as 2 Different Objects so that I could Change the Color Scheme.
why is it when i cut and delete a line from an object, after the line is deleted, there is another line appear automatically , and i can not select the line itself. how do i keep the object from closing??
I have a part which is lets say 10ft long. Now I need to modify that to be 9.5ft. Is there a simple way to remove that .5ft from the center of the part?
I just need a way to cut out a .5ft section in the middle and then put the two remaining pieces back together. Doing this would be much easier than editing the sketches for the part, especially since I may have to change the amount that is cut out and that would change the number of holes and features.
Attached is a picture of the parts i have to edit and some lines to show the section that needs to get removed.
In PS you can drag the center anchor point of an object anywhere within the object or canvas, allowing you to rotate around that custom location versus the dead-center of the object.
I have a shape I made with the pen tool, and now I want to align one anchor point of the shape with the middle of a rectangle. How can I do this? It doesn't seem like I can do what I do for objects, which is select both objects, click the object I want to align to, and hit align. If I'm not describing this properly let me know and I can try to clarify.
I'm using illustrator (CS6) to animate a simple marionette type figure.
I'm using the Rotation tool to turn body parts around their usual connection points, moving the transform centre point each time. I'm wondering if it's possible to "lock" the centre point for any individual object to a certain offset from the object's actual centre, so that every time I reselect an object to move it I'm always rotating it around exactly the same place. I find that if I have to move the centre point from the real centre to where I want to rotate around every time, I'm not getting the exact same spot in relation to the object's bounds, which makes for some weird movements.
For example, the rectangle that makes up the upper arm should have its rotation point always about ten pixels down from the top and in the horizontal centre of the object. The elbow right at the top edge, but also in the horizontal centre, of the lower arm. etc.
still getting used to manipulating (esp distorting) objects. I haven't been able to figure out how to distort just a portion of an obect.
I have an object (a compound shape) with many anchor points, an object made from a scanned ink drawing. It's a helmet with two intricate pieces that come down on either side. I need to make these hanging parts shorter while the rest of the object remains unchanged, so I want to basically select these parts of the object via the direct selection tool and resize them vertically, but all of the distortion tools I can find effect the entire object.
I tried to separate these parts of the object, distort, then re-attach them to the main object, but then I loose the compound shape and all the "holes" on the inside of the object become filled and don't come back even when I re-compond the shape. Also, this seems like an impractical work around to a simple problem.
I have an atari gaming joystick and its all one object and i want to be able to make the joystick tilt to the left.. I somehow need to separate the joystick from the rest of the object..
Is there any way to dimension my features, whether it's a sketch or using the hole feature, to either the middle of my part or to a middle plane I have?
I am wanting a group of tapped holes to be the same from the middle of my part, regardless of what the overall size of the part is. How can I dimension like this?
You can see that the red circles intersect the blue one twice each. One of these intersects (the lower one) should be below the blue circle while the other should be above the blue circle. How can I make this happen? Can I use the shape builder tool somehow?
I have a square object I want to rotate in Illustrator CS6. The object wants to rotate from the center. I want to rotate it from one of the corners. How do I change the reference point from which to rotate around?
How can I snap the center of an arbitrary symmetrical object to the grid? For instance the center of a circle or rectangle. According to this discusssion it's not possible: [URL]
How can I define a reference point in an arbitrary object or in a group of objects and snap this to the grid?
I'm trying to create a border similar to what you see here:
But I need it to be oval shaped. I tried using the blend tool, which works great around a circle but on an oval, the objects get scrunched together at the peak of the oval. How do you rotate and evenly space the objects around an oval?
Is there a way to conduct a HitTest at a given point which retrieves more than one object?
As far as I understand provides AIHitTestSuite::HitTest only the hit at the clostest object. Would be great to have a way to get an array with all the ArtHandles which are at the location of the given point.