Illustrator :: Can't Move Objects
May 27, 2013
I keep getting this Error Message when i try and move something i have pasted into CS5.1."Can't Move the objects. The Command was Canceled" . It isn't locked. It's the only thing on the layer ( the layer isn't locked nor the image ).
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Mar 30, 2013
How do I move objects in Illustrator, so they snap to grid? I can draw new objects in such way that they snap to grid, but I cannot snap existing objects when I move them around. Why?
--> I dont know what pixel preview is. edit>pref.>guides&grid show pixel grid is checked
-->I am trying to make my objects snap to the grid when I move them around, not just stay in a random place.
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Oct 21, 2013
I'm using Illustrator CS5.5.
I cannot move anything I select. I try to drag it and it makes the "bump" noise.
-I made sure that my preferences are not set to "object selection by path only".
-I've restarted my computer several times
-I tried to open a previous Illustrator file and I have the same problem
-I even uninstalled and reinstalled my entire Abode Suite beacuse I've been having several issues
I'm not sure if this is related but I also can't create a new document unless I use picas and CMYK coloring. It refuses to adjust to anything other than the default settings. Also, I can't increase the stroke of an object unless I type in the number, meaning I can't use the arrows for adjustment.
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Nov 4, 2013
For some reason I cannot move objects with my arrow keys in Illustrator cs5. I can drag them and transform-move them but the arrow keys don't work.
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Jul 17, 2012
I can't seem to move objects in my drawing small distances..I'm used to being able to do this..must be some setting I hit, but I can't find which one it might be. I have snap to off, but this isn't behaving like snap's behaving like I'm only "allowed" to move objects certain distances; any smaller and the object simply doesn't move at all..
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Sep 17, 2013
So, I just installed Illustrator CC, which I now have on a trial license. About an hour ago, illustrator suddenly started refusing to move any objects while I'm in the Selection Tool. I can move the objects only in Free Transform. I use hot keys a lot, so it's really slowing me down. I hit "V" to click on and then move an object, and then it won't move. I get the error sound, but no dialogue box pops up to explain what the error is.
Since I'm getting ready to bite the bullet and start paying a hefty monthly fee for this program when my trial runs out, this is pretty aggravating.
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Nov 28, 2012
I constantly run into the problem that I have many objects and when I want to drag the selected object to move it around, the object laying in front / or on top of it will be grabbed and moved instead. How do I shortcutwise avoid to pick an unwanted object when I'm about to drag an object ? Is there something like a key to hold, so that Illustrator understands that I want to move the already selected object only ? Since that is a 100 times per day task and I can't always lock and unlock all other layer I'm working on too ... well I could, but that would slow down working 100 times since it's not easy to identify / switch on of each layer in the layer list each time i pick another object ...
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Oct 22, 2013
Using CS5.When I try to move any object by selecting and then trying to drag, it won't let me. It allows me to drag while selected maybe half an inch before not moving anymore, and then snaps back to the original position anyway. I CAN move by using transform - move, or selecting and using arrow keys. When I restart my computer everything seems fine, but then it soon gives me this same problem.
Also, when I'm having the object moving issue I also have problems with dropdown menus. For example when printing, I can see the list of printers, but clicking them has no effect. Another example is the Preferences menu box, clicking "Type" or "Units" has no effect.
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Jan 17, 2014
I was hoping to create a JS script to move objects away from common center based upon their current position. I was thinking to use a single selected path item as the center based on its position x/y and width/height. Using this reference point the script would then move away all other path items from this center point based on a desired amount and with uniform increments given their current location from this center. I was thinking cos and sin would be my friend in this case, however they seem to have become my foe instead. ;-)
Does this sound doable? What am I missing, doing wrong, misinterpreting? Below is a non-working attempt, I can't seem to sort things out, perhaps I was close and missed it or maybe I am super way off and its more complex than I thought. However at this point I am confused across my various failed attempts this only being one of them.
// Example failed code, nonworking concept
var docID = app.activeDocument;
var s0 = docID.selection[0];
pID = docID.pathItems;
var xn, yn;
var stepNum = 20;
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Dec 9, 2012
So a friend created a model using zbrush and exported several different *.OBJ files. I imported those to maya and added shaders. They all fit correctly together when imported.
some of those obj files required me to do a mesh->combine. so now it appears that not every item has the same reference point so that when I move or scale the entire item, some of the objects move seperately. I think it is only the ones I had to combine.
I tried freeze transformations, but when doing that, some of the objects lost their scale settings and still didnt move together as one unit.
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Dec 24, 2012
What happened to the option/enter command in the move object dialog that has been around since the early days of Illustrator??? Instead of having to mouse click the "copy" button in the move object window, one could just hold down option with Return or Enter and the Copy command would happen rather than a simple move. Immensely useful for prepress work!
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Mar 27, 2013
I'm having the problem that when i single click on anything (wall, column, roof etc etc) in the 3D view it is automatically moved half a meter or so. I'm not dragging or double clicking or anything half witted as that, but it is incredibly frustrating when i click on something and it moves out of position everytime.
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Oct 16, 2013
I have created a two page file. None of the objects, text or layers locked, but the program is not allowing me to move anything.
I have restarted the program and cleared my temp directories.
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Apr 13, 2011
I have a program that creates a drawing. I want to move all of the objects (lines, blocks, arcs...) from one point to another. I was using the SendStringToExecute, but it doesn't seem to work. Here is the section of code I have:
Dim newCenterX As Double
newCenterX = (rightXCoord + ((leftXCoord - rightXCoord) / 2))
startpt = New Geometry.Point3d(newCenterX, 0, 0)
endpt = New Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0)
' Move the objects from newCenterX to 0
acDoc.SendStringToExecute("._move all startpt endpt ", True, False, False)
acDoc.SendStringToExecute("._zoom _all ", True, False, False)
This will select all of the objects in the drawing, but it just doesn't see the start point and end point. It just keeps prompting me to enter the start and end points manually. Is there a way to pass the variables to the command? Is there another way of moving the objects?
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Jan 12, 2009
expansion of the 3D toolset within PS CS4. It is *not* a 3D app, which is fine, but it does make texturing imported 3D objects considerably easier. It essentially simplifies the ZApplink workflow using ZBrush while maintaining your layers [rather than flattening to export back to ZBrush]
Now for my question...
I have imported 3 separate OBJ files as 3D layers. Is there any way to move all 3 objects on the canvas together? As it is, I can only move them independently which throws them out of registration with each other.
I have tried selecting all of the layers at once [shift-click] but the manipulation tools get nulled out. Same thing happens when I group the layers together. I am also not seeing any way to link the layers like you can with a pair of 2D layers.
[also... in order to get all three objects imported with the same scale and registration, I exported a pair of planes above and below each asset to create a bounding box.]
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Jul 19, 2012
Is it possible to move an object by its centre and not the default origin of BLH corner?
I'm a CAD designer and I use XDP7 to accuratly register graphics to frontplates, but the current method of calculating the offset for each object is very tedious.
The selector tool info bar has a 9 square grid that a pop up says "Set Orign Position" but sadly this is for rotating only. It would be useful to toggle to colour of these squares to set both.
I know that XDP7 "knows" the centre of an object as the "Arrange" function uses it, but what I want to do is set an object origin to the centre and to be able to use the X Y "Position of Selection" numbers to move it.
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May 4, 2011
I have these problems.
1. when I creat a new object he stays at position 0,0,0 and I only can move when I transform in some editable.
2.this happend when I try to construct bones TOO, and I can create whitohou the zeros point, when I click the bones are creating in same point in viewport.
I all ready try to press x, see the snap toogle, dont like to be an Axis constrain, try to restar to default config.
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Apr 5, 2008
how to move all the objects in a drawing to one layer so I can delete the other layers.
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Oct 22, 2012
I have a weird issue with basic use xref in AutoCad 2012. There are two files complementary, (an elevation , one is masonry, the other windows). One is refering to the other with x-ref for a complete view (in overlay). From time to time some objects from the xref file are brought into the master file. This seems to happen randomly, like not all objects from a layer are moves for instance. These are usually blocks that are taken from the xref file. And when I discover them in the master drawing they are exploded too. So I have to clean my drawing up from all that scrap. It happen like twice a week.
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Dec 4, 2012
Move tool was always snapping objects I'm moving before... What I meant by snap is, for example, I'll move an object right beside the left end of the document, it'll snap. And if ever I want to add a tiny bit of space between those two, I'll hold ctrl so it'll get rid of that 'snap' function.
Since the time I upgraded to CS6 Extended, It was working fine for a while. Until days ago, the problem started occuring. It won't snap anymore.
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Jun 24, 2011
I have some viewports in paper space and when I resize the view port, the objects inside move in a strange way. I don't know if a variable got reset or something but this is weird. Normally I can resize a viewport and the objects stay in the same location. But now they seem to be moving relative to the edge of the viewport.
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Nov 19, 2013
Try to move an object and it does not stay fixed to the move tool cursor, but instead it accelerates off in the direction I initially tried to move it..... but in a sliding inertia type multiplied movement. Have I selected a different mode for the move tool by mistake?
I've checked the pivot point of the object I was trying to move and it was located centrally, nothing strange there.
Also, after the object has wizzed off the screen, pressing undo or [ctrl+z] won't bring it back to it's original location. The undo option is greyed out in the edit menu, suggesting that nothing has been saved in maxs undo history.
System information: Win7 x64 / 3DSMax Design 2014 SP3 / AutoCad 2014 SP1 Lenovo E30 ThinkStation Xeon E31225 Quadcore @3.10Ghz PNY GTX760 XLR8 2GB (334.89 Driver) 24Gb Ram Corsair 650w PSU
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Feb 6, 2011
I'm having this issue where when I select an object in the outline and want to move it say, to another group or reorder the objects, it changes my mouse to circle with a line through it and won't me do anything.
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Jun 17, 2013
I have AutoCAD Map 3D 2013. How do I copy/move objects such as lines and arces between layers that are in the Task Pane window, not the regular layers? I can't find the Layer Manager.
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Jul 26, 2012
How does one remedy this Adobe error message? "Can't scale the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too small to use." This one always gets me. I'll spend more time trying to find the object in question. This has happened in almost al versions, but this time it's CS5.
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Jan 19, 2013
I've gotten into a mode where I can't move objects by click dragging the mouse with the left mouse button. I've looked everywhere to see if there is some config parameter that changes the meaning of mouse buttons, but have found none. I've rebooted and reloaded Draw and nothing has changed. I'm sure X6 didn't come this way, even though I've only been using X6 for 6 months or so. I click drag move objects all the time, so I'm sure I'd have noticed this. I've even tried resetting the workspace, but holding down the F8 key while loading Draw doesn't seem to work.
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Sep 12, 2011
I'm new at Xara Xtreme and I just bought a vector image from iStock. It says that the image can easily be edited. Here is the image [URL]....
I want to split things up and move each individual globe and put arrange them to my specifications. I can't figure out how to move or edit the individual objects, it's all one layer. Can this be done? For example can the globe with the numbers around it be moved to the left of the screen and the other four globes be removed? I know this can be done with technical skills, but can this be done by a beginer?
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Jul 8, 2013
We are just trying out Maya 2014 and seem to have found a little problem that we cannot seem to work around!
If we say have two object and we select one of them, if we then try to move that object along one axis, it moves a very small amount and then selects the other object, but neither move any more, if we unselect the second object and then try to move it again the same thing happens.
We are using a Wacom Tablet as the main pointing device and all three butttons are set right, and we have also tried a mouse and this does the same. We do have a 3Dconnexion Space Pilot Pro also connected but this has been disconnected to see if this caused the issue somehow but without it connected the issues is still aparent.
Works fine on 2013 no issues at all, but the problem just seems to effect the move tool in Maya 2014.
I have checked that soft selection is disabled and it is? maybe I have inadvertedly hit a shortcut sequence to switch something on or off, but cannot find anything else amiss.
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Dec 1, 2013
So, when in object mode, I can manually input numbers to translate, rotate, and scale an object - either in the channel box, or in the attribute editor.
But what about subobjects (components) like verts, faces, and edges?
Sure I can move em around with the manipulator, but where can I manually enter in precise numbers?
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Aug 10, 2012
If i want to move 2D objekts with basepoint to the coordinate 0,0,0 - what i have to do?
In other PC older Autocad was it simply command "move", selecting objects, pointing basepoint and then typing "0,0,0" and object were there! Now the object doesnt move atall. (Can move only to showing second point in screen-but thisway its not possible to catsh exactly point 0,0,0).
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Oct 12, 2012
I use Acad and Turbocad selectively. I can't find a way to enable Acad to have object handlers to move and rotate objects. Is there a setting that I can enable to turn this feature on in Acad? I like this feature in Turbocad, but like to have in Acad.
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