Illustrator :: Entering Text Within Sections Of Polar Grid
Dec 20, 2013
I have created a polar grid in illustrator with many sections. I want to be able to enter text in every section of the grid and not just along the path lines. How do i create text frames so each grid section within the polar grid is separate and therefore allows me to click on it and enter text. I would also like to change the colour of all the polar grid sections individually. I think it might have something to do with threaded text but not sure.
Illustrator CS4: My arrow keys do not function with the polar grid tool. I cannot increase/decrease the number of rays or circles using my arrow keys. They are just dead in the water.
I'm currently running AI CS6. In previous releases, when I wanted to start entering text at a certain point (with the regular type tool) I would position the I-beam at the vertical line where I wanted to start, and with the little horizonal line of the I-beam on the horizontal line where I wanted to start, and click. But in CS6, that click seems to position the text on the left-most dotted line surrounding the I-beam, rather on the I-beam itself. Is there some parameter I can set so that the I-beam determines the starting point of text? Or do I just need to adjust my thinking to a different way?
I'm trying to define a grid based on polar coordinates.
Can be produced using the following MATLAB n=1:50000;r=sqrt(n);t=360/((sqrt(5)+1)/2)+1)*pi/180*n;plot(r.*cos(t),r.*sin(t),'o')
I need to insert points based on the polar coordinates defined by the equations. I knew a little bit of LISP 10 Years ago, now it's a total blank. I've been trying to write a script to make this work but after 5 days I'm still without sucess.
Using Architecture 2012 and seem unable to get a column grid to show automatically in elevation views. Looks fine in plan view, bubbles etc all working once we sorted out annotative setting .
I am trying to get an extra column of grid to the left of my sections. Is this a way to do this? Do I need to have white space in this area and not a grid?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
There is a way of controlling how much some objetcs extend outside the scope box? The levels, sections and grids extend too much to my taste and the space avaliable in my sheet.
when entering text, mega spaces seem to be a default between lines of text. Changing the leading does nothing to correct this. Thinking that my software became corrupted, I deactivated and reinstalled. But the problem persists. If I type the text into Word, cut and paste into PSE10, the problem continues.
I am creating subway art and am creating various templates. I would like it so that when I have a text box with a 5 letter word, and I want to enter a longer word, they all fit and just kind of smush together rather than me having to fix the text boxes constantly.
I've just tried entering some text on a blank canvas in GIMP 2.8.4 and the text tool doesn't seem to be working right. I click on the text tool, click on the canvas and try to type, but it doesn't actually type; it just operates all the shortcuts assigned to the keys that I've pressed.
Running OS X Mavericks on a late 2012 MacBook Pro.
I'm using Elements 5.0. Is there any way to limit the text during entry to a set area. Can't seem to find anything like a bounding box that prevents it 'leaking' out of the side/s of the image. Anything similar to setting margins in word for example?
When using the perspective grid tool and type, I have a word on the right side of the grid in perspective, and I want to make a shadow of this word flat on the bottom grid. (Like how a tall building casts a shadow flat on the ground)
I tried using the shear tool to do it but it is a bit tricky getting it just right. There must be an easier way to do it within the perspective tool grid.
When I type the word and align it to the bottom grid, how do I rotate it whilst still being aligned in perspective on the bottom grid?If I try and rotate the word using the selection tool it rotates off axis so it is no longer laying flat on the bottom grid.
Words placed on the bottom grid always read from the left vanishing point - I want the word to read from the right vanishing point so it aligns with my word on the right grid wall.
I've been adding text to layers for a few months with no problem. I use the text tool all I get is a 'dot' with a line that extends as I type. It does create a layer and the layer is named by whatever I typed but there isn't anything there.I've gotten the outline to show, but it's empty. the font size might be too small to see. I have a 25 inch background and set the font to 72 but still nothing.
want to translate my vector illustrations to charts for cross stitch kits. Using the grid tool, but the lines aren't equally spaced? I have a 100cm x 100cm document at the moment, with 1 cm making a 'stitch'. I want a grid that is 100cm x 100cm, made up of 1cm x 1cm squares for simplicity. Then be able to print the design out on the grid.
At some point, several months ago, my sister and I were playing with transform (by phone, we are in different states) -- she had taken a Photoshop class and wanted to try to duplicate something.
I tried using my type tool yesterday, and couldn't see anything when I typed. (White background, black text, Arial, 14 pt, 100%). I've tried clearing type presets. I finally tried blowing it up to 500% and saw a small, gray font-like image where I was typing.
I held down Ctrl and played with the transform box: if I expanded the box, my text is there. I've tried clicking on everything at the top when in transform. How to get my type tool entering text in the regular way.
I am simply trying to create a banner for my Etsy shop (essentially a picture with text over it) and I'm having a devil of a time getting this simple task accomplished. Whenever I have the text box over the image I want to use I type in the text and it comes up as 'little marching ants' at the bottom of the textbox. I then go into preview and none of the text comes up over the image.
When I try entering a X/Y coordinate or enter the opacity number, when I try to type example 58, I type the 5 first then the 8 but it types it in as 85 putting the text infront
Also, when I type in the coordinates and want to delete the decimal place example, 23.756 to 24, I try clicking in the place and hitting backspace or highlighting the 3.756 and entering 4, it will hurry and highlight everything so when I backspace it delets all or when I enter the 4 it will highlight all and put the 4 so my object flys to another part of the art board.
I am creating a template that will have four text boxes that I will populate from a merge document. I need to have the envelope feature applied to each of the text boxes so any long text will be compressed to fit in the designated text box.
I understand the basic function, input text, select text, select Envelope feature but that sets the envelope box to the size of the inputted text, where I need a fixed text input box size.
How do I prevent "Edit Attribute" pop up prompt for entering text for an attribute in a block? I just want the same attribute text each time I insert the block, I don't want the "Edit Attribute" popup window to re-enter the same text every single time.
I do want the attribute text so mirror won't reverse it (I just want permanent attribute text).
First I delete the old regular text.Second I give the block an Attribute Definition Tag and enter the text I want in the Tag blank. Third I center where I want the text. Forth I save the block.
When I finally insert the block I get the "Edit Attribute" pop up to renter what I want it to say. Like I said earlier, I don't want this pop up, I just want to enter the text once and that's it. Also if I enter nothing in the "Edit Attribute" pop up, then no text will show on the block.
I have a path that turned out to be a litt ethicker than it needs to be.
I see that I can expand a path with Offset Path. I have read online that you can contract a path by entering a negative number, but when I try that, it ignores the minus sign and expends the path instead.
When I enter text into an image, the letters are surrounded by the moving selection dashes, the font colour is not there, the image turns a strange red colour and I cannot get rid of the selection dashes.
I've had this problem before, and it randomly popped up again today.
This time restarting Ai fixed the issue the first time. I just don't know if this was human-error/setting on my end, or a minor bug to report.
So I create a CMYK Ai doc. Create some black text and/or shapes. Then decide to change color to rich black by manually entering CMYK values (in this case, 60, 40, 40, 90), select ok. However, the colors revert back to original percentages (75, 68, 67, 90).
In past versions, it's happened once or twice, and restarting Ai didn't solve the first time.