Illustrator :: CS6 Keeps Crashing After Editing In Pattern Mode
Dec 17, 2012
I'm using Illustrator CS6, Windows 7, Intel(R)Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 64 bit operating system. I use the pattern editing feature a lot, and recently it's starting crashing, usually when I try to save after editing in the pattern mode (it's only just started doing this). I don't know why it's started doing this, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the complexity of the pattern.
While creating various circular masks with a radial gradient from white to black, whenever I change the blending mode of the mask path Ai will throw me out of mask mode into layer editing mode. Since this is on a large document of ~2Gb file with multiple artbords for large poster & UI refresh speed is slow, this has become quite frustrating. Is this normal Ai behaviour?
I've got a recurring problem with using hatch patterns on 2013. Importing a new hatch pattern more than often than not results in Inventor winding up the memory usage on the PC to bursting point as it runs through "Calculating containment of profile areas" that seems to be called when previewing a hatch pattern.
The problem seems to be with more complex patterns (I'm using a stone wall type hatch - mountainledge.PAT is a prime example) and I think the issue is related to the scaling factor used. IF you remember to wind the scale up BEFORE trying to preview the pattern you can get away with a few minutes of down time, but if you leave the scale at 1 its goodnight!
It would be nice if Inventor could warn you (a bit like it does if you foolishly opt for a huge part array) becasue not only do you lose your inventor files but also any other unsaved app data as in my case my Dell M6500 PC just dies as all available memeory just gets swallowed up.
Perhaps I should try multiplying the co-ords in the PAT file by 25.4 as it could be that we use the poorer cousin of the good old inch system. metric???
I downloaded the latest Gimp 2.8 for Mac. Every time I try to edit text it crashes on me. The error log can be found at the thread I opened at Apple [URL]
My REVIT 2013 is crashing my PC when I click on 'Finish' after editing a floor. Whilst the file is only 38MB I have the horrible feeling that these fatal error happenings may be due to a system shortfall on my machine rather than a software malfunction. I have a Pentium 4 MicroATX M/B 3.0Ghz CPU with 4GB RAM, running on Windows 7 Professional (64bit).
When I create my merge document, regardless of how many pages, I will need to make edits to some of the text. Corel will randomly crash when I try to edit the text. Every time. I have lots of work to do and have not the time to deal with this.
I played with the feature a bit and understand how to create the patterns. Problem is when I go to fill in my 12x12 space there are seams. I have chosen different sizes in the pattern window but all show up with seams when I fill the larger space. Am I doing something wrong or is the largest size you can create with this tool seamlessly only 9x9?
Have been working within a new layout. Inserted border & titleblocks. Then I created several viewports and established those views. Some how now all items created on the border layer [borders/titleblocks] do not display. They do how ever plot and preview. Did i enter into some editting mode to just viewport? How do I restore?
I love the new Pattern Maker in CS6, but I keep running into a problem:
When I create a pattern that is NOT tiled in Grid (i.e. Brick), it usually works without any problem. But once I save and re-open the file, opening the pattern in PM again will show this message:
A clipping mask was created around the pattern tile bounds to preserve legacy pattern appearance. For best results, release the clipping mask when changing the tile size or editing art that overlaps the tile edge. I would then find that, instead of a single motif layed out in a Brick tile, I would have one complete motif in the center and four quartered motifs on the corners of one clipping box. This is tiled in a Grid pattern to emulate a Brick appearance.
So long story short, what's supposed to be a Brick tile turns into a Grid tile that's faking a Brick tile.
I want to butt two films together (which were made separately and titled separately) and currently still exist as project files within the suite and turn them into ONE film with some small further editing.
Ever requested multi-image editing capabilities which would allow you to see more than one graphic (full size) on the screen at once? I'm constantly editing multiple graphics at once (often copy/paste into one or the other), or comparing two graphics side by side, and I REALLY miss this interface from the old version of Paint Shop Pro. (Not the new, devil version of PSP by that spyware bloatware peddling "Corel" company, I mean real PSP (version 5 or so), by JASC. Corel ruined that program! )
If this is possible to do in Paint.NET easily, another thing would be to provide a way to auto-layout multiple open image windows (attempt to arrange all open windows so that each image is fully visible with no window overlaps).
Using the editing "Guided" mode of Photoshop Elements 11 the working progress line hangs at 75% and Guided mode not works ! The "Quick" and "Expert" mode, instead, working well. I specify that I use Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 and I don't have Antivirus or Firewall activated..I have already tried to delete all Preferences, all Elements 11 cache folders, etc., tried to uninstall and re-install the Software..
Lightroom is getting hung up when "Preparing file for editing" while trying to edit in external programs. Lightroom 4 did it when I tried to edit in Silver Efex Pro. Now I have a new computer and Lightroom 5. Lightroom 5 just started doing it when trying to edit in Silver Efex Pro AND Photoshop CS5.
I am trying to create a custom pattern by editing the PAT file but I can't seam to get it right The pattern is for a ceiling tile in which the pattern is 4 tiles (24''x96) follow by 1 Tile (4''x96)
i'm using illustrator cs5. making a pattern containing a pattern. i have some illustrations that i've put a simple polka dot pattern behind. in order for illustrator to accept it as pattern, i've been expanding the polka dot part before dragging it over to the swatches panel. however, when i do this it slows everything down tremendously and usually makes the system crash.
I was in process of editing a block in "block editor" mode. I saved the dwg and exit instead of saving the block, exit block editor and then exit the dwg. When I opened again the dwg what I see on display is just the block. How to close the block and open the entire dwg?
Illustrator has been performing fine since install (01/22/14). Performed Adobe update and now it will not open at all. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the extension manager. I have no plug-ins installed.
adobe photoshop cs3 keeps crashing every time i try to copy illustrator vectors directly to photoshop.It just freezes(photoshop and illustrator only)the rest of applications work fine without any problems.
recently it takes ages just to start a new photoshop document (file>new)
- installed valid windows updates
- allocated virtual memory
- installed adobe updates
- run a virus scan
-installed fonts lately (but the ones that are being used by several other users)
All of the work I did and saved in AI for the past several days is gone. When I try to create a new file AI will not save any changes and crashes. I've been using CC for 9 months and it has worked great. Over the past two weeks I have had a couple of AI files that have lost everything and AI is having a problem saving anything. What do I do? I can't afford to keep losing work.
I'm useing Adobe Creative Suite 4. The problem I'm having is when I try print something from Illustrator it crashes but when uninstall Adobe Acrobat it allowes me to print but still the top menu is a bit funny, file, edit, etc. could I down load a new copy of CS4 and us my serial number?
I could work with it but I work like to be able to us Adobe Distiller cause where I'm getting my stuff printed say thats the best way to say a pdf for better quality.
The last two days I've been unable to open Illustrator CC 17.0.1 on Mac OS 10.9.
I've copied the crash message below.
I've tried to hold command, option + shift on startup to delete the prefs, but it doesn't even get that far. I've also re-booted in safe mode and this allows it to open (but then hangs and crashes)
I've been having problems with Illustrator on my system. I have Illustrator as part of Creative Suite 2 Premium. It seems that when I have Illustrator open, and try to perform other functions on my computer (i.e. moving files from one location to another, opening another program, etc.) the system crashes and restarts itself. This doesn't happen every time just semi-frequently. Has anyone had a similar problem or know of a solution that might help? I have all the current updates for all of CS2.
Apparently randomly, Illustrator crashes when I try to save a file that I last edited several days ago. It consistently crashes on the same file, but it doesn't seem that every file is affected. I'm running cs6 on windows 7. I've tried resetting my profile and deleting temporary files (disk cleanup) to no avail.
I'm working as a cartographer at Port of Rotterdam and frequently work with big maps in Illustrator CS5. As soon as the file size exceeds 150 MB, and especially when small rasterfiles (mostly jpg's) are placed inside the document, either embedded or not-embedded, me and my colleague get notifications indicating "Can't show preview"or worse: The operation can't be concluded due to lack of RAM (dutch translation). This being a last warningsign just before CS5 collapses and it thus becomes impossible to make any Save on the document....
The hardware we work with: Quad Core 3GHz;NVidia Quadro 1GB;Windows XP with SP3, DirectX9; 8GB int. memory.
Creative Cloud AI has crashed 10 times today. When I try to save changes to a file, it crashes. When I tried to create a new document and save changes it crashes. When I try to open swatches from the swatch library it crashes. I've used CC for 9 months and it has worked great. Today not so much.
I am running Adobe Illustrator Cs6 on my Windows 8 computer. I have been using the program with no problems for a few days now. However today the program is crashing when I try to save a file. It starts saying it is not responding. I have tried restarting the computer a few times.
So on Mountain Lion, Illustrator CS6 has been crashing on start up. Everyone on here is saying post crash logs but then nothing happens from that? Shouldn't the Adobe devs step in and fix it since obviously it is stopping any work being done at all after a high price tag I would have thought they could pay their development team enough to fix these things. At least step in and say something is being done and will be a patch soon right? Dead silence.
I have been weeding out the problem and I am a novice. The FXG plugin in the Illustrator Formats folder is the culprit. If you remove that from the folder Illustrator runs just fine. Of course this is stupid as a permanent bandaid because people obviously need that plugin otherwise it wouldn't exist.
We give out the issue which is a 2mb plugin and I have researched back to October last year and still nothing is done with multiple patches being available since then. Time to get your act together Adobe or competition will catch up even faster.
I am attempting to use the blob brush for the first time, but I can't seem to save my files; the programs crashes on save.
Seems very strange! I am working with CS 5 on Windows 7. i have successfully saved files that don't use the blob brush. I haven't done an exhaustive investigation into similar scenarios that might also cause a crash at save. I tested a few stable files, including renaming them. When I introduce the blob brush, the file crashes at save.